Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (146) Guy Fawkes



On the first of November after a pleasant breakfast Molly and  walked slowly down Cliff Top Road until they reached Church Lane, and then they followed the lane that wound its way around the cottages for about 100 yards.

Molly was feeling very pleased with herself as they passed the renovated cottages, with new roofs, solar panels, double glazing, guttering and external decorations.

When they reached the plateau where St Clara’s Church stood, it was not as picturesque as it was the first time she saw it, as it was still clad in scaffolding, and she looked forward to seeing it at its best when the renovators had finished.


Natasha Baker was good to her word, she helped Sheridan Tilbrook fill in the form, and got her an interview, and she and the other girls at the stables helped her with her literacy and at the beginning of November when she started working at the Beaumont Manor Hotel which was when Leo Humphrey came into Sheridan’s life.

They had both spent their entire lives in Saxvirdan they had never met.

He was four years older than her, tall dark and handsome, whereas she had thick chestnut coloured hair, she was small at and skinny, but she was wiry and strong even though she was only 5ft 2.

Leo took her under his wing immediately and showed her how things were none.

“You’re a quick learner” Leo said

“Thank you” Sheridan said meekly

During her first week they got on really well although the conversations were fairly one sided as Sheridan was as quiet as a mouse, while Leo prattled on, about this and that, but she didn’t mind, she’d never had anyone that talked to her so much before.


On Thursday, Molly decided that they were still on holiday and as it was a lovely sunny autumn day, they took the Water Taxi over to St Giles du Cabot and explored the island which they really enjoyed.

Unfortunately, as is often the case in the autumn, the weather turned after lunch to such an extent that the Water Taxi had to cancel the last trip of the day.

They could have caught the ferry up to St Pierre, but instead chose to spend the night at the Seaview Hotel which meant they could spend the evening with Elisa and Henry.


On Friday they enjoyed one of Elisa’s wonderful breakfasts and as the weather had calmed down a bit, they took the long route back to Cabot Town via Hastings Lake and caught the midday ferry up to St Pierre where they did a little shopping before having lunch at the Gondolier.


After an enjoyably long relaxing and overly indulgent lunch they got a taxi back to Spaniards Creek and spent the afternoon asleep on the sofa.


Deborah Woodward and Stuart Cameran were up early on Saturday and drove up to Stephenson’s Supermarket in St Pierre, then after lunch they went to her house to clear Deborah’s bedroom.

“Let me go in first in case I’ve left any unmentionables laying around” she said

“If there are, then half the tradesmen on the island will have seen them already” Stuart said and chuckled

“Oh that’s reassuring” she retorted and laughed


On Saturday night there was a firework’s display in the village, but Molly didn’t understand Guy Fawkes Night, it wasn’t a thing in America, and it made no sense to her.

“So he tried to blow up King James” she said “and got caught”

“That’s correct”

“So is the celebration because he tried or because he failed?” she asked “I don’t understand what it’s about”

Then Danny explained that it was a Catholic plot against a Protestant King, and she understood it even less.

However she did enjoy the fireworks immensely.


Nicole Wilson went to the University of Downshire where she did Business Studies in Abbottsford and it was for her, like many girls of her age, a life-defining time.

She was in halls for the first year and she shared with three other girls from Beaumont Island, Stacey Jackson, a tall, beautiful and kindly brunette girl, her cousin Paige Chapman, a skinny flat chested girl, who was beautiful but painfully shy and curvy redhead Poppy Nunthorpe.

All four of the girls were studying different subjects, but their strong friendship resulted from their shared history as islanders, and as they got on so well the four of them decided very early on to rent a house between them for the second and third years.


Nicole was five foot five, and a quiet and reserved busty brunette and she lived at Roman Water Farm which is the second largest of the five farms on the island covering the area from Beaumont head in the north to Bellevue Woods in the south, the rugged coast to the west and Saxvirdan in the east.


Jordan Lawrence was a postman, and his round took him out to the farms and on Saturday night he attended the Guy Fawkes Bash, at the Beaumont Manor, which was a fancy dress party, but in addition it was also a masquerade.

Jordan was staring up at the starry November sky when he was approached by a busty brunette wench wearing a satin mask across her eyes, who sauntered up to him and without saying a word kissed him wetly on the mouth, which took him by surprise at first, but he soon recovered and returned her passionate kiss with interest and as the pyrotechnic display began it grew in intensity.  


When the kiss was at an end, she stepped back and removed the mask and he gasped


“Disappointed?” Nicole asked

“No, but this has been a surprise” he said “I didn’t think you liked me like that”

“I know” she replied “but I’ve fancied you for ages”

“I had no idea” he said

“I know that too, clueless aren’t you” she said

“That’s why I had to take you by surprise to get your attention”

“Well, it worked”

“So, can I take it that I now have your full attention?”

