Friday, 20 May 2022



I want to rip the heart from my chest

So I won’t have to feel the pain

Of heart break ever again


I want to rip the heart from my chest

So I don’t have to feel it break

Then I can sit and watch it ache


I want to rip the heart from my chest

So love can no longer hurt me

And with no heart I will finally be free



Sorrow touches me

Sorrow at my loneliness

For want of another soul

To make me whole

Plumbing the depths of despair

In search of that missing piece

That will banish sorrow forever

But fail in that endeavour

Finding solace is always just out of reach

An outstretched hand away

There simply for the taking

Then I’m left aching

What was seemingly solid and tangible

Evaporated into the ether

So I will begin again tomorrow

The search for the end of sorrow



When you have admired from afar

Idealising that someone

For so very, very long

You envisage all the special moments

You will share together

In the most incredible detail

Such as when you ask her out

And of course when she says yes,

Holding hands on the first date

And of course the first kiss

You rerun those moments in your head over and over

Endowing them with magical properties

That reality could never hope to match

Reality can never equal fantasy


But comes the day when you summon the courage

And you do ask her out

And she does indeed say yes

Though not in the swept off her feet kind of way

That you had imagined

You do indeed hold hands on the first date

But it feels a little awkward

Like this is not quite what she had in mind

And again doesn’t quite live up to your preconception


Then all too soon we are at her door

We chat uncomfortably

Make small talk and laugh nervously

We say goodnight, then again, and again

Then she reached up and pulled my head towards hers

Then slightly hesitant, our lips met for the first time

A tender kiss gentle and languid

I closed my eyes

As the intensity grew

As it became more fervent

Then ardent led to passionate

Then I surrendered to the moment

And lost my self completely in her embrace


As I walked home alone

The taste of her still on my lips

I conceded that I was correct

When I thought reality could never equal fantasy

Because reality was so much better



A green eyed goddess

Pretty as a picture

With ringlets of flaming red

Cascading on to her ivory skin

Her peaches and cream complexion

Fresh as an English rose

With skin pale as porcelain

Yet passion blooms upon her cheek

Aglow with an apples blush

And as she approaches

A cloud enveloped me

Like exotically fragranced orchids

Leaving me heady and breathless

Then she just passed me by

As if I wasn’t there

Leaving me wretched in her wake


This tale is of once upon a time

That happened not so long ago

When a man proposed to a lady

And the lady in question said no


Now you might have expected

The man to be broken hearted

But he lived happily ever after

From the moment that they parted


He slept as long as he wanted

Watched sport on TV all day

Drank from dawn till dusk

And ate every kind of takeaway


He wore comfortable clothes

And socks with his sandles

And broke wind when he wanted

Sometimes over lighted candles


But this story did not end well

For his lifestyle affected his heart

He died of a heart attack at thirty nine

After a particularly violent fart 



Don’t speak to me with that mouth

That deceitful mouth

Which lies while smiling to my face


Don’t speak through your weak mouth

Too weak to resist temptation

Whose lips kiss in unforgivable betrayal


Don’t speak to me with that mouth

That has embraced another

A mouth full of cheapened kisses


Don’t speak through your weak mouth

Don’t dare to seek to justify

Your unjustifiable infidelities


Don’t speak through that odious mouth

That unspeakable dishonest mouth

Your unclean vessel of elicit fellatio


Don’t with those unfaithful lips

Whose kisses caressed another’s skin

Speak my name in terms of love


Don’t say sorry with that mouth

Don’t contaminate my ears

With platitudes and insincerity


Speak to me with that insidious mouth

That foul and deceitful mouth

Only to utter a final goodbye


I climbed the stairs

To the top deck

Then I found a seat

And sat

Then I heard a voice say “hi”

It was soft and gently spoken

I turned towards the voice

Which emanated from a girl

With the warmest smile

And her red hair ablaze

In the morning sun

And with her head slightly inclined

She said again “hi”

That’s all

Just “hi”

And with that simple word

Came her smiling eyes

Beneath her blazing hair

And a radiant glow

And a feeling came over me

A peaceful warm feeling

As warm as her smile

Then all at once

I felt so at ease

As if I had known her forever

Though I had seen her only once before

And did not think she had seen me

All she said was “hi” 

But her tone spoke volumes

I returned her smile

And tamely said “hello”

I wanted to say so much more

She smiled again

This time with the heat

To match her flaming locks

I needed no words

As with that wondrous smile

All my questions were answered 



First love gave me springtime

And invigorated my life

It was summer in my heart

When you became my wife

Then in our autumn years

You were taken from my side

Now with my bitter loneliness

It’s in the winter that I reside

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (89) Afternoon Delight


It was in the late 1980’s when Neil Tipper, a Uniform Police Constable in Finchbottom, was on holiday with a group of fellow officers.

