Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (055) Quandary

Since finding out that the land on which the Church stood belonged to her, along with the vicarage, a dozen cottages, and an assortment of other buildings down by the Spanish River, Molly had been in a quandary.

On one of their many walks around the village they had surreptitiously perused the Cottages and they didn’t look in the best condition, and Molly wasn’t happy.

She wanted to do the best for the people of Spaniards Creek, but she didn’t want to come off as lady bountiful, so she wanted to help them without them knowing she was helping them, and Molly didn’t want her tenants to know who their landlord was.

Nor did she want Brown and Leigh, the property agents, to know she was involved, but she wanted an independent inspection of the 12 cottages, without the agent’s knowledge or consent.

That was her quandary on the first Friday of February, but it didn’t resolve itself until the end of the month. 

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