Friday, 25 March 2022

Uncanny Tales – (066) The Late-Night Adventure

Gary Smith and Carla Lund were staying on a camp site in the Finchbottom Vale that was once a working railway station before it fell foul of Dr Beeching and his cuts, in a place called Sharpinghead.

The two of them were staying in a converted signal box which was comfortable enough but because of the limited floor space it had bunk beds which didn’t go down well at all with Carla, she wanted a double bed and plenty of comfort and more than a little loving.

“What the hell are they?” she said when she saw the bunks

“A challenge” Gary replied flippantly but she was not impressed

“We’re not 13” she said,

It was not an insurmountable problem as far as he was concerned but she just wasn’t the adventurous type.

Although Gary could remember the time when she was, a time when she enjoyed a kiss and a cuddle in the woods back in the days when they were courting but she seemed to have forgotten just how much.

The bunk beds were bad enough, but Carla really lost it when she realized there was also no toilet or bathroom ensuite and the nearest facilities were 60 yards away.

She stormed out and left Gary to unpack and she was gone for hours, in fact Gary was already asleep in the bottom bunk when she got back.    

The next morning just after first light he had to get up to the toilet, he wasn’t going to bother dressing but trotted the 60 yards to the toilet in his pants.

When he returned to the signal box, he quietly closed the door and was just tiptoeing across the room when he spied, highlighted in the early morning light, Carla’s naked buttocks protruding from beneath her duvet and written on a post it note, stuck to one buttock was one single word “Sorry”.

And that was when he woke her in the dawn light and the adventure returned to their marriage.


After that first surrender to adventure Carla felt alive and tingling all over and was keen to try some more while Gary was just intent on enjoying it while it lasted.

But the new adventurous Carla didn’t leave her sexual escapades in Sharpinghead when the summer holiday was over, and they spent their spare time exhaustively finding ever more adventurous ways to satisfy her brains out.

But they were also regular visitors back to the Vale where they would revisit sights of old adventures, where he would sully her anew, as well as finding new and evermore sensual exploits.

Which was why they took every opportunity to get back to the Vale because their intimate exchanges always seemed hotter there than anywhere else.

So, they became regulars at Maxlins holiday camp in Sharpinghead as its size and range of activities gave them ever more opportunities of making nerve tingling dirty adventurous memories.

Sometimes they would just go as day visitors which is how they found themselves back in Sharpinghead on a beautiful spring day  after Gary suggested they go to the pub in the village and after a couple of drinks in the Railway Tavern, Carla started getting “adventurous” again and with the new adventurous Carla, Gary knew all too well that when she was “ready” for adventure he had to be ready, so he said

“We had better go”

“Just what I was thinking” she added

As they walked towards the door, he looked at Carla who was wearing a short denim skirt, a pale blue short sleeved top, low cut obviously, blue and white ankle socks and trainers, and he ascertained it wouldn’t take long to get her prepared for action and as Gary had on a t-shirt and elastic waisted swim shorts, he knew he was equally prepared.
So once outside he said

“So where to?”

“To the woods” she replied before adding “and quickly”


It was dusk when they left the pub, but darkness fell quickly and they blundered about in the dark for a while searching for a suitable spot, until they stumbled upon the assault course they had seen earlier in the day.

“Let’s do it up the tower” she suggested excitedly

They had emerged from the woods by part of the course where there was a large scramble net which after twenty feet led to the zip wire tower.

“Ok but be careful” he cautioned

“Don’t worry this is adventure woman Carla you’re talking too” she pointed out and then she ran head long up the net and got about six foot up it and then missed her footing and one leg went through the net.

“Are you ok?” he asked with concern

“I’m fine” she replied and tried to extricate her leg, but when the other leg went through a different hole, it caused her to lose her hand holds as well, and she ended upside down and forming a perfect “Y” shape.

“Ok I admit it, I’m not fine” she said

“Are you hurt?” Gary asked

“No” she retorted “but I’m stuck”

So, Gary climbed up the net to extricate her from her predicament, but when he reached her, he noticed that her little denim skirt had, under the influence of gravity, fallen earthwards leaving her pale blue knickers on view so he changed his focus.

“Well, she wanted adventure” he thought “so this is as good a place as any”

“Can you, do it?” she asked “All the bloods rushing to my head”

“No problem” he replied

But when she felt his hand on her inner thigh she asked

“What are you doing?”

A few moments later she knew in no uncertain terms what he was doing.

However just when things were getting really interesting, he stopped abruptly

“What’s wrong?” she said with alarm

“I thought I heard someone” he replied so Gary quickly got her upright and helped the wobbly legged adventurer up the net and into the tower where they could complete the deed. 



