Monday 11 October 2021

Mornington-By-Mere – (03) Living with the Lesbians


The three friends up at Wood Hill Farm were all single girls and looked likely to remain so, Rachel Pegg had an admirer but she thought him unsuitable or unworthy, no one was quite sure which or for that matter why.

The wellington boot was on the other foot for Kashveena Kaur who had already lost her heart but was reluctant to do anything about it and Jenna Newman thought that any search for a meaningful love with someone of a like mind would be a fruitless exercise so she wasn’t prepared to bother, which is how the three of them all ended up living together at Wood Hill farm.


The Newman’s and the Pegg’s had been tenant farmers on the Mornington Estate since God was a boy.

The Newman’s farmed up at Wood Hill on the edge of the Dancingdean Forest and the Pegg’s below them at Vale Farm.


The farm up on Wood Hill was the larger of the two, which had at its center the large farmhouse, parts of which dated back six centuries.

It had been added to over the years to accommodate the growing Newman clan until it was now comprised of six upstairs bedrooms and an equal number of rooms on the ground floor.

There was also milking sheds, barns, hen houses, assorted out buildings and a farm cottage.

Vale Farm on the other hand was smaller and less diverse in nature but it had been around every bit as long.

However much of the Pegg’s land that made Vale Farm prosperous was lost as it formed part of the tract of land compulsory purchased by the War Office that became Mornington Field a hundred years earlier but they still worked what was left to good effect.

But the remaining land was never enough to support the whole family, so many of the Pegg’s had to leave the Vale in search of work elsewhere or get work as labourers for other farmers, so Vale Farm suffered as a result.

The only surviving Pegg’s, Bob and Rachel, were hopeful that when Mornington Field returned back to the Estate’s ownership they would get the land back that they had lost and they could rebuild the farm to what it was in its heyday.

Wood Hill farm however had thrived over those same hundred years but despite that, and for very different reasons there were now only two Newman’s left as well, Jenna and Gavin.

Fortunately as well as being neighbour’s they were also very good friends and had grown up together.

As a result of the two very different sets of circumstances the Pegg’s had two little land and the Newman’s had more than the two of them could manage, so they joined forces, and divided their time between the two farms.

They shared resources and expenditures alike.


All four of them had been to Finchbottom College, who amongst other things ran an Agricultural course, the girls were there two years earlier than the boys, and it was while they were at college that they met Kashveena Kaur, who was studying catering and the three of them clicked, and Jenna and Rachel took her under their wing, and Kashveena had subsequently become a key part of the family.

Despite being the outsider of the group, so to speak, Kashveena quickly became the matriarch of the “Family” who kept order while also keeping an exceeding good table.

She was born in India to a Tamil Mother and a Sikh Father but on their deaths she was raised from the age of 8 by her maternal Aunt Anjuli, in Abbottsford, as a Christian.

Her maiden Aunt was a marvelous cook and she had passed all her not inconsiderable knowledge on to her niece and the Newman’s and the Pegg’s now tasted the benefit of that education. 


Kashveena’s Aunt Anjuli died while she was studying cookery at college, and the death of her only remaining family and the only real mother she had ever known hit her very hard indeed which was why the girls felt so protective towards her and why they asked her to move in with them at the farm.

Suddenly being all alone in the world, moving in with her best friends seemed like the most natural thing in the world to do.

Kash had never regretted it for a second and she had been very happy with her decision, the only fly in the ointment being that she was hopelessly in love with Jenna’s brother Gavin.

But she didn’t hold out any great expectation that her feelings were reciprocated.

Kashveena was a striking looking young woman, not supermodel beautiful but very lovely with dark hypnotic eyes.

Though the Kash that stared back at her from the bedroom mirror each day she thought was far from lovely.

She stood 5 feet 4 inches tall in her stocking feet and was half a stone heavier than she should have been which was thanks to her own cooking.

She wasn’t though disappointed with everything she saw in the mirror she liked her legs which she thought were quite shapely and her hair which she thought of as her crowning glory, which was long and straight and was of a brown so dark that it looked black.


However Kashveena didn’t think that nice legs and beautiful hair was sufficient to win the love of Gavin Newman, she valued herself so little, which was why she held no expectation in his regard.

He for his part had shown no interested in her nor given any indication that he thought of her in anyway other than as a friend.

And her dilemma was that if she told him of her feelings for him and he didn’t feel the same about her it would create an unbearable awkwardness.

So that was why she decided it was best not to upset the Status Quo, and to just remain as friends.

After all friendship was better than nothing and that had been her opinion for three long years.


Jenna Newman, like her friends Rachel and Kashveena was 28 years old and was best described as Statuesque, she was tall and straight backed, and proud.

She was blessed with an abundance of red hair that trailed behind her like a mane.

She loved Wood Hill farm and she loved farming and she considered herself fortunate to live where she lived, with friends and family that she adored and doing the thing she loved to do most in the world.

But, and there was always, a but, the thing Jenna wanted more than anything in the world other than that was someone to share the life she loved so much.

It was difficult enough to meet a suitable guy if you lived in a town or a city but she lived in a farmhouse 8 miles from the nearest village.

Obviously she had boyfriends when she was at school and at college of course but those relationships never went anywhere, not in a way that she wanted anyway.

Jenna had no problem attracting men, in fact the opposite was true, and in particular the Smith brothers from the village.

They were always persistent, though in truth not only with her, Kash and Rachel were also on the Smith boy’s radar and none of them were interested in the Smith’s even though they were farmers. While most of her other admirers who she did like had no interest in farming or living the rural life and she had no interest in moving away from the home she loved.

She remained forever hopeful though and kept her dreams alive.


Over the years things at Wood Hill Farm had settled into a comfortable routine but sometimes the universe has a habit of forcing change on people and it was on a cold misty morning in early March as winter turned slowly into spring that the fates conspired to have their way and the incident occurred.


Jenna was returning to the farm after having delivered that mornings eggs to the Farm Shop in Mornington,

She was lumbering up the hill through the woods with her head full of the most wonderful thoughts about her sharing her life with the perfect partner when all of a sudden out of the mist a figure appeared and stumbled into the path of the Landrover.

“Oh shit” She shouted and swerved violently to avoid the man but still hit him and she watched in slow motion as he rolled over the bonnet and his limp body then shot off the other side and flew briefly through the air before it landed with a thump in a patch of bracken.

“Shit, shit, shit” Jenna repeated as she braked to a halt, she threw open the door and ran to where she last saw the victim.

But as she got closer to the patch of bracken he was just getting to his feet.

“Are you ok?” she asked with great concern just as he became upright.

“Where am I?” he slurred

“Never mind that” she said crossly “Are you ok?”

“Erm” he responded and put his hand to his head “ouch”

And at the moment of his exclamation his legs buckled and Jenna rushed forward and caught him just in time.

“Right let’s get you into the Landie” she said and he muttered something in response which she couldn’t make out.


Once she had him in the front seat and his seatbelt done up she tried her phone, but as expected there was no signal, now as she was only a mile from the farm she decided it would be better to go there and call for help on the landline than to head back down the hill towards Mornington.   


As she drove into the yard Rachel Pegg had just left the milking shed, she was a small skinny girl with long curly chestnut hair, had she and the rest of the “Family” all been of the same kin she would have been the runt of the litter.

But the fact that she was so slight was made all the more remarkable by the fact that she had a voracious appetite for Kashveena’s home cooking, fortunately she had an equally huge appetite for work and a fast metabolism.

Though it wasn’t the home cooking alone that brought her to Wood Hill, she actually preferred dairy farming to arable, and she liked the diversity Wood Hill farm had to offer.

Plus she liked living with her best friends.

She waved and smiled when she saw Jenna drive across the yard but the smile faded when she saw she was not alone and her face was pale and panic stricken. 


Rachel ran over to the Landrover as soon as Jenna had come sharply to a halt.

As soon she’d stopped Jenna flung open the door and immediately jumped out, and raced around to the passenger door.



“What’s wrong Jen?” Rachel asked

“I hit him Rach” she said “I sent him flying”

“What happened?” Rachel asked

“He just appeared” Jenna said and began to sob


“From the woods, just down the hill” she replied

Rachel opened the passenger door and the man turned and looked at her blankly. 

“Let’s get him inside” she said

“Ok” Jen said and wiped away her tears

Between them they managed to man handle him out of the Landrover and across the yard to the farmhouse.

When they reached the kitchen door Rachel called out

“Kash! Kash! Come quick”

When there was no response Jenna kicked the bottom of the door and Rachel called again 

“Kash! Kash! Please come quick”

“I’m coming I’m coming” Kashveena said from behind the door “What’s all the fuss about?”

But when the door opened and she saw the pallid bloodstained man in between the girls she said

“Oh my God”


From the moment she laid eyes on him Kashveena instantly assessed the situation and then took complete control.

“Let’s sit him down in the kitchen” Kash said and Jenna assisted her in silence

“Rachel! Call for an Ambulance” she added and then began cleaning his wound.

“So let’s have a look at you” she said

“Who are you?” he asked

“I’m Kashveena” she replied

“Pashmina?” he responded

“No” she said with a chuckle “Kashveena, and the skinny whippet on the phone is Rachel and the redheaded Muppet is Jenna”

He looked long and hard at Jenna but couldn’t see a Muppet.

“So what’s your name?” Jen asked and his brow furrowed as he processed her question and then finally he replied

“I don’t know”

The patient still didn’t know who he was by the time the ambulance arrived, but Kash had cleaned him up as best she could and his complexion did seem a little less pale at least.


Following on behind the Ambulance when it arrived was a police car driven by Sgt David Jones who was based in Mornington although his patch covered most of the Finchbottom Vale and he was required to take a statement from Jenna in regard to the accident which involved them driving down the hill to the scene of the incident.


“I could have killed him Dave” Jenna said still quite dazed by her experience

“Don’t beat yourself up Jen” he said as he took some photos on his phone

“Accidents do happen and had it not been for your quick reactions it could have been far worse” he reassured her “try to think of the positives”

On hearing that Jenna started to cry and so Dave stopped what he was doing and comforted her.

