Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (069) Roman Water Farm Romance


Duncan picked Anna up from the Beaumont Manor Hotel in the Range Rover after breakfast and drove her straight to Roman Water Farm.

After settling her into the guest room and making her coffee he said

“I need to go off and do some farmer type stuff for a few hours, but you have free range of the place, and I’ll be back as soon as I can”

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll make use of the time making myself desirable” she said and blushed


Anna had high hopes of Duncan Wilson, and she was hopeful he might fill the hole in her life, and she spent five hours getting ready for the evening, which involved applying endless lotions, potions, creams and balms, as well as applying wax, and all the time she was dressing she was imagining Duncan undressing her.


He was later in the fields than he intended so when he got back, he was left with less time to get ready than he intended, which was probably just as well as it left him with less time to think.

He hadn’t been intimate, with a woman since his divorce, he had dated once or twice but that was all, and it had been several years since those.

She had intimated when they were having dinner that his advances would not be unwelcome, but at fifty-five he had reached the point where gravity had become his enemy and a mirror had becomes something to avoid.


Duncan really liked Anna and he was hopeful that his feelings would be reciprocated, and he was confident he could leave her satisfied, if he got that far with her he was sure she wouldn’t regret it but his great fear was that he would leave her disappointed with his natural appearance, she might have a more refined palette, she was a couple of years younger, but he really wanted to reach a level of intimacy with the very attractive divorcée Anna Turnbull.


She slipped on her expensive, purposely purchased silk undergarments, and completed the look with stockings and suspenders.

No one had seen her dressed like that since her husband, nor had anyone seen her naked.

Finally, she got into her cocktail dress and deemed herself satisfied with the final look; she just hoped it would suffice for him.

Then she slipped on her heels, and when she looked at the final result of her efforts in the mirror, she had no doubts at that moment the Duncan would get her into the bedroom, but with everything removed she was worried he might not want to go back for seconds.

After a final squirt of her most expensive perfume, she picked up her handbag and walked downstairs to meet him.


Neither of them should have been worried, because they were a match made in heaven.

Duncan cooked them a wonderful dinner, however they were making love before desert and slept exceptionally late the next morning.

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