Sunday, 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (061) The Spa Break


The Starlight Café was a popular greasy spoon with a sizable lorry park attached so it was popular with truckers going to or from the port.

After enjoying a coffee and a sausage and egg bap they set off for the beautiful Downshire village of Clerembeax St Giles which was situated to the west of Abbeyvale located between Grace Hill and Bushy Down and on the outskirts was the Clerembeax Palace Hotel and Spa.


It was opened as a Spa Hotel by owner Yvonne Labuschagne and offered, fitness classes, gym, rock sauna, infra-red sauna, aroma steam room, ice fountain, drench showers, Jacuzzi, a Romanesque pool, Reflexology, Raki, facials, scalp massage, hand massage, Manicure and Pedicure.

“You’ve done it again” Molly said “You’ve surprised me”


After enjoying a number of the facilities’ they finished up in the aroma steam room and as they sweated, they were chatting about recent events.

“You know that buying churches, renovating properties and such like could seriously impact on our canoodling time” Molly said

“What you need is a man Friday,” Danny retorted “Or a girl Friday”

“We need a Friday” they chorused and chuckled.


They left the Clerembeax the next morning, suitably refreshed after enjoying some more treatments and drove down to Pepperstock Green and picked up the girls from the Archer’s, Unfortunately they didn’t have more than half an hour to spare for socializing otherwise they would have missed the last ferry, and the Vicar needed to be at St Clara’s the next Morning.

There was a lot of chat on the journey home, a lot about the funeral obviously, but also about plans for the future.

After dropping Nikki back at Beacon Farm, Arielle suddenly said

“The answer is yes by the way, but I do have questions”

“Great news” Molly said “Come for lunch tomorrow and I’ll answer any questions you have”


The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (060) Funeral Week


Throughout the wet weekend and into Monday Nikki had been keeping herself occupied on Beacon farm, but Sam was never far from her thoughts, and she really wanted to be with him to comfort him.

Nikki Harrison loved Sam Archer with every fibre of her being, but she couldn’t envisage life away from Beaumont island, and it filled her with dread that she could be forced to choose between her two loves.

The Vicar, Arielle Nicholas, was in a similar position she really loved the island but her love for Harry might take her wherever he was, but she would prefer him to come to her.

But it looked like that decision had been taken out of her hands when she received a letter from the Bishop's Palace.


On Tuesday they got word that the funeral was on Friday, and although they didn’t know Dorcas personally, they decided they wanted to attend the funeral to support their men.

However, Nikki didn’t have a licence and Arielle didn’t have a car so, Danny and Molly offered to drive them to Pepperstock Green, then they would go off on one of their little holidays and pick them up on the way back.

Despite their propensity to allow themselves to be distracted and daily movie matinees Danny and Molly were making great progress on the second of the Sharon Jacques book and were ahead of the targets set by Max so they could easily afford the time.  


On Wednesday, Two days before the funeral, the Vicar knocked on Molly’s door.

“Hello Vicar” she said, and because she didn’t look herself Molly added “Is everything alright?”

“No” she replied flatly

“Come inside” Molly said and ushered her inside to where Danny was sitting.

“Morning Vicar” Danny exclaimed,  

“Hello Danny”

“So, what’s wrong?” Molly asked

“I have been given notice” she said “I’ve just spoken to the Archdeacon”

“When?” Danny asked

“The Church is closing before Holy Week” she said “They’re going to transfer me to another parish”

“Do you want to go Arielle?” Molly asked

“No, but I don’t have a choice” she replied

“That’s not strictly true” Molly said

“What do you mean?” Arielle asked

“What I’m about to tell you has to remain between us” Molly said mysteriously

“I don’t understand” Arielle said as she sat down

“I’m serious” Molly said

“Ok, I won’t say anything”

“I’ve bought the Church” Molly explained “And I’m going to  need a Vicar”

“Wow” Arielle exclaimed


After Danny brought them coffee and Arielle had digested the news she said

“So why did you buy the Church exactly?”

“To save it” Molly replied “When I met with the Bishop, he made it perfectly clear he wasn’t going to spend a penny on St Clara’s”

“Yes, I remember, he said some very unchristian things after he left here” Arielle said and smiled

“My priority is to save the Church” Molly continued “Not to run it, I will not try to influence you in Church matters”

“You could easily find a replacement for me though” Arielle pointed out

“Why would we want to? You love St Clara’s and your congregation love you” Molly replied

“So, are you in?” Danny asked

“Theres a lot to consider, can I give you my answer after the funeral?”

