Friday 21 May 2021

Uncanny Love Tales – (037) Looking for a Compatible Companion


Yvonne Maher was a fifty-one-year-old divorcee and Tom Haggerty was fifty-two and a widower and they were both spending there latter middle years alone.

Neither of them had children from their respective marriages and had no extended family to speak of.

They also shared the dubious honour of having dallied with younger lovers, since they were left alone, much younger lovers.


Tom had had a short breathless affair with a 25 year old yoga teacher which he ended, but since being on his own, truly on his own, he had harked back to his youth and the days before his six pack became victim to too many six packs.

His middle-aged physique tended more towards the party seven than a six pack.

He also reflected on his old girlfriends of the day with their firm buttocks, flat stomachs and gravity defying breasts which stirred his loins in his lustful nostalgia, part of him wanted to return to those carefree days of youth.

When all that teenage sex was so wonderful, when he had such limited sexual experience, and so much of the fun was in the learning.

All the reminiscing left him with a certain longing, but he knew the past could not be relived or recaptured.


Yvonne had gone through a long exhausting affair with an estate agent 20 years her junior and although he stimulated every cell in her body with monotonous regularity, for the sake of her heath and sanity she decided she would look after her own wants and needs and kicked him into touch.

What she craved was something he couldn’t give her, she was looking for a companion, a confidant, and a friend and not just someone to bang her brains out.


One of Tom’s biggest gripes at having such a young girlfriend was the dullness of her pillow talk, Lisa was born into a generation that had so many means of communication at its disposal yet she still had nothing meaningful to say.

There was a lot to be said for being with a woman who was wrinkle free and supple, but it was what was said afterwards that he craved.


Yvonne was immensely flattered at her age to attract the attentions of such a young lover

But the price for such toe-curling sexual encounters was too high to pay.

What she longed for was to be with someone with life experience, someone she could have a proper conversation with in between the love making or even instead of it.

It didn’t have to be deep and meaningful converse just a bit more than he said/she said.


What they both wanted was someone they could talk too, not about anything earth shattering, it could be as simple as a common history or shared knowledge, someone who knew the name of the dragon in Ivor the Engine, or someone who watched Brief Encounter and didn’t think it was funny.

Someone who remembered being able to play music at the wrong speed on a gramophone and who remembered having to wait for the black and white TV set to warm up.

Just someone who understood what the other was saying and wouldn’t stare vacantly at you when you mentioned an event that happened pre 1990.


Both of their wishes were answered one day when a mutual friend introduced them to each other at a dinner party.

During the course of the meal Tom leant over and asked

“Do you remember 8 track stereos?”

Yvonne smiled and nodded and all at once realised the significance of the question.


“Very acceptable” Yvonne thought to herself after they had made love for the first time.

There may not have been any risk over her being orgasmed to the point of unconsciousness but, nonetheless.

“Very acceptable indeed”

At the same time Tom was thinking that while Yvonne may not have been as agile, pliable or have the same stamina as a woman half her age she was just what he was looking for and as they lay breathless in the darkness they had the most banal and trivial conversations into the small hours and when they had finished instead of making love again they just cuddled up and went to sleep.

There would be plenty of time for more love making and many interesting conversations.



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