Sunday, 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (075) Bucklebury and Brandywine Beginnings


Monday was Amelia Williamson's first day working for Bucklebury and Brandywine, but with no official office as yet she reported for work at 9am prompt at Cliff Haven, and Molly had set up in the conservatory while Danny had gone off to Beacon Farm to do man stuff with George.

Amelia couldn’t do any actual property management because the company didn’t actually have any properties to manage until the following Monday, so day one was about setting up.

As part of the interview Molly had asked her what her preference was regarding a laptop and following that when she was at the  Bramstock, Goodman, Crossfield, and Bushe solicitor’s offices she met with Clive Crossfield who handled her affairs and tasked him with acquiring the make and model Amelia specified.

Following that she dealt with Amelia directly via email and teams to establish her software requirement and the upshot of that was the laptop that Molly presented her with in a backpack, also of her choice.

So next on the agenda was a team’s meeting with Clive on Amelia’s machine, where they discussed setting up a new business from scratch.


“Firstly we need a logo” Clive said, “Any thoughts?” 

“Well I did have an idea” Amelia said and shared an image off her google account, which was of two capital letter B’s facing each other with a small ampersand, the first B had the blue and gold of the Beaumont island flag and the second one had the red and white of the St Georges cross, and in between the two, in the upper half was a silver ampersand.   

“The colours are optional”

“I love the design” Molly said “But I think if you have one blue and the other gold, it will look less like a sports badge”

“Like this you mean?” she said, and a new image appeared as described by Molly

“That was sneaky” Molly said and chuckled  

“What do you think Clive?”

“I think that’s the one” he agreed

“Ok, so the letter head would look something like this” she said and showed another image “Obviously the address and postcode still need to be confirmed”

“I should have that by the end of the week” Clive said

“That’s good news” Amelia replied “I can start drafting the letters to the tenants, and I can have them for your approval by Friday”   

“No need” Molly retorted “I can see already that I am redundant, you don’t need my approval, you manage the business and Clive has financial overview”

“So you don’t need me to report to you?” Amelia asked

“No you’re in charge” Molly said “Now you two carry on and I’ll get lunch sorted”


With their “Friday” in place and working well with Clive, Molly and Danny concentrated on pleasure for the rest of the week and enjoying the calm before the storm.

As the weather was in the main benign, they spent the mornings exploring parts of the island which they hadn’t visited yet.

In the afternoons they divided their time equally between watching movies and canoodling.

They wanted to make the most of their time because they were playing host to three of the Archer clan for the weekend.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (074) Meetings


The day after the meeting at Beacon Farm Danny and Molly took a stroll down to the river so they could see firsthand how everything was going and when they reached the site on the east of the river they couldn’t believe their eyes, there were vans and pickups everywhere and dozens of hard hats milling around purposely.

“It looks like someone’s kicked over an ants’ nest” Danny observed

“Well lets go and find the Project Manager ant and have a proper look around” Molly retorted

They found Adam and Franci in the site office

“Morning” he said brightly “Have you come for a look around?”

“If that’s ok” Molly said

“Of course” he replied “My right hand “man” here will get you kitted out”

Franci grimaced when he said “right hand man” but only Molly noticed.


“You’ll have to wear these stylish articles” Franci said and gave them both hard hats and hi-vis vests which they put on “But these are the real fashion statements” she added handing them each a pair of steel toe capped overshoes

“Oh lovely” Molly said “Very stylish”

“So a lot of trades here today” Danny said

“Yes, they all answered the call to come home” Franci said

“Are they all locals then?” Molly asked

“90 percent” Adam replied

“We all jump at the chance to work on home soil” 


As they walked towards the old brewery, Danny was up front talking with Adam and Franci and Molly were about five yards behind.

“You should tell him” Molly said quietly

“Tell him what?” she asked

“Well it’s obvious you don’t like being his “right hand man”“ she replied

“I don’t know what you mean” Franci said

“You either don’t like being called that or you want to be something else” Molly said “either way you should tell him”

“It’s not that simple” Franci replied


They left the site an hour later, minus the fashionable footwear, very impressed with what they had seen and continued on their walk, but this time went somewhere different, walking down to Armada Head from where they had a great view across to St Giles du Cabot.

