Friday, 16 July 2021



We shared an umbrella when we first met

When caught in an April shower

We shared our first kiss

One night in the wee small hours

We shared a passionate embrace

And made love in culmination

Then we shared a secret

After we caught an unpleasant infection

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Those Memories Made on Teardrop Lake – (25) New to Life and Christmas Too

In Coopers Hill Cottage on a cold, damp and foggy December afternoon Angelika Schmeltz and Megan Thomas lay naked beneath the duvet of the formers King-size bed.

And in its cosiness they were both silently contemplating their situation and reflecting that it was not how they had envisaged the day panning out.

Angelika was holding Megan, who had her head on her new lover’s chest.

It was Megan who finally broke the silence when she said

“That was quite a surprise”

“Which part?” Angelika asked

“All of it” she replied “but it was a very nice surprise”

“Which part?” Angelika asked

“All of it” she replied and giggled

“I’d never done it before” She confessed, in fact Megan had never done anything before, with anyone, she was a virgin in every conceivable sense of the word.

She hadn’t even touched herself very much.

“I know sweetie” Angelika said

“Do you mind?” the novice asked

“No of course not” she replied “You do know that I’ve done it before?”

“God yes” she replied and giggled again

“But I didn’t know you were a ….”

Angelika chuckled and kissed her forehead and said

“A lesbian”

“That’s right, because I automatically assumed Charlie was a man”

Megan explained.

Charlie was Angelika’s partner of 25 years until she died.

“Are you disappointed?” she asked

“What with?” Megan replied with another question

“The fact that I’m a Lesbian” answered Angelika

“Are you kidding? After what we just did?”

They both giggled and then Meg kissed Angel with warmth and passion.

“You realise that this means you are a Lesbian too now?” 

“Really?” she asked “How exotic”

And she cuddled up closer still to her lover.

“What would my mother say?”

“Do you care?” Angelika asked

“Not for a second”

They lay quiet again for a few minutes before Megan said sheepishly

“I do have one question though”

“What’s that sweetie?” Angel asked

“I was just wondering when we might um…” she began

“You were wondering what?” she asked suspiciously

“Well when we could do it again?” she asked and buried her face in Angel’s chest to hide her embarrassment

“You little hussy” she said

“I know” Megan said without lifting her head

“Well as it’s a foggy afternoon and we’re all cosy warm in bed already I suppose we could do it again right now”

“Oooh smashing” Megan purred “I like the sound of that”


In the six months since her mother’s death, Megan Thomas had changed beyond all recognition.

She had moved to Teardrop Lake to fulfil a lifelong dream to live in the country, and she had fulfilled several other dreams along the way.

She was now the proud owner of a dog called Skipper, a car which she named Harrison, because it was a Ford, and a TV.

All things that her mother heartily disapproved of.

However at the age of 47 and with no life experience, the one thing she had dared not dream of was falling in love.

And quite frankly if she had thought of it at all or even if she had dreamt about falling in love, she doubted that that dream would have been to fall in love with a woman, and yet it happened anyway.

And was something else Mother would have disapproved of.

Angelika Schmeltz on the other hand hadn’t dreamt of falling in love for a very different reason.

She had closed her heart to it, and drawn a line under such emotions.

For the five years since the death of her long term lover Charlie she never thought of love for a second.

It wasn’t just that she was reluctant to fall in love, she merely accepted that that chapter of her life was over and done with because she felt when Charlie died, part of her died too, and that she would never find another mate who would measure up to her.

And then she met a funny little red head wandering the woods with an American Cocker Spaniel and she felt alive again.

When Charlie passed, Angelika had pledged never to love again to protect herself against another broken heart.

But that was like living a half-life, yes there might be pain but the joy far outweighed the risk.


Since Megan had moved to Teardrop Lake she had discovered that life was actually rather wonderful.

She also discovered that there were things worth watching on Television and that there were some things in life that were even more enjoyable than “It’s a Wonderful Life”

One of them was Christmas and one of them very definitely wasn’t.


A couple of days after they kissed beneath the mistletoe and ended up making love.

Angelika managed to get Megan out of bed long enough to take her into Abbottsford to do some Christmas shopping.