“Of course,” Molly said


The next day they were packing their bags for their trip away when she said

“It would help if I knew where we were going”

“But that would spoil the surprise” he said

“That’s not helpful though” Molly said

“Whatever you take will look great” He said

“That’s not helpful either” she said, and they both laughed 


They were up bright and early on Friday morning, but not nearly enough for breakfast, and they were out promptly and loaded the bags into the car.  

In January’ in addition to the Landrover, they also had acquired a Range Rover Evoque, because whenever they went on one of their trips, they always ended up hiring a different car, which meant that the Landrover was sitting idle in Pipershaven for the duration, which left George with no transport.

That morning was their first trip in the Evoque, and they picked the Vicar up on the corner of Church Lane, then drove out of the village, before making a slight detour to Beacon Farm to get Nikki, then onto St Pierre in time for the early ferry.

“This is so much more comfortable than the Landy” Nikki said as they left the farm

It was a grey overcast morning, but the sea was quite benign and the crossing uneventful, as was the journey to Pepperstock Green. 


The funeral service was being held at St Agatha's in the village, but Danny dropped Arielle and Nikki at the Archer’s house, and after exchanging greetings and expressing condolences, they headed back towards the Expressway to the Starlight.


The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (059) Chief of Medicine


Thirty-eight-year-old Dr. Deborah Woodward accepted the position of Chief of Medicine at the Bellevue Cottage Hospital because she wanted a change of pace.

Deborah had previously spent her entire career at the Winston Churchill in Abbottsford, but it lost its allure for her as her profession appeared to have been hijacked by the Woke Warriors and the straw that broke the camel’s back for her was having to ask men if they were pregnant.

It was her old mentor, Professor Graeme McGinty, who suggested the move, after he heard through the grapevine that her predecessor was stepping down.

Normally the job went to someone towards the end of their career, who had achieved everything they wanted to do.

The Professor was originally from the island and moved back there after he retired, which is how he came to find out about the impending vacancy.


Deborah took up her post at the beginning of January and she was loving it, every shift was different, she could be setting broken boned, one minute and delivering a baby the next.

The job also came with a two-bedroom cottage in Manor Row, overlooking Manor Cliff beach from which she liked to embark on stunning walks.

However, after having worked the whole of the previous weekend, she intended spending the whole of her weekend off in her pyjamas, and not just because of the inclement weather.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (058) The Archer’s


By the following Saturday the snow had been replaced by rain and people felt less inclined to leave their homes, and moods matched the gloom, but Molly and Danny did their best to cheer themselves up over the weekend.


There was more gloomy news, which came via the Vicar, Dorcas Archer had finally succumbed to her illness at the family home in Pepperstock Green surrounded by her nearest and dearest, and her passing sent ripples through the family far beyond the pain of losing a beloved mother.


At Cliff Haven after taking a week off for winter sports, and a weekend consoling each other because it had come to an end.

But on Monday it was time to knuckle down and get some work done.


Among the Archer’s in Pepperstock Green, there was a lot of converse about the funeral, when it should be, which church, who should be invited, music selections, readings, eulogy.  The girls had kept copious notes about their mothers wishes so most of their questions were answered somewhere among them.


Later in the week the talk turned to the Business, Archer’s Ornamental, which was started by baby of the family Sam, and elder brother Harry, and they had been in business together since Sam left university and they were a perfect team.

Sam was the boss, and easy-going and placid Harry was happy for Sam, to call the shots.

The business specialized in handmade snow globes but amongst other things they also made decorative lights from recycled wine bottles, many of them were bespoke but they also mass-produced items for the tourist season, and Christmas decorations for Emmaline’s Christmas Emporium in Sharpington.

Sam Archer was the artistic heart of the family business, he was the creative one and did all the carving, modelling, and painting.

His older brother Harry was the practical one, who did all the technical stuff, 3D Printing, acrylic injection moulding, and impact moulding, and managed their small staff of 6 people who assembled finished and packed the completed articles.

Sister’s Clarissa and Pandora, joined the business later and did the ordering, invoicing, and accounts remotely 4 days a week, from the family’s home in Pepperstock Green, where they had been caring for Dorcas, and did one day a week at the factory.

