Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (058) The Archer’s


By the following Saturday the snow had been replaced by rain and people felt less inclined to leave their homes, and moods matched the gloom, but Molly and Danny did their best to cheer themselves up over the weekend.


There was more gloomy news, which came via the Vicar, Dorcas Archer had finally succumbed to her illness at the family home in Pepperstock Green surrounded by her nearest and dearest, and her passing sent ripples through the family far beyond the pain of losing a beloved mother.


At Cliff Haven after taking a week off for winter sports, and a weekend consoling each other because it had come to an end.

But on Monday it was time to knuckle down and get some work done.


Among the Archer’s in Pepperstock Green, there was a lot of converse about the funeral, when it should be, which church, who should be invited, music selections, readings, eulogy.  The girls had kept copious notes about their mothers wishes so most of their questions were answered somewhere among them.


Later in the week the talk turned to the Business, Archer’s Ornamental, which was started by baby of the family Sam, and elder brother Harry, and they had been in business together since Sam left university and they were a perfect team.

Sam was the boss, and easy-going and placid Harry was happy for Sam, to call the shots.

The business specialized in handmade snow globes but amongst other things they also made decorative lights from recycled wine bottles, many of them were bespoke but they also mass-produced items for the tourist season, and Christmas decorations for Emmaline’s Christmas Emporium in Sharpington.

Sam Archer was the artistic heart of the family business, he was the creative one and did all the carving, modelling, and painting.

His older brother Harry was the practical one, who did all the technical stuff, 3D Printing, acrylic injection moulding, and impact moulding, and managed their small staff of 6 people who assembled finished and packed the completed articles.

Sister’s Clarissa and Pandora, joined the business later and did the ordering, invoicing, and accounts remotely 4 days a week, from the family’s home in Pepperstock Green, where they had been caring for Dorcas, and did one day a week at the factory.

Following their mother’s death, they found themselves with time on their hands and their one day a week in Sharpington could now become more. this also coincided with changes in their brothers lives whose hearts now resided on Beaumont island.

The business was also at the point where it needed to expand.


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