Which involved him just letting her sob on his shoulder.

Jenna and Dave were good friends and had it not been for her he would never have met his wife Peta and for that alone he would be forever grateful to her.

They were also on the same quiz team when his shift pattern allowed.

“It was an accident” he insisted

“Ok” she replied weakly

“And that’s what I’m putting in my report” Dave said

“But he can’t remember his name, he’s got brain damage and I’m responsible” Jenna contradicted

“Temporary memory loss is very common” he said

He managed to calm her down, even if he failed to entirely convince her and after he had dropped her back at the farm he headed over to the hospital to take a statement from the mystery man, but he promised to keep her posted on his condition and the last thing he said before he drove off was

“Don’t fret”

Dave might just as well have said don’t breathe for all the good it did, fret was all she did for the rest of the day.

In fact she fretted so much that she gave herself a migraine.

The only thing she could do then was first to take a tablet and then to take herself off to her bed.


Jenna slept right through till the next morning until she was woken by the smell of bacon cooking.

As she came to her senses she was thankful for two things, firstly her migraine had completely gone and secondly that she hadn’t missed breakfast, she was absolutely starving, as she hadn’t eaten since breakfast the day before.


After one of Kashveena’s hearty breakfast she felt reinvigorated and she was just contemplating getting on with some work to make up for the day before when Sgt Jones drove into the yard.

“Oh God” she exclaimed staring out the window “he’s dead, I’ve killed him”

“What are you on about?” Kash asked from her position at the sink

“Sgt Jones is here to arrest me”

“Don’t be such a drama queen” she said as she dried her hands and then went outside

“Morning Dave” she called

“Hi Kash” he replied “is Jenna about?”

“She’s hiding in the kitchen, she thinks you’re here to arrest her”

“What for?” he asked

“Murder by Landrover” she replied and they both laughed


While Kashveena and Dave were in yard talking Jenna was in the kitchen and couldn’t hear the conversation, but she was more than a little confused by the laughter.

When they walked in she blurted out

“Is he ok, is he dead, he’s dead isn’t he? I’ve killed him haven’t I, oh God”

“He’s fine Jen” he said interrupting her in full flow


“He’s fine” he said “No broken bones or brain damage, just bruised ribs and a few contusions”

“Really?” she asked in disbelief

“Really, and no lasting effects apart from the memory loss”

He said and anticipating her next comment added

“Which you didn’t cause”

“But…” she began

“He already had a head wound when he stumbled out of the woods” he said “A couple of days old at least according to the medics”

It was a great relief to her that she hadn’t killed him and she closed her eyes and sighed to herself a she digested the knowledge.

“So he still can’t remember his name?” she asked

“No” Dave replied

“So what is his name?” she asked

“I’ve no idea” he said

“Well what about his wallet?” Kashveena asked

“He didn’t have one” he replied “In fact all of his pockets were empty apart from 17 pence and a blood stained handkerchief”

“So how can you find out who he is?” asked Jenna

“Well I’ve put through a missing persons enquiry, which has so far drawn a blank” He replied

“And I took his fingerprints and a DNA sample, neither of which were on record”

“Oh” Kash exclaimed

“In addition he has no distinguishing marks, scars or Tattoos so it’s not going to be easy” Dave continued

Strangely Jenna found that she was really pleased that he had no tattoos, she didn’t like tats.

“The hospital even did a full body scan, to see if he’d had any surgical implants that might have been traceable by serial number but he has had no invasive procedures”

“What about jewelry?” Kash asked

“There was none” he replied “there is a white mark on his wrist where a watch had been and that’s all we know”

“Well I know his hands are manicured and soft but they are not an idle man’s hands”

Jenna said

“How do you know that?” Kash asked curiously

“I held his hand in the Landie” she replied defensively and then asked

“What about his clothes?”

“His coat is old and shabby and doesn’t match everything else which is very good quality and certainly expensive, Handmade Italian shoes, A Versace suit and a hand stitched silk shirt”

“Maybe he stole the coat” Kash suggested

“Or traded his watch for it” Jenna added

“That’s probably the more likely scenario” Dave said

“So what now then?” Kash asked

“Well they will keep him in hospital for another night and then he’ll be discharged” Sgt Jones replied

“Where will he go?” Jenna asked with real concern

“A hostel probably” Dave answered

“A hostel?” Kash asked and looked at Jenna in disbelief

“That won’t do at all” Jenna said

“No it won’t” agreed Kash who looked at Jen again unsure what she was agreeing to

“He can stay here” Jenna said defiantly and when Kash went to speak she added

“I know what you’re going to say but I feel responsible”

“Well Miss forceful I was going to say “What a great idea” Kash said and smiled

“Well if you’re all sure?” the Sgt asked

“We are all sure” Jenna replied

 “What are you sure about?” Rachel asked as she walked in

“We’re having a house guest” Kashveena responded

“Cool” Rach said

“That’s unanimous then” said Jen


Jenna and Rachel were working together in the barn the following afternoon when a strange car arrived in the yard with a strange driver behind the wheel and a familiar looking passenger beside them.

Jen had been working like a Trojan since breakfast the previous day trying to make up for the time she lost on the day of the accident and she had been driving Rachel as hard as she had herself, so when the visitors arrived Rachel was relieved as it meant they would be taking a break.


Dr Andrews got out of the driver’s side and walked briskly around to the other side and opened the passenger door.  

Claire Andrews was a very well-respected General Practitioner who had spent more than ten years at the surgery in Bushy Down.

But for personal reasons, despite her popularity and her love of the place and of the people of the village, she sold her share and bought the vacant practice in Shallowfield and relocated with her practise manager and now business partner Olivia Adamson.

She had only been at the Shallowfield Practice for two months so there were still a lot of patients on the surgery’s books that she hadn’t seen yet and the inhabitants of Wood Hill farm were among them.

Her visit to the farm was also the first chance the girls had to get a good look at the new doctor that everyone in the village was talking about.

Claire was still an attractive woman, even though she was fast approaching forty, a very attractive woman in fact.

Pretty face, blue eyes, soft shoulder length brown hair, 5ft 3, nice figure, everything where it should be and equally proportioned.

Later the girls would compare notes on her and would all express the sentiment that they liked what they saw.


Claire had been at the Winston Churchill visiting another patient when the mystery patient was ready to be discharged.

As he was to be her patient once he was released Claire had the mystery man discharged into her care, and as Miss Newman had insisted he stay at the farm to recuperate, she decided the least she could do was drop him off at Wood Hill as she was going over to the Mornington Surgery in the village anyway.

Part of the remit for the Shallowfield Practice was to maintain a part time surgery in the Street in Mornington, which was, like many thing in the village, heavily subsidized by the Mornington Estate.

“Come on then John” the doctor said “out you get”

She only called him John as he was listed at the Winston Churchill Hospital as John Doe 1979.

Jenna and Rachel emerged from the barn just as he got out of the car and hurried over.

“These must be your hosts” Dr Andrews said

“Yes Muppet and…” he began and then thought for a second before adding “Greyhound”

“Whippet” Rachel said and laughed

Claire looked puzzled so Rachel said

“It’s a long story” she said, “I’m Rachel Pegg and this is Jenna Newman”

“Oh ok” she responded doubtfully and shook their hands

“I’m Dr Andrews and of course you’ve met John already”

“John? So you know who he is now?” Jenna said excitedly speaking to the Doctor but looking at the patient and smiling.

“Not exactly” Claire replied

“Oh, well let’s all go inside and you can fill us in on the details” Jen suggested

So they all went inside.


Jenna introduced Doctor Andrew’s to Kashveena who was in the kitchen and in her element with a houseful to cater for.

And when Kash had supplied everyone with a hot drink and produced a plate of biscuits Dr Andrews began.

“I know it's the stuff of Hollywood movies and cheap fiction, someone suffers a blow to the head, and that person wanders around aimlessly, unable to remember who they are or where they came from” she said “But while such sudden, profound loss of memory is rare, it does happen”

“So what caused it?” Jenna asked

“Well a severe blow to the head for example can injure the brain and cause both short and long term memory loss, either being struck or as the result of a fall or a car accident”

Jenna’s head went down when she mentioned a car accident and Claire quickly said

“But it wasn’t as result of being struck a glancing blow by a beaten up old Landrover on a misty morning in the woods”

Then she took hold of Jenna’s hand and added

“John’s head wound was sustained several days before you had your coming together”

Jenna looked up and smiled at the Doctor and felt reassured and then she asked

“Will his memory come back?”

“Memory may come back altogether of it might gradually improve over time, or it may never return, it’s impossible to know for sure”

“Do you remember anything at all John?” Jenna asked

“I think I can drive” he said

“Well Jenna thinks she can drive” Kash said which made everyone laugh

“Very funny” she said and couldn’t help laughing herself

“I remember how to tie my shoelaces” John added proudly

“That’s “Procedural” memory, muscle memory if you like, leaned skills” Claire said “Let John try a variety of tasks, if he has done them before it might trigger something”

“What else John?” Jenna said

“I know who won the FA Cup in 1999” he said and all eyes turned to Claire

““Semantic” memory” she replied in response to their unasked questions “general knowledge, facts etc. test him by all means but if he gets it wrong it probably means he didn’t know before the accident”

“So what don’t you know?” Rachel asked

“My name, my age, where I was born, profession, everything of importance is a total blank” he stated

All eyes turned to Claire again so she said

““Episodic” memory, all the personal experiences of John’s life”

Dr Andrews then went on to explain why she had called the patient John.

“Well it’s as good a name as any” she said

“No not really” Jenna said “it’s a bit cold”

“I agree” said Rachel “We can do better than that”

“Much better” Jenna added “Is there anything in your clothes, a letter, a receipt or a scrap of paper?”

“No nothing” he replied

“Only the labels, Versace and…” he opened his coat and read “Harris Tweed”

“Well Mr. Tweed it is then” Rachel said “What about a first name?”

