Friday, 20 May 2022

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (71) Sisterly Love Reprised


The affair between Lionel Matthews and his sister in law Claire Tanning began after a party at the Kettlewell Village Hall when she got her sister Paula blind drunk on gin by ten o’clock.

She then offered to help Lionel walk the casualty home where she then seduced him after parading herself in her black underwear.

That was the first of several times that they made love over a two week period and then Claire was racked with guilt and the passion appeared to cool for her.


The Matthews and the Tannings had lived all their married lives in Kettlewell and they were ordinary down to earth people and after twenty years of marriage both couples had reached their middle years without being blessed with children and so their leisure time was more often than not spent together in a variety of ways, restaurants, theatre, cinema, sports and even holidays.

Even after the seduction she and her sister remained close, and as they always had done, the Matthews’s and the Tanning’s spent a lot of their leisure time together.

Lionel played golf every week with Claire’s husband Paul and the sisters did a lot together, shopping, book club, and spa dates to name but a few.

And in addition to that the two couple’s spent two weeks every July in the Whitecliff Hill Caravan Park close to Sharpington.   

Claire wasn’t at all sure it was a good idea that year because of the sexual tension between her and Lionel but she knew that it was impossible to change their plans without it causing suspicions.

Lionel was of a different opinion, he wanted to make love to her again and by the time they set off to Sharpington 4 months had elapsed since they had shared a bed. 


The weather was glorious that summer and every time he looked at Claire, in shorts or a swimsuit or a summer dress he just wanted her more and more.

Paul seemed immune to his wife’s beauty and divided all of his time between golf and sailing.

“What a waste” Lionel thought


But despite his longing for Claire he was not neglecting Paula, they had always had a very healthy sex life, but as exciting as the illicit sex with Claire was there was more to it than that, there was a tenderness that he didn’t have with his wife and she didn’t share with Paul.

And as the week went on he realised it was her that he was missing and not the sex, he had fallen in love with his sister in law.


The next day Lionel’s wife Paula and Claire’s husband Paul left Whitecliff early to go on a diving trip to the Pepperstock Pits, Lionel wasn’t going as he was claustrophobic and nor was Claire as she couldn’t swim, but she was still giving him the cold shoulder so he wasn’t hopeful of spending any time together.

So he just sat outside his caravan drinking coffee and reading the papers and he supposed Claire was doing something similar at hers.


After about an hour he switched his beverage allegiance from coffee to beer and had just sat back down when Claire appeared from behind the adjacent caravan, she didn’t say anything she just stood about twenty feet away and looked at him, then after a moment or two she smiled and went back the way she had come.

Lionel took her behaviour and the smile as an invitation to follow.

As he rounded the corner Claire had paused on the top step to her Caravan, she was still smiling and as he stepped towards her she went inside.

When he reached the top step and went through the open door and closed the door behind him she was stood by the table looking down at the floor. 

“I haven’t changed my mind, about the sex I mean” she said

He put his drink down on the side and put his hand on her chin and turned her face towards him.

“It’s not the sex that I miss” he replied and she immediately responded by hugging him and kissing his neck.


Lionel and Claire spent the rest of the day walking hand in hand along Sharpington sands and discussing the future.

There deliberations would have been made all the easier hand they known that their spouses hadn’t been diving that day but had spent the day picnicking at Pepperstock Castle and were themselves walking hand in hand around the ruins.

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (70) The Wedding Planner


Twenty eight year old Paul Ingram was involved with an older woman, a forty year old woman to be precise, who was a beautiful unhappily married, soon to be divorced Carrington Chase educated woman, called Francesca Carrington-Webber.

Paul and Francesca both lived in the village of Forest Dean situated equidistant between Shallowfield and Childean, she lived in a huge house that backed onto the The Forest Ridge Golf Club, and coincidentally Paul worked for the Golf Club.


They became involved after three chance meetings, two on a train and the third more significant one was on the Promenade in Sharpington, where he came upon her small huddled figure on the bench ahead of him in some distress and after some tender moments of consolation lead to them making love in his caravan.


Since that night they had had a non-physical relationship and on the rare occasions that they managed to get to spend some time together they always made the most of it, sometimes they had to create opportunities and sometimes they just happened and sometimes one of them managed to surprise the other but the biggest surprise came on the Halloween weekend when she arrived at his caravan dressed as a witch and announced that not only was she divorcing her husband David but that she was staying the night.


On the rare occasions that they managed to get to spend the night together they always made the most of it but sometimes they had to create opportunities and on occasion it took planning.

But there were even rarer occasions on which there was a combination of the two.


It was early on a bright May Saturday morning when he was just leaving the clubhouse at the Forest Ridge Golf Club.

“Paul darling” a voice said in familiar tones and he turned round to see the lovely Francesca dressed up to the nines.