I need her love so badly

I have fallen for her madly

And though she tells me

She is mine till eternity

I am so insecure

I do not know for sure

If I tell her of my distrust

I will warrant her disgust

Though I am riddled with self-doubt

She will only pout

Why must I doubt her?

Why can’t I believe her?

I should count my blessings

Instead of self-obsessing

I have fallen for her madly

I need her love so badly

Uncanny Tales – (065) Topography


In the small but thriving English county of Downshire, people go about the tasks of their everyday existence in ways that range from the mundane to the extraordinary, as their forebears had done for centuries before, and the countryside of the Finchbottom Vale provided a perfect habitat for those seeking privacy.

His strong hands explored the pure silk landscape of her form and its sensual gentle topography, tracing the wondrous features beneath his eager fingers, mapping the contours of her corporeal curvature and undulating terrain which reforms beneath his touch, her soft mounds rising and falling divinely, the roundness of her dunes contrasted by their prominent peaks.

They then sweep across the flatness of the tremulous plain of her belly thru the sparse coarse undergrowth to the hot moist valley beyond where fingers probe among the petals of her sensually scented orchid.



I stand alone

Yet among friends

I stand alone

In the sight of family


Hear the music?

Come ahead

Make me turn my head

Come join me


Stand beside me

Stand to my left

Become me

Let me become you


Hear the words?

Go ahead

Make me turn my head

Come join me


We stand together

Before our friends

We stand together

In the sight of family


Hear the music?

Hear the song?

Let’s sing along

Come join me


We stand together

Alone no more

Joined as one

Before our God

Uncanny Tales – (063) The Dance


In the small but thriving English county of Downshire, people go about the tasks of their everyday existence in ways that range from the mundane to the extraordinary, as their forebears had done for centuries before, in Purplemere willowy vixen, Yasmin was willing and welcoming as she writhed and gyrated on the pole at the Hot Lips Club.

Erotically cavorting like a slutty gracile courtesan suppliantly performing for the clientele of dirty old men and drunken letches.
Debasing herself in seedy surroundings for the meagre rewards, selling herself cheaply to wealthy businessmen and the sad and the lonely, and in her nakedness, she begs for more paper currency which they tuck in her panties.
She calls herself an exotic dancer but in reality, she’s no better than the geisha who satisfies a Mikado’s wants and needs.

As he watched her he craved that she would dance a dance for him, the one of ancient rhythm, primordial, with hips grinding and gyrating to a sensual beat, wriggling and writhing, dancing like a beast, feeling the animal rhythm and singing for him that song, the song of ancient and universal language, guttural, savage, utterances of a beast, and when Yasmin had danced that dance for him in perfect rhythm and he craved her sing to him her orgasmic song.

But he knew it would never happen she would just keep selling herself to the lecherous customers and never give herself to him.



A pulchritudinous creature

Oblivious to the turmoil

Stirred in a young mans chest

Tamed the beast in me

Sublimating me

From my true desires

Quelling the fires

Redirecting my passions

Reemploying my sexual energy

So we partake

Of the socially acceptable

Exercise our creative bent

Until the time is right

That blessed moment

When love supplants lust

And passions flame can burn

Uncanny Tales – (064) The Final Revenge


Tom and Mark Lewis were fraternal twins and growing up were each other’s best friend as well and roamed the countryside of the Vale as they grew from boys to men and there was no reason why their friendship wouldn’t survive into adulthood had it not been for the fact that Tom betrayed his brother by sleeping with Mark’s fiancé Dakota the night before their wedding.

As a result, Mark was unable to forgive either of them and suffice is to say that the wedding didn’t go ahead, he also refused to pay any of the bills related to the wedding and referred all of them to “the slut”.

He also published pictures of both of the culprits and blackened their names on social media. 

In addition, he set up a rival business in direct competition to his brother with the sole intention of stealing trade from him and undercut his rival at every turn and try to break him.

But Mark wasn’t satisfied with that, he also dogged Tom in his leisure time as well and even holiday’d in the same location, even though he could well afford to holiday at more upmarket resorts and he ate at the same restaurants.

However, it wasn’t until 8 years after the initial betrayal that Mark was able to draw a line underneath it and get on with his life.


It happened on the Greek island of Andros in the Cyclades and Mark was sitting on his balcony looking down on the square in Batsi and below he could see Tom sitting at a table at the Medusa bar and he made sure that he saw him watching and even gave him a wave.

“Who are you waving to?” Gemma asked from his bed

“Your husband” he replied