Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (130) Changing GP


Austin Freshwater had been away from the island for almost a week, but she didn’t get to see him until the Monday of the following week when he walked into the Gilbert.

“Hello stranger” she said and smiled

“Hi Caroline” he said

“Sit down and I’ll get your coffee” she said so he complied

When she returned, she was carrying two coffee’s and she sat down opposite him.

After a brief conversation about his family and what had taken him to the mainland she said 

“I have a pair of tickets for Madam Butterfly, in Abbottsford, it’s not Covent Garden, but it’s a good company”

“Oh, yes?”

“I would like to take you on your birthday” she said nervously

“What as a birthday present or a date?” he asked

“Well both” Caroline replied

“Then I can’t” he said

“Oh” she expressed disappointedly  

“I can’t go on a date with you” Austin replied “you’re my patient”

“Ah and that’s a problem?” she asked

“Yes, it wouldn’t be proper” he said “Or ethical”

“We meet for lunch and coffee all the time,” She pointed out

“And that’s fine, as we meet as friends” he said

“But it’s a shame to waste a ticket” she persisted “Its Puccini”

“I’m afraid I can’t, you will have to invite someone else” he said “or change your Doctor”

“Ok” Caroline said and got up

“Oh that wasn’t quite what I had in mind” he said to himself as he watched her walk away.


When he got back to the Saxvirdan surgery he settled himself in his consulting room and was updating some records when there was a knock on his door.

“Come in” he called

When the door opened, he saw it was fellow Doctor Stuart Cameron.

“Hi Stuart, how are you?”

“That would depend” he responded


“Is there something you need to tell me?” he asked


“One of your patients has just requested a change of Doctor,” Said Stuart

“Oh, Which patient?”

“Caroline Wells”

“Really?” he said “That really is excellent news”

“So is there a problem with her?” Stuart asked

“Is she a bunny boiler or the village idiot?”

“On the contrary” Austin said “She’s neither”

“So why did she request a change?”

“So she can take me to the opera” Austin replied and smiled

Stuart just shook his head and left, and Austin was smiling broadly as the door closed behind him.

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