Friday, 10 March 2017

Mornington-By-Mere – (11) Writing New Chapters

(Part 01)

The life of Paige Rawlins changed forever on one rainy Friday afternoon in May when Harry Edwards walked into her bookshop in Finchbottom.
Year by year her life consisted of the shop, book auctions, house clearances, book fairs and car boot sales, and other than that she had no human interactions outside the book trade at all which was why as a result, at the age of thirty six Paige was a cold grey dowdy frump.
Harry however saw beneath the façade, he saw that there was an attractive woman hidden under the tweeds and that there were striking blue eyes behind the spectacles and he could envisage the less severe look that would accompany her brunette hair flowing down onto her shoulders instead of being scraped back.
As a result of his vision he was to eventually lead her from the lonely secluded world of her musty, dusty domain and into a sunlit world of possibilities.
In truth it was a bit of a culture shock for her at first, because although they had both lost their parents years before, Paige came from a family of one, namely her, while Harry’s kin were apparently infinite.
But despite the fact she was in a majority of one, and he was 10 years her senior he navigated her passage through all the pitfalls and hazards inherent in family occasions until his family loved her as much as he did.
Christmas for example had always been a cold and lonely season for her, a time for locking herself away from all the poor deluded fools who thought their lives would be enhanced just by indiscriminately saying Merry Christmas to all and sundry.
But Harry dragged her kicking and screaming into the festive fun and folly and illuminated Christmas for her until she embraced it as much as everyone else.
And when he married her at St Martha’s in Finchbottom, she was so happy she had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, but it was not just a special day for her and Harry it was also the most joyous occasion her new family had known for quite a few years.
Harry made her so happy during their years together he was her sun and her moon and he called her the brightest star in his sky.
She was happier with him than she could ever have dreamed possible.
It was a love every bit as special as anything lifted from the pages of a Jane Austin novel with all the quality and depth of feelings of quality literature.
A book of love, romantic and sensual and he was the archetypal romantic lead, a perfect gentleman, strong and resolute, caring and sensitive carrying her away on a whirlwind of romance.
He shone his loving light in every corner of her lonely darkness and bathed in the reflected glory of his love for her.
But since that miserable day in May when he stepped into Paige Turner’s out of the rain and dripped onto the carpet 12 wonderful love filled years had passed and sadly, so had he.

(Part 02)

On the morning of the funeral Paige Edwards sat in the lounge of the house in Finchbottom that she and Harry had made a home together in and her eyes moved around the room from object to object.
Each one was possessed of a memory of their life together and each memory that was evoked by them stabbed her like a knife.
His leather armchair by the fire where he sat and read to her beneath the hideous standard lamp he loved so much.
The Stelio Mola figurines they had bought on their honeymoon in Sardinia.
The paintings they had collected together at flea markets and car boot sales on the many book finding expeditions they went on together up and down the County.
The Glass fronted cabinet housing the numerous crystal ornaments he'd bought for her over the years, birthdays, Christmases and anniversary’s, each one holding a separate special memory and as she looked at them each one wounded her afresh.
Her eyes settled on the book case, each shelf crammed with the books they had loved so much, him reading them aloud to her and her enjoying the gentle tones of his voice.
But the numerous photographs of all the happy times they had shared over the years were perhaps the most painful each one a key moment in time preserved and as she looked at them each in turn the tears fell, slowly at first, appearing from the corner of her eye like a solitary jewel before cascading down her cheek, then another followed, then another until they flowed unchecked.

Harry had filled her life so completely she didn’t know how she would continue without him.
Harry had lead her from the gloom of Paige Turner’s bookshop and into the light and now darkness had returned to her world and it was now darker than she had ever known it.
Whenever she was sad Harry would comfort her and dry her eyes and lift her spirits.
Who would comfort her now? Who would wipe away her tears now and lift her spirits?

Harry was a strong man, he was her rock and he was strong in his faith, he was a lifelong believer and he lived his life by Gods rules and walked the Lords path.
Through all the years of Paige’s solitude her faith had been placed on hold, but with his love it had been rekindled.
Now with his passing it was cooling again and she was so angry with God that she was regressing.
Even though on his death bed he made her promise to temper her anger and under no circumstances was she to return herself to the shelf.
That might have been difficult for her to do anyway as the musty bookshop she came from was no more, she had sold up when she reached the point she was selling more books on the internet than in the shop.
By the time Harry was taken ill it had long since been turned into a ghastly coffee shop.
But were it not, she would certainly not have returned there, because there was only one place she wanted to be now.

(Part 03)

The funeral was every bit as agonizing as she had anticipated it would be, Harry’s family had done their level best to support and comfort her through the whole ordeal but at the end of the day they were grieving for him also.
But somehow she got through the whole nightmare and it was with great relief that she said goodbye to the last guest, Charles Braithwaite, one of the partners from Harry’s law firm, but just before he left he gave Paige a memory stick.
“Harry made a video” he said as he handed it to her “A living will if you wish”
She wore a puzzled expression as she stared at it sitting in the palm of her hand.
“He requested that you watch it after the funeral, when you were alone” Charles continued and then he kissed her and left.

Paige poured herself a large glass of wine and drank half of it before she plugged the memory stick into the USB port on the TV.
She sat in Harry’s armchair and took a deep breath and then he appeared.
“Hey Hon” he said and she gasped when she saw his lovely smiling face.
“I hope you saw me off in style” he added with false bravado,
“I wish I could have been there to see it”
Harry’s smile turned into a frown as he thought about what he’d said
“No, no” he corrected himself “I wish I was still there with you is what I meant”
He paused to compose himself.
“I love you so much darling and you’ve made me so, so happy”
He paused again
“I love you too Harry” Paige said through the tears
“I’m sorry darling for hurting you, and for leaving you alone, I didn’t want to go, and I didn’t want to leave you.
Part of me thinks that if only I had walked into Waterston’s all those years ago instead of Paige Turner’s, I would have spared you all this pain.
But the selfish part of me would not have missed our time together no matter what the price.
Now I’ve gone and my life is over, but yours is not”
And then Harry put on a sterner expression as he stared down the lens and said
“And don’t even think of coming after me even though I love you so very, very much.
I don’t want to see you again for a very long time”
His voice faltered towards the end of the sentence and then there was a break in the recording before he reappeared recomposed.
“Now just remember when things get tough, the family are there for you, they’re your family now and they love you as I do and they will help you”
Harry paused and took a drink of water
“Ok darling listen very carefully because this is very important, you must keep your faith and don’t go blaming God for this” he said wagging his finger and Paige laughed as she always did when he put on his stern face.
There was another break in the recording and when he return he said
“You are still a young woman….”
“Pah” she exclaimed
“And don’t think I can’t hear you contradicting me young lady, you still have a life ahead of you and I want you to live it.
I don’t want my well-loved book returned to the shelf, to be forgotten and left unloved.
You must keep the book open and keep the pages turning, and you must write new chapters”
“I have to go now darling” he said and smiled
“No, no, not yet” Paige begged “Don’t go yet”
“I love you darling and I’ll love you forever” and then he blew her a kiss and was gone and Paige broke down completely.

(Part 04)

Around the same time that Paige Edwards was mourning the loss of her husband the fates were conspiring, getting all their ducks in a row so to speak, in order that Harry’s final wish for his dear wife was made manifest.
The first duck in their row involved the unsubstantiated rumour of a plan to redevelop the site of the historic landmark in Sharpington-By-Sea, the Seaview Hotel.
Word of this development very soon reached the ears of Gabriel St George at the Mornington Manor so his first call was to Natasha Hayle.

Natasha was a slim fine featured 37 year old black woman who lived alone in Church View Cottage, so called as it was directly across the road from St Winifred’s Church in Mornington.
Mornington-By-Mere is a small country village lying in the Finchbottom Vale nestled between the Ancient Dancingdean Forest and the rolling Pepperstock Hills.
It is a quaint picturesque village, a proper chocolate box picturesque idyll, with a Manor House, 12th Century Church, a Coaching Inn, Windmills, an Old Forge, a Schoolhouse, a River and a Mere.
She was an associate solicitor with Stanislas, Boivin and Champeaux and was in particular the Mornington Estate lawyer, which was why she chose to live in the village.
Tash was not a native of the Vale or even Downshire for that matter, she was a Canadian by birth but was raised in London from the age of 12.
She had spent 4 years working for the Estate and almost three living in Church View Cottage.

The St George family were the guardians of the Mornington Estate and the seat of power was the Mornington Manor and the head of the Estate and of the family was Baron Gabriel St George.

Gabriel was in his study at the Manor discussing the rumour about the development.
“I don’t know how much truth there is in the rumour but I don’t want to take any chances” Gabriel said
“I’ll set things in motion then” Natasha responded
“Ok” he replied “Keep me informed though”
“Will do” she replied and hung up

Natasha enjoyed living in the village and working for the estate but it wasn’t the most demanding work, it didn’t push her or stretch her and there were times when she thought she was merely treading water.
There were high points however, such as negotiating with the Ministry of Defense for the return of the Mornington Airfield to the Estate.
And working for Gabriel was refreshingly different because like his father before him he conducted all of the estates affairs in the spirit of philanthropy.
He was also a man with a great sense of history and his stewardship of the Mornington Estate wasn’t restricted just to the land and properties within the Finchbottom Vale.

In addition to the Mornington estate they also owned, either outright or in part, a number of historically significant buildings that had at some time or other been under threat from modernizers.
He had already saved the Sharpington Pier, the yacht club and the Fun Park from the Philistines so far and it looked very much like he would have to add the Seaview Hotel to the Estates portfolio.

(Part 05)

Over the week following Harry Edward’s funeral, Paige never left the house, in fact she didn’t even draw the curtains and she kept everyone at arm’s length which gave her friends and family much cause for concern.
She barely ate or drank and spent hour after hour watching Harry’s recording and crying herself to sleep.

When she finally did emerge from the house she heeded Harry’s words and she allowed herself to be completely absorbed into the Edwards family and supported them as much as they supported her and she didn’t return the well-loved book to the dusty shelf.
As Harry asked she kept the book open and the pages turning although she did draw the line at writing new chapters, which she would not do, and thought it was an unfair expectation he had put on her.
As far as God was concerned she took the path of compromise, she stopped blaming God but drew the line at forgiveness.

While Paige was internally doing battle with her faith over the time that followed the funeral, Gabriel was involved in a battle of a very different kind, the battle for the heritage of his beloved Downshire and it was a battle he seemed to be waging more and more often and losing was not an option, but he knew with each passing skirmish the risk of defeat grew more and more likely.

The Mornington Estate was very well equipped financially to fight a long campaign but he had to balance the books.
Although the Estate heavily subsidized the businesses in the village that was a luxury Gabriel was unable to extend to those in the wider world, nor could they afford to prop up failing concerns the properties had to stand on their own feet.

Gabriel’s girlfriend Chantel Ridgeway had a lot of contacts within council circles both locally and county wide and she had been unable to divine any information regarding the rumoured development of the Hotel or indeed anywhere else within Sharpington.

They heavily suspected Adam Poole of Poole Industries was behind the scheme, but they were unable to prove it as they hadn’t been able to find a scheme for him to be behind.
There were no plans submitted for approval, no requests made to the records office for blue prints or schematics of the Hotel, there were no tender requests amongst the large building contractors, there was no paper trail whatsoever.

A meeting was held at Mornington Manor and in attendance were Gabriel St George and his four sisters, Tallulah, Elspeth, Cordelia and Corliss.
Philomena Cruickshank, their aunty, cousins from Highfinch, Michael and William, and a supporting cast of second cousins comprising David Griffiths, Rosemary Stevens, Michael and Phoebe DeWerth and Aaron Keller.
“I don’t think we have a choice” he told the collected members of the St George clan at the hastily convened meeting.
“I think we have to go for it”
“Can we afford to?” Cousin William asked
“I wouldn’t suggest it if we couldn’t” he replied and 30 minutes of facts and figures followed and ended with a unanimous decision to add the Hotel to their portfolio.
So Natasha Hayle was sent off to Sharpington in order to seal the deal and rescue another Victorian treasure.

(Part 06)

Paige continued to live in the home she had shared with Harry but after his passing for her it was no longer a home it was just a house.
She concluded very quickly that she couldn’t continue to live there and spent as little time there as possible.
What she hadn’t done was to resolve the problem of what to do about it, sell it, rent or ignore it.
She thought she might live to regret selling it so soon, she might want to feel its comforts in the years to come when memories weren’t so painful.
Renting it out to strangers didn’t really appeal as it would have felt like a desecration, but she couldn’t just walk away either.
And so she spent six months dithering around until her hand was forced.

When she sold the book shop in Finchbottom, it wasn’t the end of Paige Turner’s and Paige stayed very much in the book business.
When she closed the door for the very last time on the shop she had mixed feelings.
She had spent some very lonely years there especially after her mother’s death but it had also been the place where she had met Harry.
They had only been married for 5 years at the time and he was with her as she locked the door.
Even before the shop closed it had become primarily an internet business and because the bookshop was in a prime location in Finchbottom it brought a very good price.
So she sold the shop, but didn’t sell up, instead she leased the old Finchbottom Library and ran the business from there.
It was a perfect location and she was able to utilize the Library book shelves as well as the ones from the old shop.
Everything else was the same, she still went to auctions, book fares, car boots and house clearances and did very well and employed more staff than she ever had in the shop.
The business thrived both before Harry’s death and after it, but she would soon be on the move again.

As Natasha Hayle drove through the perfect Downshire countryside at the end of August on her latest mission for the Mornington Estate, she reminded herself just how lucky she was, she had a great job, a nice home in a picturesque village and furthermore Natasha led a very idyllic life in Mornington.
But as always when she had that selfsame dialogue with herself she was left unconvinced, because as always there was something missing, something unobtainable, and something illusive, certainly for her because she had closed her heart to love.

Her business in Sharpington was successfully concluded within half an hour, which was fast even by her standards, so with the job done and dusted and the weather as perfect as it could be, she decided to enjoy a coffee on the promenade in the bright August sunshine.
She drank her coffee while she made a few phone calls and when she had finished she ordered another and just sat and enjoyed her surroundings.
Which was when the fates again conspired, this time to rekindle an old flame and when she caught sight of him walking along the promenade her closed heart soared.
Gary Hart was her unfinished business, the one that she allowed to get away and also the one by which all others men were compared to, and the last time they met was five years earlier when he was also working in Finchbottom for a rival practice, Barrowman, Clarke, Braithwaite and Edwards.

(Part 07)

Gary Hart was five years older than Natasha and when they first met he was already an associate in his firm.
He was a tall dark haired man, proud and straight backed and very formidable looking as an opponent in court.
When Natasha saw him, five years older and greying at the temples it was like the first time all over again.
It was at the Central Criminal Courts in Abbottsford where they met for the first time.
They were both in different courts and on separate cases and would never had met at all had it not been for the fact that Toby Miles, a lecherous associate from her own firm was wining and dining her at the pub.
Toby had been at University with Gary and when he approached their table and asked if he could join them she could have thrown her arms around him and kissed him she was so grateful.
Her gratitude extended to having lunch with him every day after that.
For Natasha it was love at first sight while for Gary it may not have been love, however he certainly wasn’t interested in having lunch with his old University friend.
And he was attracted to her sufficiently to tolerate sharing a table with a bore like Toby.
When both of their trials ended and lunch was no longer an option then Dinner dates took their place, or the cinema even the theatre.
In fact for two years they were inseparable, though still maintaining their independence while seldom spending a night apart, right up until the moment he received the offer.

Gary almost walked in the opposite direction when he reached the promenade, he didn’t even remember making a conscious decision to turn right instead of left.
He wasn’t even sure why he was even on the promenade, he’d only stepped out for a breath of air.
But the random thoughts on the whys and wherefores soon evaporated out of his head when he passed the café and glanced in the direction of the lone female sat drinking a coffee and he did a double take when he realized who it was.
Natasha Hayle, the love of his live who he had let slip through his fingers, all for the sake of his ambition and the job offer which had massaged his ego.

The offer flattered him greatly and came completely out of the blue.
It was from a prestigious Boston Law firm who were putting a special team together to work on a “First Nation” law suit.
He was absolutely thrilled and accepted without a second thought but when he shared the news with Natasha she was less than enamored.
Gary had assumed Natasha would not only have been as excited as he was but would have upped sticks and gone with him.
He was wrong on both counts and far from being pleased she was furious at his assumption that she would just give up her career and follow blindly in his wake.
A huge row ensued and bitter words were spoken on both sides and they parted on the worst possible terms.

(Part 08)

Natasha’s words rang in his ears as he crossed the Atlantic, “Too good to be true”, “Fools rush in”,
“Unnecessarily Hasty” and his favourite “Blinded by ambition”
However by the time Gary realized her words were not born out of spite or jealousy but were in fact prophetic and he comprehended he was on the side of the cowboys and not the Indians it was too late, he had burned his bridges and his bruised ego and hurt pride would not permit him to return to Downshire with his tail between his legs.
And he couldn’t go back to Natasha because things were said that couldn’t be unsaid or unheard.