“I’ve never been Christmas shopping before” Megan said

“Well there were several other things you had never done before and you seem to have mastered those quite nicely sweetie” Angelika said and Megan went Santa Red and giggled.


It was only a week from the big day and Angelika was unaccustomed to leaving it so late.

She liked to get things done early but she had got out of the habit.

It had been a long, long time since she had had to buy presents for anyone special.

But now she did have someone special to buy for so she took Megan into to Abbottsford to the Phoenix Shopping Centre.

The centre had been dressed for Christmas in tinsel and foil and twinkling lights almost since the beginning of October.

“My Goodness” Meg said “It’s huge”

“It is rather” Angelika agreed

“Have you never been here before?”

Megan began to speak but Angelika interrupted her

“That was a silly question wasn’t it?”

Megan nodded

“So look around and remember where you are and we will meet back here in an hour and a half” Angelika said

“Can’t we go around together?” Meg asked sounding very small

“Well not really Hun” Angel said “as we’re buying for each other, they are supposed to be surprises”

“Oh yes I see what you mean” she said she was going to add sorry but I’m new to this but Angelika took hold of her hand and kissed her which gave her strength.

“Ok then back here at 11.30” she said and they went their separate ways.


Angelika knew where she was going first, she knew exactly what main present to get for her.

So that wasn’t a problem, it was the little extras, the stocking fillers that took the time, those little things that made Christmas morning extra special.


For Megan it was yet another new thing she had to experience.

Because her mother Edith, didn’t believe in the commercial side of the holiday there were never any presents, no frivolity or festivities.

So no need for Christmas shopping, wrapping paper or gift tags. 

They celebrated Christmas to the extent that they ate Christmas dinner and went to the Church services but only the religious side of the season was ever observed.

Church, faith and her love of books were the only thing she retained from her old life.

Everything else was new and fresh and rather wonderful.

So having never done Christmas before, buying presents and treats was totally alien to her and she didn’t know where to start.

Until she passed a dazzling shop window that held her entranced.

“That’s absolutely perfect” she said and her eyes fixed on the prize.

They were to meet back where they had started at 11.30, Angelika was there first and Megan trotted up about five minutes later.

“I thought I’d lost you” Angelika said

“Sorry, I lost track of time” she said “It’s very exciting isn’t it?”

“Yes it is” Angelika replied and smiled at the little redhead loaded with bags.

“Once I got started I didn’t know how to stop” Megan said and giggled

“You’re really lovely” Angel said and kissed her


They went and had Coffee and a cake in the food court and assessed their progress.

It transpired they only had to get paper and bows and a few etcetera’s so they went off together to complete the shopping before they went home.


When they got back to Shallowfield they dropped off their respective purchases at their respective homes and took their respective excited dogs for a good long walk.

Then they went back to Megs to watch the Matinee “The Shop around the Corner”

And at the end of the film both women were in tears again

“That was another brilliant one” Megan said and then started laughing

“What are you laughing at?” Angelika asked

“Well the last time we watched a James Stewart film together I discovered I was a Lesbian” she said “And I just wondered what I was going to discover this time”

And then they were both laughing hysterically.


The week between the exciting Christmas shopping trip and Christmas itself was spent in the way that had become their accustomed manner.

Watching more classic films, and taking more long walks in the woods with the dogs and of course being cosy beneath Angelika’s duvet.

But in addition to the customary activities there were also presents to wrap, another first for Megan.

She had neither given nor received a gift in her entire life.


On Christmas Eve, Megan drove “Harrison” down to St Mary’s Church, she hadn’t been a regular at the Church since she’d moved there but she had attended three Sunday services, the Christingle and the Carol service.

She had asked Angelika to join her a couple of times but she hadn’t been to Church since Charlie passed, and she was still angry with God for taking her and she was quite unforgiving on the subject, and was totally unmovable on the matter, for now.

Megan thought she would probably wear her down eventually but she didn’t want to push it.

Although Angelika had decline for Megan Midnight Mass was an un-missable event, so she went alone.


Megan said a few hello’s and thought to herself that there was a good sized congregation for the service.

