Monday 30 November 2020

The Clerembeax Palace Hotel and Spa – Twitcher

The beautiful Downshire village of Clerembeax St Giles was situated to the west of Abbeyvale located between Grace Hill and Bushy Down and on the outskirts was the Clerembeax Palace Hotel and Spa where many of the villagers found employment, and among them was

Kevin Roche, who was sitting in his car in a carpark up on the edge of the Downshire Downs when he saw Sharon Whitbread approaching furtively, with her coat collar up and the brim of her hat pulled down, and he smiled as it was unlikely that anyone would notice her given how foggy the day was.

When she reached the car, she opened the passenger door and got in and they kissed, and the moment their lips met he wanted her, and he could tell by the urgency of her contribution to the embrace they she wanted him too.

The problem was where, she wasn’t the type of girl to do it in the car, they couldn’t go to hers as her husband was at home as he worked nights, and he couldn’t take her back to his as his wife was asleep in the marital bed having been struck down with the flu, and they certainly couldn’t do it al fresco given the weather, but they really wanted to do it.

“Eureka!” he thought “I have an idea”

He disengaged his mouth from Sharon’s kissed her forehead and said “Come with me”

“Where are we going?” She asked suspiciously

“We’re going birdwatching” he replied as he got out the car.

There was a hide about a hundred yards from the carpark which he knew would be unattended because of the fog, because if you can’t see them no one is going to watch them.


When they returned to the car park they kissed again but with slightly less urgency than before.

“I liked birdwatching” she said and smiled

“Me too” he agreed and then he walked her all the way safely to the door of her car, then after watching her drive away he returned home and after quickly showering away his lust, he made a cup of tea and went to check on his wife.


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