“Oh yes” he said “But…”

“But what?” she asked with concern

“I’d like to be one hundred percent sure” he said

“Oh, I think that can be arranged” she said and moved in close for another kiss, and they never did see the fireworks.


There were more firework’s the next day on the 5th mainly private and domestic, but there was one organised display up in Saxvirdan, with a bonfire on the village green.  

Two of the crowd watching proceedings at that display were teenagers John Rawling and Lucy Nuttall, who were on their first date. 

The two of them lived on the outskirts of St Pierre and after the display was over, they headed slowly home down the lane. 

It was dark along the path and just ahead of them they could see there was a dog walker smoking a cigarette as some kind of dog snuffled in the undergrowth.

The man took one last drag on the butt and it glowed red on his face and then he flicked it into the darkness, and it span through the air like a Catherine wheel.

Which was quite appropriate as they had just been to a firework’s display.

The smell of the gun powder was still thick in the damp night air.  

But despite the cold and damp neither John nor Lucy were in any hurry to get home as it was their very first date.

However it was not only their first date together, but it was also the first date for either of them.

John was fifteen and Lucy was a year younger and quite naturally they wanted their date to last forever and they both walked as slowly as it was possible to go without actually standing still.

However they eventually arrived in the street outside her house.

An awkward silence ensued as John shuffled his feet and tried to think what to do next and Lucy waited patiently for John’s next move, but when she realized he didn’t have one, she took decisive action and reach up and kissed him and then the fireworks truly began.

Their first magical kiss, a kiss that neither of them wanted to end, sent their heart soaring into the heavens.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (145) Halloween Treat


After finishing their wine they walked up to Philips Folly still wearing their Witches outfits, and the moment the door opened and the two witches walked in, wearing long black cloaks, floppy witch’s hats, white striped socks and black high-heeled ankle boots, and there was a roar of approval.

When they reached the bar, they found Geoff Melling and Brian Baker ordering drinks.

“Aren’t there supposed to be three witches in a coven?” Brian queried

“Be careful or with a wave of a hand we could shrivel your extremities” Zoey said

“We had better buy you both a drink then” Geoff said


In the hours following their meeting at the bar the four of them had a great evening, drinking and laughing, but the evening ended in an alcoholic haze in the early hours on the doorstep of Zoey’s home.

Zoey wrapped her arms around Brian’s neck and slurred

“Trick or treat”

“Treat” he replied “But not tonight”

“So to be perfectly clear, you don’t want to kiss me?” Zoey asked

“I do want to kiss you” Brian said

“But I want us both to be sober”

“When will that be?” she slurred

“Tomorrow” he replied

“Promise?” she asked

“Promise” he replied and kissed the top of her head

Just at that moment Geoff and Marion staggered towards them holding each other upright

“Am I going to get a treat?” Marion asked

“Yes, but not until tomorrow” Brian replied

“I don’t want a treat from you” she said trying to focus on him with one eye shut.

“I know, you want Geoff”

“I do”

“Good choice” Zoey responded     

“A very good choice” Geoff agreed

Brian watched Zoey steer Marion through the front door then he turned towards Geoff and said

“You come along with me”

“Where did the girls go?” Geoff asked looking around

“They went inside” Brian replied


“Don’t worry we’ll see them again tomorrow”

Brian said

“Cool” Geoff retorted


At Beth Brine’s house in St Pierre on Halloween, they didn’t eat the snacks or watch any movies, they did however drink the wine and hid from the trick or treaters in her bed.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (144) Trick or Treat

Halloween had arrived at Cliff Haven and Molly was very excited about the evening, because it had been many years since she had celebrated Halloween.

Because all the years she lived at Lakeside with her grandfather in Colorado Springs they were too far out and too remote to attract trick or treaters.

That was not the case in Spaniards Creek, and she intended to make the most of it.


Elsewhere, in another part of the village, there was also excited anticipation of the evening’s events at the Bargeman’s house.

25-year-old Zoey Bargeman, worked in the village for Baker’s Tree Surgeon’s, and she had become close friends with one of her bosses, Vicki Baker, and it was through Vicki that she met her brother Brian and lost her heart.

She was a stunningly attractive girl and had been on the radar of every man she’d ever met, but she was very choosy, so for her being the pretty girl was a blessing and a curse.

It wasn’t her feeling excited anticipation of the evening however, it was her cousin Marion Fuller.

Marion had never done Halloween before; she had spent all her life living on remote farms, so she had never had Trick or Treaters knock on her door.

The girls were alone in the house dressed as witches when Marion pulled the curtain back a couple of inches and peered out and she suddenly panicked.