She always found the Midnight Mass very moving and quite atmospheric it was possible that as it was conducted in the semi darkness it added to the magic.

So she took her seat and settled herself and then she bowed her head, closed her eyes and took a few moments to pray.

When she opened them again she was not alone.

“You came” Megan said and took Angels hand and cried

“Don’t cry honey” Angel said

“But I’m so happy that you’re here” Meg said wiping her eyes

“I’m still angry with him for taking her” she said defiantly looking to the heavens

“But now I know he only took her so he could give me you”

Angel said and Megan was crying again

“I love you Angelika Schmeltz” she said

“I love you too” she replied “and I really want to kiss you”

“Well you’ll have to wait until later” Megan said and smiled before adding “Have a little self-control”

“I don’t believe it” she said “I’m being chastised by a hussy”



Since that first day long ago

When first I saw my angel

We have laboured hard at love

And we have both built well

We have forged this love

Which we will forever know

It will never melt away

Like the thawing of the snow

But how is it measured?

How do we quantify?

We feel it and that is proof enough
The love shared by you and I



You must know I love you 

I hope I show you that I do

For the sweetest moments in my life

Are the ones I spend with you

You are my first thought

When I awake to the new day

And the last thing on my mind

At night when I drift away


I wish I could tell you

Of the love that’s in my heart

I want you to feel the depth of love

I’ve felt for you from the start


I would use sweet phrases

And sugary words of love

The sweetest ever known

Speaking of columbine and dove


No the words that I must choose 

Are the simplest that I can use

What I'm feeling deep inside

Is the deepest love for you


Will my plea above

To gladden and cheer

My ardent call for love

Fall on deafened ear


Is there not but one

Who will hear my plea

And fill me with joy

Please, please hear me


Don’t leave me all alone

Let me share my love

Please have mercy

Oh hear my plea above


Take heed of my plea

Just another soul to love

Gentle and replete

And as precious as a dove 

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Those Memories Made on Teardrop Lake – (24) The Christian Lady and the Pagans


It was in the middle of the 7th Century when 17 year old Olwen, the youngest daughter of King Osric, was pledged in marriage to young King Ryce of West Untenena.

King Osric’s tribe was in the east bordering Cantwarena and the marriage was designed to affect a treaty between the two tribes and preserve the peace by forming a mutually beneficial alliance against West Sexena.


Osric’s tribe in East Untenena were Christina converts and because of her faith, Olwen only agreed to the union if she could be married at St Augustine’s Church in the place of her birth.


The citizens of East Untenena were very pleased with the union as they hoped it would lead to a lasting peace.

Olwen was very popular among her people and the wedding was the cause of much celebration with seven days of feasting.


It was a joyous occasion and when it ended Olwen and her new husband then travelled under heavy escort to her new home.

Soldiers of both East and West Untenena made up the escort as an act of solidarity.

Olwen was also accompanied by her maids Esme and Elwin, and by her priest Father Audley.


Her new home was the great hall of King Ryce which stood in a settlement at the head of the Lake Tåre Drape on the edge of the great forest.


Although the marriage was forced upon her she was not disappointed with the union, Olwen liked Ryce and in time she grew to love him very deeply.

And she also grew to love her new home very much.

But she came from a Christian realm and she had married into a pagan one.

Though Ryce was prepared to adopt the new faith his subjects and more importantly, his chieftains, were not.

Although most of his subjects took to the new Queen and loved her almost as much as her own people did.

Though not all of them, in fact two of them were openly hostile to her and a third, Holt had threatened to kill any Christians who dared practice in his lands.


For the first year Olwen was content to have Father Audley attend to hers and her maid’s spiritual needs in her private chambers but she was not prepared to deny herself a place of worship forever.


So at the beginning of her 19th year she broached the subject with Ryce when he asked her if she was happy in his kingdom she replied rather unconvincingly


“You are unhappy?” Ryce asked

“No I’m not unhappy” she replied “but...”

“You still miss your home” he said

“A little yes” she admitted

“But really I miss my Church”

“I see” he responded “the one thing you miss is the one thing I cannot give you”

“Not even a small Chapel for us?” she asked in her most feminine voice.

