Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (085) Birthday Treat


Molly had so enjoyed their “research” trip to Paris that he persuaded him to extend it until Friday.

Which meant that they didn’t get back to the island until Friday evening, had Saturday not been so significant to her they would definitely have stayed longer. 


Lazarus of Bethany is a figure within the Christian Bible, whose life was restored by Jesus four days after his death. This is seen by Christians as one of the miracles of Jesus.

In the Catholic and Orthodox Church Lazarus is venerated, but in the Church of England, not so much.

But in Spaniards Creek the day would be forever remembered by those in Molly’s inner circle as the day St Clara’s Church was risen from the dead.

It was also the Saturday before Holy Week, which is the sixth and final week of Lent, beginning with Palm Sunday and concluding on Holy Saturday, and it’s the most significant week of the Christian calendar.

For the Vicar Arielle Nicholas it very much felt like she was starting at the beginning, and she was immensely grateful to Molly for having faith in her.


Johnny Lemon lived in a narrow boat moored in Spaniards Creek quite near to where the renovations were near completion.

He was originally from Finchbottom, and he was working as a supply teacher across the Finchbottom Vale but was offered a twelve-month contract covering the Deputy Head teachers maternity leave in St Pierre.

He didn’t normally do that length of time but he had never been to Beaumont Island before so he thought he would give it a go.

That had been five years earlier, and when the teacher he was covering for elected not to return, he was offered the position permanently, and after three years the Head retired, and he was promoted.

His accommodation aboard the “Island Rose” was only supposed to be temporary to cover his 12 months substitute stint but something unexpected happened, he loved it, so hence why he had been afloat for 5 years.

He met Rachel Hanson soon after he’d taken the permanent position at the school when he started to frequent the Galleon Coffee shop, and a friendship developed.

She had also managed to get him to set foot in Church again after many years absence because she was the Verger at St Clara’s.

However after four years he was no longer interested solely in her friendship, but if he made a romantic approach and she wasn’t interested he could screw up what they had.


He needn’t have worried because Rachel Hanson felt the same about him, but she was also in a similar mindset.

However she had set her heart on being his birthday treat, so she dressed accordingly.

She could have gone full body Lycra, which would fit her like a second skin, taut and seamless leaving every contour revealed, but she was thinking something a little more subtle, so she went for a bra top and fitted shorts.


So on Saturday morning Johnny Lemon was up early for his 40th Birthday and was at the Galleon half an hour later.

“Happy Birthday!” she exclaimed when he walked in and gave him a hug and kissed his cheek.

“Do you want to get going straight away?” she asked

“No I need sustenance” he replied

“I thought you’d say that” she said and put two bacon baps on the table in front of him.

“You are an angel” he said, “is this my birthday present?”

“No you can unwrap your present later” she said


After he finished both bacon baps and had drunk two coffees, he was ready to go, which coincided with Rachel arriving with a Cooler Backpack.

“I hope you are feeling refreshed after your breakfast because you’re carrying the pack” 

“There is always a price to pay” he said sagely


They set off on their bike ride and headed up the St Pierre road it was  supposed to a quiet relaxion cycle in the countryside, just a spot of fresh air and some exercise, and a picnic, and that’s what it was until Rachel over took him, but didn’t she didn’t try to leave him in her wake, she just kept perfect pace with him and that was a problem, because her shorts which fitted her like a glove, and that was all he saw, none of the countryside scenery or pastoral views, just the perfect curves and contours of her taut firm buttocks, and when she stood up in the saddle and the landscape changed he could think of nothing else.

When they left the St Pierre road and onto Halfway Lane she set off at breakneck speed and if he wanted to keep her buttocks in view, he needed to match her speed, which he did with some effort.


Rachel was feeling very pleased with herself when they stopped up on the crags for their picnic, he had kept his eye on the prize all the way.

“Well that was a good ride” she said “Great views”

“Really great views” he agreed

But she realised it was going to take much more than “great views” to get him in her arms, so a bit of sneaky subterfuge was in order.


They spent a very pleasant hour or so up on the crags eating their picnic and while they were eating lunch the solution came to her and she smiled to herself.

“What are you smiling about?” he asked

“Nothing” she replied “I’m just happy”


Gentler pace on a different route down off the crag and down to where the Beacon and Spanish rivers met and crossed over on the wide rocky shallows.

Then they negotiated the streams and rivulets on the outskirts of the woods before following the Spanish River all the way back to the village.

Eventually they ended up on the tow path that led to where the Island Rose was moored, and he came to a stop, from behind him he heard Rachel loudly exclaim.


“What’s the matter?” he asked as he quickly dismounted and shed the backpack

“I think I’ve torn my calf muscle” she said

“Ok put your arms around my neck, and I’ll help you” he said and as soon as her arms locked around his neck, she took control of the situation and forced him backwards until they fell into the long grass where she snogged him.

Then almost as quickly as it had started, she disengaged her assault.

“Very acceptable” she said as she got to her feet, then she ran to her bike and cycled off and shouted over her shoulder

“Pick me up at 8”

And as he sat in the grass, she was racing down the tow path laughing her head off.


On the Eve of Palm Sunday Molly phoned the Vicar and invited her round for the evening, the next day was very significant for Arielle because it was her first service without the weight of the whole Church of England behind her and Molly knew that she was very nervous.

It was just after 6.30 when she knocked on the door and Danny opened it.

“Hello Vicar” he said, “Come in.”

“Thank you,” she replied a little forlornly

“Hi Arielle” Molly said “We thought you might need some moral support”

“I’m fine really” Arielle said

“Oh ok, so you won’t want to see our guest” Molly said and nodded to the door behind her, and when she turned around, she saw Harry Archer standing there and she ran into his arms. 


The Galleon was closed when Johnny arrived at 8 o’clock, so he went  and knocked on the back door and he only had to wait a few moments before it opened, and he saw Rachel standing there dressed up to the nines.

“Wow” he said as she stepped backwards to let him inside.

“That was very sneaky behaviour earlier” he said

“I was left with no alternative, I’ve been waiting ages for you to make your move, so I had to take matters into my own hands” she retorted and kissed him.

After the nerve tingling kiss ended, he said

“We’d better make a move”

“Not until after you’ve unwrapped your present” she replied and bolted the door.

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