She looked stunning in a lemon coloured suit and matching accessories, as usual she was stylishly coordinated from hat to shoes and everything in between.

“Hello Francesca, where are you off to?” he asked even though he knew the answer

“My sister Adrienne’s wedding” she said raising her eyebrows “Number four”

“Well you look gorgeous as usual,” he said as he gave her an appraising gaze. “Immaculately accessorised”

“Well thank you kind sir” she said

“Everything matching?” he asked raising an eyebrow

“Everything darling” she whispered “as usual”

“So what are you doing here?” he asked

“Well I do have a rather convoluted tale of the why’s and wherefores, but to tell the truth I just came to show off the outfit”

She confessed and then she smiled in the very cute way she had where her nose wrinkled.

“And the place is deserted” she said and shrugged “what about you?”

“I was looking for someone to play with,” he said

“And we all know what kind of game you like to play” she said cheekily

“Well you should know better than most” he whispered and Francesca blushed.

“Do you want to play?” she asked

“Always” he replied

“I meant Golf,” Francesca stated

“So did I” he lied

“No you didn’t” she retorted “Thank God”

“Where is the wedding by the way?” he asked

“Clayton Manor” she replied

“I don’t suppose you know the room number?” he whispered

“No I don’t” she replied indignantly but her eyes intimated she would let him know.

After he’d watched Francesca walk away towards the car park it started to rain so he decided to abandon the search for a partner and go home and get ready to gate crash a wedding.


He got to the Hotel just after 10 o’clock, when the party was in full swing and slipped unnoticed up to the bar and mingled with the revellers as he looked for his quarry.

He knew the Clayton Manor and he also knew that the only access to the toilets from the function room was via the bar, so from his position he had a clear view of the ladies as they tottered off to the loos.  

Paul didn’t have to wait too long before the lovely Francesca emerged from the ballroom looking every bit as gorgeous as she had that morning at the golf club, just a slight unsteadiness and a flushing of her cheeks betrayed the fact she had been drinking.

He let her carry on tottering to the ladies unmolested but intercepted her on the return journey.

“Francesca Carrington-Webber!!” Paul said and made her jump

“Oh hello” she said trying to hide her pleasure at seeing him and failing miserably

“What a surprise seeing you here”

“Yes it’s a small world” he responded “Are you enjoying yourself at the party?”

“Yes it’s been a wonderful party darling” she said “But I’m very tired now and I was thinking of turning in soon”

“Why don’t you join me for a drink first” he suggested

“Yes that would be lovely” she replied “just a quick one”

“Really? I think we can do better than that” he said quietly and she blushed scarlet.


For the next 10 minutes they sat at a table in the crowded bar and made banal small talk but as Francesca got towards the bottom of her glass she asked

“Is your room nice?”

“I don’t have one” he replied “I’m not sure if I’m staying”

“I see”

“What about you?” he asked

“Yes I have a lovely room” she replied and wetting her finger she wrote a number on the table.

“Well I will say goodnight then” she said and stood up “it was really nice seeing you again”

“Likewise” he responded “Goodnight”

He watched her as she walked away in her accessorised lemon suit and thought how much he loved her.


He remained in the bar for ten minutes and then paid a visit to the gents before taking the back stairs up to Francesca’s floor and when he was sure the coast was clear he knocked on the door to her room

“Room service” he called and the door opened

“Yes please” she replied and pulled him into the room by his belt and the second the door closed behind him she pinned him to the door and kissed him.

“You were pleased to see me then?” he said

“Yes” she replied unnecessarily “but it was agony, I so wanted to kiss you and hold you”

“So did I” Paul said and kissed her before they walked deeper into the room.

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (69) Sisterly Love


The village of Kettlewell sat in the rolling Pepperstock Hills that formed the northwest border of The Finchbottom Vale and it was half a mile from the hamlet of Kettlewell-on-the-Hill, the two of which made up the parish of St Augustine’s Church.

And Kettlewell was 1.5 miles from its largest neighbour, Highfinch.


On one Saturday night in March there was a party at the Kettlewell Village Hall and by ten o’clock on that cool evening Paula Matthews was blind drunk and so her husband Lionel, and her sister Claire, who was also tipsy, decided to walk her home.   

Once they had got her in the house and manoeuvred her into the right room the laid her on the bed and Lionel said

“We should take her dress off”

“How about we leave her as she is and we take my dress off,” Claire suggested

“Behave yourself” he said somewhat surprised at her brazenness, but he was smiling when he added “you’ve been in a funny mood all evening, now help me with her dress”

He sat Paula up again so Claire could unhook and unzip, then between them they pulled the whole thing off over her head.

Once she was just in her under things Claire started pulling her tights off as he watched.