They were staying in an apartment on the Island of Andros in the Cyclades chain.

It was a quiet island due to the fact it was a two hour ferry ride from the mainland but Neil thought it was worth it.

The lads had been there for two days when quite by chance they met up with some familiar faces.

A group of girls from the Vale and among them was Debbie Parsley a girl he had known at school in fact she was his first crush.

There had always been something smouldering between them, although they had never been out together, they had come close once or twice but it never quite happened for them.

But there they both were on the same island at the same time and with no attachments and it was apparent straight from the start that there was still a spark.

An ember which glowed beneath the Greek skies and burst alight with a kiss on the sands of Agia Marina beach one bright warm day which led inevitably to burning passion in his apartment where the made love for the first time.


Neil stood in the bathroom doorway and watched her stir as the afternoon sunlight painted patterns on her naked contours as it shone through the billowing curtains.
Her hair, still damp from their passionate exertions, clung to her face and neck and beads of sweat sparkled on her luscious skin.
She lay on her side, knees drawn up to her belly, showing off the wonderful sweep from her narrow waist to a curvaceous hip and then onto the perfect roundness of her sumptuous buttocks.
Debbie rolled on to her back as she stirred again and the magnificence of her was there before him with patterns of light and dark dancing over her gorgeous form.
Her nipples aroused as the soft breeze wafted over her and Debbie’s eyes opened and she smiled broadly when she saw Neil watching her.
She sat up and brushed the hair from her face then moved onto her knees and stretched, leaning back until her hands touched the bed behind her, supporting herself on clenched fists and throwing her head right back putting on a display until her black hair tumbled down her back.
His eyes slowly scanned the beauty of her form the cascading black hair, down the cords and sinews of her neck to the fine structure of her shoulders.
He then scanned slowly down, consuming every inch of her naked torso, her firm breasts, the softness of her flat belly and her curved hips and round buttocks before reaching her long taught thighs.

Neil left the doorway and picked his way through the discarded clothing on the floor to reach the bed where she now sat on her haunches looking at him with a radiant smile illuminating her face with eyes that said “again please”



Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (88) The First Adventure


Gary Smith and Carla Lund, were staying on a camp site in the Finchbottom Vale that was once a working railway station before it fell afoul of Dr Beeching and his cuts, in a place called Sharpinghead.

The two of them were staying in a converted signal box which was comfortable enough but because of the limited floor space it had bunk beds which didn’t go down well at all with Carla, she wanted a double bed and plenty of comfort and more than a little loving.

“What the hell are they?” she said when she saw the bunks

“A challenge” Gary replied flippantly but she was not impressed

“We’re not 13” she said,

It was not an insurmountable problem as far as he was concerned but she just wasn’t the adventurous type.

Although Gary could remember the time when she was, a time when she enjoyed a kiss and a cuddle in the woods back in the days when they were courting but she seemed to have forgotten just how much.

The bunk beds were bad enough but Carla really lost it when she realised there was also no toilet or bathroom en suite and the nearest facilities were 60 yards away.

She stormed out and left Gary to unpack and she was gone for hours, in fact Gary was already asleep in the bottom bunk when she got back.    

The next morning just after first light he had to get up to the toilet, he wasn’t going to bother dressing but trotted the 60 yards to the toilet in his pants.

When he returned to the signal box he quietly closed the door and was just tiptoeing across the room when he spied, highlighted in the early morning light, Carla’s naked buttocks protruding from beneath her duvet and written on a post it note, stuck to one buttock was one single word “Sorry”.

And that was when he woke her in the dawn light and the adventure returned to their marriage.

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (87) Yacht Club Rules

It was a beautiful summer day when Commander James Pendlebury drove towards the Sharpington Head Yacht Club.

He was on his way to buy a ticket for the Midsummer Ball which marked the end of the Regatta.

He parked the car in the member carpark and walked inside the Yacht Club and went directly to the office of Ivana Tombs.

Ivana was a very stern looking young woman with short brown hair who managed the commercial side of the club.

She never smiled and always peered superciliously over her specs at everyone, not a joyful looking person by any means.

He knocked on the door and was met with a surly monosyllabic response.

“Come” it uttered

So he went,

“Good morning Miss Tombs and how are you today?”

“What do you want Commander?” she snapped

“I’m very busy”

Trying to maintain his good mood he persevered.

“A ticket for the big bash please Miss Tombs”

“Do you by any chance mean the Sharpington Head Yacht Club Midsummer Ball?” she asked

“Yes that’s the one” he replied

“Just the one ticket?” she replied, “Not bringing a guest?”

“No just me” he replied “I figured I’ll just get lucky on the night”

“£90” she said getting up from her desk and preparing to walk over to the filling cabinet.

James made no effort to get out of the way and indeed narrowed the gap so she had to squeeze past him and rub her pert little bottom against him.