The rest of the week was just a round of social engagements, Wednesday was spent at Woodside Farm with the Beaumont’s and their partners, where the girls went riding and the men fished in the lake, Thursday was Dinner at the Beaumont Manor with Max Parsons who was on the island to, A, pester them about a third Sharon Jacques book and B, meet with Nikki Harrison to discuss the cover art for the second book, so on Friday they spent the afternoon and evening at Beacon Farm.


Max stayed with them at Cliff Haven on Friday night and Danny drove him up to St Pierre in order to catch the midday ferry.

Also in St Pierre on Saturday morning were Doctors Woodward and Cameron who were both shopping in Stephenson's Supermarket.

Although they arrived independently in their own cars Deborah and Stuart bumped into each other, almost literally, in the coffee aisle.

“Oh hello” she said “You know we should coordinate our schedule and carshare for shopping”

“Good idea” he agreed, and they spent about 20 minutes chatting

“Are you walking this weekend?” he asked

“I'm afraid not” she said “Chores today and I'm working tomorrow”

“That’s a shame” he expressed “Another time then”

“Maybe next weekend although my brother is staying so I’ve no idea what he’ll want to do”


He found he was more disappointed about her not walking than he would have expected, he really liked her company, but strictly as friendship.

He walked on Sunday anyway, but he didn’t stay out long because as he suspected it wasn’t as much fun without her company.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (073) Plans and Schemes


Freelance Architect Carolyn Livingston was heading to Beacon Farm for another clandestine meeting with Molly Barrington and the team for the Spanish River site.

She liked Molly, she had gumption, she also appreciated any work that brought her back to the island.

She was a native of Spaniards Creek but had to leave for the mainland to pursue her career, but welcomed any commission that brought her home.    

When she was midway between the Manor Cliff and Norman, Beaches, she got a nearside front puncture and came to rest on the verge.

“Damn it” she exclaimed “Not again”

It was her second puncture in two days, and she still had the flat in the boot because she hadn’t had time to get it replaced.

It looked like she was going to have to walk the rest of the way and was going to be late for her meeting.

Carolyn got out of the car and gathered up her drawing tubes and put the straps over her shoulder, and did the same with her laptop bag and prepared to walk, but paused to wait for a passing pickup to pass by, but instead it stopped, and the window lowered

“Carolyn Livingston?” the driver said

“Howard?” she responded

“I heard you’d been seen on the island” Howard Nelson said

“Is everything ok?”

“Puncture” she replied “No spare”

“Are you working?”

“I am” she said “And I’m going to be late”

“Jump in, I’ll give you a lift,” he said

“Thanks Howard, you’re a star” she said and got in

“Where do you want dropping?”

“Beacon Farm please” she replied

“So how have you been?”

“I’m good” he replied “The yards doing well”

“That’s good to hear” she said

“And you?”

“Yes, I’m doing good” she replied

“I never had a doubt that you would” Howard said as he pulled into the yard at Beacon Farm. 

“Thanks for the lift, Howard” Carolyn said “You’re a life saver”

“No problem”

Then as she walked towards the house he called out

“You’re looking good by the way”

And she turned and smiled.


The reason Carolyn was at Beacon Farm was that they had another clandestine meeting at in the Beacon farm barn, because at Molly’s behest George Wood, had gathered together the relevant group of people involved in the building renovations, Adam Jandrell who was Project managing proceedings, Franci Liebenberg who he called his right hand “man” and Architect Carolyn, as well as the Vicar Arielle Nicholas.


“Sorry I’m late” she said “I had a puncture”

“Not to worry” Molly said “We’ve just been discussing drains”

“I’m sorry to have missed that” she said, and everyone chuckled

“Good news is that the Building Inspector has signed off on the work so far” Adam said “So he’s happy”

While Adam was talking Carolyn set up her laptop and started the power point, so everyone could see the plans.

After that Carolyn took questions and then when everyone was happy, she gave a set of drawings to Adam.

“I don’t know if it’s feasible or not, but I want to put a foot bridge across the river down here” Molly said pointing at a drone shot of the area

“We will have to submit the plan to the parish council” Adam said

“Whose on the committee?” Danny asked

“I am” the Vicar said

“Howard Nelson, Church Warden,

Headmistress Margaret Johnson, Katie Harrison, and Rachel Hanson from the Galleon, who is also my Verger”

“Bridges are not really my thing” Carolyn said “you really need someone with Civil Engineering experience, I can give you a name of someone I’d highly recommend, and I know he’s available”

“If he’s that good he’s unlikely to be available at short notice” Franci pointed out

“Ordinarily I would agree” Carolyn said “But he’s available because his wife has breast cancer and is dying, so a small project like this he could do in his sleep”

“It looks like there was a bridge there at one time, the foundations are clearly visible” Molly said.