“They’re coming, what do I do?” she asked urgently, and Zoey laughed

“What do I do?” she urged

“Alright just calm down” Zoey said and after Marion took a breath she added

“All the children will have a goody bag”

“Ok” Marion retorted

“You put a small handful of sweets into each bag, but don’t be too generous too early or you won’t have enough to go round everyone”

“Ok” she said and nodded.

“But first you have to open the door” Zoey said inclining her head towards the closed door.

“Oh yes” Marion said and laughed nervously “That’s a good idea”

Marion opened the door and was met with a chorus of “Trick or treat!” from a small group of excited witches, warlocks, ghosts and ghouls.

“Wow! look at all of you” she said “What brilliant costumes”

“Ok who’s first?” she asked as she picked up one of the sweet tubs and scooped up a handful.

At the back of the group, chaperoning the group, was a tall dark-haired man, wearing a flat cap and a leather jacket, and a shorter auburn haired man in an overcoat, the former was Geoff Melling and Marion caught his eye briefly and smiled and he smiled back, then she carried on but she kept glancing in his direction, he was in his mid-twenties, and was there because two of the group were his nieces.

Soon she had deposited a handful of sweets into every bag and the group moved back up the path in a chorus of thank you’s.

“Goodbye” the tall man said and smiled.

Marion smiled back and then looked self-consciously in Zoey’s direction and was still smiling as she shut the door.

“Who was that?” she asked

“Which one?” Zoey asked

“The tall one” she retorted

“Geoff Melling”

“And the other one?”

“Brian Baker” Zoey replied

“The Brian Baker that you fancy?” she asked, and Zoey blushed deeply just as the doorbell rang.

“Saved by the bell” Marion said and opened the door and repeated the exercise, and then another five times until the sweet tubs were empty and all the village children had had their share.

She closed the door and reached for her wine glass.

“I’m exhausted” she said

“I enjoyed it though” 

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (143) Halloween


The previous year Molly and Danny had only been at Cliff Haven for a few days so didn’t do Halloween or Guy Fawkes, but this year was different, so on Monday Molly said

“We need to get the sweets for Halloween”

So after breakfast they drove up to Stephenson’s Supermarket in St Pierre to stock up.


On the same day Tree Surgeon Nathan Baker was also in St Pierre, though much later in the day and for a very different reason. 

He was one of five siblings in the Baker family, but only two of them were tree surgeons, and they lived together in St Pierre in a large Victorian house, with rooms over 4 floors since the substantial loft space had been converted into another bedroom, and there was also a cellar that was used as the movie/games room.

Their parents had retired to Spain and left the house to the five children equally, it was built by one of their ancestors, and was something of a monstrosity, but it was home.

Two of his sisters Vicki and Morgan had now found new loves and although he was happy for them, it did remind him of the fact that he didn’t have anyone special himself.

Not that he didn’t have someone in his sights, because he did and the fact that he hadn’t done anything about it grated on him.

So he headed for Beth’s Coffee House which was located on the town square next to the Church and opposite the Forum Cinema.

There were no shops around the square anymore, it was virtually all eateries, café and bars and the cinema and a small theatre, so it was a sort of leisure haven.

When he walked into Beth’s it wasn’t for the coffee, even though there was nothing wrong with it, he was there for the person who it was named after, Beth Brine, and he had decided to ask her out, he had even decided where he wanted to take her.

Which was why, as he was sat waiting to be served, he was Googling the Forum to see what films were showing.

“Bloody Halloween!” he exclaimed

“Do you hate Halloween as well?” Beth asked as she arrived at his table

“Of course I hate Halloween, why wouldn’t I, why doesn’t everyone, all those ghastly trick or treaters begging door to door”

He ranted

“And then there are the implied threats of violence and vandalism” Beth added

He looked at her and raised his eyebrows and she laughed


“So what upset you about Halloween?” Beth teased him when she brought his coffee

“Well if you must know I was going to ask you out to the pictures, but all they have is stupid Halloween nonsense all week”

“You were going to ask me out?” Beth asked and she sat down opposite him

“Erm um yes” he replied

“Excellent” she retorted smugly


While she watched him drink his coffee she asked

“So what do you normally do on Halloween when you’re not taking attractive Coffee Shop owners to the pictures?”

“I normally stay indoors with the curtains shut and pretend I’m not in” he replied

“Interesting strategy” she mused

“So why don’t come to my place and we can have a movie night,” she suggested “Then we can close the curtains, and pretend not to be in together”

“That sounds like a great idea” he responded

“I’ll bring the wine and snacks” 

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (142) Damage Report


In Manor Row Deborah Woodward received the report on the damage to the House, repairs were going to take four to six weeks as a substantial section of the roof needed to be replaced.

“Oh Hell” she exclaimed

“What’s up?” Stuart asked

“They’re saying a month to six weeks to do the repairs” she replied

“That’s ok, you can stay here as long as you need” he said

“I can’t possibly impose on you for that long” she protested

“Nonsense, its rather nice having company” he retorted and smiled

“What else does it say?”

