Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (098) Doctor, Doctor


Dr Stewart Cameron was in his car, halfway between Manor Row and the hospital when it started to rain, and about fifty yards ahead of him he spotted the distinctive figure of Deborah Woodward walking without a coat.

He pulled up beside her and wound down the window.

“Can I give you a lift Doctor?” he said

“Oh yes please” she said and got in

“It was such a nice morning, I decided to walk, and then this happened”

“That’s April showers for you” he said

“Indeed” she agreed “But its May”

Comme ci Comme ça” he retorted

That pretty much set the tone of the conversation and for the duration of the short trip to the hospital, they discussed the inclemency of the weather.

“Thank you, Stuart,” she said as they pulled up outside the entrance “Are you not coming in?”

“No I’m going to the Saxvirdan surgery” he replied

“Ok, see you later” she said “Bye”

Before he pulled away, he called after her

“If it’s raining when you finish give a call and I’ll pick you up”

“Bless you Stuart”


Despite their best efforts for their meal in St Pierre not to be a date, they enjoyed each other’s company enough to want to do it again.

However on Monday afternoon Victoria and Elisa left the island as George and Katie were taking them on a sightseeing tour for a week, so dinner at the Gondolier would have to wait a while.


It was raining when Deborah finished her shift, so she took Stuart up on his offer and phoned him and then after he picked her up, they had supper together.

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