“Yes, it was struck by lightning about 20 years ago and fell into the river” Franci said

“Well just for the record I would like one that doesn’t do that” Molly said, and they all laughed.

“It won’t be cheap though” Adam added

“Let me worry about that” Molly said “I think it would benefit everyone”

“Ok let’s go Franci” Adam said “Lets crack on”


Carolyn stayed on a while longer to talk over a couple of points and the George said

“Come on I’ll run you up to St Pierre and we’ll get your tyre sorted”

“Thanks George,” she said “But I actually need two”



After stopping to pick up the spare from her boot George drove her to St Pierre, had the tyre replaced and returned her to her stricken car and helped her change the wheel.

“My work here is done” he said “I need to get off”

“Thanks George”

“Your welcome” he said “And don’t forget to get your spare replaced”


She checked her watch and got in her car and headed into Spaniards Creek and drove into Nelson’s Boat Yard. 

It had shaken her a little when she saw Howard that morning.

They were actually a thing, for about three years, but it had been eight years since they split up.

She had just been offered a job on the mainland and he had just taken over his father’s yard and neither of them could see a way through the impasse.

It had been her biggest regret, and she was left wondering if her puncture was providential, she was rapidly approaching her 40th birthday and he was only a few weeks behind, maybe it’s their time, their last chance.

She walked into the office and Howard was sat behind a desk.

“Hello” he said with surprise “This is a treat, twice in one day”

“I thought I’d take you for a coffee as a thank you for this morning” she said nervously

“I’d love to, but we’re just about to head over to Sharpington to tow a schooner back to the yard” he said, “Can I get a raincheck?”

“Absolutely, but it won’t be until the end of the month, maybe the beginning of next” she replied

“Maybe we could do dinner?” he suggested

“Ok I’ll call you when I know the dates” she said “Bye”

She had a wry smile on her face when she left the yard and headed back to the port.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (072) Just What the Doctor’s Ordered


At 7 o’clock on Friday Morning forty-year-old GP Stuart Cameron drove into the Bellevue Hospital carpark.

After parking in a reserved space he got out and walked toward the entrance when his jovial neighbour and fellow Dr. Deborah Woodward, was leaving.

“Ah, its Dr Samaritan” she said

“Oh hhhhello,” he stammered

“It’s nice to see you again” she said, “Just starting your day?”

“I am, yes” 

“Well I’m at the other end of mine, so I’m off to my bed” she said “Nice running into you again though”

“And you” he said and watched her walk away

with her abundant brunette hair spilling beneath her woolly hat.


Deborah did have a car, but she preferred to walk to and from the hospital, unless the weather was particularly nasty, but that day was sunny, though cold, and she enjoyed the walk, she also enjoyed seeing Stuart again.


Stuart would also have enjoyed the walk, but he needed his car for moving between surgeries and for house calls, he would also have liked to have spent more time conversing with Deborah, and that thought scared him.


On Saturday Molly received some power point presentations from Carolyn Livingston of her designs for the properties down by the river, and she and Danny spent a large chunk of the day reviewing them and making notes about the bits she was unsure about and emailed those back to her. 


Deborah Woodward was unmarried, unfiancéd and completely unattached, she had not even come close to the first two and had been long reconciled with the latter.

Not that there had not been fancies and dalliances, but no one she wanted to be coupled with long term, so it was just her and her cat Murphy.

Oh, and a brother in Sharpington, who was in a similar situation to her, without a medical degree or a cat, and was the owner of the Bluebird Theatre.


After she left her house on Sunday morning, carrying a backpack, she caught sight of Dr Cameron ahead of her who had just stepped out of his front gate.

“Hi Stuart! are you going somewhere nice?” She called.

“I was just going to explore” he replied

“Me too” she said, “I’ve only been here since January, so I haven’t done much, what about you?”

“Six months and less than you I suspect” he replied

“Have you not fancied it up to now?”

“Something like that” he replied

“Well why don’t we explore together” she suggested

“Or get lost together” he retorted

“That might well be a possibility” she replied, and they laughed


“So where have you been so far” she asked

“I just went up to Bellevue Woods and did a bit of a circuit and came back via the beach.” He replied.