When she had got through the gap he followed very close behind her and positioned himself so that he could firstly stare down her gaping blouse at her beautiful lace cupped tits and then be in situ as she opened the draw and stepped backwards thus placing herself in his arms.

His position was perfect and she reversed right against him

“For goodness sake Commander Pendlebury” she barked

“I’m terribly sorry Miss Tombs, truly I am”

“£90” she snapped

He took out his wallet and paid her in cash, she took the money and along with the ticket she gave him a look that said

“Why are you still here? I have more important things to be doing”

“Good bye Miss Tombs and thank you” he said insincerely “Sorry again for my clumsiness”

But before he got to the door Miss Tombs got there first

“Just a word before you go Commander” she said quietly and started poking a bony finger in his chest

“If you do get lucky at the Ball on Saturday night and it’s not with me I’ll cut your rigging so you’ll only be able to take part in the ladies races next year”

Then she quickly glanced over her shoulder before she kissed him. 

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (86) Being Patient

Charlie Wise was 30 years old and had lived in Clarence all his life, and although he lived alone it wasn’t altogether out of choice.

There were more than a few eligible females in the village that he could have had his pick of, and he had even tried a few of the on for size but none of them suited. 

But things changed for the most eligible bachelor in the village when Maxine Prendergast moved in next door with her Aunt Vikki.  


The lady of the house, Vikki, was a very attractive woman and was still in possession of a very fine figure despite being the wrong side of 50, and she lived with her much younger girlfriend Lindsay and when Maxine’s marriage came to an end and she needed somewhere to escape to, Aunt Vikki and Lindsay welcomed her with open arms.


Charlie was taken with Maxi from the first moment he saw her but Vikki cautioned him to be patient and not press his suit too earnestly.

So he took her advice and bided his time, which he did until one sunny Sunday afternoon six months after Maxi arrived in Clarence.


He left his house just after lunch and the first people he saw were Vikki, Lindsay and Maxie who were all laughing and joking as they pottered around in Vikki’s front garden.

It had only been six months since Maxi had moved in and they were still getting on famously.

The way they behaved around each other it looked like they’d known each other forever and it certainly didn’t look like there was over 25 years between Auntie and niece.

“Hello girls” he called as he gave them a wave.

“Hello” they chorused in unison as they all waved back.

“Are you coming in for tea?” called Vikki

“On the way back” Mike suggested “I’m just popping to the shop”

“Ok” she replied cheerily


He bumped into friends outside the shop so it was an hour later by the time he returned to Vikki’s house there was no sign of the girls.

The gardening tools and the wheelbarrow were still in the front garden and the front door was open so he knew that they were still about somewhere, on the patio drinking tea was his guess.


Charlie decided to go in and was just about to announce himself to the occupant’s when he heard light hearted vocal discourse coming from the conservatory.

The lady of the house, Vikki, and her girlfriend Lindsay were sitting on a rattan sofa laughing and giggling.

However as delightful as the affectionate scene was it didn’t hold his attention for long because there was someone else present albeit on the periphery.

Maxie was standing in the kitchen with her forehead resting on the glass partition as she watched the happy scene, with a wistful look on her face and Charlie walked up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder and made her jump.

Although it took her by surprise it didn’t divert her attention for long and after a moment he whispered

“They’re very happy together”

“I want that” Maxie said

“You want what?”

“Oh no I’m not gay” she replied quietly “but I want to be happy like they are”

“So do I” he said and she turned to look at him and Charlie leant in and kissed her

“It took you long enough” Maxie said “I’ve been waiting six months for that”

“I was being patient” he explained

“Thank God it finally was out” Maxie said and kissed him 

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (85) The Rebellious Miss Illingworth


At the western end of the Finchbottom Vale lay the small market town of Childean and on the outskirts was the Dancingdean Spa Hotel.

The manager was Ian Ferguson and he was 28 years old and his father was owned a substantial share in the Hotel which influenced the decision to appoint him.

However it may have been nepotism that got him the job but it was his hard work and diligence that kept him in place and his choice of old school friend Declan Hughes as his assistant certainly didn’t hurt. 

Declan was also a single man when he joined the staff and it wasn’t until Ian was in a relationship with a regular guest that he followed suit.


The Illingworth’s were from Northumberland and stayed at the Dancingdean Spa Hotel for three weeks every July and had done since they were married. 

Jack Illingworth was in fish and had a string of fish processing plants, his wife Mary was a big wheel in the Women’s Institute and their 25 year old daughter Elmarie was desperately unhappy. 

Some of her unhappiness stemmed from low self-esteem because of her body shape, she wasn’t fat but she was what parents often refer to as big boned.

But mainly she was unhappy because of her domineering parents, they told her what to do, what to say, what to think, where to go, her mother bought her clothes, he father vetted which books she read and what music she listened to, she was to all intents and purposes their prisoner.

