Monday 4 October 2021


I have always been content

To live in the shadows

Avoiding the limelight

Keeping out of the sun

Living on the fringes of life

Bathing in the reflected glory of my peers

Living life vicariously

Keeping the world at arms length

And keeping a low profile

Laughing at other peoples jokes

Rejoicing in other peoples good fortune

Cheering on other peoples success

Crying at other peoples weddings

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride

Always the uncle, never the father

Always the friend, never the lover

And why not? no harm no foul

It’s safe wrapping yourself in Clingfilm

Living a sterile life, protected

Against the pain and hurt

That fills the world

And I was more than happy to do it

And I thought myself the better for it

But now I realise

I am incomplete

I have lived a half-life

Taking no risks

Not opening my shell

By not exposing myself to the dangers

I have denied myself the pleasures

Well, no more will I be content

I will no longer inhabit the shadows

No more will I view life from the fringes

I want to be blinded by the limelight

I want to walk in the sunlight

Before it’s too late to live a full life

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