“Harry” Jenna shouted “Harry Tweed”

“I like the sound of that” he said

“Harry Tweed it is then” Jenna announced


The Doctor said her goodbyes and Jenna walked with her out to the car,

“So I’ll pop in once a week to see how he’s progressing but don’t be afraid to call me if you’re worried about anything” Claire said

“Is there anything we should be looking out for?” Jen asked

“Headaches, blurred vision, maybe photophobia” Claire replied

“Is that an aversion to light?” Asked Jenna

She got in the car and replied “Yes”

“Oh and one other thing Jenna” she said as she started the car

“Stop feeling guilty”

Jenna was going to protest but realized it was fruitless to attempt it so she just said “Ok”


The first thing that happened after Harry had been settled in to his room was an introduction, he had to meet Jenna’s and Rachel’s brother’s Bob and Gavin who were keen to get a look at the potential nutter staying up at the Wood Hill farm.

They were an unlikely looking pair, Gavin was a big man, six foot two and a bit of a slow plodder with unruly red hair and a ruddy complexion, while Bob was a short spindly dynamo with long frizzy brown hair that made it look like he had a bad afro.

They had been best friends since their very first day at Infants School and it was a friendship which had endured because of their differences and the fact that they worked well together and played to each other’s strengths.


Having met Harry the two lads declared him to be harmless and did their part in his rehabilitation unquestioningly.

Over the weeks following his arrival at the farm Harry was made to sing for his supper in no uncertain terms.

He was rigorously put through his paces by everyone on the farm in turn, they all quizzed him on facts and gave him skills tests of every description.

Jenna took him out in the Landrover one day and it turned out that he could indeed drive.

Kash had him chopping vegetables in the kitchen and it appeared he was no stranger to a knife and a chopping board.

He was also familiar with the workings of the internal combustion engine as testified by Jenna’s brother Gavin who had him help to service the Landie.

And as it turned out the student knew more than the master and Gavin ended up assisting Harry.

He also helped Rachel in the milking sheds and Jenna with the chickens, he did dry stone wall repairs with Bob Pegg on Vale  Farm and did cut and lay hedging with Bob and Gavin up at Wood Hill, but most of his time was spent with Jenna.


One day Jenna made the mistake of taking him with her to do the monthly shop at the supermarket and he drove her absolutely nuts, he spent ages examining each item trying to decide if he got a vibe from them.

At one point he held a tin of baked beans in one hand and one of spaghetti hoops in the other for a full five minutes before he put them both back.

As annoying as it was at the time though she rather enjoyed teasing him about it later.


It was at the end of his third week when Harry had had a thought.

He had watched Kash and some of the others go off to Church on the previous two Sundays and on both occasions there was something nagging at the back of his mind, just out of reach, which he couldn’t quite grasp, so straight after breakfast on the third Sunday he said

“Can I come with you to Church?”

“Of course you can lovely” Kash replied “Do you believe then?”

“I don’t know” Harry replied “But I feel something”

Kashveena was raised by her Aunt Anjuli as a Christian and from the moment she first stepped through the doors at St Hilda’s with her Auntie she felt at peace so the first thing she did when she moved to the farm was to attend a service at St Winifred’s in Mornington and she felt so immediately at home.

Kash felt really pleased that Harry had asked to go with her, she had wanted to broach the subject with him several times but she didn’t want to push it, and she was glad she had waited.

Everyone in the “family” went to church at some time or another but she was the only one who went week in week out.

But she always had someone to accompany her, although Bob and Rachel were believers they only really attended for hatches, matches and dispatches.

Jenna normally only managed one service in four but she always felt refreshed when she had been and when she heard Harry was going she decided she would too.

And Gavin liked going to Church as well, but apart from his faith he also had an ulterior motive.


When they walked into the St Winnifred’s Church Harry took a good long look at his surroundings and then went straight to the back row and sat down, Jenna motioned towards him to take him to their normal seats but Kashveena took her by the elbow and said

“Leave him Hun, just let him take it all in”

“Ok, I’ll just sit with him then” Jen said

“No” Kash reiterated “He needs to be alone for the moment”

“But…” Jenna began

“Trust me” Kash said and reluctantly Jenna walked with her to their normal seats where Gavin was already seated.

He looked up as they approached and smiled at Kash who then stepped aside to let Jenna go first and his smile faded.

The service was being conducted by the locum minister, Ben Wakefield.

The vicar of St Winnifred’s Peter Cockcroft had taken a leave of absence after the tragic loss of his wife Carole and had gone on retreat and had been absent from the village for almost 12 months.

But a succession of Locum ministers covering for him at St Winifred’s during his absence had rather upset the rhythm of village life especially as his wife Carole was also no longer there to make sure the village ticked along.

But rumours abounded of his impending return and they were greeted with great relief about the village.

Although the service was being conducted by the locum, Ben Wakefield did a very fine job.

Not that Jenna noticed his competence, Guy the Gorilla could have been in the pulpit and she would have been completely unaware of it.

Because all through the service Jen kept looking over her shoulder looking for Harry, during the hymns she was constantly checking that Harry was ok, or more accurately that he was still there.

And had Kashveena not ensured she had the aisle seat trapping Jenna between herself and Gavin she would have sneaked out to go and sit with him.

When the service ended she couldn’t get out of her seat quick enough and got a bit cross that Kash was slowing her down.

And that was the moment that Kash realised that guilt wasn’t any longer the primary feeling she had in relation to Harry.

Jenna was frustrated by the snail’s pace as the congregation headed slowly towards the door and when she and Kash finally got to the back of the church where Harry was sitting Jenna found that he had gone and she turned and scowled at Kashveena.    

“He’s outside” she said

“How do you know?” Jenna snapped

“Because I saw him”

And on receiving that information Jenna really began fretting

“He’s outside for God’s sake” She muttered to herself

“He could wander off anywhere”

And she began to elbow her way through the throng but once she emerged into the outside world she instantly relaxed because she saw Harry talking to the locum minister, Ben Wakefield.

Harry smiled broadly when he saw Jenna and Kash approaching.

“You shouldn’t just wander off like that” Jenna chastised him

“I was quite safe Jen” he said “wasn’t I Vicar”

“Absolutely” he confirmed


After they had said their goodbyes to the vicar and members of the congregation and were walking towards the Landrover Jenna was still scowling at Kashveena for almost losing him.

But Kash just ignored her and asked


“Well what?” Harry said

“Any revelations?” she pressed 

“Oh well I’ve definitely done that before” he said

“So how do you feel?” she asked

“Great” he replied


Harry had found his visit to the church both very enjoyable and quite useful in equal measure.

He recognized the hymns and the readings and although it hadn’t triggered any specific memory he thought it might be quite helpful if he tried some other stimuli so he asked Jenna if he could borrow a book

“Of course” she said and showed him into what was referred to as the office.

“Wow” he said “that’s quite a collection”

Jenna’s father, John, and his brother Charlie had both been avid readers and their collection still filled every inch of shelf space in their old office.

It was called the office but it was more of a study really, there was a writing desk under the window but that was the only nod towards it being an office.

There were a couple of old leather chesterfield chairs and an occasional table and lots and lots of shelves. 

Gavin and Jenna should have cleared them all out after their Uncle Charlie went into a home and their Dad had died but neither of them could’ve borne to get rid of them at the time, and afterwards they found the clutter rather comforting and Jenna would often just sit in one of the leather chairs in the darkness and remember.

“Yes, Dad and Uncle Charlie loved to read” she said

She stood in the doorway and watched him as he perused the shelves and then he began running his finger along the bindings of each book in turn, stopping every now and then and tilted one over towards him and pulled it from its position.

Jenna was watching him intently and found herself uncharacteristically concerned on whether he would put it back in the correct order, she needn’t have worried.

He opened and read the sleeve notes before putting it back from where it came.

“Are you looking for anything in particular, maybe I could help?”

“That would be nice but I don’t know what I’m looking for” he replied

“I’m hoping to spot one that I recognize”

“Ok” she said doubtfully

“If I pick a book I’ve read before it might trigger something in my brain” He explained “I know it’s a long shot”

“It’s worth a try though” she said encouragingly

It was going to be a slow process, this had become the norm with Harry, everything he was asked or every choice he had to make resulted in slow thoughtful responses.

It was driving everyone bonkers but she didn’t mind, and not just because she felt responsible for his condition, she was actually enjoying helping him.

She carried on watching him until he finally picked out a book and spent considerably longer pondering over it than any of the others.

“This one ….” He began

“What is it?” Jen asked

“A Tale of Two Cities” he replied “Is it any good?”

“Yes it’s a classic” she replied “Does it seem familiar?”

“No not really but I got an image flash into my mind”

“Really? That’s encouraging” she said “What was it?”

“A Guillotine” he replied “Does that mean anything?”

“Yes” she said and hugged him “It was a memory, from this book”
“You’d better write it down then” he said

Ever since he arrived at the farm Jenna had been keeping a note book, and every time he had a dream or the vaguest of memories or he demonstrated another learned skill she wrote it down.

In fact any clue that might point to his former identity, she wrote it the notebook.

And now she could add “A Tale of Two Cities” to the book.


It was the Friday afternoon of Harry’s 5th week at Wood Hill Farm which was less than a week after his sojourn to St Winnifred’s and it was raining cats and dogs.

As a result of the inclement weather everyone was indoors at the farmhouse.

Kash as usual was in the kitchen making tea on that typical rainy Friday afternoon in April, while Gavin and Bob were firing sports questions at Harry as they sat around the kitchen table.

To the amazement of the boys Harry was coping with them very well.

“How did I do?” he asked when the questions ended

“Not bad” Bob said

“Not bad at all in fact” Gavin agreed

“Good” Harry said

 “However you do seem to know a bit too much about Manchester United for my taste but other than that you seem to know your stuff”

“Do you think they might be my team then?” he asked hopefully

“Well it’s certainly possible” he said

“Jen!!” he called

“What’s up?” she said coming in from the other room with Rachel following in her wake

“Gav thinks I might be a Man Utd fan” Harry said

“Oh dear, as if brain damage wasn’t enough” she replied and laughed at her own joke

“Never mind that laughing girl” he said “Put it in the book”

Jenna had been very diligent regarding the notebook and she always kept it close at hand.