As she left the bedroom Claire turned off the light and closed the door and then she kissed him, gently at first and then again more hotly and this took him completely by surprise.

The Matthews and the Tannings had lived all their married lives in Kettlewell and they were ordinary down to earth people and after twenty years of marriage both couples had reached their middle years without being blessed with children and so their leisure time was more often than not spent together in a variety of ways, restaurants, theatre, cinema and even holidays.

But of all the activities they had indulged in wife swapping was not one of them.

However he had always found Claire very attractive and had very often fantasized about the two of them together, but he had never once thought of acting on his attraction.

So the moment Claire’s lips touched his Lionel whole heartedly embraced the passionate kiss, during which he took his opportunity and his hands explored every inch of the sensual landscape he had often admired.

“God I’ve wanted to do that for so long” she said

“So have I” he agreed and their lips reengaged and then in the heat of passion his hands grappled up her skirt and found her stocking and suspenders.

“Wait until you're invited” she said playfully slapping him.

“Stockings and suspenders eh” he said

“Yes I wore them especially for someone” Claire said

“Paul is a very lucky man” he said

“I’m not wearing them for my husband” she said

“I’m wearing them for you”

And her lips returned to Lionel’s, and her tongue to his mouth and his hands returned to her stocking tops.


When she finally relinquished his mouth she stepped backwards and slipped out of her dress and gave him the full effect of her full ensemble of black lingerie.

“Did you really wear those for me?” he said looking at her stockings.

“I wore everything for you” she said 

“It was lucky for me then that I got to enjoy them”

“There was no luck involved” she said cockily

“What do you mean?”

“I made sure you would get to enjoy them” she said proudly and then after a moment’s thought he asked

“Did you get Paula drunk?”

“It wasn’t hard I just made all her drinks doubles, she never could hold her drink” Claire said with a chuckle

“You naughty girl”

“You haven’t seen anything yet” she said and manoeuvred him into the spare room.

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (68) Bath Night


Twenty eight year old Paul Ingram was involved with an older woman, a forty year old woman to be precise, who was a beautiful unhappily married, soon to be divorced Carrington Chase educated woman, called Francesca Carrington-Webber.

Paul and Francesca both lived in the village of Forest Dean situated equidistant between Shallowfield and Childean, she lived in a huge house that backed onto the The Forest Ridge Golf Club, and coincidentally Paul worked for the Golf Club.


They became involved after three chance meetings, two on a train and the third more significant one was on the Promenade in Sharpington, where he came upon her small, huddled figure on the bench ahead of him in some distress and after some tender moments of consolation lead to them making love in his caravan.


Since that night they had had a non-physical relationship and on the rare occasions that they managed to get to spend some time together they always made the most of it, sometimes they had to create opportunities and sometimes they just happened and sometimes one of them managed to surprise the other but the biggest surprise came on the Halloween weekend when she arrived at his caravan dressed as a witch and announced that not only was she divorcing her husband David but that she was staying the night.


On the rare occasions that they managed to get to spend the night together they always made the most of it but sometimes they had to create opportunities and sometimes they just happened.

But at other times life conspired to keep them apart, illness, work commitments, family events and on one occasion it was chicken pox as Francesca’s children both had them.

Paul had never had the virus so he had to stay away but when the children were given the all clear he still couldn’t get close to her because her aunt had pitched up during the illness and stayed for two weeks after the all clear.

He knew from an earlier overheard conversation in the post office that the aunt had finally gone home so he decided to pay her a visit but because the children were in the house, he left it until well after their bedtime.

He wasn’t expecting any action, it had just been so long since he’d been able to see her and hold her that he just wanted a kiss and a hug.

He took his usual route passed the Vicarage and down the lane by the church, then he took the path that crossed the golf course from where he traversed the course until he reached the back of Francesca’s house, and he could see that the downstairs lights were still on.


Paul kept to the shadows and made his way up to the house and looked through the window and he could see Francesca was already in her nightclothes and as he watched her pad around the kitchen he felt the tell-tale feelings of pride and then he tapped on the window.

She looked up immediately and gave him a broad smile and opened the door

“What are you doing here?” she said but before he had chance to reply she was kissing him.

“I wanted to see you” he responded when she came up for air and they kissed again

“God I’ve missed you” she said and hugged him tightly

“Me too” he agreed

“We can’t do anything though” Francesca said “The children are here”

“That’s ok” he replied “I just came for a hug”

“Good because I’m going to have a bath and go to bed” she said

“Oooh that sounds nice can I join you?”