“So where do you want to go first?”

“The Crag” she replied, put on her backpack and strode off,

Stuart was already wearing his and broke into a trot to catch up with her.

It was a nice bright morning, and they could feel the sun on their faces, as they walked briskly down the path and across the St Pierre road and into the Halfway Lane.

They followed the lane up the hill in between Bellevue Woods and High Lake Copse and passed High Lake, and on until they reached the Crag.

When they reached the Zenith of the road, they stopped to catch their breath and have a drink before they followed a path up the Crag itself on the Southern side of the road, and after they yomped up to the top, they stopped to admire the view across to the east and down to the south.

“You get a different perspective altogether from up here” he said.

“It’s not bad, is it?” she responded

“We’re so lucky to live here”

“That we are” he agreed

They had a drink and then sat and soaked in the view until they got their second wind and then they made their way off the Crag, following a different path down to High Lake and the path shadowed a gentle waterfall, not grand or spectacular, but nice enough, as the water tumbled slowly and spilling over the rocks, gathering briefly in deep pools and then tumbling down again to the next pool, until it finally disappeared under ground.

The track then skirted the northern bank of High Lake and into the woods.

The day was unseasonably warm for March, and they had both shed their jackets by the time they entered the High Lake Woods, and they instantly felt the coolness of the shade, but even with the drop in temperature they were still sweating.

They recrossed the St Pierre Road and stopped above Manor Cliff Beach and Deborah checked her watch

“My goodness, I think I’ll give the Beach a miss today” she said

“I can’t believe it’s that time already”

“Nor me” Stuart agreed, and they headed for home.


“Thank you” Deborah said when they got back to Manor Row

“For what?” he asked

“For your company” she explained

“No need for thanks” he said “I enjoyed it too”

Then they returned to their respective homes and soaked away their aches and pains in a hot bath.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (071) Job Offers

 Reverend Arrielle Nicholas was invited for Sunday lunch again, ariving at the house after Church and enjoyed another very acceptable meal.

The reason for the invite was to further discuss her remaining as Vicar of St Clara’s.

There were some contractual formalities to be completed over the coming week and they needed to go to the Solicitors to sort out the paperwork, they just needed the Vicar to tell them when it was convenient.

“Well, I have been ordered to the Bishop’s Palace on Wednesday” she said, “Could we combine it with that?”

“Yes, that would work” Molly said.

“What time is your appointment?” Danny asked.

“3 o’clock” Arielle replied, “I’m getting the early ferry and then the train.”

“Road trip then” Danny added.

“My thoughts exactly” Molly added.

“We’ll drive you to Abbottsford and meet the solicitors in the morning then we can go and annoy Max Parsons while you’re with the Bishop” Danny suggested.

“Then we have the option of staying overnight in Abbottsford or Sharpington” Molly mused.

“Sharpington!” Arielle exclaimed.

“Sharpington it is then” Danny said and smiled.


The next day they wanted to talk to Amelia Williamson but had no contact details for her so Molly phoned her friend Franci Liebenberg.

“Hi Franci” she said “I need a favour”

“What do you need?”

“I’m looking for Amelia” Molly said

“She’s working the morning shift at the Galleon” Franci replied


Molly and Danny walked down the hill into the village to the Coffee Shop and found Amelia serving behind the counter of the Galleon.

“Hello, you two” she said, “What can I get you?”

“A latte and an Americano, please” Danny said

“And a few words in private” Molly added quietly looking around at the other patrons

“I could pop round to the house this afternoon” she replied in a whisper

“If you want to take a seat, I’ll bring them over”


It was about 3 o’clock when Amelia arrived at the cottage and Molly got quickly down to business.

“I’d like to offer you a job”


“If you’re interested” Danny added

“Of course, I’m interested” She replied but went on to explain her circumstances and how she was picking up shifts as a barista at the Galleon and behind the bar at Philips Folly so she could be at home to help her mum nurse her dad.

“You can do whatever hour’s you want to fit in around your other commitments” Molly said

“At the moment we don’t even have an office for you” 

“Where will the office be?” she asked

“In the village” Molly replied, and in answer to the next question, she added “We have no other details on that as yet”

“If you give me your email address, I’ll get the solicitors so send the offer letter, you can then reply with your CV and bank details” Molly said

“Ok” Amelia said “Thank you”


The next day was a lazy pre road trip movie binge day then on Wednesday they were up early to pick up the Vicar in the Range Rover and catch the early ferry.

