In the comfort of the
coffee shop
Nestled into an oversized sofa
Sits Abigail, homesick and sad
As she reads a letter from home
She knows the sadness
will pass
And sooner this time than the last
It strikes each time she hears from home
With news from those she left behind
Her parents, always loving
and kind
Her baby sister, annoyingly lovely
All of her friends of long standing
And of course him, the reason she left
She left her home and
those she loved,
The only place she had ever lived
After her marriage dismally failed
So she is building a new life for herself
Away from the people
she loves
And the places and all
the familiarity
The things that reminded her daily
Of her failure and her inadequacies
So Abigail lives far
away in a new town
And she is making new friends
Discovering new places that will be familiar
As she tries to forget past mistakes
She has joined a new
church in town
A new congregation, where her angels voice
Can sing loudly in praise to heaven
And she is finding peace within herself
And one day very soon,
Abigail will sit
In the comfort of the coffee shop
Nestled into an oversized sofa
And not be desperately homesick and sad
One day very soon
Abigail will read
A long rambling letter from home
And smile at it familiar contents
And she will not feel the old pain strike
One day very soon in
her new home
Abigail will allow herself be happy
One day very soon in her new home town
Abigail will forgive herself