Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (063) Dinner with Anna

The first week of March, fifty-three-year-old Anna Turnbull returned to the island to hold her Audiology clinic.

The clinic normally ran for two or three days, depending on the volume of patients, she always enjoyed her trips to the island but in March it had a different dimension, because she had arranged to have dinner with Duncan Wilson.

She had hoped to meet him on Monday, but he had a prior engagement.


Duncan Wilson was a farmer up at Roman Water Farm and he had felt like a schoolboy, he had not had a date for a very long time, but then he hadn’t wanted to date anyone, until he met his Audiologist. 


Anna stepped outside the Hotel wrapped up against the cold, but she was happy, despite the bitter cold, because she had been looking forward to seeing Duncan again, she had not dated for a while herself, and then she saw the Range Rover pull up to the curb.

“Hi” she said and leant over and kissed him, which took them both by surprise.

“Well, I can tell you’re hungry” he said, “So let’s go.”

“Where are we eating?” she said with a giggle.

“Roman Water Farm” he replied.


“Wow that was an amazing dinner” she said.

“Your ex didn’t say you could cook.”

“Oh, you’ve been talking to Caroline” he said, “So what did she tell you?”

“That you were a good and kind man”

“Well, that was nice” Duncan said “I hope you feel the same way”


At the end of the evening, he drove her back to the Hotel and pulled up outside.

“So what ferry are you catching tomorrow?” he asked “Maybe we could get a coffee before you go”

“That won’t be possible” she replied

“Oh” he said disappointedly

“Because I’m not getting the ferry tomorrow” she explained and smiled

“Really! Then we can have dinner together again” he suggested

“Yes, I’d like that, but we can dine at the hotel” she said “My treat”

“That would be lovely, but I don’t care where we go as long as we’re together” he said and leant over and kissed her

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