Sunday, 23 January 2022

Mornington-By-Mere – (44) The Guilt of the Survivor


When the Mornington Estate exercised its option to purchase Mornington Field from the MOD it also acquired all the buildings and infrastructure on the airfield itself as well as 29 houses in the village formally used as quarters for military personnel.

Plans were immediately drawn up to optimize the newly acquired assets the moment the property was formally handed over on the 1st of June 2014.

The guardians of the estate are the St George family and the head of which is Baron Gabriel St George.

His architect Scott Collier was tasked with designing appropriate conversions to maximize the potential returns, and Ray Walker, who dealt with all things estate maintenance wise, was responsible for getting the old Air force housing stock occupied ASAP,

Ray worked tirelessly to that end to have not just the first six houses ready within the month as originally promised, but eight, which were handed over on the 6th of July, two days earlier than forecast.

Gabriel was then able to instruct Lyndon-Sanders Properties of Shallowfield to find tenants.

Priority was to be given to local people or people with ties to the area or those who worked in some capacity for the estate such as agriculture and the brewery. 

Other than that they were to be rented with the only condition being that it had to be the tenant’s primary residence.

Gabriel was always conscious of creating a ghost town of professionals who live and work in Town all week and only return to the village on the weekend.


One such family to benefit from Gabriel’s policy were the Boddingtons who moved into number 7, Military Row.

The Boddington’s had a number of butcher’s shops in the Vale, including the one in Mornington.

They also had a pig farm, Saddleback Farm, near the hamlet of Fallowacres, which was as near as damn it the center point of the Vale, though only geographically.

All of the Boddingtons were employed either at the pig farm or in one of the many Butchers Shops, with the exception of 20 year old Nicola who was in every respect a Boddington, the looks were unmistakable, classically good looking with thick black curly hair and wild gypsy eyes, dark, mysterious and sexy.
She had obviously worked in the family business’s at some point but not for a while and she differed from her kin in one fundamental respect and that was because she was unhappy with her life and was contemplating ending it, because six months earlier in the lanes around Fallowacres she was the sole survivor of a tragic car crash which claimed the lives of her boyfriend Tom Gramstadt, his brother Callum and her best friend Jenny Grillo.


It happened one Sunday afternoon about half an hour after the Gramstadt’s had picked the girls up from Shallowfield where they worked as bar staff at The Wheatsheaf where they had been working the lunchtime shift and they were less than a mile from Saddleback Farm when Tom took the corner on the approach to the village much too fast, lost control, clipped a wall, left the road and flew into a nearby field where the car rolled multiple times before coming to a halt.

It was an event that had haunted her day and night ever since because she survived the accident relatively unscathed.

Nicola suffered several rib fractures, a broken arm, a broken collar bone and extensive cuts and bruises and a concussion.

But the most overwhelming injury she suffered was psychological because she was plagued with the guilt of the survivor.


Although her physical injuries had healed, the physiological ones had not, and she hadn’t been able to work since she left hospital and she also found talking to people extremely difficult.

So she spent much of her time in her own company and when the house was full she took herself away and wandered in the environs of Mornington and thought of all the ways she could end her miserable life.

Which was how she came to the attention of Craig Jones.


Craig was the younger brother of the village copper Sgt Dave Jones and he was spending a couple of months in Mornington at the Police House helping out while his sister in law Peta was recovering after breaking her leg.

Craig had just finished his third year at University and was looking forward to doing nothing for a few months only a few days before Peta fell down the stairs and broke her leg.

And without needing to be asked he volunteered to help out while she literally got back on her feet.  


Despite the fact that there was a nine year age gap Craig and Dave had always been very close and he loved the kids and his sister in law Peta was like an actual sister to him.

So it was no hardship for him to help his family and he had been a very frequent visitor to Mornington and he could see himself living there once he had finished his Masters and determined what to do with his degrees.


His services weren’t required all the time as Dave insisted he bear the burden when he was off duty so there were plenty of opportunities for him to have time to himself and as he was a keen runner he often took himself off for a run out in the fresh country air.


So it was early one morning in the middle of May on Dave’s day off, while he was doing the breakfast routine that Craig left the police house to go for a run.

He turned left and set off along the rough path along the Northern Bank of the River Brooke with Mornington Field on his right and Manor Wood across the water on his left.

After the Wood stood the famous Mornington Brewery and immediately before the river changed direction, Dulcets Mill one of the last three remaining Mornington Mills.

There was only Mornington Field on his side of the river after Dulcets Mill while on the opposite bank was a row of five terraced dwellings, called Brooke Side Cottages, which were separated from another five terraced houses, called, West Gate Cottages, by the recently rebuilt West Gate Bridge.

But after that it was countryside and farm land for mile after mile until he reached the Dulcets Road Bridge.

He crossed the bridge and headed back to the village on the opposite side of the river and it was after about a mile when it happened.


He was running at a steady pace while enjoying the scenery when he saw a dark haired figure jump into the full flowing river.

The river was swollen with the abundant spring rains but fortunately it wasn’t particularly deep or fast flowing but she was clearly struggling so he broke into a sprint and dived in after her.


He could see her thrashing about and could hear her screams and as he reached the spot where she went in he jumped in without hesitation and swam towards her.

He wasn’t sure what had possessed her to jump in, in the first place but by the way she was splashing around in such distress, she clearly couldn’t swim and she certainly didn’t appear to want to drown.

Craig was in no doubt that she had tried to kill herself, it was perfectly obvious to him, but judging by her frantic struggling she had had a change of heart.

He was breathing hard from the running as he closed the distance between them and as she struggled to stay afloat the water splashed all around her.

He swam as fast as he could, but even though he was a strong swimmer he seemed to be going too slowly, but despite that he managed to reach her just in time.

But that proved to be only half the problem as reaching his initial goal only brought fresh problems, the first was having to avoid her flailing arms and the second was getting her to the bank.

He got a good hold on her but as she was fully clothed she was heavy, so it was with some difficulty that he swam her to the bank.

