Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (059) Chief of Medicine


Thirty-eight-year-old Dr. Deborah Woodward accepted the position of Chief of Medicine at the Bellevue Cottage Hospital because she wanted a change of pace.

Deborah had previously spent her entire career at the Winston Churchill in Abbottsford, but it lost its allure for her as her profession appeared to have been hijacked by the Woke Warriors and the straw that broke the camel’s back for her was having to ask men if they were pregnant.

It was her old mentor, Professor Graeme McGinty, who suggested the move, after he heard through the grapevine that her predecessor was stepping down.

Normally the job went to someone towards the end of their career, who had achieved everything they wanted to do.

The Professor was originally from the island and moved back there after he retired, which is how he came to find out about the impending vacancy.


Deborah took up her post at the beginning of January and she was loving it, every shift was different, she could be setting broken boned, one minute and delivering a baby the next.

The job also came with a two-bedroom cottage in Manor Row, overlooking Manor Cliff beach from which she liked to embark on stunning walks.

However, after having worked the whole of the previous weekend, she intended spending the whole of her weekend off in her pyjamas, and not just because of the inclement weather.

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