But she had begun to rebel although very subtly, in fact so subtly that they didn’t even notice she was doing it.


And one day Elmarie pretended to sprain her ankle so she didn’t have to go out with them on their boring outings and it worked.

So understandably she was feeling rather pleased with herself, it was a small victory in the scheme of things, but it was a victory nonetheless.

In fact she was so pleased with her subterfuge that she set about doing all the things her parents wouldn’t let her do starting with the hotel bar.


It had been a very quiet afternoon, and although the manager, Ian Fergusson, was on a day off, he had everything set up and running like clockwork.

All Declan had to do was man reception for a couple of hours, but as there were no new arrivals expected until the evening he just sat in the small office at the back of reception and put his feet up and waited for the bell to ring.

Which it inevitably did, and it woke Declan from a long afternoon snooze where he was dreaming about the curvy Miss Illingworth and he surfaced from that lovely dreamland when he heard the “ding”.

The bell rang several more times as he made his way to the desk and when he reached it he found a rather tipsy Elmarie Illingworth leaning against the front desk with her rather generous chest sitting on the counter top.


“Can I help?” Declan asked her, although the direction of his gaze one could have supposed he was addressing her breasts.

“I’m locked out” she slurred “I lost my key somewhere in the bar”

“Did I mention I was in the bar?” she added


“It’s a very nice bar” she continued “have you been?”

“Yes I have”

“It’s very big you know, and they have lots of drinks” she said as if she was imparting some radical new information.

Declan tapped into the computer and looked at her bar tab and was heartily impressed at the amount she had put away in one short session.

“Well I’ll tell you what we’ll do, we will sit over there and have some coffee, while I get someone to look for your key” He suggested

“I’m not allowed coffee” she said “so yes, that would be lovely”

And she tottered to the nearest sofa and sat down.



Declan then rang through to the bar and ordered coffee and asked them to look for Miss Illingworth’s room key.

The coffee and the room key arrived in short order and he sat and chatted with her while she drank.

He had noticed many times before then that she was a pretty girl, with blue eyes and a lovely smile, not that he had seen her smile before, she normally looked a bit sulky.

She also had a curvy figure and great legs, which he had noted before, and she was his ideal which is why he had been dreaming about her all afternoon.  

He had always found larger women attractive and he made no apology for that, you like what you like, and she had a pretty face and was the perfect age.

And as they sat together he found she was really funny as well.


A couple of cups of coffee later and Elmarie had sobered considerably

“Ok let’s get you up to your room?” he suggested

“Oh yes please” she said and giggled

“Behave, they’ll be none of that” he scolded

“Shame” she said brazenly


Although it was a slow process he got her upstairs and safely into her room.

“Well thank you” she said and leant in to kiss his cheek but at the last second she kissed him on the mouth and the Nano second their lips touched Elmarie thrust her tongue into his mouth in a wet sloppy fashion, which took him completely by surprise.


As enjoyable as it was, and as much as he had looked forward to kissing her, he didn’t want it to be just a drunken fumble that would be regretted the next morning so he broke away. 

“No don’t stop” she said and tried to reengage her lips

“I don’t want to stop” he said


“But we must” he said

“But why?”

“Because I don’t want it to be something you’ll regret later” he explained

“I won’t though” Elmarie said  

“I don’t want to take that chance” Declan said

“So that’s that then” she said grumpily and sat down heavily on the bed

“As you say “That’s that”” he confirmed “which is why you are going to have a sprained ankle again tomorrow, and as it’s my day off tomorrow we can spend the day together”

“Really?” she asked and stood up

“Only if you want to”

“Will there be kissing?” Elmarie asked as she walked towards him

“I hope so” Declan said

“Me too” She said and hugged him

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (84) You’re a Philistine


Downshire Constabulary Detective Constable’s Simon Guiver and Nicola Ellenden worked for the Northchapel CID and had worked together on many occasions in the past and they got on well.

They were on the face of it chalk and cheese, he was from an upper middle class background, who was a fast tracked graduate copper, while she was a council estate comprehensive girl who started as a Community Support Officer before joining the constabulary and had worked her way up to Detective.  

Despite their differences however they complimented each other, he with his classical education and analytical mind and her with her razor sharp instincts and hard graft.

The only bone of contention between them was the driving, they both hated to drive with a vengeance, this was a very unusual in their profession, as it was the norm for partners to fight over who gets the keys and not to fight to make sure the other one did.

They had tried a number of ways in the past to determine who got lumbered with the driving such as, Rock Paper Scissors, Arm wrestling or tossing a coin but none of the options really worked as they both had a propensity to cheat. 

So they decided the fairest way was one of them should drive there and the other would drive on the return journey.

On the day the life changing day in question Simon Guiver was driving and there was only one thing he hated more than driving and that was driving in the rain.