When he eventually got her to the riverbank the weeds on the river bed clutched at his ankles and he nearly lost his grip on her.

Fortunately a couple of anglers, who Craig had passed earlier when they were a few hundred yards downstream, had been alerted by the sound of the commotion and ran to their aid, and they leant a helping hand and dragged them both from the water.


“How on earth did you fall in, Nicola?” one of the anglers asked them as they sat dripping on the bank. 

“Don’t tell them” she whispered “Please”

“She wasn’t watching where she was going and slipped on the muddy bank” he lied “luckily I saw it happen”

“Yes that was lucky” the second angler said and put his jacket around the shoulders of a shivering Nicola

“I’ll pick it up from yours later luv”

“Thank you” she said quietly

“Come on” Craig said “I’ll walk you back to the village”


He knew she was from Mornington as he had seen her around the village several times, always on her own, and looking perpetually sad.

“Thanks for your help” Craig said and shook both fishermen by the hand.


Craig and Nicola walked slowly back towards the village and were in sight of the West Gate Bridge before the silence was broken and it was her who broke it.

“Thank you” she said quietly

“That’s ok, it was quite refreshing after a five mile run” he said although he knew that wasn’t what she was thanking him for.

“No I meant for not saying anything”

“I know what you meant” he said “but I have to ask why?”

“I just get dark moods” she replied but she didn’t elaborate


As Craig and Nicola continued to walk soggily beside the River Brooke in the direction of the village the only sounds were from the flowing water and the squelching of their footwear.  

But Craig decided he should break the silence when he asked

“Do you want to tell me about it?”

“Not really” She replied

“But will you?”

“Yes” she replied, she didn’t want to but she thought it was the least he deserved, but it took a few minutes before she spoke again by which time they had reached the west gate bridge

“I was in a bad car crash” she began

“My God, What happened?” he asked

“My boyfriend Tom, his brother Callum and my best friend Jenny were killed” she snapped “That’s what happened”

“But what caused it?” he persisted

“Well Tom liked to drive fast, too fast to be honest” she said

“I used to tell him not to but he never listened, and now he’s gone”

And with that statement of finality she completely broke down and the tears she had tried so hard to contain flowed out of her unrestrained so Craig held her as she sobbed her heart out on the riverbank beside the bridge.


When she had composed herself they sat on the grassy bank and she told him the rest of the that day’s events which left Nicola with several rib fractures, a broken arm, a broken collar bone and extensive cuts and bruises and a concussion after Tom took the corner on the approach to the village much too fast.

He lost control, clipped a wall, left the road and flew into a nearby field where the car rolled multiple times before coming to a halt.

It was an event that had haunted her day and night ever since especially because she survived relatively unscathed.

“And that’s why you feel guilty” he said

“Wouldn’t you?” she asked him
“No,” he said “I would thank God for sparing me and you should too”

“That’s easy for you to say” she said thrusting her chin out defiantly

“Look Nicola you have your whole life ahead of you” he said “you should try to be positive, banish the dark thoughts from your mind and stop feeling….”

“Suicidal!! is that what you were going to say?” she said “I'm not suicidal, that was just a blip”

“I'm sure it was” he said “No one who wants to die would have fought like fury to live, like you did” 

Nicola didn’t say anything but nodded and gave him a weak smile.

“What I meant was that feeling guilty about surviving is killing you” he continued
“What makes you such an expert?” she asked

“Well my first class degree in phycology helps” he said “but I’m just very perceptive”
“I should go” she said and stood up

“Did it help?” He asked

“What trying to kill myself?” she asked with a weak smile which he returned

“I meant talking about it” he said
“Yes” she replied surprised at her answer “It did”
“Perhaps we can talk again” he suggested but she didn’t answer and walked up the steps to the road that lead up to Mornington Field, which offered her the shortest route home, but before she disappeared from view she turned and shouted



More than a week had gone by since Nicola had opened up to him beside the river and she had agreed to tell him more.

He had seen her around the village a few times, and had even stopped to exchange pleasantries but the opportunity to have the long awaited talk never presented itself.

That was until one day when his brother Dave was off for the day and had decided to take the children for a walk.

So he was sitting in the garden of the police house trying to decide what to do with the time he had on his hands when he was interrupted.

“Hello” a soft voice behind him said and when he turned around he saw it was Nicola.

“I’m ready to talk”

“And I’m ready to listen” he said “I’ll just make us a drink”


“Can you tell me about the accident?” he asked her after he made them both a drink

“Too be honest I don't remember very much really” she told him “not about the crash at least, it all happened so fast”
“Tell me what you do remember then” he encouraged her

“We were driving along laughing and joking just like every other time we had driven down that lane” she said “And then all of a sudden we weren’t laughing, and we were being bounced around like rag dolls and there was noise and screams and then we stopped”

She paused to drink her tea and he said nothing and just let her go at her own pace.

“I remember I was in the car and I was trapped in the back, Jenny was lifeless beside me she must have died after the first roll and Tom’s brother Callum had been thrown through the windscreen and lay dead in the field less than thirty feet away”

“What about Tom?” Craig asked and she turned to look at him with tears in her eyes as she replied
“I watched him die”

“I can’t imagine how that must have been” he said and took hold of her hand

“It was terrible, he kept crying out for his mother” she said and more tears filled her eyes.

“I wanted to comfort him but I couldn’t move, I tried, I really did but it was no use, I couldn’t even hold his hand”

The tears streamed down her cheeks

“He was such a big strong man begging for his mum, but she wasn't there. He only had me and I could do nothing for him, I still have nightmares about it”

“I would be very surprised if you didn’t” Craig thought

“I don’t know how long it was before someone came to help us but it wasn’t soon enough and so I just had to sit there helpless and watch my boyfriend die”

“After that I don’t remember much I was in a daze I have a vague recollection of the fire brigade cutting me free, and paramedics putting me in the ambulance, but that’s all” she said “it must have been the concussion”

“Or the trauma of what you had seen” Craig said


“Do you ever blame him?” she asked

“What?” she said

“Do you ever blame Tom for the accident?”

