Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (151) Taking the Initiative


It was a busy night in Philips Folly on Friday night, but as the evening wore on and the crowd thinned out Michelle got to spend some time with Mark one on one, and they were getting on very well, and when the bell rang for “chucking out time” she very much fancied her chances, especially when he invited her to his place for a nightcap, and when she gauged his level of disappointment when she declined, Michelle knew she was in.

Michelle was still living with her parents and had arranged for her dad to pick her up from the bus stop.

About halfway between the pub and the bus stop it started to rain so they made a run for it and ducked into the bus shelter, and the moment they were undercover she pinned him in the corner and kissed him, and when she stopped, still pinning him in the corner she said

“Well, that was ok.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to come back for that nightcap?” he asked.

“I can’t” she said with real disappointment “next time though for sure.”

Then Michelle kissed him again and when she had finished the rain eased off and about a minute later there was the sound of a car horn and when she looked over her shoulder it was her dad.

He thanked Mark for looking after her, Michelle thanked him for the company and as she got in the car she said.

“Next time for sure”


Now considering it was only a song in a bus shelter the effect on them both after that kiss meant they couldn’t wait until the next time.


At Emma Jane Ratcliffe’s birthday dinner on Saturday night, there was just the Birthday girl, Blake Ramsey and four other guests who were also old friends chosen for their friendship and not their social standing.

April Portnall who was also one of the popular girls, but she started with them in nursery as well and she had no affectation either, her cousin Matt Stearnes who was 22, Phil Wilson and Eden Hills.

The party was at a Chinese restaurant called the Cherry Blossom which was Emma Jane’s favourite.

As you would expect from such a great restaurant it was a really excellent meal and a quantity of wine was consumed with the meal so as they reminisced about their shared history they laughed until they cried.


As they left the Cherry Blossom and got down to street level, they had the usual hugs and kisses on the pavement and then Phil went across the road to where his Dads car was parked.

Then as April, Matt and Eden all lived in the same neck of the woods they went off to get a Taxi and as Emma Jane and Blake lived close by, they walked home.


As they walked away from the town square he said

“I had a really great time” 

“Yeh me too” she agreed

“Wasn’t it great to get the six of us together again?”

“We should do it more often” Blake suggested

““We” should get together more often” Emma Jane said

“What just the two of us?” he asked

“Yeh” she said coyly

“Just you and the geek?” he asked with surprise

“You’re not a geek” she said defensively “And anyway if you were that wouldn’t stop me fancying you,”
“You fancy me?” he asked pointing at himself
“Didn't you know?” she asked, and he shook his head
“What about you?” she asked shyly

“Do you fancy me?

“I don’t know about fancying you” he said, and she was clearly crestfallen for a second

“But I’ve been in love with you since we were 7 if that counts”

“Pig” she said and laughed before she kissed him softy on the lips which led to the most wonderful spine-tingling embrace that seemed to last forever.

When it ended, she looked at him with her soulful eyes and smiled the most loving smile.

Blake returned her smile and wanted to say something fitting for the moment, but he was lost for words.

“Wow” she said beating him to the punch then she giggled and ran off up the road and shouted over her shoulder

“You’ll have to marry me now”

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