And that morning in April and it was raining, but not April showers, no it was raining hard and had been for hours.

At least their destination, Pomery’s Perfume’s was in Northchapel only about three miles from the station.

Pomery’s, was an old family business established in 1879 by Jules Sebastian Pomery and was currently run by his Great-Great Grandson Claude.

They had moved to their present location in Northchapel in 1928.

The two DC’s presented their warrant cards to the Olympic security guard and were waved through the main gate and directed to the reception.

The broad white building was a prime example of the art deco style with its angles, curves and symmetry. 

DC Guiver got out of the car and paused for a moment, despite the rain, in appreciation of the stylish building.

“What a fabulous building” Said Simon.

“Yes it’s very…. white.” Said DC Ellenden running towards the building.

“Is that all you can find to say about this magnificent structure?”

Said a stunned Simon

“This wonderful example of Art Deco architecture?”

She stopped running, then took a moment to study the façade then said.

“Yes, I stand by my original statement, it’s definitely white, oh and it’s got some green bits”

“You’re a philistine Nicki” Guiver said running after her.

He caught up with her by the entrance and they were laughing as they walked into reception together.


They were directed to the first floor by the reception and were greeted by a middle aged balding man in a smart suit.

“Good morning” He said offering his hand. “Paul Cork, assistant manager.”

“Good morning sir, I’m DC Guiver” Simon said shaking the offered hand.

“And this is DC Ellenden” He said gesturing toward Nicki.

“Sir.” She said also shaking hands.

“Would you like to see the scene of the crime now?” He said relishing the change of routine.

“Afterwards I will take you through to the conference room Mr. Brownlow would like to meet you before you leave”


After they had been shown the suspected point of entry and Mr. Cork had given them a tour of the offices, which were in good order save for the power leads and data cables trailing to and from non-existent PC’s, Printers, and Scanners etc, they were shown into the conference to meet the managing director.


Half an hour later they were shown out of the board room and stepped into the private lift.

“I suppose this is wasted on you” Simon said “you being a philistine”

“What do you mean, the original 1920’s Art Deco Otis Elevator, lovingly restored for posterity” she retorted as they rode it from the top floor to the lobby. “Not bad for a philistine hey”

“You fraud” he said and backed her into a corner “you like it”

“It’s functional” she said

“And you liked the “white” building” he suggested

“It just happens to be my favourite building in Downshire” she said cockily

“You are amazing” he said and then kissed her


Nicola and Simon didn’t say a word on the short walk back to the car.

But when she walked to the passenger side he broke the silence.

“Oy dolly daydream” He shouted. “You’re driving remember.”

Nicola jumped. “Sorry Simon I was miles away.”

“I know where you were and who you were with.”

He retorted and she flushed red.

“I was with you” she replied and smiled   

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (83) The House Guest


At the western end of the Finchbottom Vale lay the small market town of Childean.

And on modern estate in a nice modern house in a quiet cul-de-sac Connor Paul woke up from a lusty dream as the sun shone through the gap in the bedroom curtains and onto his face, it was still quite early in the morning as he stirred in a state of arousal.

This in itself was not an unusual event, he was after all a young man and in his sexual prime, and was seemingly in a perpetual state of arousal, in fact it was more noteworthy when he didn’t wake up in the morning with an urge.

But what made this particular morning different from any other was that it was his 21st birthday and more significantly he was not alone and there was a brunette’s head resting on his chest.

When the brunette realized he was fully awake she lifted her head from his chest and wished him a happy birthday.

“You’re insatiable Maz” Connor said as she began chewing his ear.

“You don’t normally complain” she replied

“I’m not complaining now” he said


Now you would probably think that this kind of behavior in the nature of a birthday treat is not an uncommon gift to be given, to be showered in kisses on your special day in the “marital” bed so to speak, and you would under every normal circumstance be correct.

However on this particular occasion it was not a normal circumstance because firstly it was not his “marital” bed, it was the sofa bed in his uncle’s spare room and secondly the wife showering him with kisses was not in fact his wife at all, but his 16 year old cousin Marion.

The unethical nature of this circumstance was not lost on him either, as he lay beneath the duvet with his hosts’ daughter.

In fact he was just thinking about how being the recipient of what was the prelude to love making by the teenage daughter of the man who’s house he was currently a guest in, was somewhat taking the piss to put it mildly and was not by any measure the kind of hospitality his Uncle Daniel thought he was extending.

But it was at that point that Connor lost his train of thought completely as the intensity of the kissing diverted him. 

But then Marion broke away and said

“That will have to do for now babe, Dad’s in the shower, I’ll give you your main present later”

And with that she slipped quietly out of the room.


Connor was the baby of his side of the Paul family while Daniel on the other hand was the oldest of the five boys, but Marion was an only child as her mum died in childbirth.

He was a good man though and he doted on his daughter who in turn loved him.