Once on the mainland they got on the Expressway and drove nonstop to Abbottsford and when they got to the Solicitors Molly and Arielle went straight to the ladies.

Once they had spent a penny, they all met with Clive Crossfield.

Firstly there was a one to one between Arielle and Clive to discuss her employment and contract details, while Danny and Molly drank coffee, then they swapped.

“Has Amelia Williamson been in touch yet?” Molly asked

“Oh yes” Clive replied and laughed “it took her all of 8 minutes”


After leaving the solicitors they took Arielle for lunch at an Italian Restaurant called Roberto’s before dropping her outside the Bishops Palace.

Next stop was Publisher Max Parsons, and when they were sitting comfortably in his office Danny said  

“We have a present for you”

“Oh good I like presents” he said, and Molly opened her bag and handed him a folder

“That’s the final six chapters” Danny said

“It’s finished?” Max said “Already?”

“Ahead of schedule” Molly said

“You are the best thing that ever happened him” Max said and kissed her

“That’s what I keep telling him” she said


After leaving a very happy Max Parsons they went to pick up the Vicar who was already outside the Palace standing on the pavement.

“Well how did it go?” Danny asked

“His Grace was not very graceful” she replied

“He didn’t take it well then?” Molly asked

“I told him I was leaving, and he wished me well, but when I told him I was staying on as Vicar of St Clara’s his mood changed” She explained

“And his face went as purple as his robes.” 


They got to Sharpington and went straight to the Seaview Hotel and after checking in Molly said

“Are you joining us for dinner, or do you have other plans?”

“I definitely have other plans” she replied and blushed


They were in no hurry to leave on Thursday because Molly and Danny loved Sharpington and Arielle just wasn’t in any rush to leave Harry.

So they left it as late as they dare in order to catch the last ferry.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (070) Changes


Friday was a remarkable day at Cliff Haven because for the first time in weeks, nothing of any consequence happened.

There was just Molly and Danny, with no deadline to meet, no visitors and no documentation to read.

So they completed watching the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.

It was the last such day for several months.


GP Stuart Cameron had lived a life, and he had something of a reputation as a womaniser in his younger days, which he tried rather unsuccessfully to live down, on the mainland.

It was a deserved reputation, which he would be the first to acknowledge, but he changed after a near miss at a party with an underage girl.  

It has to be said, it may have been a spine growing moment or at the very least developing a conscience.
He did not kid himself that he possessed any high principles, he did hold certain standards and preferences but they were at best flexible.
He had begun, despite his penchant for all things crumpet, tried to avoid fishing in someone else’s pond, no matter how attractive the body of water might be, but he had abandoned that after failing to meet his exceptionally low standards and repeated his failures on numerous times afterwards.
So although he did possess some scruples he showed by his behaviour that they can be overcome, as his many peccadilloes testified to.

It was at a fancy dress party where he met his Waterloo.

He didn’t know why he didn’t accept the girl’s overt invitation; it certainly wasn’t through a lack of attraction or even what she was wearing, he liked uniforms and outfits.

He had rummaged his way into a Vicar’s vestments at one time, so that certainly didn’t put him off.

It was one of his fondest memories, probably because she was a Vicar, although had she been in any other occupation he would probably have jumped her bones in a second anyway.

The whole prospect of defrocking a Vicar, in costume, aroused him greatly, it was probably a combination of the fact that she was a woman of the cloth, and his distaste for the Church, that sweetened the experience.

His epiphany with the young girl took him by surprise, the girl was acting under the influence of two much wine on an empty stomach, but for that to stop him would have been totally out of character, but something did stop him.
What scared him was if she had offered it to him on another day he might not have been so strong.
It became a turning point in his life, but he couldn’t shake off his past,

his reputation always got in his way, and no one would accept that he had turned over a new leaf, so he decided to go somewhere that he was unknown, change his career and become a GP.

It suited him because the likelihood of meeting anyone he knew or one of his past conquests was very unlikely.


There was a large surgery at the Bellevue and smaller ones on the Saxvirdan side of St Pierre and another in Spaniards Creek and he divided his time between the three, as well as doing house calls when necessary.

He wasn’t the only GP on the island, but he was the youngest by some distance, but he wasn’t the youngest Doctor.

