Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (074) Meetings


The day after the meeting at Beacon Farm Danny and Molly took a stroll down to the river so they could see firsthand how everything was going and when they reached the site on the east of the river they couldn’t believe their eyes, there were vans and pickups everywhere and dozens of hard hats milling around purposely.

“It looks like someone’s kicked over an ants’ nest” Danny observed

“Well lets go and find the Project Manager ant and have a proper look around” Molly retorted

They found Adam and Franci in the site office

“Morning” he said brightly “Have you come for a look around?”

“If that’s ok” Molly said

“Of course” he replied “My right hand “man” here will get you kitted out”

Franci grimaced when he said “right hand man” but only Molly noticed.


“You’ll have to wear these stylish articles” Franci said and gave them both hard hats and hi-vis vests which they put on “But these are the real fashion statements” she added handing them each a pair of steel toe capped overshoes

“Oh lovely” Molly said “Very stylish”

“So a lot of trades here today” Danny said

“Yes, they all answered the call to come home” Franci said

“Are they all locals then?” Molly asked

“90 percent” Adam replied

“We all jump at the chance to work on home soil” 


As they walked towards the old brewery, Danny was up front talking with Adam and Franci and Molly were about five yards behind.

“You should tell him” Molly said quietly

“Tell him what?” she asked

“Well it’s obvious you don’t like being his “right hand man”“ she replied

“I don’t know what you mean” Franci said

“You either don’t like being called that or you want to be something else” Molly said “either way you should tell him”

“It’s not that simple” Franci replied


They left the site an hour later, minus the fashionable footwear, very impressed with what they had seen and continued on their walk, but this time went somewhere different, walking down to Armada Head from where they had a great view across to St Giles du Cabot.

The rest of the week was just a round of social engagements, Wednesday was spent at Woodside Farm with the Beaumont’s and their partners, where the girls went riding and the men fished in the lake, Thursday was Dinner at the Beaumont Manor with Max Parsons who was on the island to, A, pester them about a third Sharon Jacques book and B, meet with Nikki Harrison to discuss the cover art for the second book, so on Friday they spent the afternoon and evening at Beacon Farm.


Max stayed with them at Cliff Haven on Friday night and Danny drove him up to St Pierre in order to catch the midday ferry.

Also in St Pierre on Saturday morning were Doctors Woodward and Cameron who were both shopping in Stephenson's Supermarket.

Although they arrived independently in their own cars Deborah and Stuart bumped into each other, almost literally, in the coffee aisle.

“Oh hello” she said “You know we should coordinate our schedule and carshare for shopping”

“Good idea” he agreed, and they spent about 20 minutes chatting

“Are you walking this weekend?” he asked

“I'm afraid not” she said “Chores today and I'm working tomorrow”

“That’s a shame” he expressed “Another time then”

“Maybe next weekend although my brother is staying so I’ve no idea what he’ll want to do”


He found he was more disappointed about her not walking than he would have expected, he really liked her company, but strictly as friendship.

He walked on Sunday anyway, but he didn’t stay out long because as he suspected it wasn’t as much fun without her company.

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