Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (071) Job Offers

 Reverend Arrielle Nicholas was invited for Sunday lunch again, ariving at the house after Church and enjoyed another very acceptable meal.

The reason for the invite was to further discuss her remaining as Vicar of St Clara’s.

There were some contractual formalities to be completed over the coming week and they needed to go to the Solicitors to sort out the paperwork, they just needed the Vicar to tell them when it was convenient.

“Well, I have been ordered to the Bishop’s Palace on Wednesday” she said, “Could we combine it with that?”

“Yes, that would work” Molly said.

“What time is your appointment?” Danny asked.

“3 o’clock” Arielle replied, “I’m getting the early ferry and then the train.”

“Road trip then” Danny added.

“My thoughts exactly” Molly added.

“We’ll drive you to Abbottsford and meet the solicitors in the morning then we can go and annoy Max Parsons while you’re with the Bishop” Danny suggested.

“Then we have the option of staying overnight in Abbottsford or Sharpington” Molly mused.

“Sharpington!” Arielle exclaimed.

“Sharpington it is then” Danny said and smiled.


The next day they wanted to talk to Amelia Williamson but had no contact details for her so Molly phoned her friend Franci Liebenberg.

“Hi Franci” she said “I need a favour”

“What do you need?”

“I’m looking for Amelia” Molly said

“She’s working the morning shift at the Galleon” Franci replied


Molly and Danny walked down the hill into the village to the Coffee Shop and found Amelia serving behind the counter of the Galleon.

“Hello, you two” she said, “What can I get you?”

“A latte and an Americano, please” Danny said

“And a few words in private” Molly added quietly looking around at the other patrons

“I could pop round to the house this afternoon” she replied in a whisper

“If you want to take a seat, I’ll bring them over”


It was about 3 o’clock when Amelia arrived at the cottage and Molly got quickly down to business.

“I’d like to offer you a job”


“If you’re interested” Danny added

“Of course, I’m interested” She replied but went on to explain her circumstances and how she was picking up shifts as a barista at the Galleon and behind the bar at Philips Folly so she could be at home to help her mum nurse her dad.

“You can do whatever hour’s you want to fit in around your other commitments” Molly said

“At the moment we don’t even have an office for you” 

“Where will the office be?” she asked

“In the village” Molly replied, and in answer to the next question, she added “We have no other details on that as yet”

“If you give me your email address, I’ll get the solicitors so send the offer letter, you can then reply with your CV and bank details” Molly said

“Ok” Amelia said “Thank you”


The next day was a lazy pre road trip movie binge day then on Wednesday they were up early to pick up the Vicar in the Range Rover and catch the early ferry.

Once on the mainland they got on the Expressway and drove nonstop to Abbottsford and when they got to the Solicitors Molly and Arielle went straight to the ladies.

Once they had spent a penny, they all met with Clive Crossfield.

Firstly there was a one to one between Arielle and Clive to discuss her employment and contract details, while Danny and Molly drank coffee, then they swapped.

“Has Amelia Williamson been in touch yet?” Molly asked

“Oh yes” Clive replied and laughed “it took her all of 8 minutes”


After leaving the solicitors they took Arielle for lunch at an Italian Restaurant called Roberto’s before dropping her outside the Bishops Palace.

Next stop was Publisher Max Parsons, and when they were sitting comfortably in his office Danny said  

“We have a present for you”

“Oh good I like presents” he said, and Molly opened her bag and handed him a folder

“That’s the final six chapters” Danny said

“It’s finished?” Max said “Already?”

“Ahead of schedule” Molly said

“You are the best thing that ever happened him” Max said and kissed her

“That’s what I keep telling him” she said


After leaving a very happy Max Parsons they went to pick up the Vicar who was already outside the Palace standing on the pavement.

“Well how did it go?” Danny asked

“His Grace was not very graceful” she replied

“He didn’t take it well then?” Molly asked

“I told him I was leaving, and he wished me well, but when I told him I was staying on as Vicar of St Clara’s his mood changed” She explained

“And his face went as purple as his robes.” 


They got to Sharpington and went straight to the Seaview Hotel and after checking in Molly said

“Are you joining us for dinner, or do you have other plans?”

“I definitely have other plans” she replied and blushed


They were in no hurry to leave on Thursday because Molly and Danny loved Sharpington and Arielle just wasn’t in any rush to leave Harry.

So they left it as late as they dare in order to catch the last ferry.

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