The job also came with a two-bedroom cottage in Manor Row, overlooking Manor Cliff beach where he could hide away and reflect on past mistakes.


He had been on the island for six months and kept himself to himself, he didn’t socialise with work colleagues or frequent pubs, coffee shops or any form of social gatherings, he just worked or stayed home.

However, one Saturday he was getting a bit stir crazy and when there was a break in the weather, and the sun actually put in an appearance, he decided to take a stroll up to Bellevue Woods.

As soon as he stepped out of his front door and felt the sun on his face, he thought it would be nice to see another human being as he walked briskly down the path and across the St Pierre road and into the Halfway Lane.

After three hours of walking in the countryside, through the woods, skirting High Lake and ending up at Manor Cliff Beach he felt refreshed of spirit and cleansed of mind, but he didn’t see a single solitary soul until he’d climbed back up to Manor Cliff turned the final corner towards his house when she saw a figure appear carrying some shopping bags and then almost immediately disappeared again, and then there was an exclamation of “oh bugger”.

He pressed on round the corner and found a woman sitting on the wet ground, legs akimbo, surrounded by her shopping, and she was laughing.

“Are you ok?” he asked with concern

“I fell on my arse” she said and laughed again

“I’m serious, I’m a Doctor”

“So am I” she said and laughed again even harder


When she had gotten herself under control, he finally got her to her feet.

“Now can you tell if you are you ok?”

“I’m fine” she said “I’m not so sure about my eggs though”

Stuart helped her pick up her shopping and carried the bags to the house for her.

“Thank you” she said “I’m Deborah by the way”

“I’m Stuart” he replied

“Can I offer you a cuppa? It’s the least I can do” she suggested

“I won’t thank you” he said “I’m already running late” 

“Ok, another time perhaps” she called after him


They both lived in Manor Row, which was made up of a dozen, one- and two-bedroom cottages, for the exclusive use of essential hospital staff.

Deborah lived at number 6 he lived only a few doors away at number 10.

She was disappointed that her good Samaritan hadn’t accepted her offer of refreshment, she liked the look of him.


Stuart liked the tall jovial Doctor, with her abundance of brunette hair and an infectious laugh, and he really wanted to stay for a drink, but he was strong and resisted the temptation thankfully, when he got  home, he slept away the afternoon on his sofa.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (069) Roman Water Farm Romance


Duncan picked Anna up from the Beaumont Manor Hotel in the Range Rover after breakfast and drove her straight to Roman Water Farm.

After settling her into the guest room and making her coffee he said

“I need to go off and do some farmer type stuff for a few hours, but you have free range of the place, and I’ll be back as soon as I can”

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll make use of the time making myself desirable” she said and blushed


Anna had high hopes of Duncan Wilson, and she was hopeful he might fill the hole in her life, and she spent five hours getting ready for the evening, which involved applying endless lotions, potions, creams and balms, as well as applying wax, and all the time she was dressing she was imagining Duncan undressing her.


He was later in the fields than he intended so when he got back, he was left with less time to get ready than he intended, which was probably just as well as it left him with less time to think.

He hadn’t been intimate, with a woman since his divorce, he had dated once or twice but that was all, and it had been several years since those.

She had intimated when they were having dinner that his advances would not be unwelcome, but at fifty-five he had reached the point where gravity had become his enemy and a mirror had becomes something to avoid.


Duncan really liked Anna and he was hopeful that his feelings would be reciprocated, and he was confident he could leave her satisfied, if he got that far with her he was sure she wouldn’t regret it but his great fear was that he would leave her disappointed with his natural appearance, she might have a more refined palette, she was a couple of years younger, but he really wanted to reach a level of intimacy with the very attractive divorcée Anna Turnbull.


She slipped on her expensive, purposely purchased silk undergarments, and completed the look with stockings and suspenders.

No one had seen her dressed like that since her husband, nor had anyone seen her naked.

Finally, she got into her cocktail dress and deemed herself satisfied with the final look; she just hoped it would suffice for him.

Then she slipped on her heels, and when she looked at the final result of her efforts in the mirror, she had no doubts at that moment the Duncan would get her into the bedroom, but with everything removed she was worried he might not want to go back for seconds.

After a final squirt of her most expensive perfume, she picked up her handbag and walked downstairs to meet him.


Neither of them should have been worried, because they were a match made in heaven.

Duncan cooked them a wonderful dinner, however they were making love before desert and slept exceptionally late the next morning.