“Sometimes” she replied “I always warned him about driving too fast but he never listened, he just laughed it off, but mostly I just blame myself because I’m alive and he isn't”

Just at that moment Dave returned with the children.

“Oh hello” he said “its Nicola Boddington isn’t it?”

“Yes” she muttered “I have to go”

And before Craig could protest she was gone.

It was a real shame Dave returned when he did because she had opened up to him without very much prompting from him and he felt they had made real progress.


The night after Nicola had opened up to him he sat up until the early hours with Dave drinking whisky and with Craig’s encouragement whilst in his cups his brother let something slip.


The knowledge obtained through the application of excess amounts of whisky was very enlightening and gave Craig considerable food for thought.

Though he wasn’t sure if he should use the information or not and while he wrestled with his conscience the days slipped away and all of a sudden the Mornington Beer Festival was upon them.


Craig had the weekend off even though Dave was on duty all weekend because Peta and the children had gone to stay with her parents for a few days.

So he was free to track down Nicola and continue from where they left off.


Nicola had been dreading the Mornington Beer Festival, as the whole of the Boddington clan were descending on the village and she was expected to be among them.

As was the norm the Beer Festival was being held in the grounds of Mornington Manor.

They had been sitting around the table in the main marquee for about an hour before she got up and mumbled to the group.

“I need a breath of fresh air”

She made her way out of the tent into the sunshine and as she stood on the threshold her mother came up behind her
“Is everything alright Nicola?” she asked, unable to hide the concern in her voice.

“I'm fine mum,” She replied “I just need to get out for a while and
clear my head, it’s very hot in there is all”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure, I think I'll just go for a walk” Nicola said
“Well don’t wander too far” she said “And don’t be too long”

“Ok mum”
“I mean it” Mrs. Boddington said

“I won't be too long” Nicola assured her and walked off through the crowd.

She walked as quickly as the crowds would allow and as soon as was possible she slipped between two marquees and across the grounds to the cool tranquility of Manor Wood.


When she was sitting in the beer tent with her family, dark thoughts began to fill her head again but as she made her way through the cool woods they began to fade.


Once she was in the sanctuary of the wood she ambled through to the other side until she reached the riverbank, and then turned left and followed the river towards the Brewery and Dulcets Mill but stopped and sat on the first bench she came to.

“I hope you’re not planning another swim” a voice said from behind her “I’ve got my favourite trousers on”

Despite the silence she had been so lost in her own thoughts and she hadn’t heard his footsteps as he approached.

“What are you doing here?” she asked

There was no need for her to turn around to know who the voice belonged to, it was a voice she recognized very well, it was Craig Jones.

“I just fancied some peace and quiet” he lied, in truth he had seen her walk into the woods and was concerned about her intentions.

“So what about you?” he asked as he sat down beside her

“Much the same” she replied


Craig had seen Nicola walk into the woods and was concerned about her and her black moods and what her intentions might be.

He was relieved when he emerged from Manor would to see her sitting on a bench.

“I hope you’re not planning another swim” he said jokingly

“I’ve got my favourite trousers on”

“What are you doing here?” she asked

“I just fancied some peace and quiet” he lied.

“So what about you?” he asked as he sat down beside her

“Much the same” she replied

“Do you want a drink?” he asked as he reached into his bag and when his hand reappeared it was holding two bottles of beer, then he put his hand in his pocket and took out a bottle opener.

She nodded so he removed the cap off one bottle and handed it to her and then he opened one for himself.

“I have a confession to make,” he said

“I’m not just here because I fancied some peace and quiet, I was looking for you”

“You mean you still want to practice your psychology on me” she said

“No that’s not it” he said crossly

“Isn’t it?” She snapped

“No it isn’t” he retorted “Because I don’t want to be you’re therapist or your psychologist, I want to be your boyfriend”

He had fallen in love with her on that first day when he fished her from the river although he didn’t know it at the time.

“Oh” she exclaimed

“But before I can do anything about it there is something I need to tell you” he said enigmatically

“I know something about the accident” he said

“What?” she asked urgently

“I’m not sure I should say, it might make you feel better or at the very least less guilty about surviving, or it may make you feel worse”

“That's impossible” she said “what could possibly make me feel worse than I do already, so tell me”

“Well you know my brother is a policeman?”
“Yes, I remember him from the accident, He was there when the firemen got me out”
“Well, he told me something” he said

“What was it?”

“It was some evidence about the crash that wasn’t disclosed at the inquest” he said
“What evidence?” she said and bit her lower lip as if she was summoning up the courage to hear the worst.

Craig meanwhile was concerned about revealing something that might scupper their relationship before it began
“When they did the post mortems on Tom and Callum” he said “They found that they were both high”
“That's not possible” she said, refusing to believe it. “I would have
known if Tom was on drugs, wouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know about that” he said “But there’s more”
“What else could there be?” she said
“They got the drugs from Jenny” Craig said

“Jenny?” she asked

“Her cousin was a dealer” Craig said

Nicola tried desperately to remember back to the day of the accident to try and recall if there had been any clue that she missed, which if she had been alert to might have saved their lives, but she couldn’t.

“How bad were they?” he asked him as tears began to sting her eyes
“My brother told me that Tom would have been severely impaired to drive, Callum also, Jenny was clean, and there was no evidence that she was a user”

“Just a supplier” she said and her voice cracked and she began to sob, so Craig put his arm around her.

The sobs came slowly at first but were soon became uncontrollable heaves.


As Craig and Nicola sat on a bench between Manor Wood and the river her sobs came slowly at first but soon became uncontrollable heaves.

He kissed the top of her head and could smell her perfume as her head lay against his chest
“I'm sorry” he said “I shouldn't have told you, but I didn't want you to keep punishing yourself”
“It wasn't your fault that you survived honey” he said “please don’t feel guilty for being alive”


When Nicola stopped crying she wiped away her tears with her sleeve.
“How did they do it?” she asked

“How did they do what?”