Following their mother’s death, they found themselves with time on their hands and their one day a week in Sharpington could now become more. this also coincided with changes in their brothers lives whose hearts now resided on Beaumont island.

The business was also at the point where it needed to expand.


The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (057) Nursing Angel


When they got to the hospital, she parked in a staff bay and walked him inside and was greeted by Nurse Kevin Holland

“I thought it was your day off” he said

“It is, but we had a collision” Cath replied

“What! A car crash?” Kevin exclaimed

“No, Sleds” she replied sheepishly

“Blimey Cath it’s busy enough here today without you creating more casualties” he said and laughed.


After booking him in they sat in the waiting area, which was quite stuffy, so she slipped her coat off.

“You don’t have to stay” he said, “it was good of you to bring in the first place.”

“I’m your designated driver” she replied, “So I’m staying.”

So, he watched her remove her woolly hat, releasing the mass of honey-coloured curls beneath it, and then watched them tumble onto her shoulders.

“Do you want me to undress you?” she asked as she stood in front of him and he just looked at her, then she blushed and added “You know what I mean.”

“Yes please”

So, she released the sling and gingerly extricated his arm, then she relocated the sling, before pulling the coat off his other arm.

“Thank you for that” Paul said and pulled his hat off, and it was her turn to marvel at his unruly jet-black locks.


They were only seated for about ten minutes and Kevin returned and took them into a cubicle, and Kevin went through the basics, ten minutes after that he was taken to x-ray and she was left holding his coat which smelt of him, which she breathed in deeply

“God, he smells good”


When he returned, she asked.

“What did you mean when you said “Yes, I remember” when I told you my name”

“We were at school together you were in the year below” he explained

“And you remember me?” she asked with surprise

“Of course, you're stil... the same”

“I don't remember you though” she said with a frown

“Thats because I'm not the same, I was a short chubster,” he explained “then when I got taller and slimmer, I got really bad acne”   

“Oh dear”

“You went out with someone in my year, I seem to remember” he said “Barry Kane,”

“Don’t remind me, what a waste of a summer he was” Cath said

Just at that moment Dr. Deborah Woodward pulled the curtain aside.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Woodward” she said, “I have good news and bad news.”

“Ok, let’s get the bad news out of the way first” he said.

“Well, I can confirm Cath was correct, your wrist is broken” she said.

 ”To be precise you have a distal radius fracture”

“And what’s the good news?” He asked

“Well, it’s a stable fracture so we can do it under local anaesthesia” she replied and then turned to Cath

“I know it’s your day off, but to speed things up would you mind doing the Entonox?”

“Of course, no problem”

“Thank you” the doctor said

“Ok sit tight and we'll take you to the plaster room as soon as people stop falling over and crashing sledges” Deborah said wryly 


After his arm had been set in plaster when they were left alone while he was still spaced out, she asked

“Remind me again why you remembered me from school?” 

You said I was still...?

“Drop dead gorgeous” he replied

“Good answer” she muttered to herself


Darkness had fallen by the time they left the hospital and after getting in the Landrover Paul said disappointedly

“I'm a bit disappointed with the colour my cousin got a choice of colours when he broke his arm”

“And how old was your cousin?” Cath asked


“Well there’s your answer” she said matter-of-factly, “You’re not 8 and if you were, you would be short and chubby”

“Thats very cruel” he said as she roared with laughter

The temperature had dropped making the roads quite treacherous, so it was a long slow drive down to Longlake Farm, but the time passed in good, humoured conversation.


“I can’t thank you enough for this” he said as she pulled up outside the farmhouse.

“Nonsense” she said and got out and walked around to the passenger side where she opened the door, and stood waiting as Paul tried to unfasten his seat belt,

“Let me help” she said and leant in to assist him and she smelt his cologne up close and personal, and he smelt good enough to eat.

So, after releasing the catch she looked at him before impulsively kissed him slowly and deliberately

“Is that better?” she asked

“Much better” he replied and kissed her back.


After helping Paul to the front door, she left him in the safe hands of his family before leaving Longlake Farm, Cath drove carefully back to Spaniards Creek and parked outside Cliff Haven then she knocked on the front door.


Molly and Danny were cuddled up on the sofa watching TV when they heard the knock and Danny got up to see who it was.

