Friday, 3 February 2023



Do you know why,

Even after all these years,

When I close my eyes

Its your face I see

Even after all these years

My thoughts are of you

My dreams are of you

Its because I still love you

And I am stuck

In this mind set

Of not being able to love another

While I’m still in love with you

It’s a wasted love

Because you moved on

When I could not

Your heart is cold to me

While mine still burns for you

I've known that for years

But I cannot break free

And when my eyelids close

You are there behind them



She was certainly a sight

To wet any appetite

Elegant and graceful

Understatedly sexual

Outshining the sex kittens

The vamps and the vixens

Mouth-wateringly tantalising

Deliciously appetising

All the time she was there

All eyes consumed her

She would grace any menu

At any type of venue

But her appearance was brief

She was but an aperitif

But she was surely a sight

To wet any appetite



If I could make

The perfect wife

To keep with me

All of my life


If I was able to

Build the perfect one

I would chose Charlie’s legs

And Brenda’s bum

Laura’s breasts

And Eliza’s back 

Annie’s arms

And Connie’s neck

Jenny’s hands

And Sarah’s toes

Cassie’s ears

And Karen’s nose

Maureen’s mouth

And Stephanie’s grin

Doreen’s hair

And Patricia’s skin

Charlotte’s voice

And Debbie’s eyes

Joanne’s teeth

And Susan’s thighs

Emma’s grace

And Christine’s hips

Diane’s heart

And Penny’s lips


If this was something

That I could do

She would still not

Be as good as you



If only you could mix and match

To build the perfect girl

It would be great fun

I think I’ll give it a whirl


Bits may be out of proportion

She may look odd I guess

But she will only have eyes for me

And she will only answer yes


Beneath the moonlit sky

I looked at a star and wished

Then later that moonlit night

Beneath the moon we kissed 



Sibilant whisperings

Greeted me

For it was I

Who stole their glee


The gathering

Looked upon me

As the architect

Of their misery


They could barely

Keep their hate inside

At this wedding

Without a bride


It was all my doing

With my petty jealousy

And with it in me

I had made her flee



She told me that she loved me

And I didn't know how to react

I’m afraid to say I love her

I want to keep my heart intact

Is it time to let down my guard?

Should I tell her how I feel?

What if she is false or insincere

My heart may never heal

Should I expose my feelings?

Even though I feel insecure

But if I keep my feelings secret

Or wait until I am certain sure

I risk undermining her love

Blemishing it at its very start

And I could lose her love forever

And that would break my heart