Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (092) Bucklebury and Brandywine


Amelia Williamson was in Spaniards Creek on Monday morning, but she was on the eastern side of the Spanish River at Number 1, The Old Mill, which was the newly refurbished offices of Bucklebury and Brandywine Property Management.

She was quite excited setting up the new office from scratch, but she was even more excited because Clive Crossfield from Bramstock, Goodman, Crossfield, and Bushe in Abbottsford, who were the Barrington’s Solicitors, was arriving on the early ferry to help her set up.

They had been in communication since she was first offered the job and had met via Teams calls on many occasions, but they had never met in person, but that was going to change very soon, and she was looking forward to that.

They had officially taken over the building the week before, but there were things to do internally, before she could move in.


Since Franci Liebenberg pinned Adam Jandrell down in his office chair and aggressively snogged him, she was no longer his right hand “man”, she was now his assistant project manager and his significant other.

It was Franci who was co-ordinating the floorer’s, electrician’s, Alarm system engineers, phone and internet  installers, CCTV and the signage fitters, for the new tenants.

So for the first week of May Amelia stayed away and let them get on with it.  


Clive Crossfield’s first port of call when he arrived in Spaniards Creek was to meet with Molly Barrington.

“Hi Clive” she said when she opened the door “Welcome to the island”

“Hello Molly, thank you”

The reason for the meeting was the impending repatriation of Sir Avery Arnold and he explained that all the arrangements were complete, the disinterment was set for Thursday and all the transportation and flights were booked.

Over the next hour they went through all the arrangements in fine detail, just to make sure nothing had been overlooked, then Molly said.  

“Well, I won’t keep you any longer I’m sure you’re as eager to see Amelia as she is to see you” Molly said

“Oh, erm I don’t…” he burbled,

“Just go get her and we’ll talk later” Molly said and giggled, because she’d never seen him get flustered before.


When Clive had gone Molly picked up her phone and called the Beaumont Manor Hotel and booked 4 rooms for some special visitors to the island, then she rejoined Danny in the conservatory.


Clive parked outside the Old Mill and walked into number 1, and found the slender brunette, Amelia, talking to a wiry well-tanned Franci Liebenberg with tousled blonde hair about the positioning of power points. 

“Hi Amelia” he said and when she turned around and saw him, she blushed

“Ccclive” she stammered and then an awkward few moments ensued when they couldn’t decide whether to shake hands, hug, air kiss, or fist bump, in the end they clumsily hugged, and Franci said

“I’ll come back later”


Over the next few days they worked very closely to set up the office with the new furniture, shelving and office equipment and then began sorting through the archive boxes that had been stored at Beacon Farm. 

When they weren’t working, they spent time at the Galleon or Philips Folly, but they never managed to express what was on their minds.


On Thursday 4,700 miles away from the island, in Colorado Springs, Sir Avery Arnold’s body was disinterment at St Savior’s crypt and placed in a special coffin for transportation by the undertakers and delivered to the airport for shipping.


The next day when Amelia arrived at the Old Mill, he found Clive and Franci deep in conversation in the carpark and stopped when they saw her approaching.

When they were on their own inside the building Amelia asked suspiciously

“What was Franci talking to you about?”

“Your friend asked me a question” he replied enigmatically

“What question?” she enquired

“I don’t know that I should tell you, nosey” he replied

“Tell me “She begged

“Well, if you must know” Clive said “She asked me if I loved you”

“And what did you say?” she asked coyly looking at the ground

“I said I couldn’t love you more if my life depended on it” he replied, and she gasped

“I love you too” Amelia said and wrapped her slender arms around his neck and kissed him.

After a few moments she uncoiled herself and said sadly

“But you’re leaving today”

“Ah, I meant to talk to you about that” he replied

“What?” she asked urgently “What?”

“I thought I might stay on for another week” he said and then they kissed again.

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