Showing posts with label St George. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St George. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Snippets of Downshire Life – St George’s Day


Downshire is a relatively small English county but like a pocket battleship it packs a lot in, a short but beautiful coastline, a channel port, the Ancient forests of Dancingdean and Pepperstock, the craggy ridges and manmade lakes of the Pepperstock Hills National Park, the rolling hills of the Downshire Downs, the beautiful Finchbottom Vale and farm land as far as the eye can see from the Trotwood’s and the Grace’s in the south to the home of the Downshire Light infantry, Nettlefield, and their affluent neighbour’s, Roespring and Tipton in the North and it’s at the Downshire Country Park Hotel situated equidistant between Great and Little Trotwood where the St Georges Day Ball was taking place.

It was a beautiful moonlit night and Mark Cooper was enjoying a cigar on the Garden Terrace.

The reason he chose that particular place to smoke was because it was the far enough away to escape the noise but close enough, so he could still hear the band.  

He also went there to be alone because he liked to enjoy his smoke in peace, while he mulled things over.

He looked up at the hunter’s moon hanging in the clear night sky as he exhaled the mellow smoke long and slow, which was when his peace was broken by the appearance of a familiar face.


When Elspeth Humphreys left the Hotel Ballroom via the French doors she was carrying her shoes in one hand, her pashmina was draped over her arm and she was carrying her evening bag in her other hand as she padded along the terrace.

“Here you are” she said “I wondered where you’d got to”

“I thought I would leave you to your posse of admirers” he said

“They’re not my posse” she replied as she put her shoes and bag down on the terrace wall

“Just your admirers?”

“No, they’re not that either” she giggled “Let’s have a lug”

“You can have one of your own if you want” he retorted

“No, I’ll share yours” she said, and she stood very close to him as she took the cigar from his hand and took a long drag on it.

“So is that why you came out here, to smoke my cigar” he said

“No, I came to find you, and to cool down” she said and giggled before adding “it’s very hot work having a posse of admirers”


He studied her while they shared a smoke and Mark thought she looked fabulous in the moonlight and after they finished the cigar Elspeth suddenly shivered

“It looks like you’ve cooled down too much” he said “Come on I’ll take you back in side”

“No, I don’t want to” she protested

“All right then but put this on” he said and slipped off his dinner jacket and put it around her shoulders

“Thank you kind sir” she said “That’s lovely and warm”

“I’m here to serve mistress”

As she stood before him in the moonlight she commanded  

“Good then dance with me”

“Why here?”

“Because I command you” she said flamboyantly

“Very well then mistress, but why wouldn’t you dance with me in there?” he asked

“Because I didn’t want to share you with the crowd” she replied

“I wanted it to be just the two of us”

And then he became aware of being manipulated as if they were in a slow dance on the dance floor, so he just went with her and then he found his back against the wall.

“You may kiss me now” she said

“Yes mistress”