“Suppress the evidence”

“Apparently Jenny’s Uncle is a Judge and a lodge member so it wasn’t difficult for him to influence decisions” Craig replied

Then she was quite for a while as she mulled over the new evidence, it all suddenly made perfect sense and it explained why Tom's parents avoided her at the funeral and why Jenny’s mum wouldn't meet her eyes.

Nicola had been torturing herself that they were like that because they somehow resented her because she was alive, while all the time it was because they all knew that Tom, Callum and Jenny were all complicit in their own demise and they had nearly taken her with them as well.

The tears began to fall again but she got control of herself.

“I'm sorry” she said “it was such a shock”
“You don't need to apologize” Craig said “I'm the one who should be sorry for telling you”
“No, I’m glad you told me the truth, you’ve given me my life back” she said and hugged him tightly.


They continued sitting on the bench, Craig with his arm around her shoulder and her head against his chest long after the tears had stopped.

“I suppose we should discuss the boyfriend thing now” she said without lifting her head, he realized why shortly afterwards when she did show her face because she clearly looked like she was blushing.

“I agree” Craig said

“Why would want to be my boyfriend?” she asked “I’m a mess”

“I don’t think so” he said and leaned his face towards her and touched his lips gently with hers.

It was a sweet and gentle kiss and when it was over they smiled at each other and then she said.

“I am a mess though”

“The heart wants what the heart wants” he retorted

“But you admit I am a mess though” Nicola said triumphantly

“No, but I will admit that I fell for you when you were at your most…”
“Messed up” she interrupted

“Vulnerable, disheartened and dripping wet” he corrected her

“So I have seen you at your worst, and I’m not put off”

“What about when I’m no longer interesting to a psychologist” she asked

“I’m interested in “you” he said “the psychology just made me more interesting to you”

No sooner had he finished talking than Nicola stopped him from speaking again by kissing him.

A much more urgent, passion filled kiss altogether, than the first which seemed to draw a line under any further speculation.


After the kiss they remained on the bench holding each other in silence for about ten minutes when Craig spoke.

“Let’s go back to the festival” he suggested but she shook her head
“Why not?”
“I don't want to” she told him
“Even if we go together?” he asked

“A first date kind of thing”

“I’d rather just go for a walk” she explained “I’m not ready to face the family yet”

“Ashamed of me eh” he said

“Obviously” she said and they kissed again.



Beneath the moonlit sky

The romantic feeling grows

And on that star filled night

Love blossomed like a rose

Mornington-By-Mere – (43) Unsuitably Dressed


Rory Hitchen lived in the small country village of Mornington-By-Mere in the Finchbottom Vale nestled between the Ancient Dancingdean Forest and the rolling Pepperstock Hills.

Which was a quaint picturesque village, a proper chocolate box picturesque idyll, with a Manor House, 12th Century Church, a Coaching Inn, Windmills, an Old Forge, a Schoolhouse, a River and a Mere.

He lived and worked up at Mornington Field which had once been an RAF base but had been converted into a mixture of commercial and residential units.

Rory lived in apartment 1 of Lancaster House, which was converted from the old Officers Mess and he was employed by Topliss Engineering.


He was an unremarkable looking man in his early thirties, he was neither attractive nor unattractive he was best described as neutral.

Everything else about him was average, average height, average weight and build, black hair and blue eyes.

The only think about him that wasn’t unremarkable was his good nature, he was singularly kind hearted always had time for his friends or indeed anyone else who needed help.


His friends looked upon him as kind and generous while others thought he was a soft touch and presumed that was why he landed himself such a cracker of a girlfriend.

Melanie Sands was five years younger than he was and she was a gorgeous, petite, well-tanned girl with hair the colour of ripened corn and everyone told him he was punching way above his weight, and to watch out, but he didn’t listen.



He met Melanie the previous summer at a friend’s wedding reception in Finchbottom and he fell head over heels in love with her.

The two of them had a pretty hectic Christmas and New Year but in January they flew off to Tunisia for a Winter Break.


He and Melanie stayed in a very luxurious hotel that was clearly a remnant of the French colonial days that was now very popular with tourists.

The holiday was intended, at least on his part, as a pre cursor to him asking her to move in with him and for the first few days, apart from the fact he hadn’t asked her the question, everything was going well until he caught Melanie in flagrante with a waiter by the name of Afchine.

He was devastated, she was the love of his life and she had betrayed him so Rory ran out of the hotel in all its colonial splendour and lost himself in the crowds of the Porte de France and the Souks Market but ended up in the sanctuary of St. Louis Cathedral.

He found the cool atmosphere of the cathedral very calming and it gave him time to think and when he left there in the late evening he knew what to do.

He went back to the Hotel, there was no sign of Melanie so he threw most of his things into a bag, picked up his passport and then got a cab straight to the airport and got the first flight home.


The temperature in Tunisia was consistently in the high teens to low twenties which felt much warmer than that when considering the temperature at home when he and Melanie left Downshire.

When he boarded the plane to return home he was still wearing his Tunisian attire so subsequently when he landed back in England in the teeth of a blizzard he found his clothes to be somewhat inadequate.


On his return to the UK the weather was so bad that the plane was lucky to get permission to land when it did, as a lot of flights were turned away.

However they were able to land and once on the ground he found the local transport infrastructure was suffering also.

Trains were cancelled, buses were running a skeleton service and even taxis were conspicuous by their absence.

He didn’t have his car at the airport as Melanie’s brother drove them there so Rory ended up queuing for two hours to get a hire car and he finally left the airport just after 10 o’clock.

But even in the few hours he had been on the ground the weather had deteriorated considerably and temperatures had plummeted however despite that the roads around the airport were barely affected and the motorway was fine.

“I don’t know what all the fuss is about” he said to himself smugly however when he got off the Pepperstock Express Way and onto the untreated roads he knew exactly what all the fuss was about.