“For which?” she asked

“Both” he replied hopefully

“I thought you only came for a hug” she asked suspiciously

“I did, but a bath sounds nice” Paul said

“No” she replied

“Oh go on” he begged “we’ve never had a bath together”

“No” she repeated

“Go on you know you want to” he urged

“Well it would be nice” she mused

“It really would” he agreed

“Ok then” She said and then with a wag of her finger she added

“But no funny business”

“I promise” he said and crossed his heart


As they lay stretched out in the bath together, Francesca was lying back against his chest, she had loosely tied her hair up to keep it out of the water and he kissed her neck and wrapped his arms around her.

It was a very relaxing bath and he was glad he had persuaded her to share it with him but he was enjoying it a little too much.

“You can stop that right away” she said suddenly

“Stop what?” he asked

“You know very well what” she said “We are no longer alone”

“Ah you noticed” he said

“We can’t be doing that tonight” she said and hugged his arm and then she stood up and he watched the water running over her glorious contours.

“I know, but it’s a real shame” he said and caressed her buttock.

She got out the bath first and then he followed and they began drying each other.

He was sitting on the edge of the bath drying her legs but she wrapped her arms around him and she purred

“We could do it if we’re quiet”

“I thought you said no funny business” he said

“I did” she purred and kissed him “but I love funny business”

“I love you” Paul said

“I love you and funny business” Francesca said and kissed him

“Me too” he agreed

“Stay the night with me?” she asked and he replied with a kiss.








Tuesday, 17 May 2022



You said you had to go away,

Just a day or two

A business trip

Something you had to do


But I knew better

I knew that you were leaving

I found out

About the cheating and deceiving


I wait for the truth to come

But you just keep lying

You’re leaving me

And inside I’m dying


But you won’t see me cry

I just smile instead

I won’t let you see me

I will do that in my empty bed


You kiss me on the cheek

And look me in the eye

And with that Judas kiss

You turn and say goodbye


All of my life

I have had no talent

Hidden or on show

No gift or endowment

No skill or mastery

No bent or flair

Ability or forte

Nothing to mark me out

From the common herd

Or stand me out from the crowd

All of my life

I have been ordinary

Mediocre and average

Quite mundane and everyday

No hint of genius

Expert only in my ordinariness

But content in my mediocrity

All of my life

I have been un-ambitious

No goals to be achieved

Not driven by desire

In any shape or form

Some might say shiftless

I would say satisfied

Happy with my lot

All of my life

I lived a half life

Until my outlook changed

When I saw you smile

And heard you speak my name

I was born again

With new purpose

A new vocation

To shed my mediocrity

And cast it aside

Like a well-used coat

And dig deep within myself

To find that dying ember of desire

That almost imperceptible spark

So clearly visible to you

And breathe life into it

Until white hot

And then fan the flames of passion

You have ignited in me

All the rest of my life

Endowed with your gift

I will feel extraordinary

And with my newfound ambition

My one and only goal

The sole purpose of my being

Is to make you truly happy

As happy as you have made me

And with all my heart and soul

I will dedicate myself

To always loving you



At lanes end

The rustic stile

Stands sentinel still

Marking that special place

Where the fates conspired

Our souls should meet

Though we purposely

Trod opposing paths

We met at that rustic spot

And to help you cross

I took your hand

Small and silken soft

Guiding you safe to my side

And despite the presence

Of each others companions

We were to all intents

Quite alone

And in those moments

When hand touched hand

We at once beheld

Our lives from that point on

Would be forever altered

And were content

With that destiny


At lanes end

The rustic stile

Stands like a monument

Marking the place of alteration

A significant place

A spiritual place oft revisited

And on such sojourns

We would find renewal

As the energizing memory

Of that special moment

Assailed our senses

Essentially invigorating

Like imbibing the waters

From the fountain of youth

And our hearts would once again

Resound with joyousness

And sweet moments of romance

Those excited tingles

Of loves first passion

When hearts beat faster

And desire courses

Through every fibre

The thrill of blossoming love

Adding to the strata

Of our love laid down

Through all our years

By returning to the place

Of loves wondrous inception

We keep our love alive

And in equal measure

Love returns the favour



Like the star-crossed lovers,

Romeo and Juliet,

They come from feuding kin

And must hide their love

They meet in secret

Beside the quiet lake

The only sounds,

Are of the faintest breeze

Disturbing the lofty tree tops

And ducks squabbling on the lake

But despite the quiet

Fearful of discovery

They embrace hidden from view

Beneath a weeping willow tree

Whose leafy pendulous branches

Trail down into the still water

Stirred by the gentle breeze

They dip in an out of the water

Like the toes of a reluctant bather.

