Monday 8 August 2022

Uncanny Christmas Tales – (024) Donna Beneath the Black Lace Mantilla


In the small but thriving English county of Downshire people go about the tasks of their everyday existence in ways that range from the mundane to the extraordinary as their forebears had done for centuries before, in the varied and diverse landscape, from the Ancient forests of Dancingdean and Pepperstock, the craggy ridges and manmade lakes of the Pepperstock Hills National Park, the rolling hills of the Downshire Downs, to the beautiful Finchbottom Vale and the short but beautiful coastline to the east.

But it’s in the old market town of Abbeyvale where the participants of this particular tale live their lives, and the tale began as December started, and the town was dressed for Christmas.


Donna Garcia was just descending the steps after leaving St Bernadette’s Church, and her dark eyes, sultry and steamy flashed him a side ward’s glance from beneath the black lace of her Mantilla and in return he gave her a more appraising look altogether, focusing on the curvaceous figure beneath her conservative Sunday dress.
Her eyes flashed up again, a lingering languid glance which spoke volumes of her being very much a woman and not the putative girl her parents would have her be still.
She was the center of his admiration, and he was hers as they saw recognition in each other’s eyes, no words were spoken everything was intuit and with amative study and libidinous perusal, the girl was his object of pulchritude and he was her beloved swain.

All at once they had to separate and the spell was broken until their reunion, for they were not strangers first met on those Church steps.

However, the last time he had looked into the eyes of the young woman in the black lace Mantilla she was wearing black lace of a very different kind.

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