Tuesday 10 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (113) In His Debt


Libby McIntosh made good progress over the weeks following her assault, and it was a very busy time for Julie as she took on the bulk of the workload so Libby could spend the time on her recouperation, so she could get back to work as soon as possible.

In fact she had been so busy she hadn’t had time to wonder why she hadn’t had a call from the big redheaded policeman.


As for PC Saunders he had been struggling with the moral dilemma on whether it was appropriate for him to “hit on” a girl who was a witness to a serious assault.

“Do you remember what you said to me when I was in your position?” she asked

“It’s no wonder you’re still single” he said

“So?” Morgan Baker asked

“I should just call her, before someone else does” he said


It was towards the middle of July when Julie had been visiting Libby at the Hospital, she had just got back to the Hotel, and had just stepped into the revolving door when Kane Saunders stepped into it coming from the opposite direction.

He wasn’t wearing his uniform, but it was definitely him, she was going to keep going, after all he didn’t bite two weeks earlier when she was all fragile and vulnerable so why would he approach her now.

But she stopped and waited while he did a 360 in the revolving door and emerged in front of her.

“Hello Miss Willman” he said “I’ve been looking for you”

“Oh really” she said “I’ve been visiting my friend; you know the one that was attacked”

“Yes Libby” he confirmed “I called in to see her yesterday”

“Oh, is there a problem?” Julie asked

“No not at all” he said “I always look in on people I’ve dealt with”

“Is that normal?” she asked knowing full well that it was not

“It’s just something I like to do” he replied

“That’s a good thing that you do” Julie said genuinely impressed

“Not really” he said modestly

“So why were you looking for me?” Julie asked

“Perhaps we could talk about it over coffee?” he asked hopefully

“Absolutely” she replied and led the way to the lounge

They found a table and Julie signalled a waitress.

The coffee had just arrived and chatting when they were interrupted.

“Well hello stranger” Robert Brown said

“Oh” she said and went pale

“So this is where you’ve been hiding” he continued

“Not really” she said uncomfortably which Kane was sensitive too

“Perhaps introductions would be in order” Robert said

“This is Robert Brown, my Ex-boyfriend” she said “and this is Kane...”

“Her current boyfriend” Kane said and stood up to shake his hand.

Kane was a tall man in his late twenties and stood six foot four inches tall, so he towered above the diminutive Robert Brown who quickly took his leave of them.

“That was kind of you” she said relieved to see him go.

“Not at all” he said “I had an ulterior motive”

“Which was?” she asked suspiciously

“To have you in my debt so that you can’t say no when I ask you out to dinner” he said

“Well you had better ask me then” Julie said grinning from ear to ear.

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