It feels like only yesterday
That you first came in
to view
And the world seemed
to stand still
As I looked at you
It seems like only yesterday
That cupids arrow took
And struck me through
the heart
And it was love at
first sight
It feels like only yesterday
That you first came in
to view
And the world seemed
to stand still
As I looked at you
It seems like only yesterday
That cupids arrow took
And struck me through
the heart
And it was love at
first sight
I finally looked into the shadows
And saw where you live
Because I’ve reached
the end
I have no more to give
I really loved you
And I thought you
loved me
But it wasn’t love
That you wanted from me
You wanted control, of
My every thought and
You brow beat me and
Until you got me to
You've always been
Behind my tears
Belittleing and
Feeding off my fears
Deprecating me,
correcting me
Telling me I’m wrong
Bleeding me until I am
Making yourself strong
But all those empty
I just couldn’t see
I was blind to just
how bad
You really were for me
But now my eyes are
And I see the man
Those dark days are
behind me
And my new life can
If only you were here
So I didn’t miss you
If only you were here
So I could kiss you
If only I had been
Granted three wishes
Then I would wish you
And cover you in
I have always been content
To live in the shadows
Avoiding the limelight
Keeping out of the sun
Living on the fringes
of life
Bathing in the reflected
glory of my peers
Living life vicariously
Keeping the world at
arms length
And keeping a low
Laughing at other
peoples jokes
Rejoicing in other
peoples good fortune
Cheering on other
peoples success
Crying at other
peoples weddings
Always the bridesmaid,
never the bride
Always the uncle,
never the father
Always the friend,
never the lover
And why not? no harm
no foul
Its safe wrapping
yourself in Clingfilm
Living a sterile life,
Against the pain and
That fills the world
And I was more than happy
to do it
And I thought myself
the better for it
But now I realise
I am incomplete
I have lived a half-life
Taking no risks
Not opening my shell
By not exposing myself
to the dangers
I have denied myself
the pleasures
Well no more will I be
I will no longer
inhabit the shadows
No more will I view
life from the fringes
I want to be blinded
by the limelight
I want to walk in the
Before it’s too late
to live a full life
I’m not sure I’m ready to say it
But I know I really
feel it
So I will tell you that
I love you
And hope that you love
me too
Though some thought her unworldly
I thought she was cute
I think not being wise
in the ways of the world
Is an attractive trait
It left her with an
air of innocence
Untainted by
Some thought her a
mere frippery
I thought her beyond
But I was in a
minority of one
And to my great relief
I found
She was overlooked by
the rest
Which left this sweet
Exclusively to me
She was my Tulip in an
onion field
My Daisy in a Rose
She is now my constant
The love of my life
Happiness was the harbinger
Of my doom
Happy laughter echoed
In every joyful room
But we were too happy
That was our crime
The God’s couldn’t bear
To see us happy all
the time
So they sent the
To take you from my
They took your life
And left me dead
Sadness envelops me
As I kneel by your
I try to keep back the
I try my hardest to be
But they come anyway
My grief is unconfined
My dear sweet angel,
Resides with others of
her kind
I curse the selfish
For their spiteful
And pray to them also
To come soon and take