The roads were barely visible and he drove very gingerly along the first stretch, which ended, at a roundabout, which was where he thought he’d got lucky.

A four wheel drive entered the roundabout ahead of him and turned off onto the Purplemere road so he got in its tracks and followed it for about four miles and Rory was just beginning to feel smug again but his luck soon ran out as at the next roundabout the Landrover turned left onto the Sharpington road while he needed to turn right for Mornington.

As luck would have it the road was not as bad as the previous one as it was quite exposed and the wind had blown a lot of the snow off the road and there were even visible signs of Tarmac in patches.

So he pressed on with caution and but when he was less than two miles from the village disaster struck.

Rory took a right hand bend slightly too vigorously and lost the back end and went off the road back end first into a ditch.

He tried to drive out of it but to no avail, then he tried his phone but couldn’t get a signal and so he resigned himself to the fact he would have to walk the last couple of miles.

As soon as he got out of the car and the wind cut through his thin clothing like it wasn’t there.

“No matter” he thought, because his case was in the boot so he could put some more layers on, but when he got to the back of the car he found the boot staved in and he couldn’t open it.

“Shit” he said as he knew there was nothing he could do but to get home as quickly as possible.


The problem was, dressed as he was for North Africa, as quickly as possible wasn’t very quick at all and the closer he got to the village the snow seemed to get thicker and thicker and all the while he was being battered by a howling wind.


He had no idea how long he’d been walking or indeed where exactly he was because he had no point of reference and visibility was poor but eventually he could see the shape of a house in the distance

“Thank God” he said and quickened his pace.

When he got there he walked up to the front door of Marigold Cottage and banged on it hard.

After a few minutes he banged again but he got no answer.

“Bugger” he said, “no one home”

He went back to the road and could make out some other shapes, and more importantly one of them had a porch light on.

“Thank God” he said and crossed himself and like a moth he headed towards the light.


As he banged on the door of White Rose Cottage he hoped and prayed that the light hadn’t just been left on to deter burglars but he began to think the worst when he got no response and was just about to bang again when he saw movement beyond the glass and a few moments later the door opened he was surprised to see it was a nurse.


The nurse in question was Charlene Rogers who worked at the Oak Dale Retirement Village and Nursing home in Dulcets Green, she was supposed to be on the night shift but Alexandra Barrileau who owned and ran the place had phoned to tell her to stay at home, the 6 till 2 shift were staying on until morning as she wanted the minimize the amount of staff blundering about in the snow.

Which was why she was still wearing her uniform when Rory knocked on the door.


“Yes?” Charlene said surprised to see someone on her doorstep given the time of night and the conditions “what the hell are you doing outside dressed like that?”

“Caa Caa Car crcrcrashed” he stuttered “Lllllost”

“Come in, come in” she said urgently “Are you hurt?”

“Ccccold” he chattered

“Come with me” she ordered “we need to warm you up”

She took him from the hall and into her sitting room.

As she opened the door she reached inside the room and flicked the light switch and the ceiling light came to life.

“Slip your coat off and sit down” she instructed indicating an arm chair by the fireside.

He did as he was told and she knelt on the rug and she stirred the fire back to life and added another log before proceeding to remove his shoes and socks, which were soaked and felt the bottoms of the trousers which were also wet.

“They need to come off” she said matter of factly


He didn’t speak as his teeth were still chattering but he obliged her by standing up and unbuttoning and unzipping his trousers and let them fall to the floor before plopping back down to the chair.

Charlene gave him the throw off the sofa which he accepted with gratitude and then she hung the trousers close to the fire to dry and said

“I’ll make a hot drink”


After two mugs of hot chocolate and the application of a hot water bottle his teeth had stopped chattering sufficiently for him to introduce himself but he was still very cold so Charlene ran him a warm bath.


Mornington-By-Mere wasn’t just a quaint chocolate box English Village it was the beating heart of the Finchbottom Vale, but there was more Mornington that just its Ancient heart as there were a number of cottages and small houses on the Purplemere road and Dulcets Lane which formed the part of Mornington Village known as Manorside and 31 year old Charlene Rogers lived on Dulcets Road at White Rose Cottage.


Since the breakdown of her marriage six months earlier she lived alone but in the early hours of a January morning she was playing host to a man who she didn’t know who could easily have perished in the severe wintery conditions. 


While the bath was running she sorted out some clothes for Rory, from the few items she still had that belonged to her soon to be ex-husband and while he was in the bath she got changed out of her uniform and as she was getting into her nightclothes she thought for the first time that having a complete stranger in her bath was just a little bit weird.

“Well it’s a bit late now” she said to herself as she put on her dressing gown.


When he returned downstairs he was wearing David Rogers’s old clothes, namely an Abbottsford Knights sweatshirt and a pair of grey joggers, the former was too short in the arms and the latter too long in the leg.

“Oh dear” she said “you’re a bit of a different shape to my ex”

“A little bit I guess” he said and quickly reclaimed his spot in the armchair by the fire and the blanket “But they’re warm which is the main thing”

“Good” she said as she checked his own trousers drying by the fire.

“This is very kind of you” he said

“Nonsense, I couldn’t leave you outside to freeze to death” she said

“I know but everything else, the drinks, a bath and the warm clothes” he said “that was kind”

“It’s just my nursing instincts kicking in” Charlene said as she declared herself satisfied that his trousers were dry and as she was folding them she was surprised at the inadequacy of the fabric so she asked

“Where were you coming from?”

“What?” he responded

“When you crashed, where were you coming from?” she asked


“Oh” she exclaimed “I wasn’t expecting that answer, and where were you heading?”


“Well you made it, this is Morningside” she said but when she turned around he had drifted off to sleep.

“And it looks like you’re staying here till morning”


Charlene didn’t sleep well as she wasn’t supposed to be in bed at that time and her body clock told her she should be awake.

So she got up and stretched and checked her watch and saw it was just after seven.

She slipped on her dressing gown and then looked out of the window and could see it was still snowing though much lighter than it had been before.