“Natasha! Is that you?” he said barely able to conceal his pleasure
“Gary, I thought it was you” she replied and stood up and they embraced.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’ve been to my Uncles funeral” he replied “The wake is in Sharpington and I just stepped out for a few minutes and the next thing I knew I was on the promenade”
“I’m glad” she responded “To have seen you I mean, not that your Uncle is dead”
“I knew what you meant” he assured her and added “You haven’t changed a bit”
“Nonsense” she retorted
“Remember it’s the eye of the beholder” he corrected her
“So how are?” Natasha said changing the subject away from her “Are you back for good?”
“No I’m only here for a week or so” he replied
“So the job worked out for you then?”
“No it was an unmitigated disaster” he said and laughed “you were right and I was wrong”
“T’was ever thus” she said “so what happened?”
“I thought I was going there to right the wrongs done by my forebears” he said “but my new employers were retained by forces out to screw the Indians all over again”
“Oh” she exclaimed “so what did you do?”
“Well along with three other newbies on the team I quit and we started up our own firm and now we represent the First Nations”
“Good for you” Natasha said proudly
“What about you?” he asked
“I’m still with the firm but I work exclusively for the Mornington Estate” Natasha replied

The conversation flowed as if five years hadn’t intervened in their affair and they were so absorbed in it that they barely noticed the tables filling around them as the lunch rush built.
The waitress soon brought the fact to their attention using every ounce of her subtlety.
“Are you eating or what?”
“Have you got time for lunch?” he asked Natasha
“Yes I’m done for the day” she replied “What about your Uncle?”
“I won’t be missed” he assured her

It was reminiscent of those early lunches they shared when they were both at the Central Criminal Courts when the embers of love first began to glow.
By the end of lunch after five long years the fires they thought were well and truly quelled flickered into life once more.

When they finally left the café at a little after three in the afternoon the flames of love were burning uncontrollably.
And after dinner that night they would never be extinguished again.

(Part 09)

Gary had only planned to spend a week or so in Downshire, primarily he was there for his Uncles funeral but he also planned to catch up with friends and family that he hadn’t seen for five years.
However meeting Natasha again threw a spanner in the works in that regard and as a result he ended up staying for a month.
Though he didn’t see any more of his friends and family than he would have done in a week.
When he did finally return to Boston on October the first he was accompanied by Natasha who had hastily arranged a four month sabbatical to spend some time with him.

Paige Edwards was blissfully unaware that the unseen fates were still busily pulling the strings of life and those around her in order to fulfill their ends.
So in Mid-December Paige received a letter from her landlord to say that the lease was up on the old library premises in Finchbottom and there would be no option to renew.
So as a result she had to begin looking for a new home for Paige Turner’s.
She was directed to Mornington by a solicitor friend, Rizalina Pugay, whom she had met years earlier through her husband Harry and Riza had become a close family friend and confident despite the difference in age.
She was only 33 and worked for Stanislas, Boivin and Champeaux who were based in Finchbottom and they were the firm of solicitors who handled all the affairs of the Mornington Estate.
Riza was a diminutive woman half an inch short of five feet tall and had finely chiselled features and an aquiline nose with warm and intelligent eyes.
Because she was dark skinned, thanks to her Philippine heritage, the casual observer might have observed that her hair looked black but it was actually dark brown, which was fine and straight and worn shoulder length.
She was on the attractive side of beautiful by virtue of the fact that she wore little or no makeup.
Since Natasha Hayles decision to take a four month long sabbatical Riza had taken over her role as the Mornington Estate lawyer.
Which was why over the two months she had been in the role she had, thanks to her conversations with Ray Walker on the Estate, come to know a lot about the changes happening in the Vale.
So when Paige mentioned her predicament she thought it appropriate that she should impart to her friend her new found knowledge.
“The buildings on the old Mornington Airfield are being refurbished” Riza said “and will be available for rent from January”
“It’s a bit of a way from Finchbottom though” Paige said, never a fan of driving any further than was absolutely necessary.
“There are residential properties as well” Riza added “in Mornington itself”
“Really?” Paige said absentmindedly as she still hadn’t done anything to resolve the problem of what to do about her house, sell it, rent or ignore it, all she knew for sure was she didn’t want to live in it, so she thought that Mornington might well be the answer.

(Part 10)

When the Mornington Estate exercised its option to purchase Mornington Field from the MOD it also acquired all the buildings and infrastructure on the airfield itself as well as 29 houses in the village formally used as quarters for military personnel.
Plans were immediately drawn up to optimize the newly acquired assets the moment the property was formally handed over on the 1st of June.

On the Monday before Christmas of that same year Riza drove Paige over to Mornington to have a cursory look around to see if it might suit her needs, the thought of living and working out in the country certainly appealed to her but she didn’t know if her staff would be up for the move.
“We’ll go up to the airfield first” Riza said as they drove along the Purplemere Road and then turned left onto the newly completed section of road which led to the West Gate via the newly improved West Gate Bridge.
“This has all been widened so that the heavy traffic doesn’t need to go through the village”

The guardians of the estate were the St George family and the head of which was Baron Gabriel St George and it was his friend and architect Scott Collier who was tasked with designing appropriate conversions to airfield buildings to maximize the potential returns and therefore enhance the benefits to the village.

“There’s the Baron” Riza said as she drove through the gate “he’s gorgeous isn’t he?”
“He’s quite striking” Paige responded in fact Gabriel was tall and blonde and very striking
“And sadly unavailable” Riza added “shame”
“Who’s the other one?” Paige asked
“That’s Ray” she replied and blushed though Paige didn’t notice.

Gabriel turned when he heard a car approaching and as Riza parked up he walked in her direction.
He wasn’t alone as he had been talking to another friend and employee Ray Walker, who’s main function was to deal with all things estate maintenance wise, but in addition he was responsible for getting the old Air force housing stock occupied asap, and Ray worked tirelessly to that end to have not just the first six houses ready within the month as originally promised, but eight, which were handed over on the 6th of July, two days earlier than forecast.
Gabriel was then able to instruct Lyndon-Sanders Properties of Shallowfield to find appropriate tenants though as of that moment there were still a number of empty houses as yet unallocated.
From the outset priority was to be given to local people or people with ties to the area or those who worked in some capacity for the estate such as agriculture or the brewery.
Consideration was also given to potential employees for any new commercial premises that might open on Mornington Field in the following January.
It was the houses which had been held back to that end which were still available.
“Riza” Gabriel said as she got out of the car and kissed her “how lovely to see you”
She was excited and embarrassed in equal measure and only just managed to say “Thank you”
“And this must be the book lady” he said and proffered his hand
“Paige Edwards, your Lordship” she said formerly and shook his hand
“Gabriel” he said “the other stuff is just for the tourists”
“Please to meet you Gabriel” she corrected herself
“Riza tells me you’re housed in the old Finchbottom Library at present” he said
“That’s right” she said “but not for much longer sadly”
“So I understand” he remarked “well having spent many a happy hour in the Library as a lad I should think the old maintenance hangar would suit your needs perfectly”
“I will have to arrange a viewing then” Paige said
“You can see it now if you would like” Gabriel suggested “Ray has the keys”
“Do you normally show prospective tenants around personally?” Paige asked suspiciously
“No not at all” he said and laughed “I’m only up here to make sure everything is ship shape so I can send everyone home for Christmas”
“Oh I see” she said “in that case I’d love to”

(Part 11)

After having had a tour of “Hanger C”, the old maintenance hangar Paige thought it would suit her needs very well indeed but she kept her cards close to her chest regardless.
“It’s a really good space” She said noncommittedly “And the offices are excellent”
“But?” Gabriel said
“But it’s a long way from Finchbottom” she replied
“And you’re worried about your staff” he added
“Which is why we’ve held back some of the housing stock in the village so employees and employers don’t have to travel” he said “Ray can show you an example if you would like”
“Oh ok” she agreed
“Unfortunately I need to be somewhere else half an hour ago” Gabriel said as he looked at his watch and grimaced
“When you’re done have a good look around the village and go away and think it over, and we’ll talk again next year”
“Happy Christmases” were exchanged and then Gabriel instructed Ray to let everyone wrap up for Christmas and he strode purposely away.

Ray Walker was a local boy born and bred and he had worked for the Mornington Estate since he left school.
He was 29 years old and a giant of a man with a shock of unruly red hair and an abundance of freckles, and he walked with Paige and Riza out through the south gate and down Military Row to number 19.
“This one was used by our project manager while the bulk of the work was going on, partly as a site office” he explained in a cultured accent that seemed at odds with his country bumkin appearance.
“So it will need a lick of paint before its let”

After he had shown them around the house he took them on a tour of the village.
“It’s a lovely village” Paige said as they stood on the bridge admiring the view of the church and the Manor.
“It is that” he agreed “but it doesn’t happen by accident”
Gabriel St George was always conscious of not creating a ghost town of professionals who live and work in Towns and Cities all week and only returned to the village on the weekend.
This was also meant to encourage more trade for the local shops that had to be heavily subsidized by the estate in order to survive.
Which in part explained the priority favouring Mornington residents or workers, the only other condition was that it had to be the tenant’s primary residence, this caveat would ultimately help Paige’s decision in part, regarding her own house in Finchbottom.
As she turned around Paige had and uninterrupted view of another of the Mornington Windmills.
They had already passed the Old East Mill which was still undergoing renovation.
“Is that one being renovated as well?” she asked and Ray and Riza turned to look where Paige was pointing.
“No that one’s finished and awaiting a tenant” Ray replied
“Really?” Paige replied
“Do you fancy a look?” Riza asked
“I do rather, if you’re sure you don’t mind” Paige said “I’ve taken a lot of your time already”
“Rubbish” Riza said “I love it here, I’d move here in a heartbeat if I could but I don’t qualify”
“Alright then but lunch is on me afterwards” she said
“What’s the food like at the pub?” she asked
“Excellent, but they only do sandwiches on a Monday” Ray replied
“But I’m sure they’re excellent sandwiches” Riza said and blushed when she and Ray made eye contact and this time Paige did notice.

(Part 12)

Ray Walker, the ginger giant, led the way along the riverside path from the church bridge and the diminutive Riza trotted behind him and was having to take two strides to every one of his just to keep up.
Paige meanwhile brought up the rear and was just ambling along taking her time and drinking in the scenery.

The Old School Mill was even more impressive up close than it had been in the view from the bridge and Paige was eager to explore inside which she did alone while the mismatched odd couple waited outside.
As she wandered around from room to room she pictured all of her most precious possessions full of memories of her life with Harry in the beautiful mill.
His leather armchair by the fire from where beneath the hideous standard lamp he loved so much he read our loud to her.
The Stelio Mola figurines they had bought on their honeymoon in Sardinia on a shelf facing the door so they were the first thing a visitor would see.
The paintings they had collected together at flea markets and car boot sales on the many book finding expeditions they went on together up and down the County.
The Glass fronted cabinet housing the numerous crystal ornaments he'd bought for her over the years, birthdays, Christmases and anniversary’s, each one holding a separate special memory.
Finally her book case, each shelf crammed with the books they had loved so much and there was still plenty of room for the numerous photographs of all the happy times they had shared together over the years.
When she had completed her twenty minute tour she was certain of two things, firstly that she had decided to move into a Windmill and secondly that Riza and Ray fancied the pants off each other.

The couples infatuation became even more obvious on the journey back to Finchbottom in the car, firstly because it was clear that Ray didn’t really need to spend so much time with them and secondly Riza wasn’t in Mornington most of the day just because she loved the village or because she was a friend to Paige but because she loved the big ginger bumpkin.
“Ray’s a nice man” Paige said
“Yes he is I suppose” she replied indifferently and Paige looked out the window and smiled.

Unlike their effects on Paige, the fates had not influenced Ray and Riza, other than clearing Natasha from the picture so that Riza would get her job and thus steer Paige in the direction of Mornington.
The attraction between Ray and Riza was nothing to do with the fates that was purely serendipitous a happy consequence of the forces driving and cajoling Paige.

They had first met as a result of the airfield coming back into the estates owner ship and Natasha suddenly taking a sabbatical and on that first morning when the great ginger giant first laid eyes on her he was smitten and Riza was speechless, and she was never short of a word or two.
But for all that over the two months that followed, they never progressed further that smiles and polite conversation.

(Part 13)

Before she met Harry, Christmas was a cold and lonely season for Paige, a time for locking herself away from all the poor deluded fools who thought their lives would be enhanced just by indiscriminately saying merry Christmas to all and sundry.
But Harry dragged her kicking and screaming into the festive fun and folly and illuminated Christmas for her until she embraced it as much as everyone else.
The great fear among those in the Edwards clan was that she would fall back into old habits after Harry’s death so they took up the gauntlet and kept her so busy she had barely a minute to think about the fact Harry wasn’t there.
However over the Christmas break, in the moments when her head wasn’t spinning from all the festive fun, when Harry was brought to mind, Paige was encouraged to talk about him and the things they did at Christmas, and then the family shared their stories of him with her.
And in the quiet moments Paige did a lot of soul searching and by the New Year she had decided not only to move the business from Finchbottom to Mornington but also to live in a Windmill.
“I know its silly honey, but I love it” she said to her husband and rolled over and went to sleep.

On New Year’s Day she phoned Riza Pugay and told her she had come to a decision.
“That’s fantastic” she responded enthusiastically
“I’m jealous, I wish I was moving to Mornington”
“Yes and I know why” Paige said
“Yes its lovely isn’t it” Riza remarked then she went on to promise to make all the necessary calls.

She was dreading the first day back at work after the holiday because she had to tell the staff that Paige Turner’s were moving lock stock and barrel to Mornington within 2 months.
Because she was so nervous about it she decided to take everyone to lunch at the local pub, the White Horse Inn, on the basis that they probably wouldn’t kill her in a public place.
As it turned out the news was received quite favorably as they were all expecting something as they had heard about the proposed development of the Library Site.
Of her 14 staff 7 of them said immediately they were prepared to move with her while of the other seven, 4 were definite no’s and the other three wanted to see Mornington and the accommodation before deciding.
So the next day Paige, Riza and the three doubting Thomas’s, Annette West, Carole Beverley and Jennifer Bardsley, drove over to Mornington.
While they were there they met with Victoria Johnson Higham, and Tallulah St George.
Victoria was from Lyndon-Sanders Properties, who were tasked with finding tenants for the commercial properties as well as some of the accommodation and Tally was the property manager for the Estate, which formally took over the administration from January 1st.
But Vicki was there at Tallulah’s request for the rest of the month for continuity.
Paige hadn’t met either of them before but she would have known which one Tally St George as she was as strikingly attractive as her brother was.
While the agents showed the three wavering employees what Mornington had to offer Paige and Riza went in search of Ray, because Paige wanted to discuss casual labour with him and Riza said she would tag along but acted indifferently, but when they discovered he was in Abbottsford for the day she could barely disguise her disappointment.
When they had had a good look around it cost Paige another lunch, this time in the Old Mill.
During the lunch appointments were made for the other seven employees to view houses and apartments and for Paige to sign the lease on Hangar C.

(Part 14)

In the final reckoning, only four of Paige’s staff failed to make the move to the new premises as it was not practical for them to up sticks, but they did stay on right to the very end to help pack up the stock.
It was a blow to lose almost a third of her staff but she was sure she could find their replacements among the villagers.
In addition she thought it would also be an opportunity for her to play cupid so Paige asked Riza to approach Ray on her behalf to see if he knew if any locals from the village who were looking for jobs, some full time and some casuals, particularly the latter to help with the unpacking.
“Ray will help won’t he?” Paige asked “He’s a very nice man after all”
“Yes he is” she said with a sigh “I mean yes he will”

Paige spent an inordinate amount of time in Mornington during the month of January, a lot of it involved measuring the Mill for curtains, blinds and carpets etc. and also more general measurements so she could decide what would fit and what wouldn’t.
There were also similar exercises in Hangar C, where decisions had to be made regarding additional shelving, although she had been able to do a deal with the developer to take the old Library shelves off their hands.
Officially Paige Turner’s took over Hangar B on the 1st of February but the big move into the new premises wasn’t to begin until the following week but she moved into the Old School Mill on the 30th of January, and that evening as she sat in Harry’s leather chair she said to her husband
“I really do know its silly honey but as I said before I love it, and I’ve written a new chapter just as you told me to do”

That night she had a most curious dream, she was sitting in the lounge of the home she shared with Harry sitting in his leather chair where she poured herself a large glass of wine and drank half of it before she plugged a memory stick into the USB port on the TV and took a deep breath when Harry’s image appeared.
“Hey Hon” he said and she gasped when she saw his lovely smiling face.
“Hello darling” she replied “I have written a new chapter my love, I have moved into a windmill”
“That was not what I had in mind, it’s a beginning but no more”
He said wagging his finger and Paige laughed as she always did when he put on his stern face.
“I was serious” He said “You must keep the book open and keep the pages turning, and you must write new chapters”
Harry smiled and the screen went blank.
“No, no, don’t go yet” Paige begged and then she woke up.

