Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (126) September



On Friday the first of September Frank and Maya did the cash and carry run in the shop van, and when they returned to the shop Violeta opened the rear door to the shop while Frank opened the back doors of the van.

“Arron, Arron” she called, and the amiable young man appeared.

“Yes Violeta” he said attentively

“Can you help Maya unload the van please” she asked kindly “So Frank can return home”

“Yes Violeta” he said surprised at being asked to do something rather than be ordered to “of course Violeta”

He looked at Frank and he nodded sagely, and Arron smiled before going about his task.

Frank patted him on the shoulder and said

“She’s warming to you Arron”

Then he stroked Maya’s arm and said

“And I’ll see you later”


On Saturday Stuart Cameron was alone at home as his friend and walking companion was working all weekend.

So Stuart continued working on the piece of Perspex they found on one of their walks.

It was about the size of a cigarette packet and was made of some kind of transparent plastic.

So Stuart had been fashioning a Celtic Cross and a dolphin from the piece as gifts for her birthday and Christmas.

Deborah had a faith, but she was not a churchgoer, it was hatches, matches and dispatches only for her.

He had been working on it since June and on Sunday he had done everything he could do himself.   

One of his patients, Daniel White, made jewelry as a hobby so on Sunday he drove out to Longlake Farm so that he could finish off the pieces with gold mountings so they could be worn on a chain.


It was another full week of writing up at Cliff Haven as it had been the last two weeks in August as they were in such a rich vein of creativity.


Austin Freshwater returned to the island in the middle of the week after he had to go to the mainland for a family emergency.


On Thursday Frank decided to call in at Martini’s on the way to work, just to see Maya and to see how Violeta was coping after the death of her Uncle and as he walked into the shop, he could distinctly hear giggling coming from behind the bead curtain at the back of the shop.

He was met by a smiling Maya who kissed him and said

“That’s loves young dream”

“Ah” he exclaimed “no need to ask if she’s bearing up then”

“She’s doing just find” she answered and gave him a wink

“I’ll go to work then” he said, and kissed her “see you later babe”

“Bye Frank” she replied still smiling

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