She was always jotting down spurious notes of anything and everything and when she wasn’t writing in it she was reading through it trying to divine some solution to the Harry Tweed puzzle.

It was almost half full but they hadn’t really learned much at all, apart from the fact that he had read A Tale of Two Cities and he was probably a Manchester United fan.

“He’s a real wiz on sport” Gavin said “you can put that down in the book as well”

“We should get him on the team” Kash suggested

“What team?” Harry said

“The quiz team” Bob said proudly “We’re in a quiz league”

“I’m not sure if that’s such a good idea” Jenna said

“Why not?” Bob asked

“It can get quite raucous” she replied

“Raucous?” Gavin exclaimed “The Old Mill?”

“It could be too overwhelming for him” Jen said

“What do you think Harry?” Gavin asked “Do you fancy it?”

“I’ve no idea” he replied

Jenna was washing her hands at the sink and Kash sidled up to her and whispered

“You can’t keep him all to yourself forever”

Jenna turned to look at her and blushed, her secret was out.

“Ok” Jenna said “But if Harry finds it too much I’ll bring him home”

“Fair enough” Bob said

“Is that alright with you Harry?” Gavin asked

“Jen’s the boss” he said

“No she’s just bossy” Rachel said and everyone laughed including Jenna

“Well now that’s settled” Kashveena

“What, that Harrys going to the quiz night or that Jenna’s bossy?”

“Both” Kash said “So what do you want for your birthday Rach”

her 29th birthday was only a week and a half away and since Harry’s arrival they had been so wrapped up in the mystery man’s life that they were in danger of missing Rachel’s birthday and Kashveena wasn’t about to let that happen, which was why she raised the subject while everyone was present.

“I think I want some Hair Straighteners” Rachel replied

“Really?” Kash replied “What sort?”

“VK’s are the best” Harry said and the three women just turned and looked at him

“They are aren’t they?” He asked

“Yes” Rachel replied “but how do you know that?”

Harry just shrugged

And they all chorused “Jen put it in the book”


The quiz night was on the Saturday night of the Easter weekend in Mornington at the Old Mill Inn.

Each team in the league was comprised of six players, Kash, Jenna, Bob, Rachel, Gavin and Harry were The Wood Hill-Billie’s.

Sgt Dave Jones was normally on their team but he was on duty that night so had already cried off before Harry was drafted in.    

The St George family from the Manor were “The Manorian’s”, “Wort’s n’ All” were the team from the Mornington brewery, “Bakers half Dozen” were predictably from Addison’s Bakery, and the other four teams were really just there to make up the numbers.  

The landlord at the Old Mill, Peter Andrew, was the quiz master and his wife, Helen, did the food, or more accurately she supervised the food as the kitchen was run by chef Lorraine Olson, and their children John and Polly ran the bar.


It was a really busy night, the pub was packed and the place was really buzzing in fact Peter Andrew regretted not putting more staff on.

The large attendance was in some part as a result of the mystery man’s presence and it seemed that Harry had attracted a lot of attention even before the quiz started but his minder Jenna kept the overly inquisitive at arm’s length.

It wasn’t as if it was his first time in Mornington but the other occasion was at St Winnifred’s so they clearly weren’t inquisitive enough to have gone to church but a pub event was obviously a different matter entirely.

Harry was dressed in a mixture of his own clothes and some borrowed from Gavin Harry was an inch or two shorter than Gavin who was six foot two but they were of similar build.

Jenna was quite pleased with his appearance especially his hair which was wavy and sandy coloured, and considerably neater since she trimmed it.


Jenna wasn’t much of a help in the quiz as she was far too preoccupied with Harry but at the half way stage with or without her help it was neck and neck between the Manorian’s and the Hill-Billies. 

It was Harry’s turn to get the drinks in, not that he had any money of his own in fact he didn’t even have the 17p he had in his pocket after the accident.

Fortunately Gavin subbed him for the night so he wouldn’t feel uncomfortable and Jenna was going to go with him up to the bar as his body guard but Bob Pegg got there first and instead she had to sit anxiously at the table, fidgeting and repeatedly looking in his direction.

Polly Andrew took his order as her brother John was collecting glasses and taking the opportunity to flirt with Rachel.

John had fancied her for years but Rachel always brushed him off because she didn’t think he was sincere.

It wasn’t just because she was 28 and he was 4 years younger, it was mainly because she was a farmer and he was being groomed for the hospitality trade, but it didn’t deter him.

He had her in his sights and nothing would deflect him from his mission.

As Polly put each drink on the counter Bob ferried the drinks back to the table.

When she had put the last drink on the bar he handed her the money and while he was waiting for the change was when Grant Smith ambled up alongside him.

The Smiths were tenants at Smithfield Farm and their quiz team was rather imaginatively name “The Smiths”

“So you’re living up at Wood Hill with the Lesbians then” he said

In his tiny addled mind the fact that all three of them lived together coupled with the fact that when he had hit on them they had all declined his offers of companionship, they clearly had to be lesbians.

“Yes I am” Harry replied and winked at Polly

“So you like it up there then?” he asked

“Yes it’s fantastic” Harry said enthusiastically and as he took his change from Polly he added

“They let me watch”

Grants jaw dropped on hearing this and Polly had to turn away as she burst out laughing.


Jenna watched the exchange between Harry and Grant Smith at the bar and she was intrigued by Polly Andrew’s reaction as he got his change.

“What was all that about?” Jenna asked when he returned to the table so he whispered it in her ear

“What?” she said with a look of horror on her face

“Has something happened?” Rachel asked

“Grant Smith thinks we’re lesbians” Jenna said indignantly

“We know” Kash said

“You knew?”

“Of course, he’s not very subtle” Rachel added

“That’s terrible” Jenna said

“It’s worse than that though” Harry said

“Why?” she asked suspiciously

“Because now he thinks you let me watch” Harry said

“And what makes him think that?” Jenna demanded

“Because I told him you did” Harry replied

There was a tense 10 seconds of silence and then everyone roared with laughter except Jenna who punched Harry on the arm instead.

“You are an awful man Harry Tweed” she said “Or whatever your bloody name is”

“And you two should have told me” she said to Kash and Rachel who were still laughing

Gavin was laughing so hard that his face had turned purple and although his shoulders were shaking and mouth was open no sound was coming out.

And Bob and slid off his chair.

“I don’t know why you all find this so funny” Jenna said sharply which was intended to jolt them back to their senses but in fact had the opposite effect and made them laugh all the more.

At which point she got up and stropped away.

“Should I go after her?” Harry said

“Absolutely not” Kash said “She’ll be fine in five minutes”

The route of the problem wasn’t what Harry had said or the others resultant laughter.

She didn’t want to be thought of as a lesbian by Harry first and foremost but the main problem was that she was the designated driver and therefore sober and everything appears to be a lot funnier when you’re wearing bear goggles.


The second half of the quiz started and a few minutes later Jenna reappeared red eyed.

“Are you ok?” Harry whispered

“I’m fine” she replied and smiled

Harry was unconvinced so he reached under the table and took hold of her hand and said


And she squeezed his hand in response.

Jenna was much happier after that and they could concentrate on the quiz and at the end of the evening The Wood Hill-Billie’s had beaten the Manorian’s by 2 points and there was absolute uproar, they had never won before and so they were dancing around the table cheering loudly and Jenna hugged Harry very tightly and whispered in his ear

“I’m not a lesbian”

And kissed his cheek

“I know” he replied and kissed her on the lips

Rachel was so thrilled with the fact that they had won the quiz and that Harry had kissed Jenna that she actually hugged John Andrew.

The celebration continued back at the Farm and went on well into the night.


That kiss at the Old Mill should have been the turning point for Harry and Jenna, the launch pad if you will, but it didn’t turn out that way.

Although the cat was out of the bag and everyone knew about them, in the cold light of day, sober and slightly jaded from celebrating their victory, Harry and Jen both had doubts and held back from total commitment.

The thing Jenna wanted more than anything in the world was someone to share the life she loved and she so wanted it to be Harry or whoever he was.

And although she was happy that they were now a couple it was that uncertainty of the unknown that caused her to hold back from giving all of herself to him.

Harry himself thought she was perfect and his doubts were not about Jenna, his problem was with himself and his reservations were based around the fear of breaking her heart.


The next morning was Easter Sunday and despite the fact they were all feeling more than a little jaded they were all at St Winifred’s early next morning though not necessarily bright.

It was on the other hand a very bright morning for John Andrew who had been greatly encouraged by the hug he received from Rachel Pegg after her team’s victory on the quiz night.

So when he saw the Wood Hill Farm Landrover trundle through the village towards the church with Rachel sitting in the back smiling at him he was elated.

He was not looking his best as he was returning home from his morning run so he quickly returned home, showered and changed and ran round to the church.

Once inside he worked his way down the aisle until he saw her. 

The church was very well attended for the Easter service at St Winnifred’s as virtually the whole village were in attendance to support their much loved Vicar, Peter Cockcroft in his return to the pulpit.

So he behaved in a rather unchristian way as he pushed in front of Mrs. Underhill in order to reach the vacant seat next to Rachel before anyone else could get there.

“Good morning” he said and made her jump

“Where did you spring from?” She said putting a hand on her heart and he found himself wishing he could always make her heart flutter.

“I saw your smile and I floated here on a cloud” he said and Rachel laughed

“You’re persistent, I have to give you credit for that”

“That’s because you’re worth it” he said

“Oh John, give it up” Rachel said


“I am too old for you for one thing and we are too different” she said

“I don’t care about the age difference and in what way are we different?” John asked

“Well I’m a farmer and happy to be one” she said “But you haven’t even been on a farm”

Before he had a chance to mount a reply to defend himself, the service began and everyone stood up.


Throughout the service John went over in his mind the conversation that he planned to have with her when it had ended.

Well in truth it wasn’t so much a conversation as a speech, and he rehearsed his short speech in his head over and over as the service progressed.

Having honed and polished the speech to perfection in his head, he planned to deliver it to her after the service and he hoped it would allay all of her fears and win her heart.