She had a troubled night after the dream, lots of jumbled faces and people from the past and present, old friends and new and among them were Riza and Ray their images going in and out of focus and she awoke the next morning in a eureka moment.
“That’s it” she exclaimed suddenly and sat up
“That’s what you meant wasn’t it Harry?”
“Getting Ray and Riza together, that’s what you meant by writing new chapters isn’t it? Well obviously I can do that, nothing could be simpler, Riza fancies Ray after all and vice versa, so it will be simplicity itself”

(Part 15)

After having spent all of Saturday morning unpacking boxes in the Windmill, Paige walked down the river path to the Old Mill Inn to have lunch, but she was lost in thought as she reached Church Bridge and was snapped back to the present by a voice from behind.
“Paige Edwards?” the voice said and when she turned around she saw it was Gabriel St George and a tall slightly built man in his mid-thirties.
“Hello your Lordship” she said and he shook his head in response
“Gabriel” she said correcting herself “I forgot the other stuff is just for the tourists”
“I’d like you to meet Jonathon Springthorpe”
“Please to meet you” she said
“Likewise” He responded
“Paige has just moved into the Old School Windmill” Gabriel told him
“Really?” Jon said “I live in the Old Forge myself”
“And what do you do for a living?” she asked
“I’m an Auctioneer” he replied proudly
“At O’Sullivan and Springthorpe”
“One of the bosses then” she said
“One of the partners” he corrected her
“Paige is moving into hanger C” Gabriel said
“Really?” he said “And what on earth are you going to fill that great shed with?”
“Books” she replied and this time it was her turn to be proud
“Oh no not books” Jon said
“What on earth is the matter with books?” she asked
“Books are the bane of an Auctioneers life, so many come into our possession and so few of them turn out to be golden” He said “and every house clearance we do just adds to the problem”
“Perhaps you should get Paige to sell them for you” Gabriel
“An excellent idea” Jon said “Let’s discuss it over lunch”
“Ok” Paige agreed

After getting drinks and ordering food they sat at a corner table and had just began the small talk when Gabriel’s phone rang.
He took it from his pocket and checked the caller ID and said
“Excuse me a moment I need to take this”
Gabriel got up and went outside.
“Riza! Thanks for returning my call”
“No problem” she said
“And I’m sorry to disturb your Saturday”
“I don’t mind really” she said
“Well I hope you’ll think it a worthwhile interruption” Gabriel said “It’s just that I have a question for you”
“Ok fire away”
“Have you enjoyed covering for Natasha while she’s been on sabbatical?” he asked
“Oh yes very much” she said brightly
“Well then, how would you like the job on a permanent basis?”
“What?” she exclaimed, wondering if she’d heard him correctly.
“I’m offering you the job”
“But what about Natasha?” she asked
“She’s getting married and staying in Boston”
“Oh” Riza said
“So are you interested?” he asked and her response was of such a high frequency that he had to hold the phone away from his ear and the pitch was almost at a level that only dogs could hear.
“I assume the inaudible response was yes” he said with a smile when the noise had abated.
“Yes, yes, yes” she squealed
“Excellent” he said “you won’t of course be able to move into the cottage for a month or so”
“I get to live in the cottage as well?” she retorted
“Yes it comes with the job” he replied and then she squealed again.

(Part 16)

Gabriel hung up the phone, reentered the pub and returned to the table and then about halfway through the meal two of Gabriel’s cousins walked into the pub, William St George, who was around Gabriel’s age and Michael who was in his mid to late forties.
Paige could see they were related the first moment they appeared despite being a little merry.
“My God” she said “Is there a factory in Mornington where you turn out gorgeous men”
When she realized what she had said she blushed with embarrassment, but even though she had embarrassed herself it didn’t stop her flirting outrageously with the cousins after the introductions had been made, which was totally out of character for her drunk or sober.
After Gabriel made the introduction William got some more drinks while the other three finished eating.
By the end of the lunch Paige and Jonathon were both a little bit squiffy but despite that or because of it Paige Turner’s had made a deal with O’Sullivan and Springthorpe to sell their books for a reasonable percentage.
While Jon and Paige were merry Gabriel on the other hand was stone cold sober as he had only been drinking soft drinks because he had to drive William and Michael to a meeting in Abbottsford.

Outside the pub Gabriel turned to Michael and said quietly
“Can you see that Paige gets to the Mill safely I don’t want her falling in the river?”
“No problem” he responded
“Thanks, we’ll pick you here in ten minutes” Gabriel said and Michael nodded
“Come along dear lady I will escort you to your new abode” he said and offered his arm
“Well thank you kind sir” she responded and slipped her arm through his.

They walked beside the River Brooke and all the way she chattered away ten to the dozen and Michael just listened and smiled.
This was not normal behavior for Paige by any stretch of the imagination she wasn’t much of a drinker at the best of times and she very rarely drank at lunchtime and being tipsy was completely unheard off.
When they reached the Old School Mill she thanked him for his gallantry and then he watched her stagger up the steps, then she opened the door and paused, where she thanked him again and went inside, and once she had she sat down and promptly fell asleep in Harry’s chair and was there all afternoon.
For the most part it was a sound sleep but as the sun began to set she began to dream again.
She was standing on the brow of Church Bridge with Rizalina Pugay and Paige said
“He’s a really nice man” Paige said
“Yes he is I suppose” Riza replied “but he’s not as nice as my Ray”
“What are you talking about?” Paige asked angrily
“You’re in love with him”
“No I’m not, I’m in love with Ray” Riza corrected her
“But that is Ray” Paige shouted
But when she turned back to look at him again they were both looking at Michael St George and Paige woke up with a start.
“Oh God” she exclaimed “I am never drinking at lunchtime again”

(Part 17)

The first two weeks of her time in Mornington went by in the blink of an eye.
She was constantly back and forth between Finchbottom where she was checking on the progress of the packing and Mornington where Ray Walker and six lads from the village started erecting the new shelving the Paige had bought and the reassembling the first of the shelving from the Old Library.
She had no more disturbed nights or peculiar dreams as she was normally completely frazzled by the time she got to bed and slept through to the rude awakening from the alarm the next morning.

Apart from being too tired to dream she also had no time to write the new chapter for the odd couple, Riza and Ray.
That would have to wait until after the move was completed.

Although they were committed to the move they still had to carry on doing business so they couldn’t just drop everything and pack all the books, in fact the only books they could move initially were the uncatalogued stock.
They had to close for business obviously but it had to be kept to a minimum.
The plan was to close at the end of business on Thursday 19th of February and reopen at 9.00am on the 24th.
There was also the logistical problem of moving the staff as well which had to be staggered as everyone needed time off to settle themselves in to their new accommodations.
So half of them moved before the event and the other half moved afterwards.
Which meant she had staff at both ends of the chain.

Here, There & Everywhere of Finchbottom, who did Domestic and Business Removals went in and packed at the Finchbottom end the moment the clock struck 6pm and worked all night and the first truck left the Finchbottom Library at 7am on Friday morning.
Ray Walker had arranged the labour at the Mornington end and they swarmed over the truck like an army of ants at a picnic and three hours later the second truck arrived and the final one at 3 in the afternoon.
But getting everything from one town to another proved to be the easy part of the operation as they then had to get everything unpacked and onto the relevant shelves so they would be able to find them again when they reopened for business.

On that first day they worked until seven o’clock and then called it a day and began again at 9 o’clock the next day.
Along with the normal staff, Ray’s casuals, and Paige herself there were a number of surprise helpers.
Riza Pugay was the first to turn up in her “scruffy Joes” although in truth she spent most of the day following in Ray’s huge footprints.
The real surprise however came when she was talking with Celia Lewis, her second in command, it was the St Georges, Gabriel, Tallulah, Michael, William and Aunt Philomena.
“Ray said you needed some willing hands so we’ve come to offer our services” Aunty Phil said
“No I couldn’t impose like that” Paige said
“Nonsense” Gabriel said “Where would you like us?”
“Well that’s very kind” she said, “I think if you go with Celia, she’s directing traffic so to speak”

The St George’s stayed for most of the day and even Jonathon Springthorpe, the book hater, put in an appearance and stayed for a couple of hours.

(Part 18)

On Sunday it was much quieter in Hangar C and much less fraught and chaotic, mainly because there were far fewer hands, but those that were there were very purposeful.
Paige would have liked to have gone to Church that morning but she didn’t think it was fare to her staff who were working so hard.
They were making very good progress partly thanks to the unexpected help from the day before, but mainly because of the hard work everyone had put in and she thought there would probably have to be a bit of a bonus for the staff as they had been wonderful.

At ten thirty, Chloe Addison from the bakers in the village arrived bearing coffee and pastries as she had at regular intervals throughout the move despite the fact it was Sunday.
She was pretty girl with dark pixie cut hair she was a very slim despite the fact she was a bit too fond of the pastries.
But she kept her figure because she never sat still, she was one of life’s doers, she was always busy at something, and on that weekend she was busy keeping the staff at Paige Turner’s fed and watered which included taking lunch orders.

Riza, who was a diminutive woman half an inch short of five feet tall, arrived at about 11 o’clock, and immediately started looking around, craning her neck in search.
A look of great concentration sat amidst the dark skin of her finely chiselled features and aquiline nose while her warm and intelligent eyes surveyed the Hangar.
Her hair was fine, straight dark brown which she normally wore down at shoulder length was tied back in a loose ponytail.
She was normally on the attractive side of beautiful by virtue of the fact that she wore little makeup, but that day she was beautiful.
“Hello Riza, you look lovely” Paige said and kissed her cheek
“Hi Paige” she replied and resumed her search
“Ray’s not here” Paige said and smiled at the result of her words, which completely deflated Riza and her shoulders slumped.
“Who?” Riza asked
“Ray of course”
“Oh I didn’t expect him to be” Riza lied
“Well he’ll be back in about half an hour” Paige said and smiled even broader at the affect those words had restoring Riza to her full four feet eleven and a half.
“He went out to get some tools”
Riza turned around and caught Paige smiling.
“What?” she asked
“You know very well what” Paige replied
“You and the ginger giant”
“I don’t know what you mean” Riza retorted and Paige just gave her a disarming look.
“Oh ok, I admit it, I like Ray” she said resignedly and sat down heavily on a wooden case.
“I had noticed” Paige said and sat down next to her
“But he hasn’t Paige”
“Oh I think he has” she disagreed
“Well he hasn’t done anything about it” Riza snapped
“Listen to me young lady, Ray Walker is mad about you” she said reassuringly
“So why hasn’t he done anything about it?”
“Because he’s a big shy ginger maintenance man and you’re a beautiful sexy lawyer” Paige explained and Riza looked at her blankly
“He thinks you’re too good for him”
“But I’m not” she retorted indignantly “He’s a good and kind man”
“I know he is” Paige agreed
“And I like that he’s a big gentle ginger giant”
Riza added
Right on cue the door opened and the giant of a man with the shock of unruly red hair and an abundance of freckles, that was, Ray Walker, walked in and smiled broadly and Riza smiled back.

(Part 19)

On Sunday lunchtime Chloe Addison returned with more coffee and the fresh made sandwich orders and as she went out the door Michael St George walked in.
“Hello Michael” Paige said with surprise
“Well hello yourself”
“What are you doing here? I wasn’t expecting to see you today” she said “Didn’t I use and abuse the St George’s enough yesterday?”
“Well Aunty Phil is spending the afternoon with the vicar” he said
“Really? How scandalous” Paige retorted
“It’s ok they are engaged” he reassured her “Gabriel is with his fiancé Chantel, Tallulah is playing golf, Elspeth is in Sharpington, William has gone to Tipton and the twins are off somewhere doing their own thing, so as I was at a loose end I thought I would come and make myself useful here”
“Well I’m very grateful Michael, you can help me unpack these boxes”
“My pleasure, it’s the least I can do for a neighbour” he said
“Yes we’re going to be neighbour’s”
“Yes I’m taking the control tower block next door”
“Oh close neighbours then” she said “And what are you going to be doing next door”
“Bygone Dayz - Vintage Collectables” he said
“I didn’t have you pegged as an antique dealer” Paige said with surprise
“It was my wife Judith’s business, her pride and joy” he said “her parents were in the trade, so it was in her blood, and when we started courting I would go with her to Antique Fairs and the like and it turned out I had quite a good eye”
“You said “was”” Paige pointed out
“Yes I lost her to breast cancer” he said sadly
“How long?”
“Five years now and when I lost her I kept the business on” he said “and it saved my life to be honest”
“It’s nice that you had a shared passion” she said “I didn’t have that with Harry, he was a solicitor, but he did love books”
“How long has it been for you?” Michael asked
“Seven and a half months” she replied
“So it’s still fresh then?”
“Very much so” she replied “But I have survived my first Christmas without him, our wedding anniversary, his birthday and Valentine’s Day”
Michael nodded his understanding.
“So you’ve kept the business going for five years” Paige said “So you must be doing something right”
“Well I have exceptional staff who keep it running while I get to do the fun part”
“Which is?” she asked
“Trawling the bric-a-brac and knick-knacks at car boot sales, second hand shops and antique fairs looking for treasure” he enthused “It’s the perfect role for me as I can fit it in between my commitments for the Estate”
“They’re fun aren’t they?” she said and then asked
“So will you be staying at the Manor?”
“Only for half the week” he replied
“So where do you live the rest of the time?” she asked
“I’m sorry that sounds awfully nosey”
“No not at all” he replied “I spend five or six nights a month in hotels in the four corners of the county and I have a house in Highfinch, which is where I keep all my stuff”
“Is that where you lived with your wife?”
“Yes it was” he replied
“And you can’t bear to leave it, but aren’t comfortable living in it”
“That’s about the size of it” he said “is it the same for you?”
“I’m afraid so, that’s why I live in a Windmill”

(Part 20)

Saturday and Sunday had been very productive days which left the remainder of the boxes to be unpacked on Monday, which were completed by mid-morning.
Afterwards all that was left to do in the great barn like Hangar was to get rid of the empty boxes and the packaging, tidy up and have a good sweep through.
Which meant that in the afternoon they could get themselves properly settled into the offices.
There was no sign of Riza on Monday morning as she was in Finchbottom at Stanislas, Boivin and Champeaux and was unable to get the day off.
Also conspicuous by his absence that day was Michael St George, but Paige was not surprised because she knew he was supposed to be in Childean at an Auction.
She had very much enjoyed working with him on the previous day, Paige found him very easy to talk to, and it was so nice to have a proper conversation with someone who knew firsthand what it felt like to lose someone who was their life.
It was hard talking about such devastating loss to people who hadn’t experienced it themselves.
They had no idea what to say and ended up spouting tired clichés or empty platitudes.

One person who was in attendance from the very first minute Paige arrived was the ever dependable Ray Walker who had been an absolute Godsend, he was making sure there were sufficient power points in the offices, putting shelves up, and problem solving, firefighting and generally making himself useful.

The ever reliable Chloe Addison was of course right on time with the Coffee and cake, and everyone took a well-earned break and during it Paige took the opportunity to have a quiet word with Ray.
She was sitting in the office talking to Celia Lewis when she noticed him sitting alone.
“Will you excuse me a moment Celia I just need to have a word with Ray”
“No problem” she replied

“Hi Ray” she said
“Hello Mrs. Edwards”
“For goodness sake call me Paige” she said “Mrs. Edwards makes me feel ancient”
“Listen I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done” she said
“No problem” he said “I’ve enjoyed it”
“Good because I have another favour to ask” Paige said
“Ask away”
“I want you to ask Riza out” Paige said
“What?” he exclaimed
“Ask Riza out on a date” she said
“I couldn’t do that” he retorted
“Why on earth not?”
“Because she wouldn’t want to go out with me” he said “She would laugh in my face”
“Well maybe not laugh” he conceded
“But she’s lovely and I’m….. Me”
“And she really likes you”
“Do you think she’s been here all weekend because she likes books?” Paige asked
“No, but…”
“And who has she been one step behind all weekend”
“Me, But…”
“There are no buts” Paige said as she got up and patted him on the shoulder
“Please just ask her out”

“What was that all about?” Celia asked
“I was playing cupid”
“Ah, did you tell him to ask the pretty Solicitor out?” Celia asked
“Yes” Paige replied
“Good! They’re clearly soppy about each other”

(Part 21)

On Tuesday morning Paige Turner’s were open for business and thanks to Celia’s excellent planning and Ray and his boys doing the grafting everything ran like clockwork.
The next two weeks however were hellish busy, partly because of a backlog in orders due to the move but mainly because they were short staffed, because four staff members had left and three were on holiday so they could move into their new homes.
She had already taken on two girls from the village and she had four more to interview.
As a result her feet barely touched the ground for the rest of the February.

Meanwhile Ray Walker had moved onto his next project, Church View Cottage, so called as it was directly across the road from St Winifred’s Church.
As Natasha Hayle wasn’t returning from Boston she had asked Gabriel if he could arrange for Ray to clear her things from the Cottage.
She provided a detailed list of what should go where, what bits to keep and what to donate.
It wasn’t a difficult task for Ray as it was a fully furnished cottage but he had his reservation about going through Natasha’s clothes.
Most mornings he had a ten minute “Touch base” meeting with Gabriel to discuss where they were at with certain projects and to see if any new priorities had arisen.
On one such morning towards the end of February, as he was leaving the Manor he met Riza coming the other way.
She smiled broadly when she saw him and as he returned her smile he began to wonder if Mrs. Edwards had been right and she did like him in that way.
“Hello” she said “This is a nice surprise”
“Hi Riza, you look lovely today” he lied, she didn’t actually look any lovelier that day than any other, he though she was always lovely, he just didn’t know what else to say.
“Thank you” she said and blushed a little and Ray said to himself
“Now’s your chance” then after a few moments silence he suddenly blurted out
“I need to ask you something”
“At last” Riza said in her head “The answers yes you lovely man”
“Would you….” He began “Would you….”
Riza waited expectantly and screamed inside her head
“Ask me, ask me, ask me”
“Would you help me at the Cottage later?” he said having lost his nerve.
Riza’s shouldered slumped when the question was finally asked but she soon recovered herself, at least she would get to spend some unexpected time together, which was at least a bonus.
“Sure I’m free later this morning” she said “What do you want me to do?”
“Well you know I have to pack up Natasha’s belongings so we can ship them to Boston?”
“Well there are some things I’m not comfortable with”
“What sort of things?” she asked enjoying his discomfiture
“Clothing things”
“What kind of clothing things?”
“You know women’s things” he whispered
“Oh you mean knickers and bra’s, stockings, teddies” she said and giggled
“Yes, yes, those things” he confirmed
“I don’t think it is right for me to sort through Natasha’s pants”
“Ok I’ll come over when I’ve finished with Gabriel” she said “But it’ll cost you lunch you sweet man”

(Part 22)

Ray was in Church View Cottage packing up Natasha Hayle’s personal belongings as per her instructions.
There were one or two items he had come across which hadn’t appeared on Natasha’s list so he photographed those and sent the pictures to her and waited for her reply.
Ray then sorted and packed everything that he could and left everything that had even a hint of feminine underthings about them until Riza arrived.

