Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (128) Lust Ahoy

As much as Jodie liked Mats and Daniel and spending time with them  it was sometimes a relief to do something without them and enjoyed it when she could get out on her own or to do something with Sally.


Fortunately on their days off Daniel and Mats were late risers and as Jodie was always up with the lark, she managed to get away well before they surfaced.

Sometimes she would just set off through the wood or take the dinghy out and sail up and down on Roman Water Lake or on other days she would get on her bike and explore the island.

However on a Saturday at the beginning of September she had arranged to meet Sally by Roman Water Lake.


Even though it was the beginning of September it was still quite a mild and sunny day with a gentle breeze.

Jodie was the experienced sailor of the two, because she had been brought up by parents who loved to sail, and her mother Debbie still moored her sloop down in Spaniards Creek and they often went out together.

That day however they were in a dinghy, and she took the tiller and Sally just went along for the ride, they noticed they were not the only craft on the lake, there was another dinghy close by, but they couldn’t make out who the occupants were.

After about half an hour Jodie noticed the other dinghy appeared to be on the same tack as them but was making better headway.

On closer inspection Jodie realised it was Geoff Chapman and Adam Jackson from Crag Edge Farm.

“We’ve got company” Jodie shouted

“Are they pirates?” Sally asked and chuckled

“No they’re yummy farmers” she replied

“Oh goody, yummy pirates” Sally said in a lecherous manner.

When they were a few lengths astern of them Jodie let her sail go slack and a few moments later the other boat did the same and they came along side.

“Hi” Adam said from the tiller “We’ve been looking for you”

“Really” Jodie said

“Yes, we went to the farm and your mum said you were on the water” Adam said “so we came out on our boat”  

“Now you’ve found us what do you suggest we do?” Jodie asked the other captain

“We could change crew” he suggested

“What a great idea” Jodie said and was about to give Sally the heads up just as her friend was literally jumping ship.

Once aboard she relieved Adam who was holding the two craft together and he stepped effortlessly from one boat to the next.

“We’ll meet back at our jetty at one o’clock” she said to Geoff.

“Aye, aye captain” he said and pushed off.

They spent the next hour and a half racing up and down the lake until they both came to a halt alongside the jetty.

“That was fun” Sally said as she stepped onto terra firma

“We can do it again later” Geoff suggested

“Or we could just go into St Pierre to the pictures and a meal afterwards” Jodie countered

“That sounds even better” Sally said enthusiastically

“We’ll pick you up at two” Adam said as their dinghy drifted away

“Make it 2.30” Jodie shouted and then her and Sally waved them off.

“That was very well played” Sally said

“Not bad eh” Jodie retorted “Now we need make ourselves gorgeous” 

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