Chapman went to the University of Downshire where she did Business Studies in
Abbottsford and it was for her, like many girls of her age, a life defining
was in halls for the first year and she shared with three other girls from
Beaumont Island, Stacey Jackson, a tall, beautiful and
kindly brunette girl, curvy redhead Poppy Nunthorpe, and Nicole Wilson a
quiet busty brunette.
four of the girls were studying different subjects, but their strong friendship
resulted from their shared history as islanders, and as they got on so well the
four of them decided very early on to rent a house between them for the second
and third years.
was five foot two, skinny and flat chested girl, beautiful and painfully shy,
with blonde hair and a sweet smile and she lived at Crag Edge Farm which is the
smallest of the five farms on the island, on the west of the island bordered in
the east by Roman Road and Halfway Lane to the south.
There was a major effort
during the Indian summer to harvest all the hay before the weather turned, but
such was the intensity of the task they didn’t have time to stow it away as
neatly as they normally would, so all the barns were full, but not tidy.
So ironically on the day of
the harvest festival service at St Clara’s, all the farms were busy frantically
getting their barns in order to make sure none of the hay and straw went to
All the farms helped each
other out during busy times which was why Phil Wilson from Roman Water Farm was
in the barn at Crag Edge helping Paige stack hay bales.
They had been at it for about
an hour and a half, and there was the normal amiable chatter between them as
they stacked the bales, with Phil at ground level handing the bales up to Paige
who was about ten feet up, piling them layer on layer, but then as she reached
down for the next bale, the one she was standing on crumbled, and she fell
forward onto the bale he was holding, which in turn fell on Phil and they ended
up in a straw covered heap on the floor facing each other and then while she
was still trying to catch her breath he took her by surprise and kissed her
“Oh” she exclaimed when he
“Sorry” he said “I couldn’t
help myself”
“Oh, that’s ok, it was very
nice” she said “you just took me by surprise”
“It’s just…”
“Just what?”
“Well I always assumed you
were gay” Paige said
“Well there are at least
seven attractive women on the local farms, and I rather immodestly include
myself in that number, between twenty-one and twenty-five and to the best of my
knowledge, which is extensive, you haven’t tried it on with any of us, have
“No” he said very definitely
“Firstly, because I’m not
interested in your sister, random shepherdess’s or the stable girls” he said
“and secondly because I was trying to get up the courage to ask you out, but
then gravity intervened, and I seized the moment”
“Well you haven’t” she stated
“Haven’t what?”
“You haven’t asked me, you’ve
invaded my personal space and assaulted me, but you haven’t asked me out” she
said matter of factly
“Oh, I see, well yes I see
what you mean” he said, “would you like to go out?”
“Of course, I do” she replied
and then pushed him back on the pile of straw and invaded his personal space,
and she was doing that to great effect when her sister Stacey walked in
“I’ll come back later” she