“They say it’s safe for me to go into that room now, so I can move all my stuff into the spare room and see what’s salvageable and what I need to claim for on the insurance” she said 

“Well I know what we’re doing on Saturday then” Stuart said

“You don’t…” she began but stopped her with a look, so she smiled and said “Thank you”


As luck would have it, Adam Jandrell’s Team had just finished work on the Church Lane properties in Spaniards Creek and still had a site presence at St Clara’s Church, so they were in a position to be able to start almost immediately.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (141) Surprise Meeting

Kristina Causer worked at Nelson’s Boat Yard in Spaniards Creek and on Saturday Night she was supposed to be attending a Halloween Fancy Dress party with her Fiancé Martin at the Beaumont Manor, even though it wasn’t actually Halloween until Tuesday.

However, for a combination of reasons she was running late so arranged to meet Martin at the Beaumont and the party was in full swing when Kristina arrived and when she walked into the Ballroom, she was not only late to the party, but it also appeared she was too late to save her engagement.

Because she found her Fiancé Martin otherwise engaged in a very passionate kiss with her cousin Briony.

If Kristina had been surprised by what greeted her in the Ballroom, it was nothing compared to Martin’s surprise when she put her knee into his scrotum and there was definitely a look of surprise on Briony’s face a split second after Kristina slapped it.

With Martin doubled up on the floor, unable to speak and Briony with a scarlet handprint on her face, Kristina stormed out of the hall like a Norse Goddess with her blonde tresses  streaming behind her.

She was like a heat seeking missile and shot straight out into the car park and straight into Dave Glennie who was lost in thought as he walked the other way and they both ended up in a heap on the floor.

“Why don’t you look where you’re going, you idiot” she screamed.

Dave totally ignored Kristina’s angry bile, and instead chose to look at her golden locks shining in the moonlight and her striking blue eyes.  

“Are you ok?” he asked with concern

She looked confused at first and then opened her mouth to launch another tirade of abuse at him but dissolved into tears instead.

Dave took her in his arms and comforted her while she cried her pitiful tears and as they sat on the damp tarmac of the car park in the moonlight she sobbed and dribbled on his costume until their hearts somehow became entwined.

Kristina spent that night at his cottage, in his bed, while he slept on the sofa. 

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (140) Zoey’s in the office


When Lawrence Gilbert and Brian Baker opened their new Chandlery premises at the Old Mill in Spaniards Creek, he was particularly pleased that they were moving in next door to Baker’s Tree Surgery, who were one of the first tenants to move in, back in June.

The reason for that was Lawrence’s partiality for Vicki Baker, who was his partner Brian’s sister, but he hadn’t been able to separate her from her brother and fellow tree surgeon Nathan or her best friend and colleague Zoey Bargeman, long enough to ask her out. 

He had known her for many years, but it wasn’t until he moved to the island that his feelings towards her changed.


So on Monday morning when Lawrence and Brian arrived at their unit, Brian went straight inside, but Lawrence was surprised and delighted to see Vicki was walking towards her pickup, so he thought he would take full advantage of the situation.

“Hi Vicki” he said

“Oh hello” she replied “Zoey’s in the office”

“Ok that’s good to know” he said “but it was you I wanted to talk to”

“Me?” she said incredulously

“Yes you” he replied

“Why?” she asked

“Why do you think?” he said

“Oh I understand” she said with a sigh “you want her phone number I suppose”

“No” Lawrence replied with surprise “Why would I want her number?”

“Everybody always wants her number” she replied “Which is a waste really, as she never wants to go out with any of them, she’s only ever had eyes for Brian”



“Well no I do not want her number” he said

“Now I’m confused” Vicki said, “Do you want to ask her out or not?”

“No! I wanted to ask you out” he explained

“Me?” she said incredulously

“Yes you” he replied

“I’ve been wanting to ask you out for ages but you’re always working or you’re with Zoey and I never get a look in”

“Seriously?” she asked 

“Yes” he replied “So?”

“So what?”

“Will you go out with me?” Lawrence asked

“Yes” she said and grinned from ear to ear

“I’m free tonight”

“Great” he responded “Dinner?”

“Lovely” she acquiesced 

“Where do you fancy?” he asked

“How about The Cherry Blossom?”

“Ok, do you want me to pick you up?” Lawrence asked

They both lived in St Pierre but on opposite sides of the town and the restaurant was equidistant between them.

“Why don’t we meet there” Vicki replied

“Great, I’ll see you there then” he said and walked toward the building.

“Lawrence?” she called, and he stopped and walked n


“Yes” he replied

“In order to seal the deal” she said “shouldn’t there be a kiss”

“You want a kiss?” he asked

“Yes please” she replied

“Anything to oblige” Lawrence said and kissed her