She went down stairs where she firstly checked on her guest and found he was still sleeping peacefully, so she revived the fire and dropped on another log and crept out of the room and then she phoned Oak Dale.


Charlene phoned Alexandra Barrileau at Oak Dale and it was Megan Murray who answered the phone.

“Good Morning Oak Dale”

“Hi Megan, its Charlene, how was the drive in?”

“Oh I didn’t go home last night” she replied

“Really? Is the boss there?”

“Yes I’ll just put you through”

“Good morning Charlene” Alex said

“Morning Alex, I’m going to leave in about half an hour…”

“No don’t do that” she interrupted “The roads are still treacherous”

“But I thought I’d give one of the others a chance to get home” Charlene added

“Well the forecast is for light snow on and off all day and a clear period after dark with heavy snow again overnight” Alex explained “So if you could come in tomorrow night instead that would help because the others will be dead on their feet by then”

“Ok if you’re sure” Charlene said

“I’m sure” she replied “so just have a relaxing day”

“Well I’ve got an unexpected houseguest at the moment so I’m not sure how much relaxing I’ll do”

“Who’s that then?” Alex asked and Charlene spent the next ten minutes explaining about the mystery man.


Charlene put down the phone and went back upstairs and showered and dressed for the day before she returned downstairs to the kitchen and flicked on the kettle.


She made herself a coffee and her guest a mug of tea and took it into the sitting room.

Rory was just stirring as she walked in and put the drinks on the table.

“Good morning” she said brightly but when he turned to look at her he looked like death warmed up.

“You look awful”

“I’ll be fine when I’ve had a drink” he said hoarsely

Charlene was unconvinced and asked

“Do you need to contact anyone, wife? Girlfriend?”

“I’m not married and it turns out that my girlfriend is a tart and is probably still shagging a North African waiter”

“Ok, that was too much information” she said “what about family?”

“No family”

“What about friends? Won’t somebody wonder where you are?” she asked

“They think I’m in Tunisia” Rory said

“When are you expected back then?”

“Not until the10th” he replied


“So you’re a nurse” he said as she caught him watching her

“Yes” she replied taking a sip of her coffee.

“I’m a nurse at Oak Dale”

“Where’s that?” he asked

“It’s a nursing home in the Dulcets” she replied

“Oh” he responded not having a clue what the Dulcets were or that they consisted of a collection of villages and hamlets such as Dulcet Meadow, Dulcet St Mary, Dulcet Green and Dulcet-on-Brooke.

He was new to the area having lived in Northchapel, for most of his life, until 3 months earlier and he was still finding his way around.

He only knew one way in to Mornington from the outside world and hadn’t up to that point strayed from that one route.


After he had finished his tea he threw the blanket aside and said

“You have been very kind but I really should get going now, I have imposed on you for too long already”

But as soon as he stood up he almost fell down again.

Charlene saw him start to go and was immediately on her feet and caught him and guided him back into his chair.

“My God you’re burning up” she said as she touched his forehead

“I’m fine” he insisted “I’ll be home in ten minutes”

“You’re not going anywhere, you have a fever”

“But...” he protested

“Don’t argue, I’m a nurse remember”

“But…” he protested again

“I’m not surprised you have a fever considering the state of you when you got here” she said “The only place you’re going is bed”

Rory didn’t protest further as he was too exhausted and he knew he wasn’t going to win.


Charlene helped Rory up to her bedroom and sat him on the bed while she threw back the duvet and then she laid him down and he began to resist.

“Please don’t fuss” he insisted “I’m fine really”

“Nonsense” she said “Do as you’re told and lie down”

She left him briefly and went to the bathroom and returned with a thermometer which she put in his mouth and when she took it out again she said.

“Fine my arse, 104”

When she had silenced his protests and was satisfied that the mutiny was over she asked

“Are you allergic to anything?”

“No” he replied meekly

“No problem with paracetamol?”


She left the room again and returned a few moments later with a glass of water and two tablet and after supervising him taking the tablets she put the glass on the bedside table and walked towards the door, but before she left she turned and said.

“Get some sleep and you can have some soup in a couple of hours”

“Has anyone ever told you….?” He began

“That I’m really bossy? Oh yes often” she replied


After leaving him in her bed she went into the guest room and made up the spare bed before she went downstairs to the kitchen.


Lesser mortals might have found having a stranger in the house an imposition but for Charlene it was a godsend.

Being trapped in the cottage for two days on her own would have driven her doolally.

Charlene hadn’t coped well on her own since her husband left and the only thing keeping her sane was her work.

But being denied that escape due to the weather was a nightmare scenario for her so having Rory knock on her door in need of her hospitality was an absolute godsend.


When she had returned downstairs to the kitchen she looked out of the window and could see it was still lightly snowing.

She flicked on the kettle and turned her attention to lunch, she was going to do some proper cooking.

She loved to cook, and she was a very good cook, but since living alone again she didn’t bother for herself.

In fact she couldn’t remember the last time she had cooked something from scratch.

Now bearing in mind that her target diner had a fever and probably didn’t have much of an appetite she had decided on soup.


She was in her element, firstly poring over her cook books and when she had settled on the recipe.

Charlene used ingredients from the cupboard she hadn’t used for months and before she knew it 4 hours had gone by.

“Oops” she said when she looked up at the clock.      

She had said to Rory that she would bring him some soup in a couple of hours but she had gone well over that so she washed her hands and went upstairs and checked on her patient.


But on finding him still asleep, she checked he was still alive, and then went back downstairs to the kitchen and carried on with the soup.


At 5 o’clock Charlene climbed the stairs carrying a tray with a large bowl of homemade chicken and vegetable soup, a carafe of water and two paracetamol.

She wasn’t sure why, but she was worried he might not like it, which really bothered her and not just because she had spent most of the day in the kitchen, although she had laboured on more than just the soup.

She pushed open the bedroom door and found Rory was awake and half sitting in bed.   