However he didn’t get the chance because anticipating the end of the service better than he did, Rachel got up first and slipped out of her seat and managed to give John the slip as he then got caught up in the general exodus, which was very slow moving as almost all of the congregation wanted to shake Peter’s hand or welcome him back or just say hello, there were so many in fact that the throng allowed Rachel to escape.


As Jenna drove the Landie through the village towards home Rachel sat quiet and thoughtful in the back. 

She realized that when in her excitement at the Hill-Billie’s winning the quiz she hugged John it may well have sent out the wrong signal.

And then there was the smile only that morning when she drove passed in the car that was definitely a mistake and very definitely sent out the wrong message, but she couldn’t help herself, he made her smile.

But she hoped that the way she had obviously escaped him in the church might have served to make her feelings towards him quite plain.


On Easter Monday it was business as usual up at the farm, livestock were no respecters of public holidays.

Cows still needed milking and chickens still needed feeding and there were daily chores that couldn’t be left. 

That was the thing that John Andrew didn’t understand about farming, it was a hard life, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and you had to love it to survive it.

Admittedly the pub trade was no picnic either and was also a demanding life but not in the same way.

She was had resigned to believe that despite what he might say to the contrary he would soon tire of farming and would then tire of her.

So what was the point of starting something with him in the first place?


Two days after Easter Sunday was Rachel’s 29th birthday.

Everyone was there at Wood Hill farm for one of Kashveena’s cooked breakfasts after which Rachel opened her cards and presents.

When she was finished Gavin and Bob went off to Vale Farm and Harry and Jenna went to feed the livestock.

Kash cleared away the dishes while Rachel sat at the table rereading her cards and then just before 10 o’clock as Kash was washing up at the sink, a van pulled into the yard at Wood Hill, a white van liveried in green, Bizzie Lizzie of Abbottsford.

A young woman, Michelle Norman, got out and opened the side door.

Kashveena recognized her, she was a local girl who lived in the village, the girl then reached inside and when she emerged she was carrying a large bouquet a very large bouquet. 

She walked to the door and knocked briskly

“Yes?” Kashveena said as she opened the door

“Flowers for Rachel Pegg” the girl said

“Ok I’ll take them” Kash said and took the flowers and signed for them.

Michelle then got back in the van and drove off as Kash took the flowers inside.

“Someone’s sent you flowers Rach”


“Flowers for Rachel Pegg” Kash repeated

“They’re very beautiful” Rachel said as she took the bouquet

“But no one ever sends me flowers, it must be a mistake”

“There is a card” Kash pointed out

Rachel took the envelope off the bouquet and opened it and it read

“Now you’re even older and I still don’t care”

“That’s quite sweet” she said quietly

“Who are they from then?” Kash asked

“My secret admirer” she replied

“So John Andrew then”

“How do you know that?” Rachel asked

“I didn’t know it was a secret” said Kash “I thought everyone knew”

“Well nobody mentioned it” Rachel said

“We all think John’s really nice” 

“So do I” Rachel said “He’s just a bit young though”

“That’s nonsense” Kash said “What’s the real reason?”

“Well I don’t want to be a publican’s wife and I don’t think he will want to be a farmer” she replied

“Have you actually asked him?”

“Well no” answered Rachel “but then I don’t have to”

“Oh Rachel” Kash said resignedly

“If you don’t ask him you’ll never know”

Rachel didn’t respond she just stood admiring her flowers then she reread the card and smiled.

Kashveena just shook her head, however no matter how exasperated she might have been with Rachel she really had no room to talk.

She had had the man of her dreams sitting in her kitchen almost every day for more than three years and she had done absolutely nothing about it.

At least Jenna had a man in her life and all she had to do was run him over with the Landrover.


It was almost the end of April, a week and a half after the quiz night at the Old Mill when Harry and Jenna drove into Mornington together and it was the first they had both been in the village together since Easter Sunday.

Jenna had an appointment with Lianne Martin, her Dentist and afterwards they were going to drive into Abbottsford to buy Harry some new clothes, his Versace suit was the best will in the world was never going to be appropriate for farm laboring and the few clothes that Gavin had given him were not wearing well at all.


The Mornington Dental & Orthodontic Surgery was in The Street, between the Doctors Surgery and Mazzone’s Hairdressers and opposite Addison’s Bakery.

Rather than wait in the waiting room for her Harry kissed Jenna goodbye and chose to take a walk around the village but he only got as far as the St Winifred’s Bridge where he stood gazing into the rippling waters of the River Brooke.

“It’s mesmerizing isn’t it?” a voice said

“Yes it is” Harry agreed and turned around to see the voice belonged to the Vicar, Peter Cockcroft.

Peter had only been back in the village for three weeks following a year’s absence on retreat, mourning the devastating loss of his beloved wife Carole.

It knocked him for six, it was so unexpected, coming completely out of the blue as it did.

“You must be Harry” the Vicar said

“Yes” he replied straightening up and offering his hand

“Peter Cockcroft” the Vicar said and shook Harry’s hand

“Well I don’t need to ask what troubles you Harry.”


“You are not the first love struck soul to gaze into these waters” Peter said “And I speak from personal experience”

“It’s that obvious then?”

“I’m afraid so yes” he said and slapped Harry on the back

“I’m surprised though, I would have thought that you and Jenna would make a perfect couple, she’s a lovely girl”

“She is perfect” Harry said wistfully


“Do you know my circumstances?” Harry asked

“Yes I do, it’s a fascinating case” Peter said

“Well that’s one way of looking at it” Harry said unconvinced 

“So what’s the problem?”

“Me, I’m the problem” Harry said “What happens if she falls in love with me and she wants to get married?”

“So what would be the problem with getting married?” Peter asked

“The problem is I can’t marry her” Harry replied

“Why not?”

“Well what if I’m already married?” Harry asked “What if I already have a wife and children?”

“Life is full of “What ifs”” Peter said

“Not like this one” Harry said and began walking away

“Harry!!” Peter called after him and he stopped and turned around to face him.

“Listen Harry, you may not be able to marry her but you can love her”

“Oh I know I can love her” Harry said “I already do”

“Then you’ve got to hold on to her” Peter said

“Don’t waste a second of the time you have together Harry, you never know how long it’s going to last”


As Harry walked back down the Street to the Dentist to meet Jenna he thought what great piece of advice Peter had given him but as it turned out he never got the opportunity to act on his advice because over the next two weeks things were very busy on the farm and he and Jenna barely got a minute to themselves.


The first two weeks of May were hectic in the extreme on the farm and Harry and Jenna barely got a minute to themselves.

By the time they reached one particular day in the middle of the month, which was the hottest day of the year so far Bob and Gavin had been out in the fields since first light, fertilising and muck spreading, for days on end, Kash was spring cleaning the downstairs of the house and Jenna, Rachel and Harry were cleaning out all livestock buildings.

And by the end of that hot May afternoon they had all had enough, they were hot, sweaty and filthy from head to toe.

There was no way Kash was going to let them into the house in their state so Rachel suggested hosing each other down before they attempted to gain entry to the downstairs bathroom.

Rachel hosed Jenna down first and then they swapped over and finally Jen turned the hose on Harry while Bob and Gavin looked on and roared with laughter.

It was during the horseplay that followed that the incident happened.

Jenna had him cornered and was giving him a good soaking and he was stooping down to give her a smaller target when Kashveena called out.

“What on earth is all that noise about?”

And as she said it she flung open the kitchen door and hit the stooping Harry on the head and knocked him spark out.

When they got to him, blood was gushing from a wound on his head and he wasn’t moving

“Oh God” Kash said and started crying. Which showed how serious it was to reduce Miss Dependable to tears 

“Oh not again” Jenna exclaimed

“Call an Ambulance” Rachel shouted  

“There’s no time” Gavin said “Let’s get him in the Landie”

“Ok” Jenna said “I’m coming too”

Kashveena had got control of herself and grabbed some clothes off the ironing pile and a pair of shoes from the scullery and gave them to Jen

“You’ll have to change on the way” she said

“Thanks Kash” she said and got in the back “Phone Doctor Andrews”

“And Dave Jones” Gavin added

“Why does this keep happening?” Jen said as they drove off

“Don’t worry Sis he’ll be fine” he said but he really wasn’t sure.


By the time they got to the end of Farm Lane Jenna had changed her clothes and was sitting in the back holding Harry’s hand.

Also waiting at the end of the lane was Sgt Jones, standing by his car, and he flagged them down.

“Follow me to Shallowfield, an Ambulance will meet us there” he instructed

Gavin nodded and Dave returned to his car and with his blues and twos going he led the way at speed to Shallowfield.


They were in Shallowfield in about five minutes and Dr Andrews and the Ambulance were waiting outside the Surgery.

As soon as Gavin stopped the Landrover Dr Andrews and the paramedics sprang into action.

Jenna and Gavin stood back as they examined him and tried desperately to hear what was being said, but failed.

Within a minute or two the Doctor was walking away from the car making a phone call and the paramedics had got him on to a trolley and wheeled him to the Ambulance. 

Claire was still on the phone but broke off long enough to shout to Andy Mason, one of the Paramedics.   

“I’ll follow on behind Andy”

“Ok” he replied

And a few minutes later Claire ended her call and walked over to join Jenna and preempted her questions

“He’s still unconscious but he’s stable and they’re taking him to the Winston Churchill”

“Ok” Jenna said not knowing what to do next.

She looked at Gavin and then at the doctor and then Claire said

“Do you want to come with me Jenna?”

“Yes please”


Just before she got in the car Jenna gave Gavin a hug and Gav said

“He’s going to be fine sis”

Gavin watched his sister drive away and he felt so helpless.

Sgt Jones asked Gavin to give him a quick statement about the accident, which he did, and then he went back to the Farm.


When they reached the Winston Churchill Hospital, Claire went straight through and Jenna waited anxiously in the waiting area.

She had been sitting there for two hours before Claire returned with a grave expression on her face.

Claire sat down next to Jenna and took hold of her hand, it was supposed to put her mind at rest, but it had the opposite effect.

“He’s gone into surgery to remove a clot” Claire said

“Oh God” Jenna said and crumpled.

