After leaving the hospital Duncan drove into St Pierre
and parked the car.
He didn’t get into town very often so he thought as
he was passing, he would pop in and do a little personal shopping, and just
mooch around with no time restraints, which just never happened for him, so he
was going to make the most of it and make the most of it he did, he even got
his hair cut.
It was three in the afternoon by the time he’d
finished so he thought a coffee or two would just finish the afternoon
perfectly, so he headed for his favourite Coffee House, Gilbert’s, overlooking
the harbour.
It was named after the minor Norman nobleman, Gilbert du Beaumont,
who claimed the Bay Islands for himself, after the Battle of Hastings.
was his favourite for several reasons, A, he liked the fact that the
name was a nod to the island’s history, B, because they did great
coffee, C, it had a great view across the harbour and, D, it was
run by his ex-wife Caroline.
and Caroline were married for fifteen years before they divorced, and they were
separated for two years before that.
was not an acrimonious parting, and there was no ill feeling, in fact they were
still friends, and there was still love between them, though not a romantic
had also remained very involved in her children’s lives and was still on very
good terms with the rest of the family.
breakdown of the marriage was not a lack of love, it simply came down to the
fact that she did not come from a farming background, Duncan had thought she
would grow to love it, but she never really did.
only thing that irked him at the time of the divorce was that she reverted to
her maiden name of Wells.
walked into Gilbert’s, and straight up to the counter where Sally Watson was
Duncan, do you want your usual?”
sit down and I’ll bring it over” she said
the time he’d sat down and made himself comfortable Sally had arrived with his
drink and put it on the table in front of him.
you, no Caroline today?”
she’s on the mainland at the coffee roasters” Sally replied
Duncan was on his second mug and was lost in thought
as he gazed through the window when a voice said
“Do you mind if I join you?”
He turned around to find he was being addressed by
his audiologist.
“Oh hello, please do” he replied gesturing to an
empty chair.
“Can I get a coffee?”
“A Latte please” she replied, and he gestured to
Sally who nodded in response.
“What do I call you by the way? Doctor, nurse,
clinician, audiologist?”
“Anna will suffice” she replied and laughed
“So, are you playing hooky?”
“No not at all,” She replied indignantly
“Me thinks the lady doth protest too much” he
countered, and she laughed
“My last appointment of the day was cancelled, so I
thought I’d come and get a coffee and enjoy the view”
“It is a great view” he agreed
“Have you been here before?” Duncan asked
“Many times, I discovered it on my second or third
visit, so about two years” she replied, “and you?”
“Oh yes, I used to be married to the owner”
“You were married to Caroline?”
“I was”
“And you come here often?”
“I do”
“So, are you trying to win her back?”
“Do you mean am I still carrying a torch for her?”
“Goodness me no”, he said emphatically “That’s done
and done, and no going back, so I’m certainly not looking to win her back”
“So, you’re on good terms?”
“Oh yes, there was never any ill feeling between us,
and we’re still good friends, plus we have two children together, so it all
feels quite natural” He explained
“And then there is this” he added gesturing to the
They sat and talked for about an hour when she
looked at the clock and said
“I’d better get back to the hospital”
She got up and he got to his feet to face her
“If you’re at a loose end this evening, perhaps we
could have dinner” he suggested
“That would be lovely” she replied “But
unfortunately I already have plans and I’m on the midday ferry tomorrow”
“That’s a shame” he responded
“Maybe next month” she suggested
“I’ll look forward to it” he said and shook her hand
The next day Anna’s last patient was at 11.30, so
she got the bus from the hospital into town as she normally did.
Anna always left her car in Pipershaven and
travelled as a foot passenger to the island.
Depending on the amount of time she had available
determined whether or not to stop at Gilbert’s, however that day it wasn’t just
a coffee she was interested in.
She lied to Duncan the day before about having
plans, she really wanted to have dinner with him, but she wanted to talk to
Caroline first.
Anna walked into Gilbert’s and found her behind the
counter “Hi Anna” she said “Latte?”
“Yes please” she replied and sat on the nearest
stool and a minute later Caroline put a mug in front of her.
“I saw your husband at the hospital yesterday” she
said “As a patient”
“I always thought Duncan had selective hearing”
Caroline said and laughed
“Then I bumped into him in here later” Anna added “And
we had coffee together”
“Yes, he likes the place” she said “It was Duncan
who suggested this location you know”
“He invited me to dinner” Anna said
“That was kind of h…” Caroline began “Oooh you like
“I said no” Anna said
“Because I wanted to talk to you first” she said
“I wanted to know you were ok about it”
“Of course, I’m ok about it” Caroline said “Duncan
and I are good friends and that’s all”
“That’s what he said” Anna said
“You should have dinner with him” she said “He’s a
good and kind man”
“What happened between you two?” Anna asked
“We fell out of love, it’s as simple as that”
Caroline said before she went to serve another customer.