They kiss there in the quiet shade

And feel at once renewed

No words are spoken

Their language is of caress and kiss

Such tender converse

With limitless vocabulary

And languid pronunciation

Every syllable well employed

And when the final paragraph is reached

They end with perfect .punctuation

Stirring from their lovers languor

They tread separate paths

To rejoin warring tribes

Adopting adversarial manner

No knowing looks to be exchange

No casual brushing past

When for that exquisite moment

Hand touches hand

They must remain entrenched

Until they can once again

Embrace beneath the weeping willow tree

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (67) Consulting the Pro


The Finchbottom Vale is nestled comfortably between the Ancient Dancingdean Forest to the south and the rolling Pepperstock Hills in the north, those who are lucky enough to live there think of it as the rose between two thorns.

And at the far eastern end of the Vale was the traditional seaside resort of Sharpington-by-Sea, complete with a Victorian Pier, seafront hotels, crazy golf, The Palladium ballroom, well maintained gardens, promenade, theatre and illuminations, all the usual things to have a great time by the seaside, as well as amusement arcades and of course the Sharpington Fun Park.


The four friends had spent the morning playing a foursome at the Sharpington Dunes Golf Club, they all lived locally in the town of Sharpington-By-Sea and three of them had houses that backed onto the course.

Their foursome had become a regular fixture on their social calendars after widower Dave Whitaker had taken early retirement at the age of 50.

It seemed the right thing to do at the time, his children had flown the nest, his wife had passed and his job had lost its lustre, so he retired and he had never regretted it for a moment.

Retirement enabled him to spend time with his three favourite ladies of leisure, Sarah Price, Katie George and Wilhelmina Winten.

Sarah and Katie were both wealthy grass widows and ten years younger than he was and spinster Willi was three years older and was a retired PE Teacher.

After spending a very pleasant morning on the course they lunched at the club as was their habit and as they sat down at their regular table Willi announced

“I can’t be late home today, Marta is coming to help me tidy the attic”

“It must be important if you’re going to cut your lunch short” Sarah said and they all laughed.

“If truth be told I do rather look forward to the days Marta comes to help me” she said when the laughter had subsided

“She’s really such a nice girl and very good company”

Which was when, the waitress, Georgina, arrived at the table to take their order.

“So you’re not coming to mine for drinks this afternoon Willi?” Katie asked

“I’m afraid not” she replied

“What about you Sarah?”

“No not today” she replied reading a text on her phone “somethings come up”

“Just me and you then Dave” Katie said

“Ok with me” Dave remarked

So after a very nice lunch in very pleasant company, and feeling a little over indulged, they had a rendezvous by their trolleys and prepared for the short stroll across the 18th fairway, apart that is from Sarah Price, who was the only one of the group whose house didn’t adjoin the Golf Course, she had a flat in Jubilee court overlooking the promenade.

“I’ll say goodbye now” she said “I need to pop to the pro shop before I head home”

So while the other three walked their trolleys across the 18th fairway Sarah went the other way to the pro shop.


The text she received during lunch was from David Snowdon the Golf Pro, a 6’ 2” bronzed muscular Adonis, Sarah on the other hand was not, she was attractive but she was a big buxom red head. 

The bronzed God was talking to a customer when she walked in but he soon made his excuses.

“Can I help?” he said

“Yes I’m here for my Golf lesson” she replied matter of factly.

“Ok would you like to come through?”

David led her out through the door at the back of the shop and passed the stockroom, to the end of the corridor to where there was a lounge area with a Golf simulator set up.

“So what aspect of the game would you like to cover today?” he asked

“Well I have always thought that choosing the right partner is very important” Sarah said as she sidled up towards him.

“Very important” he agreed

“And the grip is also all-important” she added wrapping her arms around him.

“I have to complement you on your approach play” he said and then he kissed her as he had done many times before.

She didn’t know why a gorgeous 35 year old athletic hung was attracted to a curvaceous middle aged widow, but then she didn’t really care. 

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (66) Rained Off


Twenty eight year old Paul Ingram was involved with an older woman, a forty year old woman to be precise, who was a beautiful unhappily married, soon to be divorced Carrington Chase educated woman, called Francesca Carrington-Webber.

Paul and Francesca both lived in the village of Forest Dean situated equidistant between Shallowfield and Childean, she lived in a huge house that backed onto the The Forest Ridge Golf Club, and coincidentally Paul worked for the Golf Club.


They became involved after three chance meetings, two on a train and the third more significant one was on the Promenade in Sharpington, where he came upon her small huddled figure on the bench ahead of him in some distress and after some tender moments of consolation lead to them making love in his caravan.


Since that night they had had a non-physical relationship and on the rare occasions that they managed to get to spend some time together they always made the most of it, sometimes they had to create opportunities and sometimes they just happened and sometimes one of them managed to surprise the other but the biggest surprise came on the Halloween weekend when she arrived at his caravan dressed as a witch and announced that not only was she divorcing her husband David but that she was staying the night.


On the rare occasions that they managed to get to spend the night together they always made the most of it but sometimes they had to create opportunities and sometimes they just happened.