“Lead me to the knickers” Riza said playfully in a deep automaton voice when he opened the door to her.
“It’s not funny” he said but laughed anyway
“It’s very cute though” she said

After Riza had packed all of Natasha’s silk and lacy underthings Riza said
“All done, you can now buy me lunch”
“Ok” Ray said and locked the Cottage and then they walked across the road to the pub.
As they sat at the table waiting for the food to arrive Ray tried to pluck up the courage to ask her out on a date but before he could Riza asked
“So can I move in now?”
“I’m afraid not” he replied
“So when?”
“When I’ve finished” Ray replied
“And when will that be?”
“When it’s done”
“I take it back you’re not sweet at all, you’re just annoying” she said crossly
“But it’s not me that’s holding things up” he said innocently
“Who is it then?” she demanded
“What?” she asked in disbelief
“I’m waiting for you” he explained
“What for?”
“Well you need to tell me what colour scheme you want, what floor covering and you have to approve the furniture” he said “Until then I can’t even start”
“I didn’t know I had to do that” Riza said innocently
“Well you do now”
“So what should I do?” she asked
“Well after lunch we can go back to the cottage and look at colour charts and swatches, and then we can get things underway” he said

So after they finished lunch Ray took Riza back across the road to the Cottage and she pawed over the colour charts and then they went from room to room with her nattering away ten to the dozen and him scribbling notes until they arrived back at the point they began from.
“So you’re happy with your choices?” he asked
“Yes I am”
“One hundred percent?”
“Absolutely one hundred percent” she replied positively
“Ok then”
“So when can I move in?” she asked excitedly
“Well I need to get Gabriel’s approval and then if I made the effort I suppose you could be living in Church View Cottage in a week or so”
“You will though won’t you?” she pleaded
“I will what?” he teased
“Make the effort”
“Well that would depend” he said sternly
“On what?” she asked and Ray took a deep breath and said
“On whether or not you agree to go out for dinner with me”
“Dinner? With you?” she asked with surprise and Ray suddenly felt foolish and said
“You don’t have to really it was just a joke”
“No I would like to” she replied “I really want to go to dinner with you”
“Yes honestly”
“That’s great” he said and then dropped the notes he had made which he would use to make everything perfect for her.
They both crouched down to pick them up and in the exact moment they made eye contact quite out of the blue he kissed her and everything was perfect.
When the perfect kiss ended Riza looked at him and smiled and then she said
“I’ve been waiting so long for that”
“Me too” he said and kissed her again.

(Part 23)

After working all weekend at Paige Turner’s for the second week running the staff managed to clear the back log, which meant that they began March on an even keel.
In fact things had gone so well that Paige could afford herself a day off from the day to day and attend the Nettlefield Antiques Fair on Friday, which was one of her favourite events of the year.
It actually went on for two days but she always preferred going on the Friday.
There were always a lot of family’s there on a Saturday, dragging whining kids around with them who clearly wanted to be elsewhere.

She set off from the Mill at the crack of dawn and drove through the Vale with the sun rising behind her and she arrived on the outskirts of Nettlefield just as the rush hour began to build.
She liked to get there early so she was parked as close to the fair as possible as she needed to return to the car at regular intervals to drop off her purchases.
It was roughly sixty percent Antiques Fair and forty percent car boot sale but it was absolutely huge.
She parked the car and walked through the gate and made her way straight to Dolly’s for breakfast.
“Dolly Channing’s Hot and Cold” was an absolute must to start a long day of gem hunting.

As it was a nice bright day she knew it would be busy so after her hearty breakfast she got her expedition underway and on the third stall she visited when something caught her eye.
The extra space that they now had in Hangar C meant that they could expand into other areas.
Talking books for example, which was always on Celia’s wish list, also second hand DVD’s were a possibility and could be a useful addition to the revenue stream.
The other thing Celia often proposed was of course digital books, although she personally despised the medium as did Paige but it would be a valuable string to their bow not that there would be any of that nonsense available at an Antiques Fair.
As she wandered around perusing she hadn’t given Celia the green light to proceed because they had been so busy, so when she saw a box full of talking books on a table she bought the lot.
“Can I pick them up on the way out?” she said as she handed over the money
“Yes madam, I’ll put them under the table” the dealer said
“Thank you” she said and as she turned away Paige walked smack bang into a poor unsuspecting man.
“I’m terribly sorry” she said and when she looked up she saw it was Michael St George
“Oh hello”
“Paige? Fancy running into you here” he said with feigned surprise and genuine delight.
The truth of the matter was that he had seen her as he was on his way to get breakfast but had forgone that pleasure to ensure he didn’t lose sight of her.
“I thought you would be far too busy sorting the books you have, to go searching for more”
“Well thanks to Ray and his boys we are in good shape” she said “And to tell you the truth I needed to get out for a few hours”
“Have you found any gems yet?” he asked
“No I’ve only just got started” she replied “I have bought a box of talking book CD’s for Celia but that’s all, what about you?”
“I’ve only just gotten here myself” he replied
“Well shall we walk round together then?” she suggested
“What a lovely idea” he agreed

(Part 24)

Michael and Paige had a very pleasant morning exploring the stalls and both of them made a number of reasonably good finds and needed to make several trips back to the carpark, Michael however did most of the carrying and on their way back through the gate for the umpteenth time Michael was overcome by the aromas drifting over from Dolly’s burger van so he said
“If I don’t get something to eat soon I’m going to faint”
“Yes I’m starving” he replied
“I meant did you seriously say you were going to faint” she said and laughed
“Well what should I have said?”
“You could of have said “your belly thinks your throat has been cut”” she said “that would have been more manly”
“That’s not really me” he said
“No it isn’t is it” she said and laughed again
“Come on then let’s get you something to eat before you swoon”
“You’re very cruel” he said and laughed as well
“Well if it makes you feel any better I’ll pay” she said and put her arm through his and they walked to Dolly’s to have lunch.
Although she thought it was funny she did also feel slightly responsible as she’d had him carrying her book purchases all morning.

At the same time Michael was enjoying a sausage and egg sandwich lunch with Paige, Ray Walker was helping Riza move her stuff into Church View Cottage.
Suitably refreshed Michael and Paige resumed their search for treasures amidst the bric-a-brac of the “Car Boot” tables and Michael struck gold within ten minutes when he spotted an Art Deco Spelter Figure sticking out of a cardboard box full of junk, Michael knew immediately it was a Josef Lorenzl piece. He got the whole box for ten pounds but he knew the Lorenzl figure alone would go for six hundred.
It was often the case that the biggest bargains were in the car boot section where people invariably didn’t know the value of what they were selling.
Although Paige hadn’t made a big score like Michael had, she had still enjoyed the day very much and she was perfectly happy as they made their way back towards the carpark.
It was the end of the day and the sellers were beginning to pack away for the day and a lot of their items were already in boxes but there were a number of leather bound tomes visible and she couldn’t resist taking one last look and she was pleased that she did because they turned out to be 12 Charles Dickens first editions.
She ended up paying a total of £35 pound for twelve books that she conservatively estimated would make £5000 and she was feeling very pleased with herself as they walked to the car and when she had put her cache in the boot of her car Michael asked
“Are you going back to Mornington?”
“That’s the plan” she replied
“Well you’ll be driving all the way in rush hour traffic” he pointed out
“I guess so”
“So why don’t we go and have dinner somewhere until the rush hour dies down” he suggested
“Why do you think you might faint?” Paige said and laughed hysterically
“For being unkind you can pay” he said

They ate at a little restaurant on the outskirts of Nettlefield called the Copper Kettle and Michael invited Paige to go with him to another antiques fair.
“There’s one on next Friday in Sharpington or Northchapel on the 19th”
“Definitely not the 19th I’m busy” she said sharply
“Ok” he said surprised by her vehemence
“But I think Sharpington would be nice, thank you” she added more calmly

(Part 25)

It was a little after 8 o’clock when Paige drove back into Mornington and as she drove over Church Bridge she saw Ray and Riza walking along the Street hand in hand and she was so pleased she tooted her car horn and they both smiled and waved to her in response.
“There you are darling, job done” she said “A new chapter well and truly written”

She drove up to Paige Turner’s and unloaded her purchase from the car with the exception of the talking books which she want to give to Celia over the weekend.
By the time Paige got back to the Windmill she was absolutely exhausted and went straight to bed and slept soundly through until first light.
And it was as she surfaced from the depth of sleep that another dream reran through her head over and over.
Paige was sat watching TV in the Mill when Harry’s image appeared
“Hey Hon” he said and she smiled
“Hello Harry” she replied
“Isn’t it wonderful news about Ray and Riza?”
“You have made a good beginning and you have done a good thing, but you must take the next step” he said
“I still miss you Harry”
“I know hon and I miss you too Paige but I am your past, you must take the next step into your future”
“Pah” she retorted
“You are still a young woman, you still have a life ahead of you and I want you to live it to the full”
Harry said and smiled and then the screen went blank and after the fifth playing of the dream she woke up.

“What now! You infuriating man?” she said loudly “What do I have to do Harry?”
She threw back the duvet and sat on the side of the bed rubbed her eyes and asked
“What do you want from me Harry? I have done what you asked, I have kept the book open and the pages turning, and I have even written new chapters”
She got up and walked to the bathroom and undressed
“I have moved to new place and I’m living in a Windmill for God’s sake” she said as she stepped into the shower
“And I’ve moved my whole bloody business into an Aircraft Hanger, so I’m not exactly letting the grass grow under my feet”
She paused as she let the hot water cascade over her before continuing
“and not only that but I’m interacting with people, I’ve made new friends, I’ve even played cupid, so I am participating in life, so what more do you want from me?”
She turned off the shower and got out and as she stood looking at her reflection in the steamed up mirror she asked
“What more must I do to prove that I’m ok and I’m not falling apart”
As she dried herself she added
“But I’m not ready to take the next step Harry, it’s too soon, just give me some time”

(Part 26)

After she had dried her hair and got dressed she went downstairs and had breakfast then she picked up the box of talking books and walked up to Mornington Field to see Celia.
She lived in Dowding House, Apartment 3, which was originally the old Sergeants Mess.
It was quite early when Paige left the Mill but she knew it wasn’t too early for Celia as she was well known for being an early riser.

Celia’s flat was on the ground floor so she walked through the lobby and rang the doorbell and she only had to wait for a minute or so before it opened.
“Hello luvvie come in”
“Hi Celia”
“So how was it yesterday?” Celia asked as she poured her a cup of tea
“Brilliant, I bought you these” she replied “To start you off”
Celia put down the tea pot and opened the box and a broad smile spread across her face.
“Excellent so I take it I have your permission?”
“Of course you do, we have plenty of space now to hold the stock so we would be daft not to” she replied
“Thanks Paige you won’t regret it”
“I know”
“So what else did you buy? Was there much to see?”
“Yes we had a good day” Paige replied
“We?” Celia asked
“Yes I bumped into Michael St George, literally”
“Yes it was nice and he carried most of the stuff to the car for me”
“So you spent the whole day together?” Celia asked
“Yes, and dinner afterwards”
“Dinner as well, tell me more” Celia demanded
“There’s nothing to tell he was good company and that is all” Paige insisted
“Well that’s a beginning” Celia said
“Oh don’t you start”
“What do you mean?”
Celia asked and Paige went on to explain all about the “Harry” dreams and how she lost her temper that morning and was ranting at him all around the Mill and afterwards Celia was silent.
“You’re going to tell me he’s right aren’t you?” Paige asked
“More to the point you know he is” she replied
“Yes but I’m not ready yet” Paige said
“Soon though” Celie suggested
“Anyway I haven’t told you the best part about yesterday yet” she said
“Don’t tell me there was more after you had dinner with him?”
“No there wasn’t” Paige said with a smile
“So what then?”
“I picked up 12 Dickens first editions for £35”
“Yes, First State, David Copperfield, Oliver Twist and A Childs History of England”
“God, how much were they asking?”
“You mean you didn’t haggle?” Celia asked and they both laughed

Paige and Celia walked down to the Old Mill Inn for a long leisurely lunch and then they did a bit of shopping in the village before going their separate ways.

Paige did a little bit of house work on Saturday afternoon and then spent the rest of the weekend taking it easy, she did a bit of reading, watched some TV and did a lot of thinking, some about the past and some about the future.

(Part 27)

When she got back to Paige Turner’s on Monday she was much refreshed though her cogitations were left unresolved.
So she turned her attentions to business and in particular to the new acquisitions and she managed to sell all twelve of the Dickens first edition within three day and furthermore they sold for almost double what Paige was expecting and made a total of £9750,
The David Copperfield turned out to be a very rare printing and went for £2795 on its own and the Oliver Twist for £1900, it was the most profitable last look she had ever had at a car boot sale.

She did however find her thoughts repeatedly returning to the upcoming trip to Sharpington on Friday the 13th with Michael St George and she was troubled, not that she was superstitious, rather more that he might have expectations.

Celia was particularly busy all week getting her new projects off the ground and on Thursday she and Paige met with Jonathon Springthorpe to see if they could come to a similar arrangement on DVD’s and talking books as they had with printed books and magazines.

Nine o’clock on Friday morning Michael drove up from the Manor and picked Paige up outside the School in Bridge Street and then they headed off to Sharpington.
The day was in stark contrast to the gloriously bright sunny day of a week earlier with grey overcast skies and drizzling rain, but at least the conversation was sunny.

At approximately the same time that Michael and Paige arrived in Sharpington, as a direct result of the meeting the day before, an O’Sullivan and Springthorpe van arrived at Hangar C on Friday morning with 40 boxes of assorted digital media.

Paige and Michael had another good day and made a number of purchases though neither of them had a significant windfall like they had in Nettlefield and the weather was cold and damp, but nonetheless they had a pleasant day that ended the day with a fish supper on the pier.

The following Monday was the first day since a week before the move from Finchbottom that Paige they had a full complement of staff at Paige Turner’s and there was a good vibe about the place.
The newbies no longer needed to be nursemaided and all was well with the world and so the first thing Paige did was book Thursday as a day off.

It was around mid-morning on Thursday that Michael St George arrived at the Hanger asking for Paige.
He had been in the control tower block with architect Scott Collier discussing some changes he want to make to the building before it was fitted out.
He was followed a few minutes later by Katie Edwards who was just in time to hear Celia replying to Michael’s inquiries.
“I’m sorry she taken a day’s leave”
“I was worried that might happen” Katie said and both Celia and Michael turned to look at her enquiringly.
“I’m sorry I’m Katie Edwards, Paige’s cousin”

(Part 28)

Katie Edwards was a very attractive 28 year old
young woman by any measure, with a warm open manner, a willowy figure, and shoulder length brunette hair, intelligent green laughing eyes and a broad toothy smile,
Apart from having an altogether very pleasant demeanor, she was also the daughter of the Vicar of St Hilda’s in Forestdean and was a good Christian girl, whose life revolved around her widowed fathers Church and the associated parochial duties and was a passionate believer in family and Paige was family.
So she had gone to Mornington that day with that very much in mind.
“What did you mean when you said you were worried that might happen?” Michael asked
“I meant that I was worried she would hide herself away”
“Why would she?” Celia asked
“Because it’s her birthday today” Katie replied “The first one since she lost Harry”
“Damn it” Celia said “I forgot”
“Well I don’t think it’s any good for her to hide away” Michael said just as Riza and Ray appeared on the scene
“Who’s hiding?” Riza asked
“Paige” Celia said
“Why?” Ray asked

After Katie had filled her and Ray in on the situation Riza said
“Well that won’t do, that won’t do at all”
And then she took complete control beginning with a phone call to Michelle Norman who worked for Bizzie Lizzie in Finchbottom.
“Hi Michelle, its Riza” she said “Help!”

Fifty five minutes after Riza hung up a Bizzie Lizzie van pulled up outside the Hangar and then Michelle Norman got out and opened the side door, she was a local girl who lived in the village, Michelle then reached inside and when she emerged she was carrying a large bouquet, a very large bouquet and she walked to the door and knocked briskly.
“You are an absolute star” Riza said as she opened the door
“Are these alright?” Michelle asked
“They are perfect” Riza said and took the flowers and signed for them “Thank you so much Michelle”
“My pleasure” she replied and returned to the van.
“Right let’s go” Riza said and lead Celia, Ray, Michael and Cousin Katie Edwards from the Hangar and down the road to the South Gate and onto the school wood path to Paige’s Windmill.

They all stood around the steps to the Mill and Katie knocked on the door and when it opened they all chorused
“Happy birthday”
“Oh” she responded “I hoped no one had remembered”
“Well we have, so grab your coat” Michael said
“I really don’t want any fuss” Paige insisted
“I just want to have a quiet day on my own”
“Nonsense” Katie retorted “You may not want to celebrate your birthday but we do, so put the flowers in the kitchen and get your coat”
“You’re very bossy for a Vicars daughter” Paige said grumpily but did as she was told nonetheless.
But all the way down the road to the pub she kept protesting.
“I really would be happier having a quiet day on my own”
“Well that’s not an option” Katie said “So stop complaining”
“Well never get a table for six on a Thursday at this short notice anyway” Paige said
“It’s just as well I phoned ahead then” Riza said “Helen has reserved one for us”
Helen Andrew was the landlady at the Old Mill Inn.