Connor wasn’t a particularly good looking bloke, he was ok looking, but nothing special, but he was young and physically fit and

But Marion liked what she saw and fell head over heels for him.


The Paul family were from Northchapel, and the bulk of them were still there, however Daniel moved out to Childean shortly after he married Marion’s mum, Jo.

They had a nice modern house in a quiet cul-de-sac and had a comfortable life. 

The reason Connor happened to be staying in the spare room at his uncle’s house and enjoying Marion’s unique brand of hospitality was because he was training to be a reflexology therapist at the Dancingdean Spa Hotel in Childean which was only a mile or so down the road from Uncle Daniel’s place.

Daniel Paul was a police sergeant with the traffic division and worked odd shifts, so he liked the idea of having someone about the place when he was on nights, and as it turned out so did his daughter.


Connor had been staying in the spare room for about a month before the first time that Marion seduced him.

It was a hot Saturday afternoon and he had been earning his keep by doing some gardening for his hosts and by the end of the afternoon he was hot, sweaty and dirty.

Daniel had already gone to work and Marion was baking in the kitchen so he went upstairs and got in the shower to clean up and he had been in there just long enough to get the bathroom good and steamy when he saw the bathroom door open and a small figure walk in.

Without either of them speaking Connor watched through the steamy glass as Marion undressed, he couldn’t see detail but the shape was unmistakable the rest was just areas of light and shade but it was enough and his imagination did the rest.


When the shower door opened she paused there briefly and was completely naked in front of him.

“Room for a little one?” she said with a giggle and stepped inside.

At twenty years of age he was not without experience with women but Marion was no novice.

Paul had only gone upstairs to shower and clean up and thanks to his cousin he ended up getting dirty.

And that proved to be the first of many such encounters.


After Daniel had vacated the bathroom Connor went in for a quick shower before going downstairs to the kitchen for a special Birthday breakfast fry up.


Uncle Daniel was on duty and was wearing his uniform when he walked into the kitchen.

“Happy birthday kid” he said and patted him on the back before crossing the room to kiss Marion good bye

“We’ll go out for a meal tonight kid, but Marion will look after you today”

While Connor listened to his Uncle he could see Marion over his shoulder who was leering back at him showing Connor exactly how she was going to look after him.

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (82) Lizzie Long Stocking


At the western end of the Finchbottom Vale lay the small market town of Childean and on the outskirts was the Dancingdean Spa Hotel.

The manager was Ian Ferguson and he was 28 years old and his father was owned a substantial share in the Hotel which influenced the decision to appoint him.

However it may have been nepotism that got him the job but it was his hard work and diligence that kept him in place.

He worked so hard to make good that he had no time for a social life so after three years in the job he had no significant other in his life and no likely candidate on the horizon.

But there was on regular visitor who he was attracted to called Elizabeth Incledon-Webber who was a 30 something entrepreneur with pots of money.

The staff called her Lizzie Long Stocking, because she was a tall woman, six foot one, stick thin, with little or no visible bust line, and she had no hips to speak of and from behind she looked like a boy, especially with her short brown hair and huge feet.

She looked younger than she was by about five years and she had a pretty face, which was even prettier when she smiled which she always seemed to do a lot when Ian was around.

She had been a regular for a couple of years but since his arrival at the helm her regular visits had doubled after she first set her sights on him.

Nothing happened between them though, until one day after a business meeting in her suite.

She always took one of the grand suites, which had in addition to the normal facilities in a hotel room and sitting room, an office come meeting room which enabled her to hold business meetings in her suite.


Ian happened to be on the same floor as her suite, patrolling his domain, when the meeting broke up and it was quite obvious that all had not gone well.

Three red faced men emerged muttering and a fourth came out and kicked a fire bucket.

He was not enamoured with their behaviour but he was more concerned with what may have happened on the other side of the door to Elizabeth.

He knocked on the door and was releived to hear her say

“Come in”

He opened the door and found Lizzie Long Stocking sitting on the desk.

“Is everything ok?” he asked

“Yes” she replied “it’s the same old story I’m afraid, they still think it’s a man’s world, and they don’t like it when the little woman tells them that it’s not”

“Little woman?” he asked and they both laughed

“Ok I admit that’s a bad turn of phrase” Elizabeth said still laughing

“The truth is that half of the men I have to deal with think I’m a brainless bimbo and the other half think I’m a lesbian” 

Ian nodded as he digested her words and then Elizabeth suddenly became concerned that he might actually think that she was a lesbian and so she kissed him quite forcefully pushing him back until he fell back in a chair and she invaded his mouth with her tongue.

“I’m not a lesbian” she said between kisses

“I guess not” he replied and she reattached her mouth to his.

It was something he had often thought about, but never imagined it would actually happen, he would never have attempted to seduce a guest however much he may have wanted to.