“How are you feeling now?” she asked

“I’m a little better I think” he replied

“Good” Charlene said but placed a thermometer in his mouth

“Have I still got a temperature?” he asked a minute later

“Yes but its only 103” she replied “So are you hungry?”

“Yes I think so”

“Ok then take another two tablets and eat your soup” Charlene said


About half an hour later Charlene returned to find his bowl empty.

“Finished already?” she asked

“Yes I guess I was hungrier than I thought” he said

“It was alright then?”

“Better than alright” he said which pleased her immensely

“How about a hot drink?” she asked

“Yes please” he replied “And would you mind keeping me company?”

“Not at all” she said “I’ll be back in jiff”


She returned about ten minutes later with a mug in each hand which she put down on the bedside table and then she sat in the chair by the bed.

They made small talk for about ten minutes and then asked

“Where is your car?”

“I’m sorry?”

“I mean I know you crashed it but where is the car now?”

“It’s in a ditch somewhere along the Purplemere Road a couple of miles from here I think” he replied

“Ok I’ll let Dave Jones know” she said

“Who is Dave Jones?”

“Oh he’s the police Sgt he lives the other side of the brewery” she said “He can put a “Police Aware” report on it”


As soon as darkness fell so did the temperature and Rory got increasingly tired over the couple of hours they were sat talking so Charlene said “goodnight” and after cleaning up the kitchen she decided to call it a night herself.  


She was really tired having had a very poor night’s sleep the night before and having worked so hard all day so she slept like a log.

When she woke up the next morning it was snowing again and settling fast on the frozen snow of the day before.


Charlene showered and dressed for the day and went down stairs with a bit of a spring in her step.

As she boiled the kettle and made tea she thought to herself how nice it was to have someone in the cottage to fuss over.

It was just a shame that Rory needed to almost freeze to death in order to bring it about.

An hour later Charlene went back upstairs with a jug of water and some tablets in order to maintain a Paracetamol, fluids and sleep regime.

She opened the door and saw that he was awake.


Charlene went back upstairs with a jug of water and some tablets in order to maintain a Paracetamol, fluids and sleep regime.

She opened the door and saw that he was awake.

“Morning Rory” she said “It’s snowing hard again”

“Oh dear I was going to walk home this morning” he said

“Really?” she said trying not to sound too disappointed

“Well I have imposed on your hospitality long enough” he said

“Don’t be silly it’s been no trouble and it’s not like I had anything else to do while we were snowed in” she said

“That’s kind of you to say so” he said “But I know I’ve been a nuisance”

“Rubbish” Charlene said “Now why don’t you have a shower and get into your own clothes and I’ll make us some breakfast, and then we can see what the weathers doing”

“Deal” he said


Charlene was over the moon that he was staying for breakfast as it gave her the excuse to do a big fry up, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d done one, being on her own she wouldn’t have bothered.

But apart from the breakfast she was enjoying the company.


It was almost 10.30am when they sat at the kitchen table having consumed a full English breakfast and were just finishing their tea when Rory suddenly exclaimed


“What’s the matter?” she asked with concern

“I should have called the car hire company to report the accident” he said

“Oh is that all” she said “I did that already”

“You did?” he asked

“Yes, yesterday afternoon, when you were asleep” Charlene replied “After I spoke with Sgt Jones”

“Thank you, you are wonderful” he said and she blushed and immediately got up and took the plates to the sink to cover her embarrassment.

“Blushing for goodness sake get a grip” she said to herself

“Here let me do that” he protested

“No its fine, you go into the sitting room and I’ll make us another tea” she said

“How about you make the tea and I’ll wash up?” he insisted

“Alright then” she conceded “but you were much more obedient when you were helpless”


Charlene and Rory spent the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon in the sitting room drinking tea and chatting and would probably have continued for longer had it not been for a knock on the door.

“Who can that be?” she said, cross because of the interruption.

She got up from her chair and went out into the hall and she could see a large yellow shape through the glass.

She brightened however when she opened the door to see it was

David Jones.

Sgt Jones was based in Mornington where he lived with his wife Peta and their children, although his patch covered a large area of the Finchbottom Vale.

“Hello Dave” she said

“Hi Charlene” he replied “is your house guest still about?”

“Yes he’s in the sitting room, come in out of the cold”



Charlene showed Sgt Jones into the sitting room and after the introductions were done Charlene left them alone and then Sgt Jones presented him with his personal belongings from the car.

“Richards Recovery took the vehicle away this morning” Sgt Jones said “Here is all the paperwork”

“Thank you” he said

“I just need you to sign for your belongings and then we’re done” the Sgt said

Rory took and duly signed the form and said

“Thanks again”

“You should be thanking Charlene she got the ball rolling, she’s one of a kind” Sgt Jones said

“I’ve already noticed that” Rory replied just as she reappeared.

“What are the roads like Dave?” she asked “I might be on duty tonight”

“Well Purplemere Road is clear, and you can get to the Dulcets but not via Dulcets Road so you’ll have to go the long way round” he explained “but you can get there”

She had to confess that as much as she loved her job she was a little disappointed with the news.


After she had shown Sgt Jones out she phoned Oak Dale and spoke with Alex and told her what Sgt Jones had told her about the roads before she returned to the warmth of the sitting room and Rory’s pleasant company.


“I’m on duty tonight” she said “so I have to get my head down for a few hours”

“Oh ok I’ll be on my way then” he said perching on the edge of the chair.

“No, no” she said urgently “you don’t have to go, you’re still not dressed for snow, and I don’t want you to have a relapse”

“But I don’t want to get in the way” he said

“You’re not, honestly, you can stay here in the warm and watch TV, and your flat is probably freezing”

“Well that’s true” he agreed

“And you’ll be doing me a favour” she said “Because I’ve got a casserole in the slow cooker and I need you to stay and help me eat it”

“Well if you insist” he said needing no arm twisting


As she walked up the stairs she hoped she hadn’t come across as too keen to have him stay, she wondered if it might have sounded a bit desperate.

