Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (061) The Spa Break


The Starlight Café was a popular greasy spoon with a sizable lorry park attached so it was popular with truckers going to or from the port.

After enjoying a coffee and a sausage and egg bap they set off for the beautiful Downshire village of Clerembeax St Giles which was situated to the west of Abbeyvale located between Grace Hill and Bushy Down and on the outskirts was the Clerembeax Palace Hotel and Spa.


It was opened as a Spa Hotel by owner Yvonne Labuschagne and offered, fitness classes, gym, rock sauna, infra-red sauna, aroma steam room, ice fountain, drench showers, Jacuzzi, a Romanesque pool, Reflexology, Raki, facials, scalp massage, hand massage, Manicure and Pedicure.

“You’ve done it again” Molly said “You’ve surprised me”


After enjoying a number of the facilities’ they finished up in the aroma steam room and as they sweated, they were chatting about recent events.

“You know that buying churches, renovating properties and such like could seriously impact on our canoodling time” Molly said

“What you need is a man Friday,” Danny retorted “Or a girl Friday”

“We need a Friday” they chorused and chuckled.


They left the Clerembeax the next morning, suitably refreshed after enjoying some more treatments and drove down to Pepperstock Green and picked up the girls from the Archer’s, Unfortunately they didn’t have more than half an hour to spare for socializing otherwise they would have missed the last ferry, and the Vicar needed to be at St Clara’s the next Morning.

There was a lot of chat on the journey home, a lot about the funeral obviously, but also about plans for the future.

After dropping Nikki back at Beacon Farm, Arielle suddenly said

“The answer is yes by the way, but I do have questions”

“Great news” Molly said “Come for lunch tomorrow and I’ll answer any questions you have”


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