Aaron Keller was a great bear of a man,
standing 6’ 6” tall, barrell chested with hands like shovels.
But he was brought to his knees by a skinny Little waif standind 4’
11” by the name of Toni Kendall.
They were both in their mid twenties, both had flaming red hair but he
was a gentle giant who barely spoke and she was a little livewire who never
shut up.
The other thing that they had in common was more significant and that
was the fact that they were in love, though neither of them knew that they were
the recipient of that love.
Aaron couldn’t imagine that a beautiful little thing like Toni could
ever be interested in him, and she thought he was probably looking for someone
as quiet as him.
They both worked at Maxlin’s
Holiday Camp in Sharpinghead, she was a chalet maid and he was a general
Aaron lived in
Sharpinghead but Toni was from Finchbottom and as the summer season was coming
to an end she was running out of time, if nothing happened between them they
would go their separate ways and they would be unlikely to see each other
again, but if she got her way, and got her man, she would stay on.
She had been following
him around the camp for the whole summer in the hope that he would take her in
his arms, but no matter how much she flirted with him the result was the same
and she cursed his shyness.
Toni finally got her
man when they were on what was known as mothball duties, closing down those
chalet that would not be needed during the winter season, which meant a major
clean and then all the furniture was sheeted.
Because she was so
tiny she managed to enlist the help of the gentle giant with moving the
furniture, though she was more than capable of doing it herself, because she
was much stronger than she looked, she just used it as an excuse to get close
to him.
But despite her managing to get Aaron to help her, it didn’t really
help her in the way she wanted because she was such a chatterbox, so even if he
could have found the words he wanted to use he would have struggled to get a
word in edgeways.
However every thing
came good in the end when They were on their fifth chalet and all was not going
well for Toni as she was hoping he might have made a move on her by that stage,
afterall they were alone and had been in very close proximity on many
She was also annoyed at her self because although she was a confident
sparky girl she hadnt just come out with it and ask him out.
What Toni wanted though was for him to ask her but nothing happened so
she decided that she had to make him get physical.
Toni started by
undoing the braces on his overall as he picked things up and when he reatached
that one she undid the other and so on and so fourth until he took action.
However she didn’t
know when she started messing around quite how physical he would get.
But she wasn’t
complaining when the gentle giant had her draped over his shoulder and he was playfully
smaking her knicker clad buttocks while he watched the reflexion of his
handywork in the mirror.
Toni didn’t know when
she started messing around with Aaron quite how physical he would get.
But she wasn’t
complaining when the gentle giant had her draped over his shoulder and he was playfully
smaking her knicker clad buttocks while he watched the reflexion of his
handywork in the mirror.
However he only gave
her another two strokes before Toni called a halt to proceedings.
“Put me down” she
screamed “Put me down now”
“What’s wrong baby
girl?” he said playfully “Have you had enough?”
“Just put me down” she
insisted, and as he lowered her to the floor he cursed himself under his breath
for going too far, but he couldn’t help it, he was really having fun.
“I’m sorry” he said
when she was stood looking up at him “I went too far didn’t I?”
“Don’t be sorry” she
snapped and pushed him backwards onto a chair “You haven’t gone far enough yet”
“Oh?” he responded as
she inched towards him and when they were nose to nose she kissed him.
After that first time
they couldn’t keep there hands off eachother and suffice is to say that she
didn’t return home to Finchbottom and stayed on at Maxlin’s and the prospect of
spending all winter kissing and canoodling kept them warm.
Though they didn’t
have many opportunities for work time kissing and cuddling as they didn’t often
work together but when they weren’t working they didn’t go out in the world
But halfway through
the winter they got to work together again when they had to reopen some of the
chalets they had mothballed earlier in the year in preparation of the Christmas
As they unlocked the
first chalet Toni was wearing the usual Maxlin’s uniform, a blue denim skirt, a
pale blue blouse and a white cardigan while Aaron had on his familiar Blue bib
and brace overalls over a pale blue T-shirt.
“You realise that this
is the chalet that you first kissed me in?” he said
“How could I forget” she
replied wistfully but other than that she was uncharacteristically quiet.
“We don’t have time
for that today” she insisted “We have a lot to do”
“That’s a shame” he
“That’s as maybe” she
replied curtly
The pair of them were
making very good time and ploughed through the workload very well mainly
because Toni wasn’t saying anything.
They decided to do one
more chalet before lunch and were about half way through when Toni cursed
“Oh bugger”
“What’s up babe?” Aaron
“I’ve left my duster
on the kitchen counter” she replied
“I’ll get it” he
“No it’s alright honey
I can reach it through the hatch” she responded and opened the serving hatch.
She was on tiptoe
reaching for the duster which was obviously just out of reach, so she boosted
herself up so her belly was resting on the bottom of the hatch and her feet
were off the ground.
Where Toni’s tiny body
was draped over the hatch opening her pale blue knickers were on full display
and he remembered the first time he’d seen her cute little fleshy cheeks
visible below the hem of her denim skirt in those blue knickers and he couldn’t
resist giving her a little love slap.
“What are you doing?”
he heard her ask and then she added angrily “We don’t have time for any funny
“What’s the matter?”
he said “you’re not yourself today”
“Why? Just because I
won’t let you grope me when you feel like it” she said as she emerged from the
hatch holding the duster.
“Oh pardon me, I
wasn’t aware I was groping, I thought I was just playfully smacking the bum of
the girl I love” he said and turned around to carry on with what he was doing
“What?” she said
“It doesn’t matter” he
“Oh yes it does, what
did you say?” she insisted
“I said I was just
playing” he said
“No, you said more
than that” Toni said “What did you say exactly?”
Aaron frowned while he
recapped in his head and then voiced it
“I said I was smacking
the bum of the girl I love”
And the moment the
words left his lips she was kissing them.
“You never said you
loved me before” she said between kisses
“I was waiting for a
more romantic moment” he said and she kissed him again
“That’s why I was sad,
because I love you and I didn’t think that you felt the same” she said and
began to cry
“Do you mean that you
love me then?” he asked
“Of course I do” she
said through the tears and thumped his barrel chest.
He scooped her up and
stood her on the bed and said
“Just wait there”
Then he went and
locked the door and drew the curtains.
“What are you doing?”
she asked and he replied
“I’m giving us some
privacy so I can make love to the girl I love”
After they had made
love they had lost all the time they had made in the morning and were late for
lunch and still hadn’t finished the chalet and on top of that the bed needed to
be remade as well.