Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (077) The Arrival of the Archer’s


The Archer’s were on the 8 o’clock ferry on Saturday morning and once they were out in open water the four siblings were all standing by the rail and Clarissa and Pandora got their first proper look at the Pepperstock Bay Islands.

They were unmistakably siblings with their clear unblemished complexions and straw-coloured hair of various lengths and styles.

“Well Pan, we’ll soon see what’s so special about the place” Clarissa said

“I have very low expectations” Pandora responded

“Relax and enjoy it, it’s the place where dreams come true” Sam said, and Harry smiled, but Clarissa just huffed.


Also aboard the early ferry was Kenny Woodward the younger brother of Dr Deborah Woodward who was spending the weekend with her.

He had never been to Beaumont Island before, but his sister waxed lyrical about it.

He had travelled from Sharpington, where he owned and ran the Bluebird Theatre and seldom left the town, but he loved his sister and as they were the only family they had they both made sure they stayed in each other’s lives.

But it suddenly occurred to him that he didn’t know where he was going, so he decided to ask someone.

There were a group standing by the rail a few yards away, so he decided to amble over and ask.

“Excuse me” he said, and they all turned towards him

“I was wondering if you could help”

“If we can” Harry said

“Great, have any of you been to the island before?”

“Yes, we have” Sam replied gesturing between him and Harry

“Brilliant, would you happen to know how to get to Manor Row?”

“Yes, we can help with that” Sam said

“Once you leave the dock, follow the signs for “Spaniards Creek” and you’ll pass the Bellevue Hospital, then the Beaumont Manor Hotel and Manor Row is the next left”

“That’s great, thank you” Kenny said

“No problem” Sam said, and Kenny walked away


It wasn’t long before the ferry had lined up with the jetty, so the Archer’s walked briskly back to the car.

Harry pointed out that the guy asking directions was in the car ahead of them.

As soon as the ramp was lowered, they began disembarking and the car ahead pulled away.

“Now we get to see if he was paying attention” Harry said and when their turn came Sam followed it down the ramp and out of the dock, onto the Spaniards Creek road, past the Bellevue Cottage Hospital, likewise the Beaumont Manor Hotel, and then the car ahead indicated left and turned off.

“So did he pay attention?” Clarissa asked from the back

“Yes, that’s Manor Row” Sam said

They drove on and went directly to Cliff Haven

“I can’t believe we’re staying at Danny Nightingale’s house” Pandora said

“Well technically its Molly Barrington’s house” Harry pointed out

“Even so, Danny Nightingale” she said as they pulled up on the drive.


Clarissa, Pandora and Harry were staying at Cliff Haven, but Sam was staying with the Harrison’s at Beacon Farm that night, where they were all headed once everyone else had settled in.


Katie Harrison put on a simple buffet lunch for everyone, nothing too heavy as they were all dining at the Orangery  that evening. 

After lunch the talk turned to, Archer’s Ornamental, which was started by Sam, and elder brother Harry, after Sam left university.

The business specialized in handmade snow globes, but amongst other things they also made decorative lights from recycled wine bottles, some bespoke, others mass-produced for the tourist season, and Christmas decorations for Emmaline’s Christmas Emporium in Sharpington.

Sam was the artist of the family business, he was the creator, the carver, modeller, and painter.

Harry was more practical, doing the technical stuff, 3D Printing, acrylic injection moulding, and impact moulding.

He also managed the production staff who assembled finished and packed the completed articles.

Clarissa and Pandora were later to the party and did the ordering, invoicing, and accounts, remotely while their mother was ill, and attended the factory one day a week.

Pandora and Clarissa had given up a lot to look after their mum, they both gave up good careers and both of them suffered relationship breakdowns as a result.

Their other halves not understanding why their lives should have to change, and Pandora was engaged to her partner.

However following their mother’s death,

Rather than return to their former career paths they wanted to become more involved in the business as they found themselves with time on their hands and their one day a week in Sharpington could now become more. This also coincided with changes in their brothers lives as their hearts now resided on Beaumont Island.

The business was also at the point where it needed to expand, but they were unable to expand the premises in Sharpington.

“So, we either need to move to larger premises or split the business between two premises”

Sam said

“But where?” Clarissa asked

“Ideally, for me” Harry said “I’d like to split the business between the Sharpington and the Island”

“Unfortunately good premises are even more difficult to find here than they are in Sharpington” Sam added

“Well….” Molly began and half an hour later they drove onto the old brewery site.

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