Friday 4 March 2022



Don’t forget me, now I’ve gone

But remember me in happy ways

Don’t dwell on all the sadness

Bring to mind those special days


Don’t wipe me from your memory

But don’t grieve now I’ve passed

Remember all the good times

And the joy from good days past


Don’t be lonely now I’ve gone

My life ended yours did not

Find happiness where you can

I’m happy knowing I’m not forgot


Don’t forget to visit my grave

But only do it on a sunny day

Don’t stand at my stone in the rain

Blow me a kiss then walk away


So mark the passing of me well

But don’t shed too many tears

Gather friends and family round

Raise a glass to me with “cheers”

Thursday 3 March 2022

Mornington-By-Mere – (78) The Woman That Does


Martin Noakes lived alone in the small country village of Mornington-By-Mere in the Finchbottom Vale which nestled between the Ancient Dancingdean Forest and the rolling Pepperstock Hills.

Which was a quaint picturesque village, a proper chocolate box picturesque idyll, with a Manor House, 12th Century Church, a Coaching Inn, Windmills, an Old Forge, a Schoolhouse, a River and a Mere.

He lived in one of the row of five terraced dwellings, called Brooke Side Cottages, at number 2, which was in the part of the Village known as Manorside.

Martin was a well-respected member of the Mornington community, parish councillor, church warden and school governor.

He had had a very late night the night before and the next day when he finally arose it was quite late.

So, after a shower he walked downstairs to find Mrs Willis hard at work with a j-cloth.

Mrs. Willis was his cleaner and not an exotic dancer, so the j-cloth was not being used as an erotic prop but for more mundane reasons.

“Morning Paula” he said

He had forgotten it was cleaning day, he usually got himself up early when Mrs Willis was about.

“I think you’ll find it’s nearer the afternoon sir” she corrected him.

Paula could be a surly old bird, but she was a marvellous cleaner and absolutely godsend in more ways than one.

She had the knack of making him feel like he wasn’t a well-respected pillar of the community and he found her to be incredibly intimidating, so he made himself a coffee and made his way to the study.

“I haven’t done in there yet” she called after him

“That’s ok just come in when you’re ready” he replied

He closed the door and switched on the computer and checked his email.

About half an hour later the door of his study opened and Paula Willis entered wearing her French maids outfit.

“Is now a good time sir?” she asked

“Now is a perfect time” he replied, and Mrs Willis smiled saucily



Where once the sky was blue

Now are only clouds of grey

Where once the golden sun shone

Now darkness fills the day


Where once we walked together

Now I must walk alone

Where once was warmth

Now is cold like stone


Somewhere beyond the clouds

Does blue still fills your sky

And does the golden sunshine

Make you shield your eyes


Do you walk the path alone?

Or is there another at your side

Is your life still full of warmth?

Or does coldness with you abide


One day I hope you will return

To make my grey sky blue

And to warm me with your sunshine

So I can walk loves path with you

Wednesday 2 March 2022

Mornington-By-Mere – (77) The Birthday Treat


Mornington-By-Mere was not just a quaint chocolate box English Village it was the beating heart of the Finchbottom Vale and there were a number of cottages and small houses on the Purplemere road and Dulcets Lane which formed the part of Mornington Village known as Manorside and Brian and Karen Dawkins managed to rent number 4 Brooke Side Cottages, which was a considerable improvement on their dingy Purplemere flat.


Karen and her brother Brian had their own company, Railway Enthusiast, up at Mornington Field, and they were doing very well in the business and personally.

Brian had reunited with the long lost love of his life and Karen was dating a farmer from Smithfield’s Farm, Chris Smith, and in the 9 months they had been together he spent as much time at Karen’s house as he did at the farm.

But in November they were staying at the Worsted Viper Hotel in Purplemere as it was Chris’s 32nd birthday.


On Saturday night he emerged from the bathroom just in time to see Karen, wearing a cocktail dress and walking sexily through a freshly atomized cloud of perfume.

And Chris dressed himself while Karen sat on the bed and applied the final touches to her makeup.


As he walked through reception with such a beautiful girl on his arm he was overcome with intense feelings of love so he came to a stop just before they entered the restaurant and said

“I love you Miss Dawkins”

Karen smiled and kissed him.

“I love you too” she responded “But let’s eat I’m starving”

“And they say that romance is dead” he said with affront

“Oh come on old man, feed me” she retorted   

“Old man?” he exclaimed “I’m only four years older than you”

“Exactly, so come on granddad” she called as she strode off ahead of him but when he caught up with her she whispered.

“You can show me how much you love me upstairs later”



I have left you now my love

To make my final journey

Don’t break your heart

Don’t grieve for losing me

Remember all the good times

When we were young and free

Speak your prayers aloud

In fond remembrance of me

And when your journey is made

I will be the first one you see

Tuesday 1 March 2022

Mornington-By-Mere – (76) On The Beach

 It was in the late 1980’s when Neil Hagger, a Uniform Police Constable in Mornington, was on holiday with a group of fellow officers.

They were staying in an apartment on the Island of Andros in the Cyclades chain.

It was a quiet island due to the fact it was a two hour ferry ride from the mainland but Neil thought it was worth it.

The lads had been there for two days when quite by chance they met up with some familiar faces.

A group of girls from the Vale and among them was Julie Street a girl he had known at school, who he hadn’t seen for several years.

There had always been something smouldering between them, although they had never been out together, they had come close once or twice but it never quite happened for them, and he assumed it never would.

But there they both were, on the same island at the same time and neither of them had any attachments. 

And so it was on Agia Marina beach one warm and balmy night when the fates finally aligned and their destiny was fulfilled.
First of all they just walked together hand in hand in the moonlight but very soon their thoughts turned to the possibility of carnal delights.

The beach was deserted apart from the two of them and when they stopped to kiss it proved to be the prelude to something more and all the years of want and desire came to fruition on the deserted beach.

Then later in the moonlight they lay naked on the sand and smoked cheap Greek cigarettes in the afterglow.


If not for sweet birdsong in tree and bush

How plain the spring seasons headlong rush

If not for the daffodil’s trumpets of gold

How sad the passage to new from old

If not for your sweet presence by my side

Spring would hold no joy, as sadness would reside