Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (143) Halloween


The previous year Molly and Danny had only been at Cliff Haven for a few days so didn’t do Halloween or Guy Fawkes, but this year was different, so on Monday Molly said

“We need to get the sweets for Halloween”

So after breakfast they drove up to Stephenson’s Supermarket in St Pierre to stock up.


On the same day Tree Surgeon Nathan Baker was also in St Pierre, though much later in the day and for a very different reason. 

He was one of five siblings in the Baker family, but only two of them were tree surgeons, and they lived together in St Pierre in a large Victorian house, with rooms over 4 floors since the substantial loft space had been converted into another bedroom, and there was also a cellar that was used as the movie/games room.

Their parents had retired to Spain and left the house to the five children equally, it was built by one of their ancestors, and was something of a monstrosity, but it was home.

Two of his sisters Vicki and Morgan had now found new loves and although he was happy for them, it did remind him of the fact that he didn’t have anyone special himself.

Not that he didn’t have someone in his sights, because he did and the fact that he hadn’t done anything about it grated on him.

So he headed for Beth’s Coffee House which was located on the town square next to the Church and opposite the Forum Cinema.

There were no shops around the square anymore, it was virtually all eateries, café and bars and the cinema and a small theatre, so it was a sort of leisure haven.

When he walked into Beth’s it wasn’t for the coffee, even though there was nothing wrong with it, he was there for the person who it was named after, Beth Brine, and he had decided to ask her out, he had even decided where he wanted to take her.

Which was why, as he was sat waiting to be served, he was Googling the Forum to see what films were showing.

“Bloody Halloween!” he exclaimed

“Do you hate Halloween as well?” Beth asked as she arrived at his table

“Of course I hate Halloween, why wouldn’t I, why doesn’t everyone, all those ghastly trick or treaters begging door to door”

He ranted

“And then there are the implied threats of violence and vandalism” Beth added

He looked at her and raised his eyebrows and she laughed


“So what upset you about Halloween?” Beth teased him when she brought his coffee

“Well if you must know I was going to ask you out to the pictures, but all they have is stupid Halloween nonsense all week”

“You were going to ask me out?” Beth asked and she sat down opposite him

“Erm um yes” he replied

“Excellent” she retorted smugly


While she watched him drink his coffee she asked

“So what do you normally do on Halloween when you’re not taking attractive Coffee Shop owners to the pictures?”

“I normally stay indoors with the curtains shut and pretend I’m not in” he replied

“Interesting strategy” she mused

“So why don’t come to my place and we can have a movie night,” she suggested “Then we can close the curtains, and pretend not to be in together”

“That sounds like a great idea” he responded

“I’ll bring the wine and snacks” 

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