Tuesday 10 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (100) The Broken Hearted


Twenty-three-year-old Lisa Scott was a stable girl at Woodside farm who had a yearlong affair with Nurse Kevin Holland who worked at the Bellevue Hospital.

He was twelve years older than she was and it was her first serious relationship, and it broke her heart when he ended it and she missed him, and the sex, Lisa was fairly inexperienced when they met, not a virgin but not “fluent” so the sex was amazing.

In her lonely moments she was often out walking alone, and Sunday afternoon was no exception, but this time she was even sadder than usual because she had just found out that Kevin was seeing someone else, a schoolteacher.


It was starting to get dusky as she hurried through Bellevue Woods and she was hurrying because, although she wouldn’t admit it, she was a bit scared of the woods at that time of day as they were very thick, and because she was lost in thought she didn’t really have a clue where she was going.

All of a sudden, a bird took flight from the undergrowth and startled her, and she instinctively turned her head in the direction of the sound while hurrying along on her way, which was when she twisted her ankle.

As luck would have it a cyclist appeared out of the gloom as she sat on the path rubbing her ankle and feeling sorry for herself.

“Are you ok?” he asked

“I’ve twisted my ankle” she replied, and he dismounted and asked

“Can you stand?”

“I don’t know” Lisa replied

As he helped her to her feet, she was assessing him, she thought he was very good looking even sweaty and spattered with mud.

“Can you put your weight on it?” he asked, and she tried but winced with pain

“Ok just lean on me for a moment” he suggested, and she dutifully obliged

“Where were you headed?” he asked

“Woodside Farm”

“Ok let’s sit you on the bike and I’ll wheel you to the farm” he suggested

“Are you sure? That’s very kind of you” Lisa said

“No problem” he said

“Do you work there?”

“Yes” she replied

“What do you do?” he asked

“I work with the Horses” she replied

“What about you?”

“I’m a farmer from Roman Water Farm” he said “I’ve just finished University”

When they got to the farm, he helped her off the bike and supported her as he walked her slowly to the stables.

“I think I’ll be fine from here” she said stoically

“If you’re quite sure” he said

She nodded her acquiescence

“Ok then” he said in response to her nod “take care of that ankle”

“Yes, I will …., I’m sorry I don’t know your name”

“It’s Derek” 

“Well thank you Derek, I’m Lisa”

“Well you take care Lisa”

His full name was Derek Wilson, and unbeknown to her he too was nursing a broken heart for the same reason she was.

He had a torrid Summer romance with a woman twelve years older and a hundred years more experienced, Marion Monaghan, and he had returned from University hoping to rekindle their relationship only to find that she had moved on.

Ironically his older woman Marion was now dating Lisa’s older man Kevin.


Lisa watched him walk back to his bike and she thought he looked as good from behind as he did from the front, and she smiled.

He mounted his bike and then he turned and gave her a wave before saying

“I’ll pop by tomorrow to see how you are”

Then she watched him peddle away and when he was gone, she limped to her room and put ice on her sprain.

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