Although on the plus side he didn’t offer much resistance so she went to sleep with a smile on her face.


As he sat by the fireside he knew he was falling for Charlene, but he wondered if he was viewing her through rose tinted glasses, he had after all only broken up with Melanie two days earlier, so was he just on the rebound and was he in danger of making another mistake?

He realised everything had been superficial about Melanie all his friends had warned him about Mel but all he saw was a  gorgeous girl five years younger than he was who was seemingly interested in him.

And he was taken in by the petite, well-tanned girl with hair the colour of ripened corn despite everyone warning him he was making a mistake, but he didn’t listen.

He knew now that they were right, love was truly blind.


Rory Hitchen sat in Charlene’s cosy sitting room in White Rose Cottage with the TV on, showing the normal daytime programming but all Rory could think of was his caring angel.

Charlene was as unlike Melanie as it was possible to get in almost every way.

She was taller, five foot eight, brunette hair instead of blonde which was short and bobbed instead of long, mesmerizing green eyes instead of steel blue.

They were both attractive with nice figures and gorgeous legs but they were the only similarities.

Charlene was kind, considerate, caring and unselfish, traits that Melanie wouldn’t have known the meaning of.

And the bonus was that she was an excellent cook and he rather liked her in her uniform as well.


It was while he was picturing her in her uniform that he heard her footfalls above his head so he got up and went to the Kitchen and boiled the kettle.

He could hear running water as he waited for the kettle to boil which he assumed was Charlene in the shower and went to the cupboard and removed two mugs as he tried to put the image of her in the shower out of his head.


When she got downstairs to the kitchen she found Rory was just pouring the hot water into their mugs

“Hello” She said smiling broadly “Perfect timing”

“Hi, Good sleep?”

“Yes” she replied although in truth it had been interspersed with dreams, but she felt sufficiently refreshed.


“It’s stopped snowing” he said “So I’ll leave you in peace soon”

“Oh I thought I could drop you off on my way to work” she said as she checked the casserole “if you can put up with me for a few more hours”

“Well that’s no hardship” he said and she smiled to herself.


They ate their dinner on trays in the sitting room beside the comforting fire and then just sat and talked until it was time for Charlene to get changed for work.

She was on the 2 till 10 shift and ordinarily wouldn’t leave home until 1 am but as she had been absent for two day due to the weather she was keen to get there early and as Sgt Jones had told her she needed to go the long way round she was leaving at midnight and it was about ten minutes to the hour when she returned down stairs in her uniform.


“Nearly ready” she said as she put a slide in her bobbed brown hair, wearing a pale blue uniform with a faint white pinstripe.

“Well hello nurse” he said slightly in the carry-on movie style but silently he was thinking Phwoah, which was as much for its contents as the uniform itself, and his eyes seldom left her as she busied around getting ready.


Charlene drove him the short distance up to Mornington Field and pulled up outside Lancaster House, which was originally the Officers Mess which had now been converted to Apartments, Rory lived in number 1.


“Thank you for your kindness Charlene” he said before he got out of her car and leant across and kissed her cheek and then they said their goodbyes and he got out of the car.

“Drive carefully” he added and then he stood and watched as she drove away.


When Rory Hitchen returned home he was left alone with his own thoughts in a cold flat for the remainder of the week and he found them uncomfortable companions apart of course from the thoughts about Charlene.

It had been an eventful week which began with him thinking he was in love with one woman and ended with him falling in love with another.

Everyone told him he was punching way above his weight where Melanie was concerned, and to watch out, so what would they make of Charlene?

That was providing of course that she felt the same way about him.

“Well there’s only one way to find out” he said to himself


He knew she was working on Friday night and would be sleeping when she returned home on Saturday so if he was going to do it had to be at Oak Dale before she left for home.

Rory picked up the phone and dialled the number.


It was just after 8 o’clock when Alexandra Barrileau looked out of her office window and watched a white van, liveried in green, Bizzie Lizzie of Downshire, drive into the carpark.

A young woman, Michelle Norman, got out and opened the side door.

Alexandra recognized her immediately, she lived in Mornington, but she was a regular feature at Oak Dale, the girl then reached inside the van and when she emerged she was carrying a large bouquet, a very large bouquet indeed, and headed towards reception with it.

It was unusual to get a delivery that early on a Saturday morning and her curiosity got the better of her so she put her cup and saucer down and went to investigate.


Michele walked through the door and briskly towards reception

“Hello Michelle” Megan Murray the receptionist said. “Who’s the lucky girl today?”

“Flowers for Charlene Rogers” Michelle replied

“Ok I’ll take them” Megan said and took the flowers and signed for them.

Michelle then got back in the van and drove off just as Alex arrived in reception.

“Who are they for?” she asked as she neared the desk

“Someone’s sent flowers to Charlene” she replied

“Have they indeed, what a lucky girl, they’re beautiful” Alex said

“Flowers for Charlene Rogers” Megan said as Charlene began to descend the stairs


“Flowers for Charlene Rogers” she repeated

“They’re very beautiful” Charlene said as she took the bouquet

“But no one ever sends me flowers, it must be a mistake”

“There is a card” Alex pointed out

She took the envelope off the bouquet and opened it and it read

“Thank you my “Caring Angel””

“That’s very sweet” she said quietly and read on

“Are you free for Dinner tonight? Text “YES” to this number”

“Who are they from then?” Megan asked impatiently

“My secret admirer” she replied

“So you’re mystery man from the storm then” Alex said and Charlene just nodded as she was grinning too much to speak.





I stand alone
Yet among friends
I stand alone
In the sight of family


Hear the music?
Come ahead
Make me turn my head
Come join me


Stand beside me
Stand to my left
Become me
Let me become you


Hear the words?
Go ahead
Make me turn my head
Come join me


We stand together

Before our friends
We stand together
In the sight of family


Hear the music?
Hear the song?
Let’s sing along
Come join me


We stand together
Alone no more
Joined as one
Before our God