When they got there they found the pub was very busy even for a Thursday.
“I told you it would be busy” Paige said in a superior tone.
Riza ignored her and got Ray to get Helens attention, which he did easily as he towered above everyone.
“Hello” she said brightly as she rushed towards them “Happy Birthday Paige”
“Thank you” she responded quietly
“I’ve put you on the big table in the window” she said and led the way.

(Part 29)

Once they were all settled at the table Michael took the drinks order and he and Ray went to the bar.
“Now isn’t this better than sitting alone at home” Celia said
“Why did you?” Riza asked and Paige fidgeted in her seat
“Come on out with it”
“Well it’s just that Harry made the day so special for me, he made such a fuss of me, spoilt me terribly if truth be told” she said “And this year he’s not there, and it hurts”
“I know it does” Celia said, being widow herself
“You would never believe some of the things he did” Paige continued
“Try us” Katie said “Tell us all the stories”
“Oh I don’t know” she said
“Do you remember how much fun we had at Christmas?” Katie asked “When we shared all of our Christmas stories of him”
“Yes, yes I do” she replied
“Well do the same for your birthday” Katie encouraged “Tell us your birthday stories”
“I wouldn’t know where to start” she admitted
“Start with the one about the clown” Katie said and giggled
And from then on there was no stopping her, Paige was in full flow as was the wine.

Throughout lunchtime new faces appeared to wish her happy birthday and listen to the tales, the staff from Paige Turner’s took turns to put in an appearance, Chloe from the bakers and Philomena, Gabriel and William from the Manor to name but a few.

By three o’clock the numbers in the pub had thinned out. Celia was sat at one end of the table chatting with William St George and Paige was at the other flanked by Katie and Michael.
“Well birthday girl, I think it’s time to get you home” Michael said
“What already?” she slurred
“I think so” he confirmed
“Oh rats” she exclaimed
“So you’re glad we made you come out then” Katie said
“Yes” she said “but you’re still bossy”
They all got up and Michael said
“I’ll just go and settle up and I’ll see you outside”

When Michael left the pub he found Paige sitting on the step and Katie trying to get her back to her feet.
“Oh dear” Michael said and pulled her up until they were nose to nose.
“Oh hello” she said and giggled which made Michael laugh
“Can you two manage ok?” William asked
“Yes no problem” he replied
“Ok then I’ll just walk Celia back to work and then I’ll see you back at the house”

Once they had her upright she was easy to propel home, the only problem came at the Mill as the stairs weren’t wide enough to negotiate with a slightly inebriated middle-aged woman, although the fact that she was forty-eight was immaterial, had she been younger or older it would not have made the task any easier to accomplish.
“Let’s lay her on the sofa” Katie suggested
“Good idea” he said and laid her down and Katie went to get a blanket.
“Happy Birthday darling” Michael said and kissed her forehead
“Thank you Harry” she slurred and went to sleep and then Katie covered her with a blanket.
“Will you be ok now?” he asked
“Yes” she replied “I’ll stay with her for a while though”
“Thanks for all your help” Katie said
“No problem” he replied “What are friends for”
“You’re more than just a friend though” She asked
“I hope to be” he replied
“I think she does too” she said
“Really?” he asked
“Yes, but I think she just needs a bit more time”

(Part 30)

As he walked back to the Manor Michael pondered over what Katie had said and he found himself heartened.
His thoughts then turned towards her birthday, he wished he had known in advance of the day, but that ship had sailed so he decided to buy Paige a belated birthday present, something special, something she would treasure.
When he was in the Mill he couldn’t help but notice the glass fronted cabinet housing the numerous crystal ornaments that Harry had bought for her over the years, birthdays, Christmases and anniversaries.
He knew he couldn’t get her Chrystal because that was Harry’s thing, if he bought her a crystal animal, it would wound her afresh.
Each one of his gifts held a separate special memory and for him to encroach on that would be insensitive at best and an insult at worst.
He had to get her something different but equally it had to something special.
It couldn’t be something from his shop, because that would be a cheap gesture, and have exactly the opposite effect he was hoping to achieve.
It wasn’t until he reached the gates of the Manor that the answer to his quandary popped into his head.
“Perfect” he said aloud and headed towards the house.

When they were in Sharpington the week before, for the antiques fair they spent quite a bit of time mooching around the shops trying to escape the worst of the rain and it was when they were sheltering in an Antique shop that something in a display case caught her eye
“That’s absolutely gorgeous” she said

After a short Estate meeting that afternoon he drove straight to Sharpington, battling the rush hour traffic in both directions, but he secured the prize which made it all worthwhile.
It was a Black Jasper Wedgewood cameo "Cupid sharpening his arrows", very appropriate he thought under the circumstances, with a Silver Setting.

On Friday morning Michael put the cameo in a little gift bag and walked up to Paige Turner’s and was feeling very pleased with himself.
“Hi Celia I’m looking for Paige” he said
“I’m sorry Michael she phoned in to say she wasn’t coming in today” she replied
“Is she ill?” he asked
“I don’t think so, she didn’t sound it”
“Ok thanks” he said and left and then hurried down to the Windmill.

Just as he was approaching he saw Katie was just leaving.
“Is she ok?” he asked
“Yes she’s fine” Katie replied and smiled
“It’s just that they said at the office she wasn’t coming in today” Michael continued “I thought she might be ill”
“No she’s fine” she assured him
“But I thought you were going home last night” he persisted
“I was but when she woke up she wanted to talk and she didn’t stop until 2am” she said, though she kept to herself that during the course of the conversation Paige confided to her all about the “Harry” dreams she had been having and was continuing to have.
“Is it ok to knock then?” he asked
“Yes she’s just made a pot of tea” Katie said and as she passed she kissed his cheek
“Just be patient with her”
“Ok I will, thank you”

(Part 31)

Michael knocked on the door of the Mill and waited and when it opened he said
“Hi Paige”
“Oh hello” she said brightly “Come in, I’ve just brewed a pot of tea”
“Are you ok?” he asked
“Oh yes” she replied and squeezed his hand
“I’m just really tired, I’m not used to drinking at lunchtime, in fact I’m not used to drinking full stop, and I’m a bit of a lightweight really”
“You’re entitled to over indulge on you birthday” he said
“Thank you for yesterday, it was just what I needed, I’m very lucky to have such friends”
Hearing her use that word was like being stabbed, but he would not be deterred.
“Had you not kept it a secret I would have given you this yesterday” Michael said as he took the little gift bag from his pocket.
“You shouldn’t have you naughty man” she said but didn’t hesitate to take the gift bag from his hand.
She opened the gift bag and removed a little tissue paper parcel and when she unwrapped the layers of paper delight spread across her face like a sunrise.
“It’s the cameo, from the shop in Sharpington” Paige said “you remembered”
“Is it the right one?”
“Oh yes” she replied and kissed his cheek

The following few weeks for Michael consisted of the journeying back and forth between the old shop and the new premises interspersed with trips out with Paige to auctions, antiques fairs and car boot sales, but only as friends.
Paige contented herself with being friends and spending time together but all the while Michael remained optimistic that things might change.
Everyone kept telling him to be patient, and that she just needed time.
But while he was being patient she was still getting the dreams, not every night, but at least once a week, but she just kept ignoring them.

Unlike Paige Turner’s, Michael chose not to move Bygone Dayz in one go.
He decided right from the outset that he would fit out the new building and then move in drib and drabs so for a two week period they were operating from both premises.
But on the second of May, Bygone Dayz, officially began trading solely from Mornington.

The fact that Michael no longer had to flit between Purplemere and Mornington meant that he got to see more of Paige but that increased her “Harry” dreams exponentially and it was virtually the same dream every time.
“Harry was sitting in his leather armchair by the fire beneath the hideous standard lamp he loved so much with and open book on his lap.
“He’s a really nice man” Harry said
“Yes he is I suppose” Paige replied indifferently and looked away and when she looked back Harry had gone and the book was sitting open on the chair.
“Very subtle Harry” she said after the first one but after several weeks of it she was a little blunter.
“Oh do give it a rest” she said and went back to sleep and within minutes Harry was back saying
“Take the next step Paige, take the next step, take the next step” over and over until she woke up and shouted
“Shut up Harry, I’m not listening to you anymore, now leave me alone” and then she got up and went in the shower.

(Part 32)

In the last week of May Michael was away in Tipton on estate business, which actually kept him away well into the first week of June and all the time he was away Paige was dream free.

The first thing he did when he got back to Mornington on the 6th of June was to go and see Paige, he had missed her and it surprised him just how much.
He hoped that she had missed him as much as he’d missed her, in fact he was counting on it.
It was busy in the village as it was the weekend of the Mornington Beer Festival.

Paige had had another dream free night and was up bright and early and got on with her chores and because she started so early she was done by eleven so she showered and dressed and thought she would walk up to Celia’s and take her for lunch.

Paige put her sandals on and picked up her bag and sun glasses and headed for the door and she had just put her hand on the latch when there was a knock on the door and she opened it and smiled when she saw who it was.

Michael found the beaming smile on Paige’s face as she opened the door very heartening indeed and made him think that she really had missed him.
“Michael! How lovely to see you” she said and kissed his cheek “When did you get back?”
“About half an hour ago” he replied and then he noticed she was holding her bag and sun glasses, and she was wearing sandals.
“Were you on your way out?”
“I was going to see if Celia wanted to go for lunch” she replied “But now you’re here I’ll go with you instead”
“Are you sure?” he asked
“Oh yes I’m not proud, I’ll have lunch with anyone” she replied and laughed loudly
“That’s not quite what I meant” Michael said and laughed with her

They walked down to the pub and sat in the beer garden by the river bank and ate their lunch and caught up with each other’s news.
The pair of them chatted and laughed in the sunshine and just before it was time to head off Michael took a deep breath and asked her something.
“Would you like to come to a Summer Ball with me?”
“Oh, er, when?” she asked fidgeting uncomfortable
“Next weekend”
“And where is it?”
“Highfinch, at the Lily Green Hollows Golf Club” he replied
“Thank you but, I don’t think so”
“It’s very exclusive, invitation only” he added
“There’ll be people there that you know, all the St Georges are going, and I promise they’ll be no impropriety”
“No” she insisted
“It really is a wonderful occasion” Michael boasted
“I’m sure that it is, but I have to say no” Paige said drawing a line under the question.
“Well if you change your mind the invitation is still open.
Paige promptly changed the subject after that and they sat in the beer garden and had another drink.

An hour later, with no further mention of the Summer Ball, Michael walked Paige slowly back to the Mill where they spent the rest of the afternoon sitting on a decked terrace enjoying the June sunshine until Michael had to leave for a meeting.

(Part 33)

Paige was very pleased to see Michael back from his travels and even happier to have spent much of day with him in the pleasant June sunshine, but along with his welcome return to the village came the equally unwelcome return of the dream filled and fitful and sleepless night.
The next morning she was exhausted, completely and utterly washed out and at 6.30am she surrendered any further hope of sleep and got up and went in the shower.
She felt quite revitalized after feeling the invigorating power of the hot water cascading over her and then after she had eaten boiled eggs and soldier’s for breakfast she was refreshed enough to wander down to St Winifred’s.

It was a warm and bright morning as she walked alongside the river and as she crossed the bridge she was joined by Celia who trotted up behind her.
“Good morning Paige” she said
“Hey” she replied as she turned to look at her
“My God! You look awful” Celia said
“Thanks friend” she retorted
“No seriously, you look shattered”
“I am, I didn’t sleep well last night” Paige said
“Harry” she confirmed
“I thought he’d gone quiet”
“He had” Paige said and then corrected himself “They had”
“So what’s changed?” Celia asked
“Michael’s back, we had lunch together yesterday”
“And?” Celia asked
“And what?”
“Well there was obviously more to it than that” she said
“Michael invited me to a Summer Ball, next weekend” she admitted
“The one in Highfinch?” Celia replied
“Yes how did you know?” Paige asked
“Never mind that, what did you say to him?”
“Well I said no obviously”
“Why did you say no?”
“Because it was too soon” she replied “I’m not ready for something like that”
“Even though you’ve been knocking around with him for weeks?” Celia pointed out
“Yes but that was just shopping trips and lunches” Celia said
“A Summer Ball is a different matter altogether, there will be dancing and holding and closeness”
“And I’m not ready” She insisted
“Well I’m going” Celia said
“Are you?” Paige asked with surprise
“Who with?”
“Ah, that would be telling”
“But you never go out” Paige said “Not ever, not anywhere”
“So that should tell you something then shouldn’t it” Celia said “And if I can embrace life then so can you”
“I’m not sure I’m ready to embrace anyone” she responded, “I mean life”

It was a good service, Reverend Cockcroft was in great form and the songs were some of Paige’s favourite’s which were sung with real gusto but Paige was oblivious to most of it, as she was lost in her own thoughts.

After the service was over she and Celia made their way to the back of the church and as they were leaving they passed Philomena Cruickshank and Tallulah St George who were talking to the Vicar.
“See you two in Highfinch next week” Philomena said and gave a little wave.
“But…” Paige began but Celia over spoke her
“Ok, bye”
Then she returned Phil’s wave and grabbed Paige’s arm and steered her outside.
“Why did you do that?” she asked
“I didn’t think it was the right time” Celia replied
“Oh that’s very amusing”
“I thought so” chuckled Celia

She felt very tired that afternoon but despite that she resisted the temptation to sleep in the hope that she would sleep more soundly that night.
It proved however to be a vain hope as she had even more dreams that night than the night before.
Which resulted in her sitting bolt upright in bed at
4 am and shouted.
“Ok, I give in, I’ll go to the bloody Ball with him, so now you can let me sleep”

(Part 34)

Once she had lost her temper with Harry and agreed to go to the Summer Ball in Highfinch with Michael St George Paige slept soundly until 9 o’clock.

As she walked up to Mornington Field she felt at peace with herself for the first time in weeks.
She put it down to her 4 am surrender to Harry, although she knew of course that it wasn’t really Harry who had been plaguing her dreams but her own subconscious.
She also knew the reason for them, Paige had been attracted to Michael since the first day she met him at the Old Mill Inn when she first moved to the village and the dreams that followed were her subconscious telling her to act on her feelings and her reluctance to get closer to Michael even though she wanted too was because she felt guilty.

As she slept late she didn’t have time to call Michael before she left home so after apologizing to Celia for her tardiness she went to her office and picked up the phone.
“Michael?” she said “I was just wondering if the invitation to Highfinch was still open”

When she hung up the phone she was smiling and when she turned around she saw Celia standing in the doorway wearing a grin and she blushed terribly.
“So you changed your mind then?”
“Yes” she admitted and stood up “And you can take that stupid look off your face”
“I don’t think I can”
“Oh God” Paige exclaimed and sat down heavily in her chair
“What am I going to wear?”
“Are you kidding me?” Celia exclaimed
“You’ll wear one of your many dresses obviously” she replied “you forget I’ve seen the contents of your wardrobe”
“I can’t wear one of those” Paige said with alarm
“Why not?” Celia asked “You’ve got some lovely dresses”
“I can’t wear something I wore when I was with Harry” she explained “Not for our first date”
“Oh it’s a date then is it?”
“Don’t tease Celia” she said “I already feel ridiculous”
“I’m sorry” she said “Look we have a meeting with the accountants on Wednesday in Abbottsford, so we’ll go into the Phoenix Centre while we’re there and get you a new dress”
“Ok” Paige said “That sounds like a plan”
“As for your hair?” Celia
“What’s wrong with my hair?” she asked in alarm “I like my hair”
“Don’t worry it’s not a problem” Celia reassured her “you can come with me to Mazzone’s on Friday”

Michael was delighted and a little surprised to get the call from Paige, he had already resigned himself to the fact that like Cinderella, she wasn’t going to the Ball and that he would never win her round.
But he was pleased that she had, she was the first woman he had been attracted to since his wife died and he was hoping he wasn’t going to make a fool of himself.
He had been very patient with Paige because he knew that her wounds were much fresher than his own and it appeared he had been rewarded for his patience.
But he would still have to progress softly-softly or he might undo all his good work.
Which was why he took Celia’s advice and let her drive Paige over to Highfinch on Saturday morning and didn’t drive over to pick her up himself.

“When are you going to tell me who you’re going to the Ball with?” Paige asked over the top of the changing room door in Abbottsford’s Phoenix centre.
“You’ll find out on Saturday” she replied enigmatically
“Why won’t you tell me?” Paige asked
“I’m being mysterious”
“No you’re just being annoying” she corrected her and stepped out of the cubicle in a beautiful powder blue evening dress
“Wow that’s stunning” Celia said

Once Paige had settled on her dress she insisted on buying one for Celia too and when she had paid for the dresses Celia then helped her with accessories at Hanratty’s Department Store and with those items purchased the only remaining item on the list was the hairdressers which was taken care off On Friday afternoon at Mazzone’s in Mornington.

(Part 35)

On the morning of the Summer Ball Celia and Paige travelled to Highfinch together in Paige’s car.
Everyone she had spoken to since accepting the invitation had been green with envy.
“It’s a great honour to be invited” Evelyn Norman at the Post Office and her husband Gavin added
“It’s one of the “jewels in the crown” of Downshire events, second only to the Lord Lieutenant’s Ball”
Well Paige wasn’t concerned with all that she would have been happy enough with fish and chips on Sharpington beach if it meant being with Michael.
“As its Saturday you can tell me who invited you” Paige said
“What do you mean no? You said I’d find out on Saturday and its Saturday” she pointed out
“And it will still be Saturday in 14 hours’ time” Celia replied
“Oh you’re so mean”

The countryside of the Vale was beautiful but as they got closer to the Pepperstock Hills it got even more so.
The village of Highfinch sat just on the edge of the Pepperstock Hills and Lily Green Hollows Golf Club separated the village and the Hamlet of Lily Green.
It was a very exclusive Golf Club with a large number of grand House’s in both village and hamlet backing on to it.
It was not widely known but the Golf Club and all the plush dwelling attached to it belonged to the Mornington Estate.
It came into their ownership it the late 1980’s when a developer tried to buy it to create a luxury housing estate, Gabriel’s father Valentine, who was the then Baron stepped in and saved it.
Because it was so exclusive the membership fees were exorbitant
But they had to be because the Golf Club and all the properties that surrounded it had to pay their own way.
Gabriel hated the fact that the club was strictly for the rich but it was a necessary evil to preserve it.

