Friday 20 May 2022



When you have admired from afar

Idealising that someone

For so very, very long

You envisage all the special moments

You will share together

In the most incredible detail

Such as when you ask her out

And of course when she says yes,

Holding hands on the first date

And of course the first kiss

You rerun those moments in your head over and over

Endowing them with magical properties

That reality could never hope to match

Reality can never equal fantasy


But comes the day when you summon the courage

And you do ask her out

And she does indeed say yes

Though not in the swept off her feet kind of way

That you had imagined

You do indeed hold hands on the first date

But it feels a little awkward

Like this is not quite what she had in mind

And again doesn’t quite live up to your preconception


Then all too soon we are at her door

We chat uncomfortably

Make small talk and laugh nervously

We say goodnight, then again, and again

Then she reached up and pulled my head towards hers

Then slightly hesitant, our lips met for the first time

A tender kiss gentle and languid

I closed my eyes

As the intensity grew

As it became more fervent

Then ardent led to passionate

Then I surrendered to the moment

And lost my self completely in her embrace


As I walked home alone

The taste of her still on my lips

I conceded that I was correct

When I thought reality could never equal fantasy

Because reality was so much better

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