Monday 15 March 2021

Snippets of Downshire Life – World Sleep Day


The hamlet of Fallowacres, which was as near as damn it, the center point of the Finchbottom Vale, though only geographically, in most ways it was the back end of beyond, but those who lived there liked it well enough, even Linda Kirk loved it, despite the fact she’d had an argument with her husband and was sleeping in the spare room.


As she slept, her head was full of disturbing dreams of loss and loneliness interspersed with stark warnings from her dead grandmother “Never go to sleep on an argument” until she woke up in a panic, sweating profusely and panting hard.

She got up and paced the room for five minutes before tiptoeing across the landing and slipped beneath the duvet and cuddled up closely to Chris and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


But as the dawn broke, her peace was disturbed, but this time, as she slept, her head was full of erotic images and her sleep became restless and fitful, and her skin tingled, and she kept licking her lips as the vivid images played in her head.

Her head rolled from side to side and then she suddenly awoke from that erotic dreamland, with a leer on her face.

So as the dawn chorus chattered in the trees Linda and Chris made up and following her disturbed night, they both slept late.

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