“Hello,” he said “come in out of the cold”

“Thanks” Cath replied

“Molly! it’s our Nursing Angel” he called

“How’s the patient?” she asked

“He’s fine, it was broken”

“Anything else happen?” Molly asked

“Well, when I was undoing his seat belt I....” she began

“You what?” Danny asked

“I kissed him without warning”

“Good choice, it worked for me” Molly said triumphantly

“And?” Danny persisted

“He kissed me back” Cath said

“That’s the clincher” Danny retorted

“There was also a bit of clinching” she admitted

“Excellent” Molly said


Cath Burley stayed at Cliff Haven for about 45 minutes before she walked the short distance to her parents’ house for a long-awaited meal, after which she spent an hour exchanging texts with Paul before she settled down for the night, because she was on an early shift the next morning.

At precisely the same time up at Bellevue Hospital Dr. Deborah Woodward was getting into bed in the on-call room. Because as a result of the snow she was having to work a double shift, as her relief was stranded on the mainland.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (056) Snow Fall

On Saturday morning, she opened the bedroom curtains to discover that snow had returned to the island.

“Were we expecting this?” she asked as Danny joined her by the window.

“No, it wasn’t supposed to get this far south” he replied

“Oh well, their loss is our gain” she retorted and skipped away giggling.


As a result of the snow any thoughts that had been troubling her evaporated away. 

There was a heavy fall of snow on Saturday, and they were out in it for hours, over the following week there were several lighter falls, and they spent the week outside enjoying snow and warming up in shared baths in equal measure.


For the sheep farmers of Beacon, Longlake and Crag Edge farms the snow bought more challenges than entertainment, but a lot of the Spaniards Creek residents were out on the hills.

On Sunday morning off duty nurse Cath Burley was one of them which was when she met Paul White from Longlake Farm who was taking some time out to enjoy the snow.

She was twenty-five years old while he was twenty-six, and they met when they crashed into each other while they were sledding.

“Are you ok?” she giggled

“I think so” he replied and winced

“What’s wrong?”

“I’ve just sprained my wrist I think” he replied

“Let me look” Cath said, and he pulled his arm away

“It’s ok I’m a nurse”

Reluctantly he let her examine his wrist  

“Ow!” he exclaimed “Are you sure you’re a nurse?”

“You’ve broken it”

“Are you sure?” Paul asked as she took off her scarf and used it as a sling and tied it around his neck.

“Yes, we need to get you to Bellevue” she replied just as Molly and Danny arrived at the scene

“Is he ok?” Molly asked “We saw the crash”

“Broken wrist” Cath replied

They were fairly close to the village as they were at the foot of the hill, so they walked to Cliff Haven. 

“Do you drive?” Danny asked

“Yes” Cath replied “But my little car won’t cope with this”

“Take your boyfriend in the Landrover” Molly said and gave her the key

“Oh ok, but he's not my boyfriend” she said taking the key “Cool”

While Cath got in the driver’s seat Danny helped Paul get into the passenger side and belted him in.

Cath started the engine and Danny banged on the roof to signal she could go. 


“So, they’re not a couple” Danny reflected

“They will be” Molly predicted

“What makes you think that?” he asked

“You just have to see the way she looks at him” Molly pointed out

“She's just concerned about him because she broke his arm” he said

“It’s more than that”

“She’s a nurse, one of the caring professions, she's trained to care”

“We'll see” Molly mused


“It’s good of you to do this” he said

“Well, I did crash into you and break your arm, so I feel responsible” She explained “I’m Cath by the way”

“Yes, I remember” he said “I’m Paul”

That was about it, conversation wise, Cath was concentrating on the road and Paul was in pain. 

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (055) Quandary

Since finding out that the land on which the Church stood belonged to her, along with the vicarage, a dozen cottages, and an assortment of other buildings down by the Spanish River, Molly had been in a quandary.

On one of their many walks around the village they had surreptitiously perused the Cottages and they didn’t look in the best condition, and Molly wasn’t happy.

She wanted to do the best for the people of Spaniards Creek, but she didn’t want to come off as lady bountiful, so she wanted to help them without them knowing she was helping them, and Molly didn’t want her tenants to know who their landlord was.

Nor did she want Brown and Leigh, the property agents, to know she was involved, but she wanted an independent inspection of the 12 cottages, without the agent’s knowledge or consent.

That was her quandary on the first Friday of February, but it didn’t resolve itself until the end of the month.