“Turn left after the bridge” Celia instructed
“Have you been here before?” Paige asked suspiciously
“Just concentrate and look out for the turning”
“You have haven’t you?” Paige said as she turned right onto a private road.
“Now when the road bears right you need to turn left” Celia instructed “This is it! Turn in here”
Paige did as instructed and found herself driving along a driveway which meandered through the trees and as they rounded the final turn she spotted the grand façade of a huge Georgian house.
“Wow” Paige exclaimed “Are you sure we’re in the right place?”
“Yes this is it” Celia said “Park in the corner”
“You been here before haven’t you?”
“Yes once or twice” she admitted
“You have a very secretive side that I’ve never noticed before” Paige said as they got out of the car
“You ain’t seen nothing yet” she said and ran towards a figure standing by the open door and threw herself into his arms and then they kissed
“Bloody hell she is a dark horse” She said as she watched Celia kissing William St George.

(Part 36)

The feeling of shock at seeing her closest friend snogging William St George soon subsided into one of intense disappointment when she realized that Michael wasn’t there.
The house was the home of William’s family whereas her cousin Michael lived on the opposite side of the course.
When Paige had been shown to her room she dumped her bag and quickly went in search of Celia.

She walked out from the study she looked out through the open French windows and across the expanse of lawn to a stand of ancient woodland that separated the garden from the Golf course, there was no fence to separate the garden and the wood, the two just merged together and she found Celia beneath an oak tree sitting on a rustic bench.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Paige asked when she was sitting next to her.
“Because I wanted you to remain focused on Michael and not be distracted by my love life” she replied
“Look how much Ray and Riza had you playing cupid and making you take your eye off the ball”
“Fair enough, then tell me now, all of it, beginning with when it started?”
“The weekend of the big move, when the St Georges, turned up at the hangar to help with the unpacking”
“We were working together unpacking the student text books, and we just hit it off” she said
“Love at first sight more like” Paige suggested
“It was for me” she confessed “and then just as we were packing up for the day he asked me out”
“And you said yes of course” Paige said
“Actually I said no” she replied
“Well apart from the fact that he was eight years younger than me, he’s better spoken, better educated and is drop dead gorgeous to look at, I said no because I was knackered”
She said
“I didn’t want to waste my chance by being too tired to enjoy it”
“So when did you go out?”
“A couple of days later when he got back from Tipton, the day I finished early for a doctor’s appointment” she confessed
“You didn’t have an appointment did you? Oh that’s deceitful and sneaky” Paige said “You’ve gone up even higher in my estimation”
“You’re not cross then?” Celia asked
“Of course not, tell me more, where did you go?”
“He took me to the Brown Windsor in Shallowfield” Celia said
“And it was perfect”
“Then what?”
“Then I didn’t see him for a week and a half because when he wasn’t away working someone had me working all weekend cataloguing books”
“Sorry” Paige said shamefaced
“So we just saw each other whenever we could and we’d go to Restaurants, the Cinema, walks in the country, you name it we did it. But it wasn’t until the day of your birthday that he kissed me”
“Details?” Paige demanded
“It was when Katie and Michael took you back to the Mill and William walked me back to work”
“I didn’t know he did that” Paige said with a look of horror on her face
“That’s because you were sloshed” Celia said and laughed
“Oh God, was I really embarrassing?”
“A bit” she replied
“Oh dear” Paige said with her head in her hands
“Anyway we took the path through School Wood and when we were out of sight of the road William took hold of my hand and pulled me towards him and kissed me”
“And after that we did a lot of kissing” Celia said wistfully
“But it wasn’t until Easter when we fell in love”
“What when you were visiting your sister in Chapel Hill?”
“Not exactly”
“God you’re really good at this sneakiness” Paige said with admiration “So where were you?”
“Did anyone know?” Paige asked
“No one knew, it was just the two of us”
“Are you glad it’s out now?”
“The sneaking around is/was very exciting” Celia admitted
“But I want the world to know now”

(Part 37)

Michael wasn’t at the house when Paige and Celia arrived, he lived at the other end of the course on the Highfinch side and his rather grand house backed onto the 3rd green, but he did walk over to William’s for lunch and Paige was waiting in the garden to meet him.
Their greeting was a little less passionate than Celia and William’s and involved being kissed on both cheeks but her heart soared when she saw him.
After the subdued embrace she stuck her arm through his and said
“You may escort me to luncheon good sir”
“With pleasure madam” he replied

Lunch was a happy noisy affair on the patio and for Paige it seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye.
Michael couldn’t stay for the afternoon as he had things to do across at the other house.
So Paige walked him to the end of the garden and she kissed him lightly on the lips, it was just a momentary touch but it spoke volumes.
After that she wouldn’t see him again until that evening at the Ball.

Michael was at the Club very early and stood and scanned the array of stunningly turned out women as they paraded passed him and he mused that they must have allowed more than the hour that he allowed himself for getting ready.
After what seemed like an eternity he suddenly spotted Paige and she looked stunning in a powder blue dress.
But then in the melee he lost sight of her as she was carried away in the throng.
So he started swimming against the tide in the hope of spotting her again and he was rewarded for his efforts when he found her on the side of the foyer nearest to the ladies room.
“Paige! You look gorgeous”
“Michael Darling” she said instinctively and then adjusted his bow tie “You don’t look bad yourself”
They stood staring at each other totally oblivious of what was going on around them until Celia reappeared and broke the spell.
“Shall we go in?” she said and Paige jumped
“Oh yes” she said
“Good idea” Michael added and took hold of Paige’s hand
“I don’t want to lose in the crowd again”

They checked the seating plan as they went in.
“Do we have a good table?” Celia asked
“Wherever you’re sitting will be the best table in the room” Michael whispered to Paige and she blushed

As it turned out it was a great table apart from Paige, Celia and the St George cousins there were three other couples who kept up an almost constant banter going all night to the point that at several points they laughed so much that their sides ached.
After the meal some of the party disappeared to either the bar or the toilets, William took Celia off and was introducing her to friends and family which left Paige and Michael on their own so as a familiar tune began to play he asked
“Would you like to dance?”
“I’d love to” she replied so Michael took her hand and led her on to the dance floor where he held her to him and they danced their way through
“I’m not in love” by10cc
Chris de Burgh’s “Lady in Red”
Harry Nilsson’s “Without You”
James Blunts “You’re Beautiful”
Neal Diamond “Love on the Rocks”
Barbara Streisand’s “The way we were”
“I will always love you” by Whitney Houston
And Fleetwood Macs “Albatross”
They would have stayed for more dances together but when the tempo of the next song indicated it was not another slow one Michael steered Paige towards the terrace, through the French Doors and out into the fresh air and the moonlight.
“Why...” she began and then as they stood together on the terrace in the moonlight he kissed her
It was their first proper kiss and neither of them were in any hurry to bring it to an end but end it did.
“I’m sorry were you going to say something?” he asked
“No, nothing” she replied
“Good” he said and kissed her again

(Part 38)

Straight after breakfast the next morning Michael walked across the golf course and then he and Paige went off for long walk up into the forested slopes of the Pepperstock Hills.
It was a beautiful morning when they left, clear blue skies, warm sun and a gentle breeze but on their return the skies darkened, the temperature dropped and the heavens opened and they got absolutely soaked to the skin but it didn’t dampen their spirits and they were laughing when they arrived back at the house just before lunch.
They kissed goodbye beneath the trees and then he ran home through the rain.
Paige watched until Michael disappeared and then went indoors and changed and then after lunch she and Celia drove back to Mornington.

That weekend should have been the perfect beginning to their relationship and the next step should have been an easy one but for Paige the following weeks proved to be something of an anticlimax and the next step appeared to be a faltering one.

However Paige went to bed on Sunday night feeling on top of the world, for against all the odds she had found love again and that night she dreamed of only Michael.
The next morning however she woke up feeling like death warmed up.
She had a sore throat that felt like she’d gargled with tin tacks and her glands were up, and she thought she must look like a chipmunk and on top of that she ached all over, every joint and tendon every nerve and sinew.
Despite the fact she felt so ill she still got herself ready for work and went to Paige Turner’s, but when she arrived Celia took one look at her and sent her home again.
She was due to go to an Antiques Market in Northchapel with Michael the next day but she had to phone him and cancel.
He wanted to jump in his car and drive straight over to Mornington and look after her but she insisted he stay away in case he caught what she had.
As it turned out he went down with it the next day anyway and they spent the whole week apart with only the flu for company.
By the following weekend she was feeling a little better and so she drove over to Highfinch to see him but when she got there he was still coughing and spluttering but more importantly and much to her alarm he was packing a suitcase.
“Where are you off to?” she asked
“Canada” he replied
“Canada?” she repeated
“I’m afraid so, Great Aunt Cassandra has died” he said “The whole clan are on tonight’s redeye”
“I’m sorry” she said
“So am I, I’ll be away for at least a week” he said and hugged her “and I’ll miss you”
“I’ll miss you too” she replied

Paige helped him pack his bag, more to keep her hands busy than anything else, as he was more than capable of packing his own bags.
When it was done, after having a snotty farewell with Michael she drove back to Mornington and returned to her sick bed and cried.

(Part 39)

As Paige recovered from the flu she busied herself at work and tried not to think about Michael which wasn’t an easy thing to do, and the more she tried not to the more she did.
“Do you think the fates are trying to tell me something?” she asked Celia
“Like what?”
“That’s it’s a mistake, Michael and me”
“Nonsense” Celia chastised
“Well think about it, since the Summer Ball weekend we’ve both had really bad flu, in June, and then as we were on the mend he had to jet halfway around the world for a funeral”
“Listen to me dopey” she said “you both got the flu because you spent half of Sunday wearing wet clothes and as for the funeral, Great Aunt Cassandra was 94”
“Yes but it hasn’t even been a year since I lost Harry”
Paige responded
“What difference does that make? If you love him you love him and that’s that”
“I didn’t say I loved him”
“You didn’t need too” Celia said
“Ok but….”
“Look don’t start doubting yourself now” Celia said “Michael is mad about you”
“I know but….”
“Look, William is out in Canada as well and you don’t hear me whining about it and we’re engaged for God’s sake”
“But that’s…” she began “What do you mean you’re engaged?”
“Ah yes I forgot”
“You forgot?” Paige barked
“Yes sorry”
“When did this happen?” she asked
“This morning at 6.00am, we skyped”
“That’s fantastic” she squealed and hugged Celia
“Let’s go to the pub and celebrate”
“It’s only 10 o’clock” Celia pointed out
“Ok, but lunchtime we will celebrate” Paige said

Despite Celia’s wonderful news Paige was still riddled with doubt about Michael and the closer she got to the anniversary of Harrys death the bigger her doubts became.
It got particularly bad on the last weekend in June when she had more time on her hands than was good for her and the anniversary was on Tuesday.
She felt much more positive when she had spoken with Michael on the phone but it didn’t last long after he had gone.
Celia helped as well but she was missing William so her thoughts were elsewhere.

Monday was a good day because they took a large delivery of books from O’Sullivan and Springthorpe Auctioneers which had to be catalogued and listed, which kept her occupied well into the evening but the moment she got home that night a black mood descended on her.

Having been ill the week before and having had restless night since She was desperately tired but she was afraid to sleep, so it was with some relief that she heard a knock on the door, despite the lateness of the hour, and without hesitation she opened the door just before midnight and was rewarded by the appearance of a smiling Michael
“Oh Michael” she screamed and wrapped her arms around him “is it really you?”
“Yes it’s really me” he replied
“Come in” she said finally relinquishing her hold on him
“Why are you here?” she asked “You didn’t say you were on your way back, I’m so pleased you’re back”
“I had a really odd dream, someone kept telling me to go home” he said “and I know it sounds really strange but I think it was Harry”
“No that’s not strange at all” she said and laughed
“Anyway I rang Celia and she said you were really worried about the anniversary” he said “So I got the earliest flight that I could”
“I’m so glad you’re here” she said and hugged him
“Will you stay? Please stay, I don’t want to be alone tonight”
“Ok darling” he replied
So he stayed the night and watched her sleep, and he stayed the whole of the following day, when he slept and she watched and then at one minute past midnight on the 1st of July One year and a day after she lost Harry, Paige started to write the first of her new chapters.

Downshire Diary – (11) Strategy for Love

(Part 01)

The village of Highfinch sits just on the edge of the Pepperstock Hills and the Lily Green Hollows Golf Club separates the village from the Hamlet of Lily Green, and the combination of those two and Kingfisherbridge made up the parish of St Martins.
Among the residents of Highfinch was Cressida van Meeuwen, a beautiful petite woman with shortish blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes.
She had a lovely shape and her body was nicely toned and all in all she was in very good order for a woman just about to turn forty.
She was a divorcee and lived very comfortably in one of the big houses that backed onto the Lily Green Hollows Golf course where she was raising her 8 year old twin girls Lisa and Julie on her own.
Cressida was a classy lady and thanks to her father’s legacy she could afford to live well so she was always immaculately turned out.
She was also very active in village life and among other things sat on the parish council.
Cressida had lived in the village her whole live in fact she had lived in the same house all of her life and she had no intention of living anywhere else, she was not one for change, except in one way.
Since she had divorced her husband she had been lonely, not because she missed him, he was often away on business anyway and when he wasn’t he was in the members bar at the Golf club supposedly in his capacity of club captain.
It was little things that she missed, the warmth of another human being beside her, someone to hug when she was feeling down and waking up on her own every morning was hard,

So as Cressie was fast approaching her 40th birthday she had resolved to do something about it and live up to the old adage “Life begins at 40” and she knew very well who she wanted to live up to it with, Farron Sutherland.
Cressie really liked him and so did the girls and she thought he liked her but she had flirted with him for over a year to no effect so she wasn’t really sure.

Farron Sutherland was a couple of years younger than Cressida, and was a stocky well-built man with white blonde hair.
He was a craftsman, an artisan, a bespoke Furniture maker, who lived and worked in Kingfisherbridge and he did like her in fact he loved the very bones of her but that was the easy part, because who wouldn’t love her, she was perfect, beautiful inside and out.
So why would she look twice at him, a tradesman.
She was his superior in every conceivable way, she was a lady and he was tradesman, she was as beauteous as the Venus de Milo and he was roughhewn.
She was the product of an Oxbridge education while he was a comprehensive boy.
In fact the only thing they were equal in was their faith and it was in the congregation of St Martin’s church where he first laid eyes on her and he was besotted from the that moment on.

(Part 02)

Farron Sutherland had admired Cressida van Meeuwen from afar for several years before he even really knew her, there was something about her that shone through, but he did nothing else than admire.
It was as a result of their work within St Martin’s parish that he came to know her better and then quite by chance they became part of the Friday Lunch club.

The Friday lunch club evolved over time from a loose collection of members of the Lily Green Hollows Golf Club.
It was a very exclusive Golf Club with a large number of grand House’s in both Highfinch and the hamlet of Lily Green backing on to it.
It was not widely known but the Golf Club and all the plush dwelling’s attached to the course all belonged to the Mornington Estate.
It came into their ownership in the late 1980’s when a developer tried to buy it to create a luxury housing estate, Gabriel’s father Valentine, who was the then Baron, stepped in and saved it.
But because it was so exclusive the membership fees were exorbitant, but they had to be because the Golf Club and all the properties that surrounded it all had to pay their own way.
Gabriel hated the fact that the club was strictly for the rich but it was a necessary evil to preserve it and protect it from the developers, however he made sure concessions were made to those among the villagers who were felt to be worthy due to their contributions to their fellow villagers and village life.

It was called the Friday lunch club and it took place in the club lounge but in reality it could take place on any day of the week.
The loose collection of member’s was slowly whittled down over time leaving the core group of usual suspects, Cressida and Farron of course, best friends Julia Thomas and Vicki Paulding, Local dentist Jonathan Walters and TV presenter Nick Faulkner.
The lunch club would normally be some permutation of the six but not exclusively and on the occasion ahead of Cressie’s birthday her sister in law, Petra joined their number.
Other than the fact that it was less than a week ahead of Cressie’s 40th it was a typical lunch club with lots of wine consumed as they sat around and chattered about everything and anything.
The conversation ebbed and flowed and covered a multitude of topics in fact almost every topic imaginable, except that is the elephant in the room, Cressida’s birthday but as soon as Cressida got up and went to the loo Julia said urgently.
“Ok you lot, I need help, as I haven’t got a clue what to get Cressie for her birthday.
Cressida’s 40th was only a few days away and Julia didn’t have a clue what to get her.
“I need help too” Vicki admitted but the next five minutes consisted of everyone else at the table relating the nature of their gift.
“I’ve got her tickets for England’s World Cup opener at Twickenham” Nick said
“I’ve got her a new putter” said Jonathon
“And what about you Petra” Nick asked
“A weekend Spa break at the Dancingdean Spa Hotel” she replied
“And Farron?” Jonathon enquired
“Something made of wood obviously” he said and laughed
“Yes but what can we get?” Vicki said snappily
“Well I happen to know that she has her eye on something” Petra said enigmatically, but before she could say anything Cressida returned.

