You were my one and only
My hearts song and melody
Now music has been banished
And I suffer alone and silently
You were my one and only
My hearts song and melody
Now music has been banished
And I suffer alone and silently
Your tender touch
Meant so very much
And I miss that touch
A touch too much
Your tender touch
Meant so very muc
And I miss that touch
That was nonesuch
I remember falling in love
And there was beauty in the world
Because my love was returned
By you in equal measure
And it was shared by you and I
A love we thought would last
As long as the world kept turning
But we were seriously in error
Because the love has gone
And in our once love filled hearts
There is now an empty hollow
As they pine for what is lost
While in the cool shadows
Our discarded dreams Lay
Abandoned in the gloom
Where the rays of sun light
Cannot penetrate the darkness
As our love lies bleeding
And can never be revived
Since we’ve been apart
My wounded heart bleeds for you
I thought you loved me
I prayed for a love
A prayer to loves goddess
You were the answer
Tears stung her eyes
And her voice cracked
As she remembered
Her loss hung heavy
Since he, what?
Even now she can’t say it
Could not utter the word
Euphemisms fill her head
Crossed over, left this world,
Gone to a better place
He’s in the next room
Passed away
Other people can say dead
But she cannot
Seven years have passed
Since it happened, her loss
And she lost so much
A husband, lover, friend
Partner, confident
Soul mate
And even now it hurts
Though the wound
Is an old one
It is still unhealed
Still vivid red, angry
Time is a great healer
They said to help her
To comfort her
But she thinks they lied