“He’s going to be in surgery for several hours” she continued “Do you want me to run you home”

“No I’ll stay here” she replied

“I thought you’d say that so I’ve told the Nurse, Molly Curtis, to keep you posted” Claire said “and I’ll be back in the morning”

“Thanks Doctor” 

As soon as Dr Andrews had gone, Jenna went outside and phoned home.


Just after 4 am Molly Curtis appeared in the waiting room and tracked Jenna down to give her the promised update.

“Are you Jenna?” she asked

“Yes” she replied nervously “is he ok?”

“The surgery went very” Molly said “and he’s been moved to ICU”

“Can I see him?” She asked

“Yes” she replied “but you won’t be able to see him until much later”


“You should get some rest now” Molly said “I’ll let you know if there’s any change”

“Thanks nurse”

After that Jenna slept on and off on an uncomfortable bench in the main reception.   

She woke up at 6.30 with a crick in her neck and a desperate need for a pee.

She stood up and had a good long stretch before she walked to the loo yawning.

When she emerged ten minutes later she was confronted by some familiar faces.

“There you are?” Kashveena said

“How is he?” Asked Rachel “Any more news?”

“No not yet” Replied Jen, and she was close to tears

“Gav and Bob are holding the fort” Rachel said with a crack in her voice trying to change the subject

Then Kash handed Jenna a carrier bag and said

“I brought you some clean ironed clothes, clean undies and some lippie”

“Thank you” she said and hugged her “you’re priceless”

Rachel joined the hug and the three of them ended up crying.

After a minute or two Kashveena said

“Rachel and I will go and get some coffees while you go and get changed”

“And a sandwich” Jenna said “I’m starving”

“I packed breakfast” Kash said and patted her bag

“Of course you did” Jen said and kissed her cheek


Jenna felt so much better after she’d freshened up, it was amazing how much better she felt just having clean underwear on and a little lippie.  

When she came out she quickly found her friends and they sat downstairs in the main reception and drank coffee and ate Kashveena’s homemade bacon sandwiches and then they went upstairs to ICU.


“You are not allowed in because you’re not family”

The nurse repeated in an officious tone.

“Stop repeating the same thing over and over” Kash said crossly

“Now I’m going to have to ask you to leave” she said “Or else I’ll call security”

“Oooh are we supposed to be scared?” Jenna mocked childishly

Kash gave her a sideways look and hoped she wasn’t going to do something silly.

Rachel wasn’t being helpful either as she was just glaring at the nurse in an intimidating manner

Just then Jenna noticed Claire Andrews was walking down the corridor towards them.

“Doc” Jenna called “She won’t let us in”

“As I’ve explained already Doctor, its family only” the nurse said “And they’re not family”

“For goodness sake let them in” Claire said “They are the only family the man knows, and she’s his girlfriend”

“But nothing, let them in”


The nurse wasn’t happy at having her authority usurped but she did comply with Dr Andrews’s instruction, but only two of them could go in at a time, and she was adamant about that so Rachel said that the other two could go in first and she would wait downstairs.


When they went into ICU they found Harry in a High Dependency bed and Jenna was pleasantly surprised,

She had imagined in her mind’s eye that he would be a mass of bruises and abrasions, with tubes coming out of every orifice, he didn’t even have a breathing tube in.

His head was bandaged obviously, but other than that he looked very peaceful.

“He looks well” Kash said clearly as surprised as Jenna was.


They sat down beside his bed and Jenna immediately took hold of his hand and prayed.

When she had finished her prayer Kashveena squeezed her arm and said

“I think it’s going to be a happy ending”

“I don’t” Jenna snapped

“Why not?”

“I think I know the end of the story Kash” She said softly “I know the end of the story”

“And what’s that?”

“He’s going to wake up and remember who he is, and remember he has a wife and children and a whole wonderful life”

She explained

“And when he wakes up and remembers his old life, he will forget everything about his life with us, and it won’t matter a jot to him that I’m in love with him”

“You’re wrong” Kashveena said

“Am I?” she said flatly

“Yes” Kash said “I’ve seen the way he looks at you”

“Yes but that’s Harry that’s looking at me, not the real him, whoever he is”

Kash knew she wasn’t going to shake Jenna out of her black mood so she decided to leave her and Harry alone.

“I’ll go and get us a drink” she said and kissed the top of her head


Down stairs in reception Rachel was sitting in a corner flicking through magazines when she turned the page and saw a full page ad for Bizzie Lizzie of Abbottsford and her nostrils were suddenly full of the sweet perfumed bouquet that John Andrew sent her for her birthday.

And the lovely words written on the card came to her mind

“Now you’re even older and I still don’t care”     

She sighed as she thought of him, he was such a sweet, sweet boy, and then she scowled because since she received the flowers and the card she had avoided him.

She was just reflecting on that decision when she saw John Andrew walk through the main doors so she got up from her corner and intercepted him by the lifts

“What are you doing here?” she asked

“I come bearing gifts” he said holding up a “get well soon” card and a carrier bag for her to see.

“And who are they from?” she asked suspiciously

“Everyone in the pub” he replied “the card went around the bar last night”

“That doesn’t explain why you’re here” she pressed

“I volunteered” he said defiantly

“And that wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that I’m here I suppose”

“It has everything to do with the fact that you’re here” he admitted

“I thought so” she said

“I’m mad about you Rachel” he said unashamedly “I always have been”

Rachel went to speak but he kept talking

“And I don’t care that you’re a few years older than me, I’m still mad about you”

“And I don’t intend spending the rest of my life behind a bar either” he said

“And where do you want to spend it then?”

“Where ever you are of course” John replied


As Kashveena rode down in the lift she was thinking of ways she could lift her dearest friend’s spirits and snap her out of her black mood. 

But nothing came to mind and then as the lift doors opened the first thing she saw was Rachel and John Andrew kissing.

“Thank God” she said “I was beginning to think we might need an intervention” 

They stopped kissing and Rachel put her head on John’s shoulder and grinned red faced at Kash

“I take it that this means you are now a couple?”

“Is that ok?” Rachel asked

“Oh yes” Kash said and giggled “Just what the doctor ordered”


After Kash had left her alone in the room with Harry, Jenna began to sob uncontrollably and was still going ten minutes later.

“Come back Harry” she sobbed “Please come back”

She was holding his hand in hers and periodically kissing it in between sobs so she didn’t notice his eyes were open.

“I haven’t been away “Muppet”” he said weekly

“Harry? Is that you?” she whispered

“Yes and no” he said

She still hadn’t looked at him and she said

“You remember again don’t you?”

“I do” he confessed

“I knew it” she said looking at him for the first time

“You remember your other life, your wonderful other life”

“Yes I do” He replied

“So I’ve lost you then” Jenna said and fresh tears welled up in her eyes

“No, never” he said

“I don’t understand” Jenna said as the tears rolled down her cheeks

“In my old life I’m not married, I have no family” he said

“The wonderful life is the one I’ve found with you”

And as the realization of what he had said dawned on her, a smile as dazzling as the sun spread across her tear stained face.


The ride back up in the lift for Kashveena was a little happier than the one down had been and all thoughts of Jenna and her dark mood had been expelled from her mind to be replaced by the happy picture of Rachel and John kissing.

She was rather looking forward to sharing the good news with Jenna.

She thought that would give her something to smile about and maybe even lift her dark mood.

And when she opened the door she found Jenna stood beside the bed stooping over and kissing Harry, and furthermore he was kissing her back.

“My God what do they put in the coffee in this place” she said “everybody’s at it”

When Kash had explained what she had discovered downstairs in reception, Harry said

“It’s a pity Gavin isn’t here then”

Kashveena blushed on hearing that and was visibly flustered and just managed to say

“I think you must still be concussed” Before quickly excusing herself


Harry was discharged four days later fully recovered and with his memory completely restored and after his discharge he returned with Jenna to Wood Hill farm.

He had further visits over the following weeks from Dr Andrews which were just routine.

In truth she was more interested in his history than his health,

He also had to give a full statement to Sgt Jones regarding the accident, of which Kash was completely absolved of any responsibility and more significantly details about his true identity.


Harry’s real name was Keith Topliss and he was a 33 years old divorcee.

Although he was born in Abbottsford he had spent the previous 10 years living and working in Canada.

He was an Engineer by profession and had a small engineering company in Toronto but after his divorce he decided to sell up and move back to Downshire.

It was his intention to start up a small engineering firm somewhere in Downshire so he had hired a car in London and he planned to look at some suitable premises in Shallowfield.


But before he got started he wanted to stop off in his old neighbourhood in Abbottsford and to visit his parent’s graves.

And it was while he was in Abbottsford that he was attacked.


He had parked the car just around the corner from a Kebab shop, he hadn’t had a lamb Doner for over ten years and he just couldn’t resist.

The last time he had parked there ten years earlier it was a perfectly safe place to do so but apparently things had changed while he had been away and as he returned to the car with his Kebab he was struck from behind.

Which was the last thing he remembered and he had no idea how he got from Abbottsford to the Dancingdean Forest or where he had acquired the Harris Tweed coat, but everything else had come back to him in crystal clarity, before the assault and very definitely after Jenna hit him with the Landie.


It was the first of June, a week after Harry was discharged from hospital, when the dust had finally settled, that Harry and Jenna finally found time to have a proper conversation.

They were sitting in the office in the leather Chesterfields surrounded by the Newman brother’s book collection.  

Harry had been trying get Jenna alone since he got back and the office was the only quiet corner they could find. 

“So what was it you wanted to talk about?” Jenna asked nervously 

“Well it’s about the future” he said

“That doesn’t sound good” she said to herself

 But out loud she just said “oh”

“Yes” he said but Jenna didn’t respond so Harry took a deep breath and began

“If I’m going to stay at Wood Hill”

“If?” Jenna said with alarm

“Yes” he confirmed “if I’m going to stay at Wood Hill I’m going to need two things”

“What things?” she asked with a sense of impending doom

“Firstly, I need to find somewhere locally to do my day job” he said

“Ok” she acknowledged thinking that wasn’t too bad “and the second thing”

“I need you to become Mrs Topliss”

It took a moment or two for what he had said to sink in, she had gotten so used to calling him Harry Tweed, so when he said Mrs Topliss she was a little confused and then the penny dropped and so did her jaw.