(Part 03)

It was a glorious day at the very end of September, unseasonably warm and the type of day that England was made for.
There was a big do on at the Lily Green Hollows Golf Club to celebrate Cressida van Meeuwen’s 40th birthday, Cressie was the club Captains ex-wife and she was a very popular character, much more than he was, and a truly likeable person, as a result of which most of the village were there and subsequently a good deal of alcohol was consumed.

Farron Sutherland and his apprentice Joe Frank both arrived late at the party by a couple of hours as they’d been away for a couple of days delivering and fitting a hand crafted rustic kitchen set to a client in Millmoor and as a result they were obviously a good few drinks behind everyone else so they headed straight for the bar and the first person they met was Petra van Meeuwen who was turning more than a few heads dressed in a fabulous dress which showed off her figure to great effect and as the guests, male and female alike, passed by her they took their chance to ogle her glorious body at close quarters, and not least by Joe.
She was five foot eight with short bobbed brown hair, he’d always liked a brunette, sparkling hazel eyes and a lovely figure suitably proportioned and all underpinned, by stunning legs.
And none of those details had gone unnoticed by Joe.
As she was acting as hostess for Cressida she was in the bar galvanizing a posse of girls dressed in uniforms of short black skirts and crisp white blouses, making sure everyone got well oiled.
“Hello strangers” She said smiling broadly
“I was beginning to think you two weren’t coming”
“Hi Petra” Farron replied, “We’ve only just got back from Millmoor”

She raised an enquiring eyebrow
“We had some furniture to deliver” he said and she nodded understandingly
“Do you want a drink?”
“Yes please” he replied looking around at his fellow guests “Make it a large one it looks like I have some catching up to do”
“What about you Joe can I get you something?” she asked and he blushed
“Oh yes please” he replied and went even redder
Petra smiled at his response as she caught a waitress’s eye
“A large Gin and Tonic with ice and a slice, for Mr Sutherland” she said “and the red faced man will have…?”
“A coke, please, pint” he said
“Are you sure?” she asked
“Oh yes I’m driving”
“And where are you driving to?” she asked quite forcefully
“We have Cressida’s present on the van” Farron said
“Oh I see” she responded and to the waitress added
“Plenty of ice in the coke, he looks a little flushed”
She smiled at the effect she had on him, and gave him a warm smile and then he asked boldly.
“Are you not having one?”
“Oh um well I’ll have one later when I can enjoy it” she replied and their eyes fixed on each other until the spell was broken when a large group of guests arrived in the lounge and she had to do her hostessing.
“We’ll see you later” Farron said
“I hope so” she replied and then they went in search of the birthday girl.

(Part 04)

Farron Sutherland and his apprentice Joe Frank left Petra van Meeuwen in the lounge and went in search of her sister-in-law Cressida to wish her a Happy Birthday.
He knew a lot of people at the club, some of them were friends and some merely customers but there seemed to be more who were strangers than not and some of them were snobby and standoffish.
Cressida however was not one of them she always made a point to make everyone’s acquaintance.
Joe spotted some friends and went over to speak with them and Farron continued the search alone.
He soon found her, slightly the worse for wear sitting on the terrace surrounded by admirers, not that she realized they were admirers, she was quite naïve in that way, she thought everyone was as nice as she was.
“Happy Birthday Cressie” he called and she beamed a large lopsided grin at him, she had wondered where he was and had been looking forward to seeing him all day.
“Farron darling” she said as she shot to her feet and launched herself at him for a rather untidy embrace in which she tried to kiss his cheek and got his ear instead.
Not that she particularly wanted to kiss his cheek, what Cressida actually craved to do was to snog his face off
“I’m a bit squiffy” she slurred and fell against him and she would have been content to stay in his big strong arms forever.
But in order to preserve her reputation Farron thought discretion was the better part of valour and guided her back into her chair.
Her other admirers had all evaporated away by then because they could tell she had eyes only for him.
“Are you having a lovely birthday?” he asked
“Oh yes” she said “I am having a wonderful day, I have been treated like a queen”
“I’m glad” he said
“And I have so many wonderful presents” she enthused “Everyone has been so kind, and so generous”
She then listed all the lovely gifts she had received and who had got them for her.
Cressida laughed and cried as she told the tale of Julia and Vicki’s gift of an Art Deco Spelter Figure by Josef Lorenzl and how they had driven all around the vale to get it because Petra had sent them to the wrong antique shop.
She was wiping away a tear and giggling when she had finished.
“I haven’t given you my present yet” he said
“No you haven’t” she said with a grin hoping it might be a snog “So where is it?”
“It’s in the van” he replied
“In the van?” she exclaimed “What is it? What is it?”
“I’m not telling you it’s a surprise” he said
“But it is my birthday today”
“Yes I know”
“And it is my present” she pointed out
“Yes it is” he agreed
“So tell me” she said impatiently and stamped her feet
“No” he replied unmoved
“Please, please, please” she begged
“No you can see it later when Joe and I drop it off” Farron said
“You’re mean” she said and drained her glass
“I know, it’s a curse” he retorted
“I’m all out of drink” she said with a pout “How about another”
“How about a coffee?” He suggested
“Oooh I’d love a cup of tea” she said
“Come on then Birthday girl” he said pulling her to her feet “let’s get you a cuppa”
Once he had her upright she picked up her hand bag and put her arm through his and they walked into the club.

(Part 05)

Cressida put her arm through Farron’s and they walked into the club, and once inside the cool lounge they spotted the hostess, Petra, draped in a comfy chair deep in conversation with a very red faced Joe Frank, so they walked over and joined them.
“Are you still tormenting the poor lad?” Farron asked and then she did something Cressida had never known her do, she blushed.
The birthday girl and the man she wanted to be her beau joined them on the comfy chairs and Petra ordered a large pot of tea and then they were joined in dribs and drabs by other members of the Friday Lunch club, Julia Thomas and Vicki Paulding were the first to join followed in quick succession by local dentists Jonathan Walters and his new girlfriend Lianne Martin and then TV presenter Nick Faulkner who accompanied Jenna Lawton the de facto Vicar of St Martins and the impromptu tea party lasted for an hour before people started to drift away.
“Come on big boy, I need you” Petra said to Joe and went scarlet when she realised what she’d said
“Um ok” retorted an equally crimson Joe.
And while Petra and Joe loaded all the birthday presents into the back of her Range Rover, Farron escorted the still tipsy Cressida to her carriage and she tried to get in the driver’s seat.
“Hold on” he said grabbing her arm “in the other side Princess” “Oh yes” she said and giggled and then tottered around to the other seat.

Farron and Joe sat in the van and watched Petra driving Cressida’s Range Rover out of the car park and they followed on behind and Farron’s thoughts turned towards her birthday present.
Cressida loved Art Deco and in the two years since her divorce she had gradually transformed her home from the blandness of mass produced Scandinavian imported furniture chosen by her ex-husband, whose favourite colour was beige, to an Art Deco paradise.
His sporting trophies and man cave paraphilia had gone and she had imposed her own tastes on her surroundings.
It was a slow process, she could have used her credit cards and replaced everything in one go but she was very selective and wanted every piece in her house to mean something to her.
So when it came to choosing a special birthday gift for the woman he loved it was a no brainer.
Cressida loved Art Deco and he was a furniture maker so he made her a piece of Art Deco Furniture.
It wasn’t a period piece like all her others, but it was made to an original design that he got from a furniture makers catalogue and he’d crafted it authentically, from the period design and he’d worked on it for months, but as Joe drove the van to Cressida’s house on Sunday evening he began to have doubts as he fidgeted uncomfortably in the passenger seat.
“What if she hates it?” he thought to himself
“What if she looks at it and laughs”
But nothing could have been further from the truth.

(Part 06)

When Farron and Joe drove into the courtyard of Cressida home she was already out of the Range Rover and was in high spirits
“Let me see, let me see” she squealed and jumped up and down on the spot with excitement.
“Just be patient” he said in a very fatherly way but it had little or no effect.
He opened the shutter which was out of Cressida’s line of sight so she tried to get closer.
“Stay where you are nosy and close your eyes” he instructed
“She’s peeking” Petra said
“Cover her eyes then” Joe said with uncharacteristic boldness and Petra complied.
They man handled the piece of furniture, protected with blankets and set it down about ten feet in front of her.
“Let me look” Cressie begged
“Just a minute” Farron said and removed the blankets and handed them to Joe and stood back
“Ok, open your eyes”
Petra removed her hands from her sister-in-law’s eyes but Cressida paused briefly before opening them, but when she did she gasped as she looked at the Art Deco writing desk in the style of the eminent French exponent, Emile-Jacques Ruhlmann.
He had remained faithful to the original design in every way with the exception of the ivory inlay which he had to replace with vegetable ivory made from tagua nuts.
“It’s beautiful” she said “Are you sure it’s for me?”
“Of course it’s for you” Farron said “Do you like it?”
“I love it” she exclaimed “it’s gorgeous, but it’s too much”
“Nonsense” he retorted “you’re worth it”
“But I can’t believe you made this for me” she said innocently
“Well we can put it back on the van if you don’t think you deserve it” he suggested
“Don’t you dare” she said and moved between him and the desk and then she turned around and hugged him.
“Thank you so much”
But the hug became quite prolonged and only ended when it did as a result of Petra saying
“Shall we take it inside?”
“Oh yes good idea” Cressida said wanting to do anything but relinquish her hold on Farron.
So she reluctantly tottered inside with Farron and Joe following on carrying the desk and Petra bringing up the rear and they spent the next half an hour following her from room to room while she had them rearrange the furniture to accommodate her prize birthday gift.

Once the perfect location was found Champagne was the order of the day as everyone had a celebratory glass except for Joe who had to stay sober to drive Farron and the van home to Kingfisherbridge.
Two bottles later the time came for them to leave and the farewells were made and in the courtyard Cressida and Farron shared a rather sloppy drunken kiss, a kiss full of promise, which went on for an indeterminate amount of time and only ended when Petra and Joe emerged noisily from the house.
“Well good night then” Farron said
“Oh yes, goodnight” she said “Thank you for my lovely snog, I mean desk”
“It was my pleasure”
He replied

(Part 07)

After her 40th birthday and that wonderful drunken kiss which was so full of promise Cressida expected her life to really begin at 40 as the old adage stated but alas it never came to anything and every day she was reminded of that night and that kiss when she looked at the hand crafted writing desk he made for her and it reminded her of her special birthday and the delicious snog that ended it.
And furthermore she was reminded that she didn’t have him in her arms and each day she resolved to bring that happy event about.

He also thought often of that day and he could still taste her on his lips but although Farron enjoyed holding her and kissing her he still thought she was way out of his league and that he was unworthy and her embrace was fuelled by champagne and not attraction.

The truth of course was that the kiss was not fuelled by alcohol and nor was it a simple kiss born out of mere attraction it was fuelled and conceived of passion and love.
She wasn’t sure why he was holding back he certainly hadn’t done during the kiss but she wondered if it might have been the village and the people in it that was preventing him acting so she began to conceive a plan to get both of them out of Highfinch and into another embrace.

It was at the beginning of November when Farron walked into the Lily Green Hollows Golf Club and immediately saw Cressida and the other members of the Friday Lunch Club sitting in their customary corner.
During the course of their lunch Cressida asked if he was interested in a St Andrews Golf day.
Well of course he was he had always wanted to play The Royal and Ancient.
“When?” he asked
“Well it was going to be a week Monday obviously but not everyone could make it so it’s next Friday instead” Cressida replied
“That soon?” he said, “When do we leave?”
“We will have to leave Highfinch by 6 o’clock” Julia replied
“That will give us time to have a hearty breakfast before we tee off at 9 o’clock” Vicki chipped in
Farron was a little confused because Scotland was more than a two hour drive away, so he guessed he must have missed something, and then the penny dropped, a week on Monday was St Andrews day.
“So where are we going exactly?” he asked
“Tipton” Julia stated

He had heard of the Tipton Twelve Trees course, it was no St Andrew’s but it had a reputation for being a very good Golf course so once he realized that a St Andrews golf day actually meant a St Andrews Day Golf “game”, they got down to the finer details of the trip.
And by the end of lunch Cressida was feeling very pleased with herself for her cleverness.
Her plan was set and all she had to do was spring the trap.

(Part 08)

Farron was up at 4 am and had mixed feelings about the day, he was looking forward to being with Cressida all day, but it was a long way to go for a game of Golf.
When Cressida first asked him about a St Andrews Golf Day he thought it was a round of Golf at St Andrews but it turned out to be a game of Golf on St Andrews day, although even that turned out to be false.
They were going to play a course in Tipton call Twelve Trees that none of them had played before, but it was said to be an up and down affair, steep hills, long climbs and magnificent scenery, still it was always good fun playing with his friends and of course there was the added bonus of spending the day with Cressida.
He got up and had a hot shower after which he felt much better.
When he got downstairs he had half an hour to spare before his lift arrived and he would have had time for breakfast but they had agreed to have a cooked breakfast in Tipton before their game.
So he spent the time checking he had everything he needed for the day and dead on 6 o’clock there was a short sharp rap on the door and by the time he opened it the person responsible had walked back down the path and he gave her a wave and went back in for his gear.
Cressida was standing by her car, dapper as usual in a mixture of argyle knitwear and tweed.
It was still dark as he walked down the path with his bag slung over his shoulder and simultaneously on the opposite side of the village Julia Thomas, Nick Faulkner and Vicki Paulding were making similar journeys down their own paths.

The original plan was for Julia, Vicki and Farron to go in Cressida’s Range Rover but it had to go in the garage two days earlier and was still there, so Julia was driving Vicki in her Fiesta and Cressida was driving him in her Mini, because neither car was able to accommodate four people and all the attendant equipment.
Farron thought it was rather amusing when she first broke the news that the Range Rover was off the road, because he thought that being off the road was when they were at their best.
Julia took the news exceedingly well under the circumstances considering she didn’t really like driving, in fact she seemed quite pleased.

Nick left first as he was picking up Jenna Lawton from the Vicarage but by the time he had her on board Cressida’s Mini was leading the way out of the village with Julia’s Fiesta following on and they were joined down the road by Nick’s Mercedes and they travelled in convoy as far as the Motorway.
The last two of the group were some distance away because Jonathon Walters had to pick up his girlfriend Lianne Martin from Mornington and they were going to join the motorway at the other end of the vale but they all managed a clear run up the motorway and arrived at the Twelve Trees Golf Club by 8 am.
It was assumed when they left the village that Cressida had been to Tipton before, but upon their arrival Cressida said that she hadn’t.

(Part 09)

Tipton Twelve Trees Golf Club was in a beautiful location in the heart of the Northern Downshire Hills and the views from the clubhouse were outstanding and they guessed that around the course they would be truly breath-taking.
“Oh look” Vicki said “a Red Kite”
They all looked to where she was pointing, and they were all expecting to see a large red paper kite on a piece of string, which of course they didn’t admit when they saw it was a bird of prey.
Just then Jonathon and Lianne appeared and then they all went into the clubhouse, which was very plush, though no more so than Lily Green Hollows.
Cressida went to register their arrival and everyone else seated themselves in the restaurant.

After their rather over indulgent breakfast they all waddled to the lounge and sat down on the comfy sofas and ordered more tea and coffee as they still had half an hour to spare before tee off.
There was a TV on in the lounge and just as the waitress arrived with their order the weatherman appeared
“In the afternoon the wind will strengthen from the north east blowing in some wintry showers later in the day, more persistent falls are likely overnight”
“So it might get a bit blowy later,” Julia said, “I’m glad I’m wearing my long johns”
Just at that moment Cressida handed round the scorecards with a map of the course and for the nest few minutes they sat in silence studying the map and looking at the yardages.
It wasn’t the longest 18 hole course most of them had ever played but there were two par threes that were particularly difficult, one was uphill to a concealed green the other from an elevated tee to a concealed green and when they had finished they all agreed it was going to be an interesting and challenging par 70.
As Lianne and Jenna were relatively new to the game they were to play a four ball with Jonathon and Nick while the others decided on match play pairs, four-ball format, the lowest score from each pair counting and as to teams it would be the Fiesta’s against the Mini’s and they teed off first as the others were likely to be much slower.

Most of the game was played in calm dry conditions under a blue sky, with the wind very light.
On the front nine Vicki and Julia were on fire and after seven holes they were up by five.
On the par 5, 8th Farron had a bit of a disaster, he hit a crisp drive from the elevated tee and it absolutely flew straight down the middle, as Bing Crosby famously sang, and it landed just short of the dog leg, kicked to the right and rolled perfectly round the turn.
“So far so good” he said and after such a great shot he felt ten feet tall as he strode down the fairway.

(Part 10)

When Farron reached his ball he was about 50 yards ahead of Cressie and he found it was sitting up invitingly.
Cressida played her shot first and put it just short of the green, just a chip and a putt away.
Julia and Vicki played their shots and were also well placed.
So with an unhindered path to the green Farron had a real eagle chance.
He selected his club and addressed the ball and told himself
“Just hit it straight”
Then he swung the club towards the ball in a perfect ark but he lifted his head at the last second and there was an ugly contact and the ball sliced away in entirely the wrong direction and ended out of bounds.
Such were the highs and lows of Golf.
Luckily for the Mini’s Cressida chipped and putted to make birdie while the others only managed par.
So with the combination of Farron’s extra yardage on the long holes and Cressida putting out of her skin they were all square after the 14th
Which was when a cold wind picked up and dark grey clouds scudded across the previously blue sky.
Victoria then chipped in from the bunker to win the 15th
Cressida sank a 40ft putt to take 16, the 17th was halved and it was all to play for on the final hole and as they stood on the fairway to play their second shots it started to snow, the light grainy kind, but by the time they had reached the green large fluffy flakes were falling and they were falling fast.
They putted out on the 18th and the honours were even and handshakes were exchanged and then they walked briskly towards the 19th for something warming.
“Wintry showers be buggered” Vicki said as they put their clubs in their respective cars and changed out of their golf shoes.