But she had kissed him so all bets were off and following her seduction Lizzie Long Stocking stayed at the Hotel more often than she did at her own home and Ian Fergusson finally had his significant other.

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (81) Reflected Glory


On the Eve of the Summer Ball as a scented breeze blew across the Vale, Nicola Shelley sat before the mirror putting her earing in, her head inclined to one side, so her fine brown hair cascaded down and falls off her shoulders, as the evening sun shimmers on the fine strands.
The lustrous skin of her shoulders and back was naked but for the slender straps of her dress and silently invited his caress.

The atomiser sprayed her heady perfume so it filled the room and invaded his senses like a fragrant garden after summer rain.
The fabric of her red evening dress hugs the wondrous contours of her topography that he knew so well and in the mirror her hazel eyes look back at him as she sees him watching her and knowing his thoughts her reflection smiles and at its radiance his heart soars and makes him want her.
He didn’t know why she loves him and he certainly didn’t ask “why me?” he just thanked god for her.
For her elegance and beauty and for the greater beauty inside her.
So as he bathed in the reflected glory of her he accepted that for that evening he must share her with friends and loved ones but later that night when his hands slipped those fine straps off her shoulders and caressed every inch of her nakedness she will be his alone.

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (80) The Roespring Verger after Evensong


Downshire is a relatively small English county but like a pocket battleship it packs a lot in, a short but beautiful coastline, a channel port, the Ancient forests of Dancingdean and Pepperstock, the craggy ridges and manmade lakes of the Pepperstock Hills National Park, the rolling hills of the Downshire Downs, the beautiful Finchbottom Vale and farm land as far as the eye can see from the Trotwood’s and the Grace’s in the south to the home of the Downshire Light infantry, Nettlefield, and their affluent neighbour’s, Roespring and Tipton in the north and our story begins in the affluent village of Roespring.


Mark Adams had been in and out of hospital for the ten years following a bad car accident just after his 15th birthday.

But he felt reborn when he and Abigail Evans gave each other their innocence.

She was also 25 and was the verger at St Catherine’s where her Uncle, James Hall, was the vicar.

Abigail was a beautiful red head with pale skin and freckled cheeks with whom he had fallen in love and she with him.


Abigail worked for the Downshire and District Building Society in the Nettlefield branch and Mark worked across the street at the Downshire Journal and when they could they would meet up for lunch.

“Are we going to see each other tonight?” He asked just before they went their separate ways. 

“I have Evensong but we can meet at the vicarage afterwards” she replied

“Deal” Mark said and kissed her goodbye and watched her go into the Building Society and then he quickly doubled back to pick up something he was going to need that night.


He got back home about 6pm and went home to change before going to the vicarage to meet Abigail.

Some days they would travel home together but when she had Evensong she always got an earlier train.


As he made the short walk from his home to the vicarage he was feeling rather proud of himself, proud of her, and proud that she was his girlfriend.

He had fancied her for so long, and the Roespring Verger ticked all of his boxes and he wanted her to be more than just his girlfriend.

And it wasn’t just because of the physical side of their relationship, which was amazing and getting better all the time, she was his soulmate and he hoped she was his.

He was thinking that hopefully he could persuade her to bathe in the light of his love forever.

He would just have to ask her and hope he wouldn’t scare her away.

So as he walked up to the front door of the vicarage he had the ring in his pocket.

But as soon as she opened the door to him he forgot it was there because of the way Abigail was dressed, she was still wearing her vestments.

This was not normal, her usual routine was to change in the vestry before going home, but she had not done that, and that distracted him from his proposal because he started having salacious thoughts.

He wasn’t sure why she hadn’t changed but his mind started to wander into lusty territory, what if Abigail was to give him an invitation to canoodle?

If she was he certainly wasn’t going to let it go unaccepted.

Even if there was a lack of attraction, which there was not, what she was wearing would have done the trick on its own, he liked uniforms and outfits, and even though they were both good Christians her vestments certainly didn’t put him off.

It was probably a combination of the fact that she was almost a woman of the cloth, he thought a verger counted, and their faith which made it extra saucy.

So the whole prospect of making love to a Verger, in costume, had made him forget about the ring in his pocket.


He was sitting on the sofa watching her as she flitted around the room with her white surplice over her full length cassock, clumping about in the stout ankle boots with her Barbie pink socks showing above them.

“So where’s the vicar?” he asked innocently

“He’s gone to Mornington to dine with the St George’s at the Manor”

“Then take your Cassock off and come and have a cuddle”

“I can’t I’m not decent” she said and blushed.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean” she began “That my clothes are in the vestry”

“So you’re naked under that cassock?” he said and she turned to look at him like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

“No I am not” she said adamantly “I’m not a tart, I have underwear on”

“And you walked from the church like that?” he enquired

“Yes but it was dark and no one could see” Abigail said defensively but in her embarrassment she tried to rush past him but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto the sofa and she was blushing scarlet red and hid her face behind a cushion.