For about a minute she was completely unable to form a verbal response, her mouth was moving but nothing came out of it.

So she just pointed at him and then at herself and just kept repeating that while Harry looked on and smiled.

Finally he said

“Is that a yes then?”

“Of course it’s a yes” she replied and launched herself at him and they sealed the deal with a kiss

“You pig” she said and punched him “I thought you were dumping me”

“No way” he said “I’m not letting you get away, unless another one you mad lot crack me on the skull again”

“Well Rachel hasn’t hit you yet” Jen said laughing “but she’s too busy with John at the moment to be a serious threat”

“That’s a relief” he said and kissed her again


After the initial excitement, which was of the loud squealing variety, when she told Kash and Rachel, he thought they should perhaps tackle the task of setting the date.

Harry wanted to strike while the iron was hot, before Jenna had the chance to change her mind.

Jenna was so thrilled that she had finally met a man that ticked all her boxes and her search for a meaningful love with someone of a like mind had finally borne fruit that she couldn’t concentrate long enough to decide.

The only thing she was firm on was that she wanted a church wedding, although there was a minor setback in that regard as he was a divorcee.

There was also the belief that they needed to select a date that fitted in with the rhythm of the farm.

However the general consensus from the family was that rather than trying to find the right time to fit in with the farming calendar, they should just pick a date and the rest of them would cover for them.

So they made an appointment to see the Vicar Peter Cockcroft.


Harry thought it quite appropriate that it was the 6th of June, D-Day, when Jenna and Harry drove into Mornington and parked in the church car park and walked to the rectory, and Harry thought it was appropriate because he was expecting a fight. 

“Hello Jenna, Harry” The vicar said as he opened the door “Come in, Come in”

“Should I still call you Harry?” Peter asked

“Yes please, the name has rather stuck now” he said “And to be honest I never really liked the name Keith”

They sat down in his lounge and Peter put down a large diary on the coffee table in front of them.

“I assume you’re here to discuss dates” he said cheerfully

“Yes we are, but how did you know?” Jenna asked

“Ah well Mornington is a small village” he replied “And my spies are everywhere”

And there followed some nervous laughter on behalf of the affianced.

“Well as luck would have it, for you two anyway, not so much for them, but there is a cancellation” Peter continued

“When?” Harry asked

“September 27th” The vicar replied 

“Next September?” Jenna said with real disappointment in her voice she was really hoping for something sooner,

“Oh dear, bless your heart Jenna, no” Peter Cockcroft said “it’s this September, it was a last minute cold feet kind of cancellation”

“Really?” Jenna said and squeezed Harry’s hand

“Yes” he confirmed “Shall I pencil you in?”

“No, write it in ink” Jenna said immediately and then turned and smiled at Harry but he didn’t return it instead he said

“There is however one slight issue”

“You mean your divorcee status” Peter Cockcroft said

“My God, do you know absolutely everything?” Harry asked and laughed

“Not quite” he said “But enough to get by”

“So do you have a solution?” Jenna asked

“Well I’ve spoken to the Bishop and told him your story and he being something of a romantic has no objection with it per se”

Peter explained

“So he has left the final decision to me and basically, if I’m happy, he’s happy”

“And?” Harry asked

“Well, convince me that I’m happy” Peter said


When they finally left the rectory an hour later it was with the knowledge that they had secured both the date in September for the wedding and the Vicar’s approval.

“Now the fun begins” he said as they walked towards the car

“What do you mean?” she asked

“Well you know all the arrangements” he explained

“That will be a breeze” Jenna responded, “I have Kash remember”

“What about your wedding dress?” he asked

“I already have it” she replied smugly


“Yes” she said “It was my mum’s”  


The reason they had been at the rectory for so long wasn’t due to them needing to convince Peter Cockcroft of their sincerity they had his blessing before they even arrived.

No what delayed them at the rectory for that long was the talk about Harry’s plans which genuinely interested Peter.

On his return to Downshire from Canada it was his intention to start up a small engineering business and he was on a quest to find suitable premises when he lost his memory.

He really wanted something local to Mornington as his intention was to live at Wood Hill but there didn’t appear to be anything suitable.

Which was when the Vicar, pointed Harry in the direction of the Manor for a solution.


Of course Jenna and Harry’s was not the only love story at Wood Hill Farm there was also Rachel and John burgeoning romance.

After they had finally gotten together, to everyone’s delight, it took a while for them to settle down into a rhythm.

But as time went on John ended up spending half his time on the farm with Rachel and the other half in the pub serving behind the bar.

His parents were a little disappointed to find that his heart was not in hospitality as there’s were but they had brought up their children, John and Polly to follow their hearts and that was precisely what he was doing after all.

But keeping a foot in both camps seemed to be the best way forward while he found his role on the farm with the girl he loved.


It was two weeks after the Vicar had suggested Harry should meet with Gabriel St George up at the Manor that it actually happened and Harry walked up to the front door at the Manor on a Sunny Friday afternoon in June.

He knocked firmly on the door and after a few moments it was opened by a very striking looking woman with bobbed blonde hair and a Swan neck.

“Hi” he said “I have an appointment with Mr St George”

“Ah you must be the famous Harry” she said and shook his hand “I’m Philomena Cruickshank’s, come this way”

And he followed her as she strode purposefully through the house.

Gabriel had chosen to received his guest on the terrace, and he stood up as Harry and Philomena approached, he was tall and blonde, and was clearly related to Philomena.

Harry was an inch or two shorter than Gabriel with wavy sandy coloured hair.

The two men both harboured preconceived ideas about the other, Harry thought he would be meeting a man born of privilege who wouldn’t even know which century he was living in and Gabriel thought Harry was just going to be another in a long line of business men who had approached him since Mornington Field returned to the Estates control.

However both of them were to be delightfully surprised. 

They talked enthusiastically and at some length and in fact talked so long that Philomena had to interrupt and remind them of the time.

“Oh goodness” Gabriel said “I’m so sorry I’ve kept you longer than I should”

“Nonsense” Harry replied “It was very absorbing”

“Perhaps we could talk again” Gabriel enquired

“I would like that very much” Harry replied and the two men shook hands warmly

“Just one other thing” Harry said “If I don’t ask the question I will be in the dog house”

“Well we can’t have that, ask away” he said amiably

“It’s about Vale Farm”

“Ah the compulsorily purchased land” Gabriel said “Well I can tell you that the Smiths are very interested in it”

“I see” Harry said

“But as it was part of Vale Farm originally, if the Pegg’s apply in writing I can promise that I will look favorably on it” Gabriel said

“Well you can’t say fairer than that” Harry said and they shook hands again “thank you” 


It was the first of July when Harry and the Pegg’s received hand delivered letters from the Mornington Estate, informing them that Vale Farm would have 90% of the land restored and that Topliss Engineering of Mornington was born.

Officially it wasn’t to be until January the first of the following year that the leases would begin.

However the Pegg’s were given special dispensation to plough and sow the restored land so as not to lose a whole growing season.

Harry was also allowed to instruct an architect to get the ball rolling on converting Hangar A into Topliss Engineering.

Gabe had recommended his own architect and friend Scott Collier therefore doing both men a favour. 


The dynamic at the farm’s changed after Harry proposed to Jenna and with Rachel and John’s passion showing no sign of abating

Kash started to feel like a third wheel and more and more she would look wistfully at Gavin and sigh.

She did not however recent for a moment the love and happiness that her friends had found and was as happy for them as it was possible to be, but it did however serve to heighten her own longings for Gavin.

By way of an antidote to her hopeless desire, Kashveena threw herself into the Jenna and Harry’s wedding plans body and soul and managed to get through to September relatively unscathed but all through the summer her feelings for Gavin had continued to deepen regardless.


On September 27th, the day of the wedding, Gavin was chosen to be Harry’s best man, Kashveena and Rachel were bridesmaids, while Bob Pegg, John Andrew and Dave Jones were the ushers.

The wedding was a much anticipated event and not just by the bride and groom, Jenna was a popular character in Mornington and on the day the church was full to bursting with well-wishers including the whole of the St George family from the Manor.

Apart from her popularity, and the obvious romance, the interest was magnified by the fact that a lot of the villagers were involved in some way with the event.

Addison’s made the wedding cake, Giovanna D'Angelo and Antonella Gardelli at Mazzone’s did the girls hair and Michelle Norman of “Bizzie Lizzie’s” in Abbottsford arranged all the flowers in the church as well as the button holes and bouquet’s.

Even the local chiropodist, Nellie Hanson, was called into service to deal with a troublesome callous on Jenna’s food.

The drinks where supplied and served by the proprietors and the staff from The Old Mill Inn and their chef, Lorraine Olson, did the food for the wedding breakfast with the assistance of Jane Cooper and Emily Goff from Shallowfield.

The meal was at St Winnifred’s Church Hall and all the food was sourced from the Mornington Estate.

And finally the wedding car was a rare 1951 Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn, owned by Gabriel St George.

The car was his father Valentines pride and joy so although he thought it rather ostentatious he couldn’t bear to part with it after his death.

Nor would he ever let anyone else drive it either, so as he and Harry Topliss had become such good friends over the summer he volunteered to drive the bride to the church in the Silver Dawn.


When Jenna Newman walked, callous free, down the aisle there were audible gasps as the statuesque red head Jenna processed resplendently in an antique silk dress, there were still some in the village who could remember her mother being married in that dress.

However while the eyes of the whole congregation were on the beautiful bride, there was one exception for as she followed in Jenna’s wake Kashveena’s gaze was fixed hungrily on the Best Man who she thought looked good enough to eat.

And when the bride reached the altar and Gavin saw Kashveena in her bridesmaids outfit his mouth fell open.

“Wow you look gorgeous” he said and then he blushed scarlet when he realised he’d said it out loud and furthermore loud enough for the first two rows to hear.

Fortunately for him the Vicar drew the attention away from him by starting the proceedings.