Paul was the commercial manager at the Forest Ridge Golf Club which was a job that gave him the opportunity to play himself.

He was quite a good golfer but he didn’t do it often as he had better uses for his spare time, but after he started seeing Francesca he took to playing a round of Golf more often, although in truth it was just a ruse, he would tee off at the appropriate time and play the first three holes and then meet Francesca in the woods for a kiss and a cuddle and if he was lucky they would go into her house for a more comfortable cuddle, but on that particular day he was only expecting to play Golf.

But too his great surprise and delight, as he was walking down the fairway he saw her standing ahead of him just beyond the treeline.

Francesca was a very attractive woman, but apart from the fact she was beautiful, sexy and breathtakingly sensual what set his heart racing was the fact that he loved her and she loved him.


It was an unpleasant morning; warmer than it had been the previous few weeks, but as those weeks were actually very cold that wasn’t really saying much.

But the skies were predominantly grey, for the time being, with only the occasional break in the cloud, but the forecast had mentioned the possibility of sunny intervals later in the day.

The wind had a slight chill to it but was fairly light and so it wasn’t expected to affect anyone’s scorecards too much, not that he normally worried about that, he didn’t normally play the full 18 anyway, but that day he was playing a friend.

Considering the morning’s grey weather, the course wasn’t very quiet when he and Terry teed off at 8.30 there were a couple of twosomes ahead of them and at least three foursomes behind.


As he approached, Francesca was looking lovely

“When didn’t she?” he thought to himself, and he smiled when he noticed her ensemble.

She was wearing a grey flat cap with her shortish brown hair scraped into a pony tail sticking out the back.

But it was the rest of her outfit that made him smile, it was as ever all matching and perfectly co-ordinated.

In deference to the season she was dressed for the early autumn, in a white cotton shirt, beneath a pale blue argyle cardigan, a knee length pleated skirt, very flattering, in the same grey fabric as her cap and long argyle socks, her ensemble was then finished off with black brogue Golf shoes and a pale blue glove holding a Golfing brolley above her.

“Damn she looks good” he thought

She was kitted out as a Golfer but she wasn’t dressed to play Golf

Her rationale was that she was blending in, after all, who would look twice at another Golfer on a Golf course.

He had seen her in that outfit many times before and on those occasion he normally ended up removing her from it, but that was an unlikely scenario that day.

Fortunately his friend Terry had sliced his tee shot into the woods on the other side of the fairway so he knew he was safe to go to her for a few minutes.

“Hi gorgeous” he said “I wasn’t expecting you to be here today”

“I wanted to see you darling” she said and they kissed

“I wanted to see you too” he confessed

They both knew what they wanted to happen; she wanted him to make love to her and share in the afterglow and he wanted her with him to share his bed.

“Come to mine” he implored

“I can’t” she replied “I have a million things to do”

“Are you sure?” he asked

“I’m sorry,” she said and forced a smile “I can’t”

“I’ll give you lunch as well” he countered

“I want to so much” she said sadly

Just then it started raining hard so they kissed goodbye and then went their separate ways, Francesca ran towards home and he ran across to find Terry, by which time the rain was falling like stair rods,

Although spring was underway the leaves were yet to appear so there was no protection from the rain,

“Shall we call it a day” Paul said

“Good idea” Terry agreed

So they took the shortest route back to the clubhouse and then Terry dropped him off at his home.


They got absolutely soaked to the skin as they jogged and trotted to the clubhouse so when Paul got home, the first thing he did after putting the kettle on, was change out of his wet clothes and into a dressing gown, he couldn’t believe in that short space of time that he could get soaked to the skin, even his pants got wet.

As the rain continued to beat down he was sat in his kitchen drinking coffee and regretting not being able to make love to Francesca. 

He drained his cup and thought a hot shower was next on the agenda when there was a light tapping on the kitchen window.

When he turned around all he could see was an umbrella, so he walked to the window and the umbrella tipped backwards to reveal an absolutely sodden Francesca.

“Come round, come round” he said and went and opened the door

“You came” he said as she stepped through the door

“I couldn’t keep away” she replied and she kicked off her shoes by the door.

“Well I think we need to get you out of those wet clothes” he advised

“You promised me lunch first” she said indignantly

“Do you want lunch first?” he queried

“No” she replied and not for the first time that day they kissed.

But before they had time to act on their desires her mobile went off.

It was in the pocket of her skirt, she took it out and sat on a kitchen chair and answered it.

“Hi mum” she said with a grimace

“Yes I’m still in Abbottsford, if you could pick them up that would be fab”

“No I’m not sure how long” she said and Paul held up a couple of fingers and Francesca said “would two hours be ok? Brilliant, thanks mum, see you later, bye”

“Two hours?” she said to him “what are we going to do for two hours?”

