Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (082) Redeeming a Raincheck


On Saturday morning Doctors Woodward and Cameron took advantage of what was to be the calm before the storm by getting out for a walk, they had got out early that morning to drive up to Stephenson’s Supermarket to do a weekly shop, and then left for their walk as soon after putting the shopping away as possible.

They followed the cliff path south as far as Norman Beach before heading inland along Beacon Farm road until they reached the Spanish River.

They were headed to where the Beacon and Spanish rivers met and as they got close, there were streams and rivulets to negotiate and as he was about to jump over one of the babbling brooks, he caught sight of something glistening in the water, so he knelt on the bank and reached down and picked it up.

It was irregular in shape and was about the size of a cigarette packet and was made of some kind of transparent plastic or Perspex.

Deborah was slightly ahead of him and looked back to see where he was.

“What have you got there?” she asked

“It looks like a bit of aviation Perspex” he replied

“And what’s that when it’s at home?”

“It was used on World War Two aircraft, German in this case I think, Messerschmitt probably” he replied

“How did it get here?” Deborah asked

“It would have dropped here after the plane was hit by either cannon fire or flak” he said and slipped it into his pocket as a souvenir of the expedition, he thought he might even do something with it when he had a spare minute of two on a cold winter evening.


It was early evening by the time they walked down Halfway Lane and as they crossed the road and approached Manor Row she said

“Thank you”

“What for?” he asked

“For another lovely day” she explained

“No need for thanks” he said “it was very enjoyable”

Stuart looked at his watch and was amazed to see how late it was, no wonder he was hungry.

“It’s later than I thought” he said

“Me too” Deborah agreed “And I forgot to leave something out for supper”

“Have supper with me then” he offered

“Can you cook?” she asked him suspiciously

“I can” he replied

“I don’t mean “can you microwave”“ she said with a chuckle

“No I really can cook” he insisted

“Ok then”

“Are you a fussy eater?” Stuart added

“No, I’ll eat anything” she said and laughed

“Ok then that’s settled”

“Good I’m starving” she said “So you’d better make sure there’s plenty of it”


Because everything was coming together in Spaniards Creek Danny suggested getting Molly out of her own head for a few days, so he booked them a short break to Paris.

“I’m not sure now is a good time” Molly said

“Everyone knows what they are doing, and we’ll be back well before Holy week” he said “Think of it as research for the new book, with a little romance thrown in”

“You make a very persuasive argument” Molly said and kissed him, and they left the island on the last ferry on Sunday.

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