“I think it’s sexy?” he said and hugged her

“Ow” she yelped

“What’s wrong?”

“Something dug in my thigh” she replied

“Oh yes, I almost forgot” he said and reached in his pocket and brought out a ring box

“What’s that?” she asked in a whisper

“Nothing important” he replied

“Then why was it in your pocket?”

“Well it was something I thought you might like but now I’m not so sure” he replied enigmatically

“I’m sure I would like it” she offered

“Well, I don’t know” he mused and then after he thought he had tortured her enough he added

“But as I have it here you might as well see it”

So he opened the box and showed her and she gasped

“It’s beautiful”

“Do you like it?” he asked

“I really do” she replied as she stared at it

“Good” he said and snapped the box shut and put it back in his pocket

“I just wanted your opinion, it’s for Katie at work”

“But…” she began in disbelief

“I suppose if you really like it you can have it, but on one condition” he said taking from his pocket

“What condition?” she said sadly

“You have to marry me” he said


“You have to marry me” he repeated

“You want to marry me?” she asked in disbelief

“Absolutely” he said “but if you don’t want to I can always ask Katie”

“Don’t you dare” she said and snatched the box from his hand

“Is that a yes then?” he asked as she slipped the ring on her finger

“Yes, yes, yes” she replied and punctuated each affirmative with a kiss

“Good, now can I have my cuddle?”

“Yes, sweetheart” she replied then she kissed him again and wrapped her arms around his neck and let out a rather smug self-satisfied sigh.

Tales from the Finchbottom Vale – (79) The Christmas Gift


Claire Jarvis went to the University of Downshire where she studied English at Abbottsford and it was for her, like many girls of her age, a life defining time.

She was the only child of well to do parents, who divorced when she was seven and as a result she had been thoroughly spoilt and was given everything her heart desired, except the one thing she craved most in all the world, their love and as a result she withdrew into her own world.

Although Claire was the oldest of the four girls in her dorm she actually looked the youngest by some distance.

Despite the fact that she had the body of a mature woman she had a baby face but she was destined to bloom into a very beautiful woman.


She was in halls for the first year and she shared with three other girls Amy Coates, a tall big busted redhead, Alison Holmes, a skinny girl with a bad case of OCD and Carole Bean a tall, beautiful and kindly girl who like herself was a brunette.

All four of the girls were studying English in one form or another and apart from their studies they also had in common the fact they were all natives of the Finchbottom Vale.

Claire was from Purplemere, Carole from Childean, Alison from   Finchbottom and Amy from Shallowfield.

But being in the close company of the three girls brought her out of herself and the friendship that resulted from, on the face of it, 4 very different characters coming together, lasted for their lifetimes.

And as they got on so well the four of them decided very early on to rent a house between them for the second and third years.

However of all the girls Claire found herself drawn most to Carole Bean.

The fact that the two of them had more lectures and seminars together than the other two partly aided their closeness but it was mainly because they got each other, they shared a sense of humour as well as having similar tastes in music, a love of pizza and old romantic comedies and when it came time to go home to the Vale they normally travelled together, but what really drew them together in her first year was something that would define her world and shake her to the core.

It happened during the Easter Holiday of their first year when Carole returned to the flat to discover Claire laying naked on the sofa and Carole couldn’t take her eyes off of her and when Claire discovered that she had an audience Carole couldn’t keep her hands off her either and they made love for the first time.

Allthough neither of them could fully come to terms with the fact that they might be gay it didn’t prevent them from adding to their lesbian experiences throughout their University years and the fact that they were in love and because of that love they had some very exciting experiences together one of which was particularly memorable and occurred at the house they shared.


At the end of the year they found themselves alone in the rented house on Christmas Eve, they wanted to spend a whole day of their first Christmas together on their own, and they would travel back to the Vale early on Christmas Morning to spend Christmas with their families.

They were all packed for the next day apart from the presents which were still sitting underneath the tree, just to make the place more Christmassy.

And all that afternoon and most of the evening Claire was like a child.

“Can I open a present?” she asked Carole every ten minutes.

“Just one, please, please, please” she begged and after several hours of it, she was getting right on Carole’s tits to tell the truth.

She kept picking up the presents, shaking them, squeezing them, and even listening to them until finally Carole relented and as she headed upstairs to the loo she said.

“We can open one present each before we leave for midnight mass”

“Oh Goody” Claire squealed

When she came back down stairs she was expecting to find Claire waiting impatiently by the tree to open a present.

But instead she found her lying beneath the tree with wrapping paper loosely draped about her body and she wasn’t wearing any clothes.    

“You go first” she said

Once Carole had un-wrapped her present and thoroughly enjoyed the contents they were very nearly late for midnight mass.