“Come with me and I’ll show you” he said and led her by the hand and took her to his bedroom.


Half an hour later Francesca was draped across him with her head on his chest.

His hand was resting on her hip so he caressed her from hip to buttock and he kissed the top of her head and in response she hugged his torso and sighed smugly

“Now can I have lunch?” she panted

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (65) The Gentle Giant and the Christmas Maid

Aaron Keller was a great bear of a man, standing 6’ 6” tall, barrell chested with hands like shovels.

But he was brought to his knees by a skinny Little waif standind 4’ 11” by the name of Toni Kendall.

They were both in their mid twenties, both had flaming red hair but he was a gentle giant who barely spoke and she was a little livewire who never shut up.

The other thing that they had in common was more significant and that was the fact that they were in love, though neither of them knew that they were the recipient of that love.

Aaron couldn’t imagine that a beautiful little thing like Toni could ever be interested in him, and she thought he was probably looking for someone as quiet as him.

They both worked at Maxlin’s Holiday Camp in Sharpinghead, she was a chalet maid, and he was a general handyman.

Aaron lived in Sharpinghead, but Toni was from Finchbottom and as the summer season was coming to an end she was running out of time, if nothing happened between them, they would go their separate ways and they would be unlikely to see each other again, but if she got her way, and got her man, she would stay on.

She had been following him around the camp for the whole summer in the hope that he would take her in his arms, but no matter how much she flirted with him the result was the same and she cursed his shyness.


Toni finally got her man when they were on what was known as mothball duties, closing down those chalets that would not be needed during the winter season, which meant a major clean and then all the furniture was sheeted.

Because she was so tiny, she managed to enlist the help of the gentle giant with moving the furniture, though she was more than capable of doing it herself, because she was much stronger than she looked, she just used it as an excuse to get close to him.

But despite her managing to get Aaron to help her, it didn’t really help her in the way she wanted because she was such a chatterbox, so even if he could have found the words he wanted to use he would have struggled to get a word in edgeways.


However every thing came good in the end when They were on their fifth chalet and all was not going well for Toni as she was hoping he might have made a move on her by that stage, afterall they were alone and had been in very close proximity on many occasions.

She was also annoyed at her self because although she was a confident sparky girl she hadnt just come out with it and ask him out.

What Toni wanted though was for him to ask her but nothing happened so she decided that she had to make him get physical.

Toni started by undoing the braces on his overall as he picked things up and when he reatached that one she undid the other and so on and so fourth until he took action.


However she didn’t know when she started messing around quite how physical he would get.

But she wasn’t complaining when the gentle giant had her draped over his shoulder and he was playfully smaking her knicker clad buttocks while he watched the reflexion of his handywork in the mirror.


Toni didn’t know when she started messing around with Aaron quite how physical he would get.

But she wasn’t complaining when the gentle giant had her draped over his shoulder and he was playfully smaking her knicker clad buttocks while he watched the reflexion of his handywork in the mirror.

However, he only gave her another two strokes before Toni called a halt to proceedings.

“Put me down” she screamed “Put me down now”

“What’s wrong baby girl?” he said playfully “Have you had enough?”

“Just put me down” she insisted, and as he lowered her to the floor, he cursed himself under his breath for going too far, but he couldn’t help it, he was really having fun.   

“I’m sorry” he said when she was stood looking up at him “I went too far didn’t I?” 

“Don’t be sorry” she snapped and pushed him backwards onto a chair “You haven’t gone far enough yet”

“Oh?” he responded as she inched towards him and when they were nose to nose, she kissed him.


After that first time they couldn’t keep there hands off eachother and suffice is to say that she didn’t return home to Finchbottom and stayed on at Maxlin’s and the prospect of spending all winter kissing and canoodling kept them warm.

Though they didn’t have many opportunities for work time kissing and cuddling as they didn’t often work together but when they weren’t working, they didn’t go out in the world much.

But halfway through the winter they got to work together again when they had to reopen some of the chalets, they had mothballed earlier in the year in preparation of the Christmas season and that was when they told each other that they loved them.


It had been over a year since Toni and Aaron got together but they were as mad for each other as ever and their second Christmas together was on the horizon.

When November finally arrived, Toni decided it was time to decorate for Christmas but no one could remember where the decorations were put after the previous year.

After two weeks of searching every nook and cranny they were finally spotted in the loft in the staff block by the head of housekeeping, Christine Evans.


In the staff accommodation village, there were rows of chalets, similar in design to the guest accommodation but much smaller, and at the center was the staff block.

This contained offices, storerooms, and a common room, with comfortable chairs, where staff can sit around and relax, drink coffee and watch TV or just sit around talking.