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you”

“And also with you” said the congregation


Although the church had been well attended there were only 30 people at the Wedding breakfast, just close friends and family but that evening there was to be a disco and there was an open invitation for everyone.

As Jenna did the seating plan for the breakfast she made sure that Kash was seated next to her clueless brother in the hope that they would finally sort themselves out.

They sat all through the breakfast talking and laughing and at times totally oblivious of their surroundings or even that there were other people present.

Later when the disco started dictated by the tradition that the best man and the bridesmaid had to dance they were encouraged by Harry and Jenna to take to the floor and once they got out there they weren’t getting off again in a hurry.

Jenna was dancing with her husband alongside Kashveena and Gavin for the first of three close up slow dances.

“Do you think tonight’s the night?” Harry asked

“I do hope so” Jenna replied “They are perfect for each other”

But despite the fact they were besotted with each other by the end of the evening the matter was still unresolved.


Polly Andrew had been serving at the wedding breakfast but for a couple of hours at the dance she was just a guest and she had just got herself a drink when she caught sight of Bob Pegg.

Bob wasn’t a regular The Old Mill Inn, not as such, just quiz nights and darts matches but she always noticed when he was in, mainly because he was a bit of a gregarious character.

He was a popular guy and was never short of a friend to have a drink with, and Polly liked it when he was in because he made her smile.  

He was clearly returning to his table from the gents so Polly intercepted him

“Hello Bob” she said looking him up and down, she wasn’t used to seeing him that smartly dressed

“Hi Polly” he said and smiled

“Well Bob Pegg I must say you scrub up quite well” Polly said and whisked him off to the dance floor


At the end of the evening Gabriel drove the happy couple to the

Worsted Viper Hotel in Purplemere where they were spending their wedding night before flying to Paris for a short honeymoon.

Accompanying him in the passenger seat was his girlfriend Chantel and after he had delivered the happy couple to their destination they drove to the Dancingdean Spa Hotel in Childean to have their own kind of honeymoon.


When Mr and Mrs Topliss returned from Paris the following weekend they found that Cupid’s arrow had struck at the reception in their absence but Kash and Gavin weren’t an item but Bob and Polly were.

And nothing was likely to happen between them for a month or so following the Topliss’s return as Gavin was going to be at Vale Farm.


Kashveena really enjoyed the Wedding, she thought it was magical, she even made believe it was hers as she danced in Gavin’s strong arms.

She so wanted to share her feelings and tell him how she felt.

To tell him that he was the sun in her sky, but she did not dare.

Kashveena was convinced as they danced that he might feel the same as she but she held back just in case he didn’t, hoping he would speak first.

So she decided it was best not to upset the equilibrium and hope and pray.

She would rather have him just as a friend, with the hope of more, than to create an unbearable awkwardness between them.

It was bad enough she had seen virtually nothing of him all through the autumn and she couldn’t bear to think that she might never see him at all, so she kept her own counsel.

Friendship was better than nothingness.

All that autumn, Gavin had been staying at Vale Farm with Bob, ploughing and sowing the rape seed, after which the pair of them ploughed and sowed Wood Hill’s lower fields with winter wheat, and ploughed and harrowed the Mornington Field land that hadn’t seen a plough for a hundred years, they only got back to Wood Hill for Sunday lunch if they were lucky. 


They were an unlikely pair, Gavin was a six foot two slow plodder with unruly red hair and a ruddy complexion while Bob was a short spindly dynamo with long frizzy brown hair that made it look like he had a bad afro.

They had been best friends since their first day at Infants School and it was a friendship which had endured.  

The two men worked well together because they played to each other’s strengths.


Gavin had found the prolonged period away from Wood Hill to be both a blessing and a curse.

Gavin Newman had been in love with Kash for 5 years, since the first moment he saw her in fact.

At his sister’s wedding he spent so much time with her talking, laughing and dancing then it felt like they were a couple.

And he really wanted that to be the case but why would a beautiful person like her be interested in a great lumbering farmer like him.

So he had never considered doing anything about his malady and he was hoping that the 5 or 6 week enforced absence from Wood Hills far away from the temptation of the voluptuous super cook might cool his ardour but the reverse was true and he ended up wanting her even more and he really looked forward more and more to the Sunday lunches.


In between their normal chores, Harry and Jenna spent most of the autumn making Wood Hill Cottage habitable as they planned to make it their home in the New Year.

It hadn’t been lived in for more than thirty years so it needed a lot more than just a lick of paint.

By the time December came around John was spending most of the week at the farm learning the ropes with Rachel and weekends working at the pub with Polly.

He had really taken to farming even more than he expected to but like Rachel he preferred livestock to arable, particularly the dairy herd.

He was still keeping a foot in both camps to some degree but his parents had long since come to terms with his choice and they really liked Rachel and would not be disappointed with her as a daughter in law one day.

But he kept working the shifts at the pub because he needed the money for something special.


When Gavin and Bob had finished all the ploughing they brought all the equipment back to Wood Hill, to be cleaned and serviced and stowed away, so it was all hands to the pump to get everything done before Christmas.

Which was to be the most special yule tide’s at Wood Hill farm for many years.

However in order to preserve a happy Christmas for all, certain compromises had to be made.

John and Polly Andrew were expected to eat Christmas Dinner with their parents, as Christmas day was the only day of the year that the pub closed, so it didn’t seem an unreasonable expectation.

So Kashveena, ever the practical person, suggested that in order to get everyone around the same table for their Christmas Dinner they should have it on Christmas Eve.

A suggestion that was greeted with universal approval.


Kashveena had woken up early on Christmas Eve and she sat for almost an hour in front of her bedroom mirror.

She was disappointed with the woman looking back at her and concluded that things had to change so she decided it was time to take stock.

It had been a very eventful year a near tragic spring, a romantic summer and a long and awful autumn separated from the love of her life.

So she set her chin and stared defiantly at her own reflection and decided that the status quo could go to hell.

“It’s time for you to man up” she said and got up and went to the bathroom.


It was a noisy and raucous morning which got even more so when the champagne corks started popping on the stroke of noon.

By 3 o’clock Christmas Dinner was served and Kash had done them proud with the table groaning under the weight of the Christmas fare.

It was no mean feat to cook such a sumptuous feast for 8 people, especially farmers, which was made all the more remarkable as she appeared not to have a single hair out of place.


Everyone enthused at the magnificence of the Turkey and all the trimmings but Gavin had eyes for a different bird entirely.

He thought that she always looked beautiful but that day she seemed to have surpassed herself she looked even lovelier than she did on Jenna’s wedding day.


It was no accident that Kashveena was as immaculately turned out as the food on display, she wanted to make a good impression with Gavin.

And when she looked at him and saw his smile she thought it was worth all the effort and she couldn’t wait until she could be alone with him.

Under normal circumstances she would have considered the meal a triumph and have felt very pleased with herself but on that day the meal seemed to go on forever.

Everyone else had a great time and a great dinner and even Gavin seemed to be enjoying himself.


Finally the Christmas pudding was served and she could at last see the finishing line almost in reach. 

But as the final scrapes of spoons on china echoed around the room John Andrew stood up and then called for order.

When he finally had everyone’s attention he firstly proposed a toast to the cook and then he proposed to Rachel.

“Wha…?” Rachel said

“Will you marry me?” he repeated hold the ring box out to her

“Of course I’ll marry you stupid” she said and wrapped her skinny arms around his neck and kissed him


When Rachel said “Of course I’ll marry you stupid”

And wrapped her skinny arms around his neck and kissed him it was greeted with whoops and cheers and delayed the end of the meal.

Which left Kash with mixed feelings, she was delighted for her friends

As Harry went around the table refilling the glasses. 

Polly got unsteadily to her feet

“Blimey!” Harry said “Not another one”

Bob sat staring at her wide eyed and Polly said to him

“Don’t you be getting any ideas Bob, we are never getting married, and there is no way that I’m changing my name to Polly Pegg”

This provoked a lot of laughter in response and then she plopped down hard on her bottom.

She tried in vain to regain her feet so she wagged her finger at Bob instead

“I’m serious” she said and Bob smirked “there are two thing I will not do, one is changing my name to Polly Pegg”

Everyone laughed again on hearing that, and she didn’t realise it at the time in her befuddled state that the name would stick with her forever marriage or no marriage

“And the other is that I will not become a farmer’s wife” she continued

“I’m not like John, I love the pub and I intend to take it over when mum and dad retire so let there be no doubt that, I’m going to be a publishian, a publictian, a pudlican, I’m going to be a landlady”

“Oh shut up and have another drink. Polly Pegg” Bob said 


Everyone pitched in to clear away and Kash and Jenna dealt with the dirty dishes while Gavin and Harry wiped up.

Within half an hour everything but the pans were done.

“You and Jenna go and sit down” she told Harry

“Ok” he said giving Jenna a wink “come on Mrs. Topliss”


Kash had been looking forward to getting Gavin on his own all day but when he was there in front of her in the kitchen she lost her nerve.

“I can manage now” she said

“I don’t mind helping” Gav said 

 “I’m ok really” she insisted


Gavin walked into the hall and was immediately confronted by Harry

“What are you doing out here you plank?”

“I offered to help, but she said she was ok” he replied

“You have a lot to learn about women” he said shaking his head and thrust a sprig of mistletoe into his great paw of a hand

“Now get back in there and kiss her”

“But…” Gavin protested

“Do you like her or not?” Harry asked

“Well yes” he replied

“Then get back in there” Harry instructed “trust me Gav”


Gavin pushed open the kitchen door and walked in

“You don’t have to help” she said “I can manage really”

“I’m not here to help” he said and he held up the mistletoe and then his voice cracked as he said

“I’ve come for a kiss”

“Oh” she said and dried her hands as she stepped towards

They stood facing each other and there was a moment of hesitation but then Gavin kissed her.

And it was a perfect Kiss that brought all the feelings they had suppressed for so long bubbling to the surface and Kashveena was able to allow the love that filled her generous heart to spill out from her every pore.

And Gavin gratefully gathered it up and wrapped her in his strong loving arms.

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