Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (148) The Hair of the Dog


Molly and Danny were among those who had decided to stay the night at the hotel after the engagement party as they were attending the Remembrance Service in St Pierre the next morning, so it just made sense to stay.    


When they were on the way to breakfast the next morning, they met Elisa coming out of her room

“Hello, you two” she said

“Hello Elisa” Molly said and kissed her just as Carolyn Livingston appeared bleary eyed from her room.

“My goodness you look a little green around the gills” 

“This is nothing, you should see Howard” Carolyn said

“But he’s supposed to be taking part in the remembrance parade” Molly said, “Is he going to be alright?”

“You’d better judge for yourselves” she said and unlocked the door to her room, and they saw Howard Nelson standing in front of them looking like death warmed over. 

“Good God” Molly said

“Heavens above” exclaimed Elisa, who after a moment took charge

“Right I think we can get you sorted out”

Elisa turned on her heels and went back into her room and returned a minute or two later, by which time they were all in the room, so she joined them and closed the door

“I have just the thing for what ails you Howard” she said

Elisa was a great believer in herbal remedies and concoctions, and she had in her hand a medicine bottle with an ominous coloured substance in it.

“This will sort you out” she said

“I’ll try anything” Howard said pitifully and was about to sit on the bed

“No don’t sit” Elisa commanded forcefully,


“You need to be ready to move” Elisa said and handed the glass bottle to Howard

“Take a good slug of that”

“And then what?” he asked

“You’ll know what” Elisa replied, and he took a good long slug on the bottle and then licked his lips before saying

“That’s not as bad as it lo….”

He never finished the sentence as he turned a funny shade of puce and headed for the toilet.

The noises that came from behind the bathroom door were their cue to leave, so they closed the door behind them and headed down to breakfast.


When Howard appeared in reception some fifty minutes after consuming the foul concoction he looked much more like his old self, and twenty minutes after that he was fit to be seen in church, or more precisely the church parade.


It was a bright sunny morning outside St Pierre’s church where the Townspeople were thronging around the war memorial as the Remembrance Day parade, with clergy from the three churches on the islands, St Pierre, St Joan of Arc and St Clara’s, representatives of all the services, both civil and Military, a proud bunch of Old soldiers, all arms of the scouting fraternity, local dignitaries et al, came to a halt.

A religious service followed and then the assembled duly paid its tribute to the fallen in the time-honoured fashion.


As he looked on, Danny felt a little humbled after honouring those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice, and if they had known the outcome, their actions would not have differed.

He wondered if the modern generation would be so resolute faced with the same challenges, and sadly he thought it doubtful.

But the whole occasion had left him feeling that he had to further explore that theme in the book.

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