Christine Evans hadn’t actually seen the decorations herself as she had never been in the loft, and that was because she was scared, partly of the dark but mainly of cobwebs and spiders, but one of her staff had seen them.


Toni and Christine were stood talking in the common room when Aaron walked through the door.

“Did you want to see me?” he said to Christine

“Yes, we’ve located the Christmas Decorations” she replied

“So come on big boy” Toni said cheekily “it’s time to get the Dec’s down from the loft”


The entrance to the loft, where the Decoration’s had been seen, was via a large hatch way in the common room ceiling.

Aaron reached up one of his great paws and pulled the catch and the hatch swung open and then he pulled down the loft ladder.

“Are you going up?” he asked Christine knowing the answer

“No fear” she said and shivered

“Go on then Danger Mouse” he said to Toni “You go first”


Without hesitation she was straight up the ladder and Aaron followed quickly behind her and enjoyed the view up her skirt of her jiggling buttocks as she wiggled up the ladder, he enjoyed the view above the top of her long socks.

She knew that he would and frankly would have been disappointed if he hadn’t.

He would have pinched her bum if Christine hadn’t been looking on.


Once they reached the top Toni switched the light on and started looking around but despite the light the corners were quite gloomy.

So Aaron switched on his torch which Toni immediately snatched from his hand.

It was quite a large space and was used as an additional storage area during the peak season and during the course of the year the boxes of Christmas decorations, which had been put up there after the previous year’s festivities, were gradually pushed further and further back from their starting point.

“There they are” she squealed excitedly and rushed to the far corner of the loft.

She then got down on her hands and knees and began pushing boxes in Aaron’s direction.

“Oh shit” she exclaimed

“What wrong luv?”

“The Angel has fallen out of the box” she said sadly “and it’s fallen down behind this thing”

The “Thing” she was referring to was the wooden “A” frame that held the roof up.

“There it is” she said as she shined the torch beam into the darkness.

It hadn’t fallen too far but it was difficult to get at because of all the boxes in the way.

“Can you reach it?” she asked you’ve got longer arms than me”

“A T-Rex has longer arms than you” he retorted and laughed but he clambered up however he couldn’t get close enough to the objective to bring his long reach into play.

“I can’t get close enough” he said as he crouched down “I’ll just have to move these boxes”

“That will take too long” she said impatiently

“I’ll just have to wriggle between the woody things, you can hold onto my legs so I don’t fall”

“Ok” he replied and she headed towards the biggest gap while Aaron moved some of the boxes to accommodate his huge feet.

The gap she went for was a little above Aaron’s waist height but it was higher for a skinny little waif of 4’ 11”.

He was helping her through the small opening between the roof supports and she wriggled and squirmed like a little ginger fish.


He was helping her through the small opening between the roof supports and she wriggled and squirmed like a little ginger fish.

“How are you doing?” he asked

“I’ve almost got it” she replied “another couple of inches should do it”

“Ok” he said and manhandled her a bit further and in the process the hem of her skirt was pulled up towards her waist and he was so mesmerised by what came into view that he absentmindedly caressed her plump little buttock .

“What was that?” She asked

“Cobwebs” he lied

“Ok” she replied doubtfully but he didn’t pay attention his mind was on other things as he took something from his pocket.

“I’ve got it” she shouted triumphantly “pull me back”

So he began retrieving her small frame from the darkness and lowered her to the floor.

“See I’ve got it” she said holding the angel up proudly

“Well done, its very nice” he said “But I thought you’d be more interested in this little precious parcel”

“Whats that?”

“I don’t know but it has your name on it” he said

“Has it?” she exclaimed and thrust the angel into his chest and tried to snatch the little parcel from his great paw but as Aaron was such a great bear of a man, standing 6’ 6” tall and she was

a skinny little waif standind 4’ 11” he easily held the gift out of her reach.

“Gimmi, gimmi” she said “you meanie”

“Calling me names isnt going to work” he said

“You used to be a nice boy” Toni said “But now you’re just mean”

“Ok I’ll take it away then” Aaron said and walked towards the loft hatch

“No don’t take it away” she pleaded and hopped up and down

“Please, please, please”

“I dont think you deserve it”

“But I do” she said “I really do”

“oh ok then” he relented and gave her the little parcel which she tore into in seconds to reveal a ring box and she gasped

“Whats this?” she asked in a whisper

“Open it and see” he instructed and after a deep breath she opened the box to reveal a solitaire diamond engagement ring and she gasped again.

“Is this what i think it is?” she asked

“I don’t know” he said “What do you think it is?”

“Is it an…. Engagement ring?” she asked in a childlike voice

“Yes” he replied

“You want to marry me?” Toni asked

“Yes” Aaron said and she launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, almost breaking the angel in the process, and kissed him.