Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (133) Overstepping


Also on that morning Doctors Woodward and Cameron took advantage of the fine day and the fact that they were both off work on the same day.

When Deborah knocked for Stuart, he had his binoculars around his neck and when she saw them, she said

“I hope you’re not going be saying “Oh what a beauty” every five minutes”

“I don’t say that” he said, and she laughed

“Or “Cor look at that lovely pair”“

“I don’t say that either” he said indignantly “People only say that in “Carry On” Films”

Deborah was chuckling loudly

“I would only say “Oh what a beauty” if I was looking at you” he said

“Oh!” she exclaimed and they both blushed


It was wet underfoot as they walked through Bellevue Woods following all the rain from the past week and with the wet  leaves beneath his feet, he suddenly lost his footing.

“Wha…” he exclaimed, followed by “oh shit” and the sound of breaking branches and a thud.

She pushed her way through some bushes and found Stuart getting to his feet and rubbing his hip.

“You didn’t see that coming with your binoculars?” she said, and laughed

“You’re mean” he replied and rubbed his hip again as if he had just remembered he had hurt it.

“Are you ok?” she asked, and they both giggled and then he replied

“I’m fine”

“Are you alright to continue?”

“Yes” he said “but somewhere more stable underfoot”

“Ok” she said, “What about up by the river?”

“Ok the river it is” she replied


When they got back to Manor Row Stuart was feeling the effects of his fall so, she offered to apply some Voltarol gel on his hip and lower back and when she had finished, without any warning she kissed him and he kissed her back and then almost telepathically they communicated that they had made a big mistake, and without speaking she left the house. 

“You are a stupid, stupid woman” she said out loud as she marched towards her the house “what on earth were you thinking”

She went through the front door still berating herself.

“Well that’s the end of the friendship now, and he’ll never trust you again” she said and went into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.


As Deborah was stomping her way to number 6, Stuart was doing much the same thing in his own house.

“My God man, have you no self-control?” he muttered

“Just because she’s a beautiful woman, you think it ok to go and kiss her”

He ran the bath still muttering

“Just because she’s funny and has an infectious laugh and has a pretty smile, and smells divine, you cannot go around kissing her, her….” and as he struggled to complete the sentence he plopped down on the toilet and concluded.

“… beautiful soft lips”

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