Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (052) Romantic Weekend

Beth’s Coffee House was not a familiar haunt for Sophie Blourde and her friends, it was a bit “grown up”, but that Saturday as she sat in Beth’s, waiting for Angela White, the sexiest woman she’d ever seen, she felt like a grown up, but she also felt very small.

She was so excited about the date that she was an hour early and she was on her fourth coffee by the time Angela walked in and said


“Hhhhello” she stammered

“Same again?” she said,

“No” she replied

“Tea?” Angel asked

“No” she snapped

“Ok, so what do you want?” Angel said cheerfully

“Pictures” Sophie said abruptly


“Will you come to the pictures?” she blurted “With me”


“Today, tonight” she replied with a crack in her voice

Angela liked Sophie very much, her innocence and naivety, and had looked forward to seeing her, she was a really good-looking girl and  very sweet.

Sophie was four years younger than her, and they were from different backgrounds and different parts of the island, but if Angela had any doubts that Sophie was the one for her, they evaporated away when she blurted out “Will you come to the pictures?” 

So regardless of the difference in age and the geography of their homes she said “yes” and that was how it all began, their first date to the Forum Cinema.


The last weekend of January was also significant for two other women on the island because on Saturday morning the Archer brothers returned to the island and Nikki Harrison and Arielle Nicholas were waiting in St Pierre to meet them off the ferry. 

Though they didn’t remain as a foursome once they were reunited, Harry took Arielle for an intermate lunch at the Orangery in the Beaumont Manor while Sam and Nikki decided on a walk on Manor Cliff Beach rather than go straight to Beacon Farm. 

It was late afternoon when Harry and the Vicar returned to Spaniards Creek.

The boys were only on the island until Monday morning, so they had to make the most of their time together. 

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