Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (079) Exceeding Expectations


The Archer’s were on the early Monday morning ferry and once they left the harbour, the four siblings were all standing by the rail.

They were unmistakably siblings with their clear unblemished complexions and straw-coloured hair of various lengths and styles.

“Well Pan, we got to find out what’s so special about the place” Clarissa said

“It certainly exceeded my expectations” Pandora responded, as Peter Wilson and Kenny Woodward approached, and they smiled at one another.


Monday was also the day when Bucklebury and Brandywine took over the management of the Church Lane Properties.

Clive Crossfield had terminated Brown and Leigh’s contract for fraudulently invoicing for work that was never done, and legal action was still a distinct possibility and they had been ordered to supply all relevant documents to Amelia Williamson at their earliest convenience.

Brown and Leigh took the instruction literally and a Luton van arrived in Spaniards Creek at midday full to the gunwales with archive boxes.

Amelia was at St Clara’s, with Molly and the Vicar, when she took the phone call from the driver.  

After she explained the nature of the phone call, the Vicar suggested the Church Hall, but without knowing exactly when they would be able to actually open their own premises it would have been unfair to take her up on her offer, so Molly phoned Katie Harrison and she agreed to let them store the boxes in the Beacon Farm barn, so Amelia redirected the driver to the farm. 


The rest of the month for Amelia was spent in the barn sorting through the boxes searching for the most recent reports for the Church Lane Properties.  

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