Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (141) Surprise Meeting

Kristina Causer worked at Nelson’s Boat Yard in Spaniards Creek and on Saturday Night she was supposed to be attending a Halloween Fancy Dress party with her Fiancé Martin at the Beaumont Manor, even though it wasn’t actually Halloween until Tuesday.

However, for a combination of reasons she was running late so arranged to meet Martin at the Beaumont and the party was in full swing when Kristina arrived and when she walked into the Ballroom, she was not only late to the party, but it also appeared she was too late to save her engagement.

Because she found her Fiancé Martin otherwise engaged in a very passionate kiss with her cousin Briony.

If Kristina had been surprised by what greeted her in the Ballroom, it was nothing compared to Martin’s surprise when she put her knee into his scrotum and there was definitely a look of surprise on Briony’s face a split second after Kristina slapped it.

With Martin doubled up on the floor, unable to speak and Briony with a scarlet handprint on her face, Kristina stormed out of the hall like a Norse Goddess with her blonde tresses  streaming behind her.

She was like a heat seeking missile and shot straight out into the car park and straight into Dave Glennie who was lost in thought as he walked the other way and they both ended up in a heap on the floor.

“Why don’t you look where you’re going, you idiot” she screamed.

Dave totally ignored Kristina’s angry bile, and instead chose to look at her golden locks shining in the moonlight and her striking blue eyes.  

“Are you ok?” he asked with concern

She looked confused at first and then opened her mouth to launch another tirade of abuse at him but dissolved into tears instead.

Dave took her in his arms and comforted her while she cried her pitiful tears and as they sat on the damp tarmac of the car park in the moonlight she sobbed and dribbled on his costume until their hearts somehow became entwined.

Kristina spent that night at his cottage, in his bed, while he slept on the sofa. 

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