“I can’t grant you that” Ryce said

“It’s doesn’t have to be grand or ornate”

She pleaded

“If I was to openly build a Church in this settlement it would give Holt the excuse he needs to move against me” He said and Olwen was crestfallen.

“I’m sorry” he said

“What if we built one in secret?” she asked

“Where?” he asked

“In the forest” she said

The King was very thoughtful for a few minutes and then he said

“I will give it some further thought”

Then he took his leave.


Olwen took that to mean no, but she left it at that for now, she didn’t want to back him into a corner.

But that didn’t mean she would give up.


After several days Ryce gave Olwen his decision as they lay in his bed.

“You may have your secret Chapel” he said

“Thank you my King” she said excitedly

“But it must remain secret” he reiterated

“If Holt or his kinsmen find out, there will be open revolt”

“Yes my Lord” 

“No materials or craftsman from my realm can be used”

“I understand” Olwen said

There was a regular caravan that travelled between East and West Untenena so over the following 18 months Stone was brought in secret from Thanet Island in small quantities and an Alta stone was transported from Lindisfarne via a circuitous route.


Firstly a large area of forest was cleared and building began on a small timber Chapel to Olwen’s specific design.

The Thanet stones were placed around the outline of the building in the traditional cruciform shape and some locally acquired flag stones formed the floor and the Lindisfarne Alta stone was given pride of place.

The Chapel walls and roof were made of Dancingdean timber and only a small number of trusted woodsman knew what was being built in the woods.

There was also a large baptismal bowl set into the floor of one side of the transept where Olwen’s husband Ryce and their children were baptized.

Its Water was drawn from a natural spring besides the Chapel clearing which the faithful claimed only sprang forth when the church was completed.


The first service was held on Olwen’s 22nd birthday and monthly thereafter so as not to draw attention.

This went on regularly for four years without incident until one spring when her brother Hugh and his wife Henrietta were visiting with her for Olwen’s confinement.  

She was six months pregnant with her third child and she was praying this one was a boy.

So she made more regular visits to the Chapel so she could pray to God to grant her wish.


It was on a bright spring day when Father Audley led Olwen, Ryce and their daughters, Lucetta and Annis, and her brother and his wife along the hidden path to the Chapel.

But as the priest stepped into the sunlight Ryce was struck on the side of the head with a sword hilt and fell to the ground.

“You will die for this Holt”     

Olwen screamed as she saw the face of her husband’s assailant.

“I think not” Holt said as he brandished his sword “You will all die here today at your holy place”

And his kinsman Irwin drew his sword at the same moment.

Thankfully Godwin the woodsman who had been instrumental in the Chapel’s construction was already inside when the attack began and without thinking he took up his axe and charged out and cleaved Irwin’s head in two. 

As Irwin fell down dead it distracted Holt long enough for Hugh to burst out of the trees and thrust his sword through Holt’s throat, and he turned to look at Hugh with a look of surprise and then dropped his sword.

“God has spoken” Olwen said and he fell dead to the ground.


It was all over in a trice, fortunately Henrietta had taken the young girls away at the first sign of trouble, so were spared the bloodshed.

Ryce was helped to his feet as Father Audley gave the dead men the last rites and Hugh and Godwin went in search of the chieftain’s horses.


The bodies of Holt and Irwin were draped across their horses and then Godwin led them into the deep wood and the bodies were never seen again.

With the resistance to the new faith gone the following year work began on a new Church adjacent to the great hall.

There were mutterings from those close to Holt about what had become of him and his kinsman but they were silenced when rumours spread that the one true God must have smite them down. 


The Chapel fell into disuse after the new Church was built though Olwen would visit it from time to time but no one went there after she and Ryce had died.

And ten years into her son Hugh’s reign a war began with West Sexena and Hugh had to abandon the Great Hall and the Church which were then destroyed.

By the time West Sexena were defeated and driven out 20 years later by Olwen’s grandson Edric all memory of her Chapel had faded and was all but forgotten until early in Queen Victoria’s reign.



You are the oasis in my desert

You are the sun in my sky

You are the cherry on my cake

You are the cream on my pie

You make us into we

Instead of you and I