Once inside they found the other foursome were already inside and drinking coffee and judging by all the empty cups it wasn’t their first.
It appeared that the moment the cold wind got up Lianne’s teeth started chattering as she was the only one of their party who had neglected to wear thermals, and the thin cotton trousers were neither keeping the heat in nor the cold wind out.
“Oh I always wear a vest and long johns Vicki announced to the assembled party and then the group was joined by the Aldridge brothers, and Vicki blushed and said
“What a surprise seeing you two here”
“Surprise my arse” Cressida said under her breath as she knew that Vicki and Chris and Julia and Mark had been seeing each other for the most of the previous month.
Out loud she asked
“Is anyone up for staying for dinner?”
“Not us” Nick said “I need to get the Vicar back to Highfinch before it gets too bad,”
“And the four of us are heading to London to see a show” Vicki said
“And we’re off to Nettlefield” Jonathon added “I’m introducing Lianne to my brother and his wife”
“Oh ok” Cressida said “I suppose we should make a move as well then”
Making a move was just what she had in mind with Farron but along with dinner it looked as if he was off the menu.

(Part 11)

Cressida had hoped to spend a bit longer with Farron after the Golf, in order for her to make an impression on him away from the village but the weather appeared to have put paid to that scheme,
So after a quick hot drink everyone made a move which was when Cressida decided to use the weather to her advantage.

Nick and the vicar said goodbye and Cressida shouted
“We’ll be right behind you”
They finished their drinks and Cressie excused herself to the ladies and was gone for about 20 minutes.
He didn’t have any idea what was keeping her but he put it down to some feminine hygiene issue so he wasn’t too concerned so when she returned looking a little flushed, and he took that as confirmation of his diagnosis.
Cressida then spent the next ten minutes faffing about, opening and closing her handbag putting her coat on, taking it off and then putting it back on again.
“Shall we make a move then?” Farron said finally losing patience with her uncharacteristic dithering
“Yes, yes” she replied rather less positive than her words might have suggested.
They walked to the car rather gingerly, slipping and sliding on the freshly fallen snow and when they got in the car, Cressida continued to faff
“Is everything ok?” he asked getting concerned now with her behaviour, which really was so out of character,
She was one of the most positive and dynamic people he knew.
“It’s the snow,” she said meekly
“What about it?” he asked
“I’m scared” she admitted, “If I was in the Range Rover I’d be alright”
“Do you want me to drive?” he offered
“You’re not insured” she replied quickly
“Ok let’s phone the Vicar and see what it’s like ahead of us” Farron suggested
“Good idea” Cressida said
So he phoned Jenna to ascertain the state of the roads ahead and the word from the de facto vicar was a very unchristian expletive.
“It’s worse ahead than it is here” he told her
“Oh shit,” she retorted and then after a few moments she added
“There’s a nice hotel nearby we could put up there until tomorrow”
“How do you know that?” he quizzed “I thought you hadn’t been to Tipton before”
“No I haven’t it was in the bumph the club sent me when I made the booking” she replied
“Oh ok” he relented “let’s go”
Cressida started the engine and fair sped out of the car park like Timo Mäkinen, suddenly completely oblivious to the snow.
Five miraculous minutes later they passed through the gates of the Tipton Manor Hotel and Spa.
“This will do,” she said
He was very suspicious now, Cressida had said she had never been to Tipton before, yet she knew the location of the nearest Hotel and managed to drive straight there in a blizzard.
“So while we’re held up here what’s happening about the kids?” he asked
“They’re at my mums tonight anyway” she replied
“Convenient” he thought and as Cressida opened the door he said commandingly
“Just hold on a minute Cressida van Meeuwen”
“What?” she replied meekly
“What’s going on?” he asked
“What do you mean?” she responded innocently

(Part 12)

Cressida opened the car door and Farron said commandingly
“Just hold on a minute Cressida van Meeuwen”
“What?” she replied meekly
“What’s going on?” he asked
“What do you mean?” she responded innocently
“According to you, you’ve never been to Tipton before, yet you know it well enough to find the nearest Hotel, which you couldn’t have seen on the way in, and you did it in a blizzard” Cressida went to speak but he silenced her with a raised finger.
“At the Golf club you were all girly and helpless in the snow one minute and doing handbrake turns like a rally driver the next, on top of which the kids are on a sleepover” he paused briefly
“So what’s going on?” he asked again, though he knew the answer
Cressida gave him a sideways glance and blushed
“Were you planning a sleepover of your own?” he asked
“No nothing like that” she said horrified “that would make me “fast” I didn’t do it just to seduce you”
“Thank goodness for that” he thought to himself he would have thought less of her for that, but out loud he said
“So what then?”
“I just wanted us to spend time together” she continued and blushed “away from the village, were you could relax and we could get to know each other and find out once and for all if you would want to seduce me”
“Well I do anyway” he said “I always have”
“Then why haven’t you?” she asked “I thought after my birthday you wanted me but then you kept away”
“Because I’m not good enough for you” Farron explained
“But you are” she said
“No I’m not, you are a Lady, and I’m just an artisan” he retorted
“You are a good and kind man Farron Sutherland and that’s what counts, I don’t give a jot about social differences, it’s who you are that counts, and you are one of the angels” she said sharply “and that’s why I fell in love with you”
“You did?”
She nodded still blushing
“I didn’t know” he said
“Well you’re the only one in Highfinch who didn’t” she said
“But I love you too” Farron said and she beamed a smile at him and then he kissed her.
“I hoped that you did after you made me that beautiful desk” she said “and then the magical kiss, but when you didn’t follow it up in the days after I thought I must have got it wrong”
“Oh yes the kiss” he mused
“Was the kiss not special for you?” Cressida asked
“Oh yes it was, but I doubted you could feel like that about me and that the champagne was a factor”
“The champagne just made me brave” she said “and allowed me to what I’d wanted to do for two years”
“I didn’t need champagne for that” he said “I was brave enough, if I’d been worthy”
“You are worthy” she said crossly

(Part 13)

“You are worthy” Cressida said crossly
“You always have been, you just needed a change of scene to show you that”
“So was that why you suggested the golf day?” he asked
“Yes” Cressida replied “it was the only way I could think of to get us out of Highfinch and be together”
“I see”
“If it were still summer I would have suggested a beano to Sharpington” she explained
“So you’ve given it some thought and done a lot of planning then?” he asked
“Yes” she added rather smugly “which all added to the excitement and the anticipation”
“So what would you have done if it hadn’t snowed?” Farron asked
“Even Cressida van Meeuwen couldn’t conjure up a blizzard on demand”
“Car trouble” she replied
“You deceitful creature” he said and kissed her again
“So what do you want to do?” she asked
Farron took his eyes of her momentarily to check the weather and the snow was still falling fast.
“I think we should stay here tonight” he replied
“Separate rooms” Cressida pointed out
“Yes separate rooms” he agreed “and I think we should have dinner and talk some more”

They got out of the car and Cressida retrieved her bag from the boot, which was another clear sign of her premeditation.
“Do you think if we registered as Mr and Mrs Smith it would cause the receptionist to raise an eyebrow” Farron asked
“It would when they compared it to the name on my credit card”
Cressida said and laughed
There then followed an “I’ll pay, no I’ll pay” argument as they walked to the Hotel but finally Cressida insisted
“I should pay as it was me who lured you here”
Then she blushed the most brilliant shade of crimson when she realised she had said it out loud.

Once inside the Hotel they found it was deserted, the normal weekend arrivals had failed to appear because of the weather so there would be no shortage of rooms.
Cressida put down her overnight bag, and after the preamble she handed over her credit card.
They finished registering and as they walked away from the desk he asked
“Do you want to go and freshen first or shall we go and eat now?”
She would’ve liked to have freshened up but having connived and plotted to get him there she didn’t really want to let him out of her sight.
“Dinner” she replied

It was a very good restaurant and normally attracted a good many diners but because of the snow the usual Friday night trade failed to materialise and so they walked straight in to an empty room and chose a table by the window where Cressida could watch her snowy ally still falling steadily.

They talked at great length about them and what the future could be, and how people would see them if they were a couple.
“Aren’t you worried about what your family will say?” he asked
“No, my mum knows how I feel about you and so does Petra and they couldn’t be happier” she answered
“Oh? How long have they known?” he asked
“Since my birthday” she replied
“Oh” was all he could think to say and then after a moment he asked
“But what about the girls?”
He was referring to her 8 year old twin girls, Lisa and Julie, who she was now raising on her own.
“Goodness me, they’re more in love you with you than I am” she replied and laughed
“So you see there really are no obstacles to us being a couple, the only person who will be upset is my ex-husband and I really don’t care what he thinks”

(Part 14)

Later as Cressida and Farron sat drinking coffee and liqueurs he asked her
“So are you pleased with the outcome of your scheming?”
“Oh yes” she said “pleased and surprised”
“Surprised?” he queried
“Yes I’ve never done anything like this before, and I’m surprised how conniving I’ve been”
“I’m glad to know you don’t make a habit of deceitfulness”
“I did arrange for you to be on the Summer Fete committee with me” she confessed
“Did you?” he asked with surprise
“Yes, but that was easy” she admitted proudly “This however took a bit more planning”
“I can imagine” Farron said
“And a bit more deceitfulness” she added and Farron was thoughtful for a minute and then he said
“So the Range Rover being in the garage?”
“Was a lie” Cressida confirmed “It is in the garage, but it’s in my garage”
“And you being scared to drive in the snow” he said
“A lie” she confirmed again though he knew that the moment she sped out of the car park like a rally driver.
“So the car insurance….”
“Was another lie” she admitted
“I’m shocked and stunned” He said “and strangely proud”

They were so absorbed by each other that they hadn’t realised either the lateness of the hour or the fact that they were the only customers left.
It was only some loud bangs and crashes that brought them back to the moment and it was shortly after that that they got the distinct impression the restaurant staff had had enough for the night even if they hadn’t.
The convention is that the staff is obliged to keep the bar open all the while guests are wanting a drink but in reality they had to close at some point and you could still get a drink from room service if you wanted a nightcap so they bade the long-suffering staff a good night, even though it was almost 1 am and headed, somewhat unsteadily towards their rooms.
Accompanied by raucous laughter they stumbled into the lift and Cressida made several attempts to press the button for the third floor and as she seemed incapable of completing the task of hitting the button for the floor that they actually wanted he decided to hit them all.
When they reached the third floor Cressida said
“It’s been a wonderful day”
“Yes it has” he agreed and then they kissed in the corridor outside her door and when it was over she said
“Thank you for walking me home”
“Thank you for being conniving and deceitful” he replied and she giggled as she opened her door

As Farron walked the short distance to his own room he thought that it had been more than just a wonderful day for him, it was a life changing day.
He went into his room and switched on the TV just as the rolling news show was starting its recap and the top story was about the snowstorm.
A spokesman from the met office admitted that a lot more snow fell than was expected.
“No shit Sherlock” he shouted at the TV “But thank you, it was much appreciated”

The next day they met early for breakfast and the snow was still laying thick on the ground and more showers were forecast.
So as they sat in the restaurant eating a hearty breakfast he asked
“Do you think we should risk it?”
“I’m not sure, you know how scared I am of the snow” she replied and they laughed.
So they stayed on for another night and spent every second of the day together but there was no lingering good night kiss at her door.
That night she felt the warmth of the man she loved beside her, she had her special someone to hug her if she was ever feeling down and she would never wake up on her own again because her Golf Day strategy for love meant that her life really had begun at 40.

Tales of Love # 20


If I had only known
It would be the last time
I'd see you fall asleep
I would have stayed
A little longer and
Lingered at your bedside
Holding your hand
As you slipped
Silently away
To be at peace


As streaks of gold appear in the western sky
I look into her hypnotic green eyes and sigh
With her in my arms and romance in my heart,
As the sunset glowed, I vowed we’d never part


The slightest twinkle
Was evident
In her shining eyes
The hint of a smile
Played about her lips
And her mouth
Went up at the corners
Almost unperceptively
Her whole countenance
Held in that moment
On the brink
And as the words
Left my lips
The status quo
Was swept away
As the delight
Spread across her face
And my question
Was answered
In the affirmative


Who’s story of love
Is written in the stars
Is it the Greeks of old?
Or could it be ours?


Her father drank black bitter coffee
Her mother sipped earl grey tea
As I stood before her parents
I was full of fear and anxiety

It was a very daunting experience
And it was not at all as I planned
I was there for a noble purpose
To ask for their daughters hand

As the object of my attentions
Sat demurely drinking her juice
Her father started choking
And mother turned strangely puce

We left the house hand in hand
Running head long from the pair
They had both forbad consent
But the lovers really didn’t care

So they went to the Savoy Hotel
And ordered chilled Chardonnay
which came in crystal goblets
Carried on a large silver tray

They sat in luxury surroundings
Until the bottle was empty
And their hearts were full of love
And their future was full of plenty


If I had only known
It would be the last time
I would see you
Walk out the door
I would have
Called you back
And hugged and kissed
You even more


My strawberry blonde
Always topped my list
With Alabaster skin,
Apple blossom kissed
Smooth and silken soft
Just as I had wished
But that was long ago
Now she is sadly missed


We have lived our lives together
And we have reached our Novembers
The once burning fires of our lives
Have been reduced to meagre embers
And yet we can still look forward
To us both sharing our Decembers


I miss you all the time
You were my shining sun
And there is an emptiness
But when all said and done
There’s nothing lonelier
Than dinner for one


The sun and moon
Where once in love
But the sun burned hot
With want and desire
While the moon
Was cool and aloof
So they were destined
To be Star-crossed
For all eternity


If I had only known
It would be the last time
That I would ever see you
I would have stayed
A moment longer
And lingered at your bedside
As I said goodbye
And told you once again
How much I loved you


Mesmerising charms
Led me to her arms
A loving place
So why should I run?

Love in my heart
I want to share
But I hold back
And I want to run

Fear is the key,
A deep fear in me
Of being hurt
So I want to run

I need the key
To unlock the chains
That bind my heart
So I won’t run


I look back fondly
To those early days
When we would sit together
On the winter evenings
Beside the roaring fire
And we would sit and talk
Laughing and chatting
In the orange glow
Late into the evening
Until the embers cooled


The grass is always greener
And the senses were keener
So I committed a misdemeanour

And when away she flew
To her green pastures new
My foolish heart was torn in two

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Words on Love # 5


You have awoken the sleeping beast
That was my heart of black
You have awakened the feelings
That died in me a long time back

You have made my senses tingle
You have made my pulses race
You have filled me with a glow
And brought a smile back to my face

Now the sleeping beast has awoken
I just thought you should know
You have given me new life
And I will always love you so


We are at the beginning
We are barely on our way
Love is still new and fresh
But I would just like to say
I want to grow old with you
Till we are both old and grey
I want us both to be together
Until our far off dying day


I like to sit and reminisce
About that first, of many, kiss
We weren’t even a couple yet
We hadn’t really properly met
Two complete novices in the art
Yet we kissed from the start
Like masters of the kissing craft
With a passionate abiding graft
I like to sit and reminisce
About our special first kiss


Give up babe
Forget about me
Marry him
I know you want me baby
But it’s over
Don’t call me
Don't tell me you love me
Don’t be a bunny boiler
Don't speak
Don't ask me why
I don’t want to be cruel
The sun has gone down on us
It doesn’t make me feel good
That we’ve thrown it all away
So walk away
Don’t stop
Don’t look back


I’m holding you in my arms,
Staring into your green eyes,
And a feeling washes over me
A feeling of intense love
And it makes me smile
Then your eyes meet mine
In an intense gaze
And I see in the depths of your eyes
Recognition and I know
You love me the same


I see you differently tonight
Not the bookish librarian
No beige sweater and slacks
No tied back hair
And sensible shoes
Tonight you are no quiet librarian
Tonight you prowl
On four inch heels
Tonight you are the huntress
On the black stockined legs
A lioness in a cocktail dress
Hair flowing like a mane
Who knew what lay beneath?
The shapeless beige
And baggy trousers
A woman hid beneath the drab
A woman with shape and form
Curves and undulations
Look under S for sexy


I’m in love with a 50’s teen
I’m in love with my Bobby Soxer.
Pony tail bobbing
Wearing my Letterman
Over her white blouse
Then the free-swinging
Poodle skirt
Defining her waist
And accentuating those hips.
A flattering swirl of skirt
Covers her skinny legs
She looks so cute
In her bobby socks
And saddle shoes
How I love it
When she kicks up
Her Mary Jane’s
As we bop at the sock hop


Nobody filled a sweater
Quite like my sweater girl
And no one in a poodle skirt
Could match her swing and swirl

Nobody could cut a rug
Like my sweater girl could do
And when it came to necking
She’d be the one for you

It didn’t matter what she wore
She was the cutest by a mile
In PF Fliers and pedal pushers
Or at the hop putting on the style

Nobody filled a sweater
Like my sweater girl could
And if I could go back fifty years
Then I promise you I would


On the longest day in June
The songsters croon
Beneath the summer moon
But lovers play a different tune
In the quiet of the dune
Finds loves passions strewn
Where lovers fondly spoon
And Terry makes love to June
He begs the morn not to come to soon
She similarly begs him to attune